Master Summoner Online

Chapter 856: Baton

In the morning, a ray of golden sunlight passed through the gap of the window, feeling the heat of the sunlight, gradually waking up from the dream, and opened his eyes.

"Ahhhhh!" After a big stretch, his consciousness was completely clear.

"Is it a dream?" After scanning the room with eyes for a week, I found that I was still in the hotel room. A nightmare I had last night was in that dream. I was pierced by a mask man with a dagger, But was saved by his own PSP. At this moment, I even remember clearly the fear and despair in my heart when the mask man's dagger pierced into his heart.

Well, don't care about getting up, but when I put the quilt on me, I was dumbfounded for a moment, because I saw that I was covered with a strap, and a sharp PSP running through my pillow, In addition, there is a heart in my jacket with a mouth torn by a sharp weapon.

All these signs indicate God! Can anyone tell me what is going on! The bandage on the body, the jacket torn by the sharp weapon, was pierced by the entire PSP game machine! Couldn't everything be a dream last night! I almost died! Saved his life by his own game console! This is amazing! I'm in a mess!

Just when there was a mess in our heads, there was a sound of knocking on the door, and it was Mr. Cheng Qijie, who opened the door, holding a tray with bread and water, and so on.

He smiled: "You're awake, Dragon Boy."

I said, "Well, can you tell me what is going on?"

Teacher Cheng laughed: "Eat while talking."

"Oh." I nodded and took the clothes off the bed. Teacher Cheng put the morning on the table. We sat face to face and chewed a bite of bread. I asked, "What happened to the teacher last night?"

Teacher Cheng breathed out: "That's the case. In fact, the teacher is a member of the special security department of the country. I'm on vacation now, because I have no income because of the rest, so I will be a teacher to make some money. Yesterday, I I'm sorry that I hurt you. The person who attacked us yesterday was my enemy. "

I remembered the words of that guy yesterday, so I asked, "Your enemies, why kill me?"

Teacher Cheng laughed: "Of course it's a dead mouth."

"Destroy the mouth?"

Teacher Cheng nodded: "That guy is a ferocious thief. He kills and robs everywhere. There are international wanted orders. They will kill everyone who has seen them."

I took a sip of milk and asked, "So what does one of those people say that the money is made too easily?"

Teacher Cheng said: "Because my head is also very valuable in the hands of the underworld. Actually ... forget about this and talk about you."

"Me?" He pointed to himself in confusion.

Mr. Cheng nodded and said, "I know your father."

"My dad? Teacher, do you know him? Rarely he is also a member of that security department?" I don't really have much impression of my dad who doesn't know whether the corpse ran away or really died.

Teacher Cheng shook his head: "Your father is not a team member. I don't know what his identity is. In fact, I am looking for him."

"Looking for him? He doesn't know if he's dead or alive. What's the use of finding him?" I said, chewing bread.

Teacher Cheng said, "Your father is alive."

"Alive?" Swallowed the bread and stared at him wide open.

Mr. Cheng nodded and said, "It's alive, but he hid himself in a place where no one can find it." Listening to his tone clearly didn't sound like a lie. If it's not false then ... is it rare that my father really abandoned himself? Abandoning this biological son? And Long Xin? Thinking of this, he suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "You said that he was alive, then he would not come to me or Long Xin, would he not want us?"

Teacher Cheng saw me in a faint voice and said, "Calm down, there are no parents in the world who don't want children. You sit down first."

"I'm sorry." Feeling his own disorder, he quickly apologized and sat down.

Teacher Cheng said: "I only got some clues during this time. These clues made me find a breakthrough point."

"breaking point?"

"Yes, this breakthrough point is the world competition to be held at the end of this year." Teacher Cheng said.

"World Championship?" I meditated on these four very familiar words. I remember my aunt also told me that his father could not be separated from this game.

Teacher Cheng nodded: "I think all the mysteries should be solved at the World Series. That is to say, as long as you can attend the World Series, you will know everything." After looking at the watch.

He stood up and said, "Okay, let's eat fast. Depart at nine o'clock on time to return to the college. Remember, what happened last night and what we said just now will never be mentioned to anyone."

"Okay." I nodded in agreement, and what happened last night is estimated to be unbelievable. As for the conversation just now, I don't want to tell other people casually, but let everyone take the time to verify it.

