Master Summoner Online

Chapter 845: Super scummin

"Be bold, dare to run into the Moon Shadow Palace privately, and come and take it for me!" A very scummin pointed his halberd at us and others, and a group of super scummin rushed up, and the other side rushed over and we naturally greeted An instant of fierce fierce battle.

The dragon gun stabbed into the declaration of lightning in front of Chao Jiemin's body. The ensuing explosion of energy caused a "bang" and a loud noise, and this super slagminder was suddenly shaken.

After stabilizing his footsteps, this super scummin pounced again, and the claws of the two claws fluttered, and a "whistle" rang in the air, left and right to avoid its attack, and then kicked, heroically Charged, smashed, destroyed, and killed. The super **** people were killed instantly. Among the crowds of monsters, the weapons were waving. One by one, the super **** people fell down, and soon the surrounding **** people fell. After Chao Jiemin's elimination, there is a group of Jie Jiemin in front of us.

"How does Brother Long Ling fight?" Xiaoguang said.

I said, "Go up and kill them!"

"Simple and nice!" Feng Hen smiled.

Everyone spread out, shelved and selected one of the extremely scummins, and again each of us has the ability to single out this kind of strengthened monsters. In the second world, the level of monsters and the division of regions, the same level between different levels and regions. The difference between the monsters is quite large. The real combat power of this extremely scummin is definitely not worse than the 140-level monsters outside.

A group of extremely desperate people, all holding long halberds, shouted at the forefront: "Everyone, squat and hold their heads to sing and conquer. If there is a disobedience, die!"


This monster monster's introductory curiosity, I said, "Kill them!" The crowd began to act.

"These low-level humans-" the extremely jerky people headed by them, couldn't help but utter a hum, a long halberd held in both hands and waved "up-all beheaded, female first raped!"

Public MM: ""

The extremely **** people on both sides were ordered, and immediately carrying the halberds, they rushed up madly. Each **** people's strength was much stronger than that of the **** people, and there were nearly a hundred of them. When the Dragon Soul was destroyed, one after another, the dragon-like air waves rushed up into the sky, and dozens of extremely scummins fell into it, hurting Cyclonus, and my experience points skyrocketed.

Immediately following the start of the Destroyer of Dragon + Summoner of Death, wielding the Dragon Lance of the Destroyer of Dragons, like a sharp knife, quickly rushed into the group of dregs, and between the two shots of the dagger, the two daggers , The lower limb broke and fell down.

The dragon gun is waving, like a tumbling dragon, tumbling, harvesting the life it touched, it is just a few breaths, at least more than fifteen **** people fell under my dragon gun .

With a wave of the dragon gun, he took off his head again and cut it off. At this time, one of them was approaching without saying a word, but he threw out the dragon gun in his hand and launched "Red Dragon Roar". : The red dragon fell and roared its claws.

"Drink-" This extremely scummin screamed low. Since he took the initiative to meet the dragon, hit four times in a row, and hit back again and again, and then another bite bite the bite of it. I reacted quickly, towards the guy who was approaching silently, his hands turned into dragon claws, the left claws protruded, and the right hand flew towards the door.

This extremely scummin was so busy with his arms that he put his gear together. It was such a tactic to block my attack on the west that he succeeded. He took a heavy kick at the heart and suddenly rolled out.

The dragon gun stepped on the next step and stepped out. The barriers were broken and sent. After a few struggles, the scummins hanged up. After everyone's efforts, the scummins' corps was quickly destroyed by us.

Everyone started to clean up the battlefield after the death of Ji Jie Min. Every one of them dropped a blue lens. We put these blue lenses away. The name of this blue lens is Soul Fragment. It ’s a mission prop. Hundreds can awaken the soul of Princess Moon Shadow. I said, "How many do you pick? I have fifteen."

Xueyue: "I saw five."

"Xiaoguang has seven." Xiaoguang laughed. "I also have five." Yun Lan said

Everyone's soul fragments were added together and found that since there are only ninety-nine, which is one more, Summer said: "Where is it fast?"

"There are no monsters around," Mo Yan said.

At this moment in the sky, there was a sudden sound of booming sounds, but also a ray of light bursting out. With this sound, the bodies of the extremely scummins around them began to change strangely.

