Master Summoner Online

Chapter 839: wake

In the obscurity, I found myself in a very dark place. Two guys appeared in front of me, one black like carbon and one white like frost. Could it be said that the legendary black and white impermanence has come to pick me up, is he dead? ?

However, when I tried to open my eyes again, I didn't know how long it took, and I woke up. At this moment I was lying on a bed myself. The bed was quite soft. The roof of the room was two white fluorescent lamps. The walls of the ward were white bed frames. I sat up and saw that the sheets on my body were also white. Everything in white is white here!

At this moment I saw a young woman in a white nurse costume standing next to me. This person looked surprised and shocked, and my head crooked, "Where is this?"

The young nurse stepped back and forth several times, and uttered a pop! A folder in her hand fell to the ground. His right hand was raised, and he seemed to be pointing at me with all his strength. His mouth kept opening and closing like a goldfish, but he couldn't say anything.

"So ... what's wrong with you?" After I asked again, the young nurse finally recovered from the petrified state. She touched my shoulder carefully, and she trembled. It was a trembling that mixed fear and excitement, and then rushed out like crazy and shouted, "Wake up ... wake up !!! He wakes up!"

I heard my head covered and my head covered, and as soon as I heard the sound of the door opening, the footsteps were approaching and rushing. In addition, the footsteps were complicated. I realized that someone and definitely more than one came in.

In the eyes, they are all familiar faces! Fire Phoenix, Fire Dance, their parents as well as Xueyue, Yun Lan, Long Xin, Ye Shuang, etc. Among them is my aunt.

This group of people were stunned, and for a while, they were silent.

I asked, "What's going on? So many people?"

Long Xin said, "Brother, is it you?"

"What are you talking about! Long Xin, I'm brother!" Looking at these people one by one, I said with a smile.

"Really ?? If it is true, then you have to answer the question I asked next! If it is wrong, I will not admit that you are my brother!" Long Xin said.

"I know, just ask any questions!" I answered helplessly.

"So, the first question, when did the brother buy the helmet for the first time, how many did he buy? Who gave it?"

"Two, one for myself and the other for Ye Shuang. This product has not been repaid yet." I answered without hesitation.

"The second question, what is your favorite thing to eat? What is your favorite book?"

"Instant noodles and comics."

"The third question, what is the worst subject for my brother?"

"The worst is math, and I handed in half a blank paper in the college entrance examination."

Next, Long Xin asked some questions about daily life and games, but they were easily answered by me.

"Last one! Who is your favorite man?"

"Xue ... can't I answer?" Almost blurted out under the influence of inertia, but fortunately got stuck in time.

Silence, silence ...

"Brother !!!" The silent volcano erupted, angrily roaring. He slammed at me in one breath and pressed me directly to the bed.

People around her broke out instantly.

"Dragon spirit, you can wake up but you can die aunt." My aunt said with concern.

"How about Dragon Spirit Dragon Spirit? What else is wrong with your body?" Xueyue and Yun Lan shouted at the same time, followed by looking at each other and turning their heads to the side.

I said, "What's the matter? See how you look worried one by one."

Long Xin cried in my arms and cried with tears on his face: "Ooooooooooooooooo ~ brother, people ... oooo ... people think you are already ..."

I stroked her hair and said, "Did I die, haha, the one who can kill my beast **** is not born yet."

Huofeng's father said: "Mr. Long Ling is sorry for all of us, but you can rest assured that the group of guys at Panlong Hotel have already been arrested and should be examined in the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Don't worry, I will definitely tell you. "

The phoenix burst into tears from her eyes, and said sadly: "It's all my harm. If it weren't for me to ask you to impersonate my boyfriend, it would be me that harmed me. Wow—" she Crying in the arms of Fire Dance.

"It doesn't matter that it's none of your business, no one has expected such a thing, and there must be something wrong with my uncle. I don't want anyone to be wronged," I said.

"You can rest assured about this." This is a man in his forties who looks tall but has a thin body.

I asked, "Who is he?"

Huofeng's father said: "This is Mr. Cheng Qirong, so he carried you to the hospital."

I said, "Thank you."

Cheng Qirong said: "Now you take a good rest and leave other things to me. I am also a policeman. I will not injustice any good person or let a bad person go."

"What time is it? How long have I slept?"

