Master Summoner Online

Chapter 837: birthday

I felt so tired after opening the eyes and felt so tired after opening my eyes. The pain of more than 100% was not a joke. I immediately saw the faces of three MMs appear. In front of me. After staring at me, I hurriedly held up my body.

"Are you all right?" The three said in the same sentence. After recovering from the dullness caused by the pain, I perfused my limbs with force and then supported my upper body with force.

I scratched my head and said, "It's all right."

Long Xin said: "Is the brother down with you this time?"

I laughed and said, "Yes, hehe."

Fire Dance: "You haven't been able to play games for ten days. How can these ten days be spent?"

"study well."

"go with!"

At more than 6 o'clock in the evening, I, Long Xin, Fire Dance, Fire Phoenix and their mother left the villa and set off. A group of people packed in a Porsche. After the party ended today, someone would take us back to the college. People's luggage has been returned to the dormitory.

Twenty minutes later, when I arrived at a hotel called Panlong Hotel, there were already a lot of people. The driver slowly drove the car into the parking lot. After a while, we parked the car and everyone got off.

Huofeng took my arm and said, "It's time for your performance."

"Okay, then I'm welcome."


The banquet hall was on the third floor, and a group of people went upstairs. It was found that although there were many people on the first and second floors, the third floor was relatively deserted, and there were only twenty people in the huge living room. These were all celebrities. I asked quietly: Why is this such a big place? "

Huo Fengdao: "Because the third floor has been contracted out tonight, so there are only people attending the banquet here, so there are not enough talents."

Sure enough, there are rich people, and this five-star hotel says it's a bag. When will Brother reach this state.

"Let's go." Huofeng pulled me toward a door on the other side.

I asked, "Where?"

"make up!"

After entering the dressing room, a group of makeup artists held a bottle of cosmetics and kept rubbing money on my face without any money, and tossed out of the dressing room for half an hour.

At this moment, my body has changed a lot. The original casual clothes have become noble suits. The skin has turned white and red, and my hair has been tossed N times with a lot of things like gel water, hair gel, mousse and so on.

After I tossed, the three MMs also finished dressing, and each of them had a gorgeous evening dress.

The phoenix came to me and stretched out my hand. I didn't hesitate to hold it. The four of us stepped into the banquet hall again.

I glanced at the situation in the hall at this time. About one hundred people have come here. Everyone is in threes and twos. They whispered and chatted. Most of the young men are mostly dressed in suits and tie. The style of the shoes is sloppy; most of the women wore evening dresses, bare chests and bare backs.

In the banquet hall, young men and women are gathered together to talk about the calf, and there are a few graceful men. They are boasting about their full-featured features and digging into the hearts of some girls to talk about them. However, it seems that there are still some girls who are teased and laughed by them. Those well-dressed boys take advantage of the opportunity to fill their eyes and there is no outlet.

Young people have something to say that adults are the same. I saw a group of twenty or thirty uncle figures who seemed to know each other. At this time, they were divided into two or three tables to chat together.

When we entered the venue, a guy in a suit and leather shoes came forward and smiled, "Hello, my wife, happy birthday!"

Mother Huofeng reached out a hand and said, "It's President Dong, hello! Hello!"

The boss named Dong immediately turned around, pointed to a young man about 20+ years old, and smiled: "Come and come, give your aunt a long life."

The lustrous young man stepped forward and laughed: "Auntie, happy birthday, I wish you a better life than Nanshan! The younger you live, the younger!"

The aunt could only smile a little: "It's Xiao Dong! He's grown up and looks handsome again."

"Where did the aunt say?" The young man blushed.

Followed him and looked at Huofeng: "Miss Lan Xue, hello."

"Hello." The goods looked at me, Huofeng said: "I will introduce this is my boyfriend, Dragon Spirit."

I reached out and said, "Hello."

"Hello." The two shook hands with each other, but during the handshake, I noticed that this guy started to work secretly, but he didn't feel any effort at all, but when I pushed hard, the corner of the mouth opened, and he quickly released it. I also let go immediately. His father said, "What happened to you?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Holding back the pain in the hand was very reluctant to squeeze out a smiley face.

