Master Summoner Online

Chapter 847: Tentacle bundle

From the outermost desert to the deepest area, according to the light in the memory, it indicates that the only route that can pass through the barrier of the sandstorm is gradually approaching the area we need to hit.

There are no monsters, this harsh condition, and then moving forward becomes a struggle. Struggling to find out the route to escape during the violent destruction disaster, even the rest time, because once the environment stops, the surrounding environment will change again to produce a more terrible disaster.

Even the sturdy dragon scales couldn't withstand such toss, leaving deep scars from head to toe. Since there are a few arcs from time to time in the storm and sand, these arcs are very severe and they are a wound. One of them almost cut my throat. Fortunately, my brother ’s eyes are fast and I start the white dragon shield. It was through the magic immunity effect of the lightning system that this last level was surpassed.

When I stepped into the area of ​​the core area, the more I walked towards the center of the sandstorm barrier, the more I imagined that the core area and even the outline of the space began to blur. After a distance of one hundred meters, you can no longer see anything, only a dark darkness that devours all light.

"Finally arrived." After putting everyone down, the amber dragon's huge body fell down, and I immediately lifted myself and took back the amber dragon to rest in the summoning beast space. This person also lay wide on the limbs between the sandstorm barrier and the dark area. Within a small area.

"Ding ~! Duplicate mission-ancient ruins! Difficulty: Heroic. Mission content (25): Mission objective: Complete! Gain: 100,000 experience points, all attributes are automatically full!"

"Ding ~! Duplicate mission—Ancient Ruins! Difficulty: Heroic. Mission Content (35): Mission Objective: Kill all monsters and destroy the core!"

After the prompt of the system just now, everyone who was still in a coma soon recovered.

"Where is this?" Xiao Guang said, looking away.

I said, "That ring led us here. We're going to play the third level here. Find the core and destroy it."

Summer said: ‘How can I find it here? "

Mo Yan said, "Maybe you can tell us something about the ring?"

"Yes, Xiaoguang."

"Yes." Taking out the key of time and space, I saw that the key of time and space shoots light into the dark area, the huge darkness is distorted, everything in the space is distorted, and even the boundaries of the sky and the ground are shredded and pulled directly here A huge fault.

A piece of ruin appeared like a fragment of a city.

I said, "Go in."


Everyone walked into the city's ruins, the key of time and space dissipated the darkness around it, and turned it into a desolate ruin in the scorching sun. At the center of the ruins, there was a huge cylindrical tower. Road, but found nothing wrong, the monster did not see one.

Next, we continue to be vigilant. Thermal scanning and fire eyes are constantly searching around, and we are tense along the way. This state is very energy-consuming and maintains for so long, causing us to be a little tired. Mental fatigue, energy and mental fatigue.

"Woohoo ~~~ How did it happen, nothing happened!" Yinyue seemed impatient.

I said, "Don't be impatient."

Ziyue said: "Dragon spirit you fly to fill it up to see the surrounding situation."

"Okay." After speaking, he turned into an amber dragon and was ready to fly over the ruins. It was easy to find the monster, but he didn't want to rise below ten meters. I suddenly felt an invisible pressure on the body. The upward pressure increased, and I tried to rise to fifteen meters. I felt like I was on a mountain, and I had to descend and become a human figure again.

The pressure above was so great that it couldn't fly at all. Right now, I only relied on my footsteps and said, "If you can't fly, this place is too weird."

As soon as this word came out, the MMs were all stunned, collectively wondering: "What ~?"

I said, "You will feel a pressure when you fly. It seems that we can only go to that tower with our feet."

"Woohoo, that's all it can be," Xueyue said.

"Let's go then ..." Having said that, I was at a loss, and said, "Be careful, what's coming!"

The words did not end, the next moment!

"咻咻 咻咻 咻咻 咻咻 咻咻 ~!" There were countless sounds ringing around us, flashing out of countless light, and suddenly all monsters appeared in front of our eyes. These monsters, all dark blue and softly collapsed like humans, But even though this group of guys have changed, how do they look like the legendary slime!

Slime? !! No way. I remember Xinshoucun has this thing. Immediate Fire Eye Gold Eye Scan-Liquefied Man, Level 152, Elite Beast, Introduction: There is a huge city in the Black Flame Desert. One day when the Demon Legion kills all the residents in the city, it will kill all the residents and pour special corpses on them. Liquid, turning them into liquefied people wandering endlessly in this ruin.

Looking at it roughly, there were about fifty or sixty liquid people here. They came up from all sides and surrounded us. Apart from that, everyone kept Mo Yan and summer in the middle.

The next moment, watching the nearly 60 snot monsters start rushing from all directions.

