Master Summoner Online

Chapter 860: BOSS asking for mercy

As soon as the goods stood up, I stabbed the dragon gun with no coincidence, and the goods body wiped a low dragon gun over his shoulder plate.


Mars is splashing.

"Hundred Ghosts at Night!"

The roaring cube was sent out, and immediately collided with him and flew out a distance of seven or eight meters. At this time, some people around him shouted: "Everyone, kill him!"

I waved back with a sword and yelled, "Thundercaller smashed them!"

I saw the thunder caller without saying a word. He was shrouded in a group of blue and white shining electric lights, forming a nest of thunder and lightning. The sky was underground, and the thunderous array was horrifying, followed by this situation. The thunderbolt of light formed by thousands of lightnings madly slashed to the mad diffusion in the sky and in all directions.

In the sky full of thunder and sea, the thunderer's lightning magic, the crazy explosion, and the never-ending crazy thunder and lightning, have all been swallowed into coke, and then torn into thousands of fragments, and finally thoroughly Ashes fly out.

"Let me go! That female mage is terrible!" Someone was scared by the attack of the Thundercaller.

The thunder-caller cleared the road for me. The rampant was also exposed in front of me. My thermal scan was always on. Even if the goods were hidden, I wasn't afraid. The combination of electric light and fire + Yulong step was started in less than one He stepped on it in seconds and forced it into front of the goods. His left hand turned into a dragon claw, and the dragon's claw and energy exploded on his chest.

"Boom!" A muffled thunder sounded, and a large hole was blasted out of his chest.


Furious, the double knives in each hand swept into a purple halo!

My heart fluttered, and I stepped back immediately and walked away.

"Brave charge!"

He flew away and took him out of the distance to declare the red-eyed dragon gun and lightning. His hand followed closely with the speed of thunder, and the second move sent out "Black Dragon Spike!" This was stunned.

—18004—18004 A strike with a black dragon stab triggers an assault. This product is really unlucky. Although he can't see his face when he is dizzy, I can guess that his eyes are horrified. The next skill is unavoidable. Kill him on his body.

When the boss died, at this moment, the whole battle situation changed. The team of players who were still under the influence of the black hand re-emerged, let go of their hands and feet to deal with those soldiers who kept coming, and blocked their offensive. The stone wall of the element system Ground spurs, sea of ​​fire, and ice skates are all good skills for the other soldiers to impact.

This group of people don't want Lingyun Pavilion. Although Lingyun Pavilion is gone now, when it has become a loose sand, they cannot continue to cause an effective attack. Someone keeps falling down. About half an hour later, the guys of Holy Cross have already Evacuation began.


Suddenly, there was a huge cheer on the other side of the battlefield, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. We are no exception.

The BOSS besieged by warrior players is dying! After paying great sacrifice, the Black Hand Guild finally saw the dawn of victory. I saw that BOSS was full of scars on his body, his armor was broken, and the damage value on his body was fluctuating. Anyone can see that this big guy is about to die!

A series of injuries fluttered, those swords and magic were making **** wounds unscrupulously, and the siege of BOSS suddenly shook his body, and immediately formed a ring of fire around itself, expanding and expanding around. This light swept through almost all units within 30 meters of the surrounding area. These units were swept away in a halo impact, and they swept across.

After releasing the last move, the huge body fell down, and the body disappeared straight down, inch by inch, as if its body floated to the sky with the numerous irregular fragments rising, leaving a glorious gold coin equipment!

At this time, the black-handed president, the guy was more skinny than before. If it was accurate, the goods turned into a skeleton wearing a fangs armor. He said: "Brother, my name is Chop Headshot. It is the chairman of this association who thanked you for your help. "

I laughed: "My name is Weiweilong. The matter just now is just a hand."

"Haha, it's a beast god. It's no wonder that killing thousands of people is like playing." He cut his head and laughed.

"Headshot, pay attention to the image." Then the female player wearing purple Fakai came over, and today she did not carry that stele, she smiled at us: "Thank you for your help, the little woman has nothing to forget . "

I said, "It's a trivial matter, why are you talking about it? Right, I still have a task, and I'll be lucky to come back later."

He cut headshot and said, "Well, since the beast **** has urgent matters, then I won't delay you. Today's feelings will be reported to Yongquan every day."

"So few people, I'll take a step first." I said with a fist.

"Don't send it." The headshot also made the same move.

After settling a thing, we continued to set foot to the exposure of Ash Mountain, speeding all the way to the destination. Soon, the scenery in the front changed greatly, but seeing a huge hole in front of us, everyone entered the cave, and everywhere in the cave Of course, there are some stone pillars connected to the top of the cave that are not connected. The arrangement of these stone pillars is completely irregular.