"It is half past three in the middle of the night. You have been in a coma for three days." A male doctor said, "Please go back first and the patient needs to rest just after recovering."

My aunt said, "We'll see you tomorrow."

"Long Ling takes care."

"Brothers take care."

"Brother take care of yourself."

I said, "Everyone has some rest."

Everyone left.

In an office in a hospital, the Cheng Qirong was communicating with the doctor just now.

"Mr. Cheng Qirong, who the **** are you? What did you do? Why did you say that he would wake up, you really woke up. You must know that the food taken out of his stomach has potassium cyanide in it. Potassium cyanide can cause sudden death by taking 50 to 100 mg orally. At least 30 mg of potassium cyanide and other elements are also in his stomach. Under this condition, let alone a 19-year-old boy. , Even an elephant cannot survive. "Such a doctor spit out the truth. And he expressed extreme doubts about why the patient could survive.

With a slight chuckle, "Oh, Dr. Han, you don't need to know too much about this and don't need to ask so much, you just need to take care of this patient." Cheng Qirong said lightly, and then turned around. Ready to leave.

The Han doctor grabbed his arm and said, "I'm a doctor. I have to take responsibility for the patient, so I have the right to know the truth!"

"Hey, a good doctor like you is really hard to find." After the gentleman Cheng Qirong said gently, he slowly released Dr. Han's hand, then pulled out a flip phone and a sunglasses from his pocket. Follow him to put on the sunglasses, hold the phone cover open, and point the screen of the phone to Dr. Han's face, which is exactly the position of the eyes. Said: "Take good care of the patient." After pressing the small button on the side of the phone, a very bright white light flashed on the phone screen the next moment, this white light surrounded the entire office, and the white light disappeared for half a second. .

At this moment, Dr. Han's expression became dull, and he resumed after about a second and said, "I will."

Cheng Qirong put away his cell phone and sunglasses and said, "Please, please." After that, he left the hospital.

"Hmm!" The next day opened some confused eyes.

Compared with yesterday morning exactly, my consciousness is much clearer, and my body does not have any abnormal feelings. To be precise, not only are there no abnormalities, but they are in the highest state of excellence. The sense of weakness that ran out of power before consciousness disappeared was long gone, replaced by a vibrant body. It's like trying to kill a Super BOSS and then continuously upgrading.

Lifted his head against the soft pillow at the head of the bed. The eye-catching is the familiar ceiling. From the window next to it, a ray of soft sunlight creeped in quietly, and fell to the ground, and the special smell in the hospital floated in the air.

A few minutes later the door of the ward was opened, and the group walked forward happily. Among them, Long Xin sat on the bed and held my hand softly and said, "Brother feel better?"

"It's all right," I laughed.

"Long Ling is sorry for making you suffer." Huo Feng said with guilt on the side, it seems that she still felt guilty about the incident.

I looked at her and said, "It's okay, it's okay, Lan Xue, it's not your fault."

Fire Dance gently wiped the tears from her face and said softly, "Fools don't blame you, so don't be sad, all right, everything has passed."

After a long time, Huofeng asked: "Is Long Ling hungry and I will cook some porridge for you?"

I nodded slightly and smiled, "Hungry, of course I'm hungry. I feel empty for a long time. I haven't eaten for a long time. Now I can eat a cow!"

"Okay, wait a minute." Huofeng said about one minute after leaving the room and brought in a basket, put the basket on the table, and rushed out to take out a bowl of plastic wrap.

"Come here!" Huofeng came in holding a small bowl of gruel.

"How can Sister Lan Xue get so little? It's not enough for my brother to drink." Long Xin asked.

"That's not right. I haven't eaten food for a long time. I can only eat a little at a time, otherwise the gastric mucosa won't stand. I don't know science." Huowu smiled.

"Come on, what is science, it is science when you are full." I said.

"That is, my sister, Long Ling doesn't have anorexia for months without eating. It doesn't matter. Come and be hot." Huo Feng carefully handed me the small bowl.

I took the bowl, carefully blown the porridge from the porcelain spoon for a while, and then gently swallowed the porridge from the spoon in my mouth.

"What's wrong with it?" The crowd asked in unison.

I laughed: "The only fault is-not enough to eat!" After speaking, I swallowed the remaining porridge as if it were poured down.

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