We can attack on our side, I summon the covenant beast and Gallulu and Gatling Blast Dragon, and the battle begins!

"Boom ~!" With a big explosion, Fire Dance first started, a black flame was thrown out, and when you looked at it, you saw that there was a raging fire in front of you, hurting the numbers—18486 have flew up and have to say Fire Dance This profession imba, good offensive magic output is also very sharp.

In Yinyue, the fire phoenix also sprinkled arrow rain in one direction back to back. Obviously, this group of guys is not very afraid of physical attacks. Their attack will only cause three or four thousand injuries, but the victory is fast enough. After all, the archer skills are not Need to sing, have you ever seen archers archery and read a long way around?

"Boom Boom Boom Boom ~!" I commanded the cannons on the back of the Gurulu jet to blast and explode, and Gatling Blast also frequently launched missile laser bursts.

Snow Moon next to him slashed a nearby liquefied person. Yun Lan punched a liquefied person with a punch, but after the explosion, a splash of liquid spilled on Yun Lan's body, which was improperly disgusting, and the armor was corroded. White smoke. Since the liquid on them still has the ability to reduce the durability of the equipment.

Obviously, this monster is not weak. We kept the formation against the surrounding liquefied people and struck them for about half an hour. Under our cooperation, the number of these liquefied people gradually decreased. The blow from Garulu exploded, and after the explosion of a group of liquefied people, the surrounding liquefied people were eliminated again.

The monster is dead, and our experience also accounts for a lot. I have to say that the experience given by these liquefiers is much richer than the previous **** people. After destroying this group of liquefiers, my experience is from 137 before 79% of the battle rose to 92% after this journey, and it will soon rise. I have done so. The other MMs have naturally skyrocketed, and in the summer it has risen by one level. She is ecstatic.

The next way will not be so intimidating, because there are constantly around the liquefied people appear to attack us, to deal with these guys we use a long-range attack form, but the AI ​​of this group of guys is not low, from the beginning of the collective charge have returned A large group of liquefied people cover the charge, and the liquefied people spit out sulfuric acid. Some of us at the beginning of the fight were not used to it, but we can deal with it properly. And never let any one leave.

After a three-hour battle, we finally came to the tower. At the moment waiting under the tower is a huge liquefied man. This guy is improperly huge and has good tentacles on his body, and it is not like the humanoid type of liquefied humans before. It looks like a huge octopus.

Liquefied Beast G-5, Level 155, Elite BOSS, Introduction: The Liquefied Beast G-5 is an alchemist in this city that was originally thought to be crazy and extremely psychologically perverted. He used N species to describe the slime gene and one kilogram of aphrodisiac. In addition, a monster created by a solution called G5 was originally created to destroy something in the city. This thing was born. It is said that the invention was a sudden imagination of the alchemist when he was in charge. .

sweat! Whimsical moments when you are in control! In this way, you can create elite boss-level monsters. If this guy comes up with a design plan, I don't think it will be a problem to create a king-level boss.

"On!" I shouted.

The MMs shouted in unison: "You go first!"

I said, "Go to the wind mark."


"Nothing, the president ordered." I said lightly.

amount! Somewhat uncomfortable, but still came forward with the hammer, sending the liquefied animal's body slightly with a hammer, followed by the silver axe giant's tomahawk, and saw the fat on the surface lifted off, suddenly a sickened spout !!


A liquefied beast drew a tentacle and landed on the silver armor giant, floating above his head—904 points! Although I know that the silver armor giant has high defense and health, but this is the only damage. Is this BOSS really elite? I fired my eyes again and found that since this thing has a total blood volume of 15 million, it is not a super big blood cow, it is not a blood bank.

So, I said, "This thing has a total blood volume of 15 million. Let's get it together! Blast him!"

Xiao Guang grinned: "I see, follow Long Ling brother!"

At the next moment, everyone swarmed up, BOSS made a terrible scream, and at the same time, the blood of BOSS was slammed one after another, and in less than half an hour under the attack of a group of us, 4 million were lost. Left and right blood. But this guy still has nearly 11 million blood of terror.

At this time, this guy had dozens of tentacles flying towards us, but I was really defensive, but I found that the tentacles seemed to consciously avoid me. The three of me, Fengchen, and Kuqiulin did not choose to target at all. These incidents are heading towards the MMs other than our three big men.

Although I want to resist, this trick is too fast and weird. In addition to the agile Fire Phoenix Silver Moon two archers and the fire dance Mo Yan that has already appeared, in addition to Hualian up and down flying Taidao stunt, other MM can't stop this trick at all, so one face-to-face, the MMs are **** sturdy ...