The crowd saw through these stone pillars, and suddenly the sky shouted and shouted at the top. As we looked up, we saw these twinkling green eyes.

"Waila" a sound of rain, suddenly burst out of a group of green-eyed bats, these bats are not covered with body hair, but a black scale, a barb on the head, cracked teeth Mouth, with a pair of steel claws, with a harsh howling, the wild madness fluttered down to the crowd.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan This is a group of 120 ordinary beasts called green-eyed bats, but the number is very large. The miner calls first, and the thunder and lightning strikes down a green-eyed bat that just approaches. The fierce blood flying and the smoky and rainy years launched the Jianqi attack, and with their attack power, they could swipe it once against one of these ordinary monsters.

Summoning Gatling Blast Dragons, machine guns fired at these guys without screaming, and the dead bodies fell like rain.

Wherever everyone walked, a large number of corpses of green-eyed bats piled up on the road.

After so many miles, there was a loud howling in the crying sky, and suddenly a giant green-eyed monster bat with a length of over ten meters and four bat flesh wings appeared in front of me. It seems that we put their The boss forced it out.

As soon as the goods came out, he yelled, "Humans, we didn't provoke them to kill my children."

I said, "You are blocking our way."

"My aunt! Our grandparents lived in a cave here, when has it become your way, shameless adventurers, you invade others' homes, I want you to pay the price!" The giant bat monster roared angrily towards the We threw it fiercely.

Fire eye golden eye scan, this product is called Green-eyed Bat King, one hundred and thirty elite elite bosses, our group has no difficulty in killing such miscellaneous bosses, I can completely say that I do n’t need to put any BOSS creatures below the king level. Eyes.

This green-eyed bat king was very ferociously fanning out one metre-long cyan wind blade towards our wings.

We quickly spread out. These wind blades crossed the surrounding stone pillars. The wind blades were very sharp. These stone pillars with a diameter of four or five meters could not be beaten in the face of this wind blade. Four or five stone pillars collapsed at one stroke.



The green-eyed bats roared around at the same time, their boss appeared, and they seemed to be fearless on the spot, flying towards me aggressively.

Naturally, I will not give up easily. Various skills greet this group of guys. Green-eyed Bat King once again very brutally swept a three-meter-long wind blade towards me, and quickly rushed away from the bottom of the body. A pillar of stone behind me was destroyed.

After flashing off its skills, I threw the dragon gun, and the red dragon roared and launched, followed by a gatling blasting dragon and blasted a laser, and saw the guy's wings penetrated, followed by the dragon claws of the red dragon. Attack, this cargo cannot continue to fall in the air.

The opportunity for us to come down is coming. Various skills are used to repeatedly cast BOSS, and the body is hurt. I drew back the dragon gun and rushed up. The lightning announcement pierced the guy's body the next moment-the bear!

As the dragon flame sprayed out from the dragon gun, the flames of the flames of flames burned violently, the green-eyed bat king immediately became apparently in the flames of fire, and screamed "whine", and the horrible blood volume above his head was sliding.

—120444, —120444, —120444 ...

"Ah-" The bat screamed in this mouth and shouted: "Several warriors stop! Don't fight! I confess! I confess!"

I pulled out the dragon gun, and the goods had been burned to smoke. After BOSS took the initiative to ask for mercy, this was the first time I saw such a thing.

"Hey, you have a bit of spirituality about this lowly thing, I dare to make these lowly things attack us?" I grinned and said with a tooth.

"No ... no ... this is not my original intention ... please be angry, I will let them all back down ... never dare to offend ..." The pair of wings of this green-eyed bat king was burned by the dragon flame just now It's almost gone, but at this moment, with a humiliating expression, and the howling, the sky-eyed green-eyed bats quickly flew up again and retracted into the top of the hole.

Seeing that the monster in the sky disappeared cleanly, only the poor and downcast of this green-eyed bat king seemed to be waiting.

Seeing this guy is really angry and funny, to be honest, so many bosses have been killed. The wolf king as small as Xinshou Village is as large as all kinds of kings. I have n’t seen him asking for forgiveness. It ’s one of today ’s monsters. Those who are greedy for fear of death are truly amazing. I next let the guy lead us in the front, and if someone leads us, we can take a lot less wrongdoing.

After walking for nearly ten kilometers, there was an endless wasteland in front of everyone, but a weird floating city appeared in the wasteland, but there were seven towering towers rising into the clouds around the floating city. Is that the legendary Ash Mountain?

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