Finish your stuff after breakfast. Taking off the coat will remove the bandage on my body. I see that there is only a shallow mark on the position of my heart. This is completely invisible. To be honest, I already felt very strange. I changed the wound to someone else. It is possible to recover without taking a rest for three or five months, and it is all right to sleep for one night. I have begun to wonder if I am human.

After a bitter smile, put on the clothes, put the PSP that saved my life into the bag, go back to find a box, put it away, wait for three or fifty years, then take it out and tell your child, Do you know kids? Your dad was saved by this PSP. Haha, it's strange to think about it.

YY took a break and walked out of the door with my luggage on my back. I just went out and saw Hua Lian just came over. When I arrived at her, I suddenly sounded when I was at the hot spring last night. At this time, Hua Lian saw us and she used the beautiful red He looked at me and said, "Good morning."

"Good morning." I say hello.

I asked, "What did you think of yesterday ... onsen ... that?"

Hualian thought about it and said, "The hot spring is very comfortable, that's it."

"That's it?" Rarely did she not remember what happened to her?

Hua Lian nodded, and I was relieved to see her like this: "That's good, then, let's go to the parking lot together."

"Well." It looks like she really doesn't know anything, great.

When you return to the college by car, the first thing you need to do in your dormitory is to bring your helmet online.

Mirror Synthesis!

As soon as I was online, I received a reminder that my guild had 99% experience value. You need to be a guild to get up to the tenth level guild. You can also get guild skills when you go up. Of course, before you do the task, go to my maple leaf station. I have n’t been there for a while. How is it

I came to the entrance of Maple Leaf Station and saw that at this moment there are many players buying things here. The loot returned from the expedition and the items hoarded in the warehouse were sold. The sound is very good.

Calling up the management list, I looked at the operation of the shop with a smile, and was surprised when I saw the profit amount! I wonder if I am seeing. Since the profitable gold coins are as much as 150 million!

Obediently, there are too many rich people these years. Some of my things are bought at prices several times higher than auction houses. This world is really crazy.

Put a lot of money on the shelves, called the long-lost system administrator, and exchanged 20 million gold coins, or replaced it with RmB and put it in the bank card, and then invested 50 million to the station. I quarreled with me every day for lack of money, followed by depositing 50 million into the warehouse, and the rest was on my body. Anyway, things like gold coins do not take up weight, and I do n’t have to worry about exploding if I hang them.

After taking care of everything, go to the Adventurer's Guild to take on the guild mission.

Cute Ms. NPC gave me a report of the mission.

"Ding ~! You accept the quest [Guilty of the Guild]! Quest level: Level A, Quest target: Kill any creature with 00 or greater than its own level 20. Quest reward: Random guild skills, quest failure: player killed. Failure penalty : This mission cannot be accepted again within a month. "

Five hundred heads of monsters are simple and simple. I have a very good brushing point. I took out the crystal and returned to Dragon City, and went to that holy desert road. There are so many high-level monsters waiting to be brushed by me. The most important thing is Where is nobody to blame me, although it is not easy to kill monsters there, it can be my strength, and naturally I can cope.

Immediately after that, Longlong City arrived at Shenghuangdao. The periphery of Shenghuangdao is 134-level creatures. All I have to do is go inside. After an hour of trek, I came to a basin where I saw There are countless monsters appearing densely in front, this group of monsters are ordinary monsters of level 150-160.

After choosing the target, the sky shines out to provoke the monster. The official claims that advanced monsters will never be brushed by the player group. Of course, this does not mean that they will not be swarmed up, but they will not be because of the skills of a player, and All monsters are hated. When players team up to brush high-level monsters, the monsters will definitely not just stare at the front soldiers to attack. But when the player is only one person, it is another matter.

The other summons were released by me, and it was time to brush up the experience!

Various skills fell into the monster group, killing them very smoothly. It took about three hours to kill all the monsters here. After about an hour, five hundred monsters were done and returned to the Adventurers' Guild. After handing in the task, submitting the task, and after a system ringtone, there was a jubilation in the guild-"Ding ~! Congratulations, your guild" Dragon's Tooth "was successfully promoted to the tenth level guild. , Get random guild skills [power baton], type: active, no consumption, choose one of your skills to become stored, the selected skills will be unavailable for time. This skill will get the skill effect of the stored skills, after storage skills After the same CD time, it is used as this skill. Cool down for one minute. (A player can only set one storage skill at a time) "


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