When I noticed that the chains that held my hands and feet began to slowly pull back together, and slowly wriggled, walking along the MM's ankles little by little upstream, while accompanied by a sound of sulphuric acid corrosion, entangled The tentacles in MM's hands went down the shoulders, and the armors on them lightly melted into several gaps. With the activities of these tentacles, the liquefied beast made a weird laughter.

"What is this?"

"Wait a minute ... what the **** are these ?!"

"Hate ... don't touch there!"

"Help! Give up! You bastard!"

The MMs are constantly struggling. The monster makes a louder laughter. The tentacles bound to the MMs immediately begin to move, and the dangerous tentacles swim along the hands and feet of the MMs. , The slippery and sticky touch made them feel a strong nausea in their chests unconsciously, even if they wanted to resist, but they did n’t know if they had been hit too hard or the guy was too sleepy. The weapon fell to the ground at this moment.

The tentacles tied to the hands are wrapped around the shoulders, and the tentacles swimming on both legs run all the way to the knees. At this point, the tentacles wrapped around the hands and feet of the MMs temporarily stop the offensive, but, This is not a sign of the game to stop. Three of the dozen tentacles wrapped around the woman were separated, and they ran into the cheeks of the girls ...

"Ahhhhh ..."

The girl's scream is always the harshest, but this harsh voice also pulled my spirit back. Fengchen patted me on the shoulder and said, "Will this be the legendary tentacle binding?"

"Bind your head, save people!" After a hard pat on his head, he carried the dragon gun forward to save people, while running over, he used the teleportation to send the black **** and the sky to the side. We both acted, Kuchulin also responded to join us. Other girls who did not cause the **** also joined us.

The dragon gun was thrown and sent out a red dragon roar. The huge red dragon rushed to the sky and then turned back. Then it broke off the four tentacles. The black **** also cut a tentacle with a sickle. The two tentacles were interrupted in a single shot, and the fireman's long bow turned toward the sky, and an arrow fell suddenly, and the remaining tentacles were broken by her, and the bundled MMs were finally saved.

After being rescued, everyone stood up and didn't run back, and the tentacle of the liquefied beast was interrupted by us again, and it was reproduced at a very rapid rate, and the huge body moved forward at a slow speed. I rushed up immediately, the electric light fire + Yu Long Bu, and then suddenly held up the dragon gun with both hands, directly facing the body!

"Burns are broken!" The burning cyan flame gun stabbed into the guy's body like a broken bamboo, blue blood splashed out, followed closely by-"Bear", the dragon gun ignited a raging flame, and the flames splashed away, At this moment, since the passive skill flame assault on the dragon gun was triggered, the flaming fire dragon began to rise around the dragon gun. Two seconds later, the fire dragon devoured the liquefied beast the size of a small hill.

—75000—75000—75000—75000 was devoured by the dragon flame. After burning for ten seconds, this guy has fallen to the ground and died, and Long Yan burned out his N blood in one breath, and his body was burned into black. , Fell to the ground softly, seeing the BOSS so miserable, the MMs have stepped forward to explode the enemies just now.

N only heard after a long period of time-"Oh!"

A super big firework burst out in the field, full of blue slime, sticking to the body is enough to kill people!

Everything within a hundred meters of our surroundings was not immune, and almost everywhere was splashed with mucus.

Xueyue's eyes quickly took out the shield to protect herself, and the others were not so lucky. She was sprayed with blue slime and her face turned into a blue villain.

After flying a lot of time, I cleared my body, started picking up equipment on the ground, and prompted to float out.

"Ding ~! Duplicate mission—Ancient Ruins! Difficulty: Heroic. Mission Content (35): Mission Objective: Complete! Gain: 500,000 experience points, the route to the Temple of War is open ~!"

"Ding ~! Duplicate—Ancient Ruins! Difficulty: Heroic. Mission Content (45): Mission Objective: Use the key of time and space to enter the temple of war and open at least three war altars!"

The system prompt just disappeared. I immediately asked Xiaoguang to take the key of time and space, and saw that this thing emitted a light straight into the clouds. The next moment, the original calm clouds gradually changed inconceivably.

The clouds dissipated, and a huge floating island appeared on the sky. Above the floating island, two iron cables fell. This light was connected with two chains. The light was constantly refracted back and forth in the iron chain, gradually, Between the two iron cables, a section of stairs was formed. The pontoon bridge dropped vertically and reached the ground in front of us, forming a huge optical bridge leading to a huge floating island.

"No wonder the Demon King couldn't find the Temple of War. It was hidden in the clouds." I exclaimed slightly when I saw this floating island.

I said, "Go away."


So a group of people set foot on the pontoon and walked towards the temple of war on the floating island.

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