Master Summoner Online

Chapter 865: Burst Set

After half an hour, loneliness sang and led the three soulmates of War Soul. Eraser, Chu Han, Xu Yu, and Saber appeared out of our confluence, but Xueyue and others still took a long time to reach here, so she sent it to My message lets us go one step ahead and they will soon follow.

So we continued to set out and walked out of the forest soon, but just after we came out of the forest, a land of blood red appeared in front of us. There was a blood red everywhere, and the mainland seemed to be stained with blood. And there are huge figures in this land!

The body of about 7 meters resembles a monster, with dark red, bronze bell-shaped eyes, and a large 10cm thick fangs on the left and right of the large blood basin mouth, with a rough gas blowing in the mouth, eyes They were violent, and instead of lying on the ground, they stood up one-third of the body and moved forward, and when we arrived, the guys stopped wandering aimlessly and turned their attention to us.

Seeing this group of guys look at us, she said, "You guys, you are ready to fight again!"

I immediately looked at the past with jealous eyes-Tyrannosaurus Beast, Level 158, Elite Beast. Introduction: Tyrannosaurus Beast is a creature mutated from the red armor, and turned from a timid creature to a horrible killer, causing their genes. What changed was a creature named De Hakka, the Primal Marauder.


After watching it, I said, "Don't worry, everyone is just an elite beast at level 158! It's not a great character!"

"Get ready, kill!" The legendary life-first bow pulled the full moon, and an off-going arrow sent out.

The beast moved towards the N slender legs and rushed forward. The legendary arrow of his life hit the eye of the foremost beast accurately, and it suddenly pained so much that he screamed again and again, followed by several arrows to shoot it. The cricket fell to the ground. At this time, four or five worms and beasts around them suddenly surrounded them from all directions, constantly screaming, and surrounded the dead corpse of the violent worm and beast on the ground, and then ripped the flesh and devoured it.

I didn't expect this guy to be so cruel, it took almost three seconds, and the corpse of that fierce beetle was swallowed up, screaming constantly, opening his **** mouth and rushing at us.

Chu Han's ghost wolf king kept his mouth open and roared, one after another spit out the paint black wind blade. At the same time, Chu Han also attacked and launched an attack. The pit father also took out his "submachine gun" and attacked. Three Tyrannosaurus beasts fell down on the way.

When these swarms of maggots rushed into the range of 30 meters, they did not lean on, but stopped, and roared, followed by a one-meter-long bone spur in the mouth of the blood basin!


Countless flashes of bone spurs flew and said, "Spread!" In fact, I don't need to say that everyone saw such an attack. Everyone understood it, and quickly scattered to avoid it. The flying bone spurs and air rubbed out to make a piercing blast, then Severely pierced into where we were just now, although we escaped this disaster! Not necessarily escaped next.

Unbearable, shouted loudly: "Close up, forcing these monsters to not use long-range attacks, kill them close!"

After that, he turned into an amber dragon!


A flick of his tail swept across the dying beast in front of him! Suddenly, he swept it out of the way, and the power of the Amber Dragon was enough to surpass this monster!

The blue flame above the two claws burned and turned into two flame giant swords. It slashed down towards this violent beetle and suddenly cut two **** mouths in a cross shape. The monster's blood flew off more than 5W. Eat After the pain became even more frantic, a large green liquid was sprayed out!

The wings quickly flew away to hide, and I saw signs of corrosion where I stood just now. It seems that this guy can not only spit bones, but also spit out strong acids. None of the monsters here are really good to deal with.

I came to the guy in the air, followed by raising his head toward the bone spurs spraying on me, inciting the wings to dodge left and right in the air, while attacking the shield one hundred and eighty degrees, he chose to fire the dragon, and the small laser rays fell on the guy like rain. On the body, immediately after taking a breath, the head of this elite beast was brought down!

I took the lead in solving this fierce beastly beast. Everyone was arrogant and aggressive, and every one of them flirted with weapons and strangled the monster. The loneliness in the back was not singing, the legendary life, the early cold and so on. Aiming is unnecessary, and their original aiming technology is very high.

With the sound of wailing, the tyrannical beasts were killed one by one, and the hill-like body fell down.

Then began to collect loot, these tyrannical maggots burst out of three pieces of equipment, one of which was glowing in dark red leather, which made people seem to know that it was a good thing. This item was picked up in the night and then shared the information with our team.

Burlin jacket, grade: dark gold, attributes (unidentified), one of Burlin suits.

Since it is out of suits, this place is really a good place. It seems that I should get those guys out of the Chess Corps. Good things can be shared with people who are not important.

With the most motivated set, everyone continues to work harder. But the sun above my head is fake, and the sky and sky with no clouds around it are real and the temperature is real, so several girls in the team all put on the hood of the front and the cape, and wrapped themselves to resist the heat Temperature and UV exposure.

I opened the communication link and asked Xueyue, "Where have you been?"

Xueyue said: "We're almost there, but we met a guy in the chess corps in front of a cave. There are a lot of them. It looks like they are going to do something?"

I said, "They should be here, too. We had a few pioneer teams in the Chess Corps before."

Xueyue said: "Why your mission map, they can go in."

"I don't know." I said, "I think it's probably here because there are maps that can be shared or they have similar tasks."

Xueyue said, "I know. We can be here in up to 40 minutes."

"OK, speed."


Hang up the call and move on. Next, we were on the road. This kind of fierce beasts roamed the wasteland in groups of three or five. We met this group of guys and ruthlessly killed them. We went forward about this place. After half an hour, hundreds of tyrannical maggots were also killed. The explosive armor suits have already been assembled, and we do n’t know if there are any weapons, and what the weapons are will be identified after we have identified them. In addition, the pioneer team of the Chess Corps that we did not encounter on the way.

"Are you afraid of dying, have you already gone back with the city roll?"

The Stickman jokingly said so, but none of us thought they would do it. So naturally we accelerated the pace of progress in the wasteland.

About another two kilometers away, the plain in front of us also came to an end and saw what appeared next to us was a huge canyon. At the same time, a series of sounds passed into our ears. The group immediately raised their ears and listened carefully.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Although only a small voice could be heard, there was no doubt that it was a scream.

And the screams were not issued by monsters. The few of us looked at each other and started running together. Due to the smoky and rainy years, the fierce blood flying, and the rubber sticky people first took the lead in riding the mount, so I also transformed into Garulu and ran out with a lonely singing character, running slowly, and everyone went towards the origin of that voice The ground is getting closer and closer, and rushing into the canyon. At this time, the ground of the canyon is composed of blue rocks and the floor is quite wet. Of course, this is not important. Stepping on the wet blue rock ground, we are like a gust of wind. Dashing in the direction of the scream.

Soon after, a gate appeared in the empty space in front of us, and the gate that had been opened to the left and right appeared in the distance. At the same time, a fiercely burning blue flame can be seen shaking in the darkness. In addition to these effects, of course, there is a huge figure that staggers in the depths, and intermittent metal sounds and screams.

There was a terrible cry behind the door. The people who heard it were creepy. We couldn't help speeding up our speed. Our toes barely touched the ground. It was like flying. I think this is close to the limit of the system's auxiliary speed. .

The first three people stopped at the door, and when I was approaching the door, I also slowed down urgently when I saw them stopped, and the steel claws spattered sparks, so I finally stopped near the entrance.

"What's happening now?"

As I called, I pierced my body in half.

Inside the gate—a hellish scene.

The entire floor was sprayed with blue and white flames. And a huge body standing in the center carries us.

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