At this time, a middle-aged person came over, and Huofeng's mother smiled: "Her husband is coming."

Huofeng pulled me over and said, "Dad, you see that I said one and you brought someone back."

I said a little nervously: "Good uncle."

The middle-aged man looked at me up and down and patted Huofeng with a thumbs up on his shoulder and laughed: "Hahaha, it won't be my daughter! Hahaha."

Suddenly, I became confused. Fire Phoenix was even more confused. Mother Fire Phoenix came over and said, "How are you, satisfied?"

Huofeng's father laughed: "Satisfied, of course! Daughter, you are too good."

"I'm going down to pick up a guest, you sit first." Father Huofeng said leaving the banquet hall.

Next, we chatted with the guests here in the banquet hall. After another ten minutes, after Feng Feng's father entered with an old man, suddenly a man in his twenties wore a yellow evening dress. The woman in the skirt came to the podium and said to the microphone, "Dear distinguished guests and friends, I am the host tonight, and the birthday party of Miss Gao Shirou is about to begin!"

After a beam of light hit the entrance door of the banquet hall slowly, a middle-aged man and beautiful woman in a dark suit walked in with a crowd of people. .

There were a lot of people behind him. Of course, there were a lot of reporters. From the moment the door opened, there was a thunderous applause in the hall. The flashing lights kept flashing. The middle-aged man didn't have any discomfort with these dazzling flashes. Feeling stride, he walked towards the hall without stopping.

The parents of these two people, the father of Fire Phoenix, laughed, "Hello everyone! Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to join my lover's birthday party. Lan Qiandao is really honored. "Welcome welcome!" As he walked forward and shook hands with the people around him.

Walk in front of the old man and laugh, "Teacher, thank you for coming today."

The old man also laughed: "My own student wife ’s birthday. It ’s a bit unreasonable for me to be a teacher. You can also come and see the young people now. We ’re old here. It ’s just for the sake of contrast. The old guys of us have to be in the right position, but we ca n’t grab the limelight of the young people. ”It turned out that this man is his teacher, and it must be a very important teacher. The first impression was very good.

Several people were kind to Huofeng's father before he said to the two or two youngsters: "Isn't this Yue Hua? It's only a few months that I have grown up and become more handsome. I am really a tiger father!"

"Uncle said where is good." The boy named Yue Hua said.

Huofeng said: "That guy was my father's earliest introduction to me. This is a senior official's son."

"Oh. That's it." Look carefully at the goods. I saw that the goods were very thin and looked as tall as one meter and seven feet, but his face was a little pale, but there was an evil spirit in his eyes. This was the first feeling this guy gave me.

The people around were not only entrepreneurs, but also a lot of fat and thin officials. They were all dressed-up wives.

After the lively banquet attracted each other, the birthday party will officially begin. The soothing music sounded by the host's loud announcement. All the lights were shot at the main entrance of the main hall. The black ceremonial dress, holding a bouquet of flowers, accompanied by her husband, slowly walked in with the music. There was thunderous applause.

Huofeng's mother slowly walked to the microphone and looked around the entire hall a bit. After suppressing her excitement, she said, "Thank you very much for all the guests who came to this birthday in your busy schedule, especially Song Song like you Such a busy person, in this case, you can still come to the birthday, I am really grateful. I am of this age and I can hold such a birthday party. I would like to say a heartfelt thanks to everyone. When she said that, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

After everyone was seated, Huofeng's father said, "Wife, let's make a wish first."

Aunt Wang laughed: "What wishes do you have when you're all old? My wish now is to hope everyone is safe!"

Long Xin sat beside me and said, "Brother, what's inside, can you give me such a cake for my birthday today!"

I said, "Is it for you?"

"Can't eat it." Long Xin spat out her tongue and said, "Don't buy it."

Huofeng's father said: "Very well, peace is a blessing. Come, let's sing a birthday song together!"

The aunt laughed and laughed and said: "This year's birthday is so happy, it's been so busy for a long time!"

Everyone started singing the classic birthday song aloud, and the uncle cut the cake with his aunt's hand.

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