The corpse of Kyrgyzstan began to fuse, turning into his left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg, and huge body, and somehow a huge spear burst out, this guy shouted: "Hahaha, a lowly human, how dare Kill my little brother, I will remove the bones of your bodies one by one. "

While stroking something scalp, I took a big step and walked towards us.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-Super Jiemin, Level 145, BOSS, Introduction: The king of all Jiemin uses a very powerful fighting force to protect Princess Moon Shadow and finally Soul Shard.

"Gathering energy outside!" Xueyue first started, Guo Zheng held her hands, the sword tip began to gather energy, and then a beam of light sprayed out, hitting the super scummin's chest!

—13240 Good damage value! Everyone can kill him for about ten minutes!


"Dance of Lightning!"

"Ice and snow triple combo!"

The black god, Yun Lan, and me attacked simultaneously after the snowy moon. Each one of them had three skills within one minute and one second. The skillful and powerful three skills have been connected for a long time. Be clear in your chest!

One shot succeeded, everyone quickly evacuated, and the second wave came forward to attack, and the Super Jiemin ’s blood was drastically reduced. At the same time that the second round of attack retreated, Super Jiemin also recovered from the stun state at the moment With a long shot, the slower wind-marked chest running away wiped out more than two thousand bloods!

However, this injury was nothing to him at all, but he retreated first, and his pet was rushed to block the height of this super scummin. It was six or seven meters tall compared to the silver armor giant which was only three meters more. It has more than doubled, but this silver armor giant does not reciprocate the four shots of the BOSS.

Just when the boss released the silver armor giant, I hit 'Black Dragon Spike' and sent it to the ribs of the boss.

— 10520 Dizziness effect activated! The people ruthlessly bombarded the super red people's hard red armor without mercy, constantly taking away the life value of the super red people!

After the stun has passed, Super Jiemin has so far been killed by one-tenth of our health.

"Abominable adventurer! You have to pay the price!" Super Jiemin waved the spear in his hand and uttered words, "Magic flames around the moon!"

With that said, he drew a crescent-shaped trajectory in the air with a spear in his hand. The next moment in this trajectory, a flame rushed towards us like a tsunami.


The tsunami of flame drowned us instantly, and the number of injuries was flying. Each time the damage caused was around 5,000, I immediately stared, thinking that this strength was really terrifying.

All of the people's health were reduced by Daban, and my water dragon and devil wolf were all destroyed in this blow.

"Ah! The monster ’s damage is so high! Xiaoguang almost hung up." The little light who survived the defense of the turtle soul beast exclaimed.

"Everyone spreads out and attacks from all around." Ziyue reminded.

Everyone nodded and began to fight again. There was a rage and shouts all around, and everyone shot. The super scummin roared wildly and attacked with one person's strength.

"Red dragon growls." Throwing the red-eyed dragon gun in his hand, the dragon gun turns into a red-colored dragon, descends in the air, and the claws of the dragon bombard.

This super scummin waved the lances in his hand and then dragged them down. Since the red dragon was returned to its original shape, at the same time, it also suffered a fierce slash from Xueyue's double swords.

Yun Lan stepped on the martial arts step, especially if the ghosts suddenly approached, the right fist burst out with a billowing energy and fisted towards the target, but this super scummin slashed with a spear and chopped down towards Yun Lan's fist.

The spear and the fist bumped into each other, making a "crisp" crisp I sound. At the same time, I lifted the dragon gun and launched the black dragon lunge, but the guy immediately released one hand and fisted at me. The dragon gun stunned him on the fist in an instant, but at the same time, I only felt a force attacking like a row of mountains, and I couldn't help but quit, and everyone around them showed their strength and joined forces with each other.荤 eight prime.

Super scummin strength is strong, after all, it is just an ordinary BOSS, the stunner waving tigers and tigers, but it can't stop our perverted attacks, the blood volume gradually falls to the bottom, Xiaoguang holds the sword in his hands, A cyan light flashed on the long sword, first turned into a cyan light blade, followed by the light becoming longer, and turned into a cyan spear.

Then Xiaoguang tried his best to throw the cyan light spear out. The light spear swept through like a gale, and Super Jiemin hurriedly picked up the spear to resist, and only heard a slap, followed by another loud noise. The spear was shattered by this light spear. Suddenly, the body was attacked by Hualian and Kuqiulin at the same time.

"Drink —" There was a sore throat in his mouth, and Super Jiemin fell back on one knee several steps. The crowd took the opportunity to storm and smash his last blood. The super Jiemin broke out before he died. The earth-shattering rage, in the sound of the rage, seven holes spurted blood, and the armor exploded piece by piece, finally flying out of ashes.

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