Master Summoner Online

Chapter 868: Biochemical Dragon

"... wake up, brother wake up!"

This sound is Long Xin? With this voice my consciousness pulled back. I could not help but brace my upper body.

I feel very relaxed, but my head still hurts a bit. If I look at my attributes, I have risen to 75% of 139. I looked around and found that the huge body of the BOSS just fell down on the ground and was not refreshed Surrounded by countless rich and spoils of trophy, it seems that my unconscious time is only a few seconds.

Long Xin squatted on the ground and brought the whole face close to my eyes. You can see her frowning and biting her lips as if she was about to cry.

"Brother ... Brother, are you okay?"

While she was screaming like this, she was also holding my neck at a fast speed. I was so scared that I had forgotten the headache because of the sudden situation, and I could only blink constantly.

"... If you hold it so tightly, your little brother's health will disappear completely."

He said this with a joke tone, but Long Xin had a really angry expression on his face after listening: "How come you have no blood when you just upgraded."

Our Dragonfang and others are already here. In addition, War Soul and other companions have restored their status to full, and they saw Xueyue say to me with a bit of fear: "Sorry, I'm late."

I said, "It's okay, the whole thing is done."

Fire Dance asked: "Who was the one who hung up before?"

Yanyu Liunian said indignantly: "The guys of the Chess Corps, this group of people is not a strategy at all. Especially the lead **** ... It is simply to let his companion go to death ..."

Lonely sings, "Don't talk about harvesting booty, but I don't want any more."

The fierce blood flew: "Me too, to be able to defeat that BOSS is your credit to the beast god."

I stood up and said, "What do we say, we are a team, and we can all be blessed with difficulties, so don't talk about what you need."

My voice didn't fall. The first cold suddenly exclaimed: "Look at the body of the boss!"

Everyone cast their eyes on it, and when the huge body showed signs of action, "I rely on, it is rare to be able to die and come back to life!" Pit father said.

"You see, only the boss's belly is moving." The legend pointed out the details immediately in his life.

Immediately after that, a sharp object protruded from the abdomen of the elemental predator, and horizontally swept open the torso of BOSS, its harder than the copper armor, which was under the sharp nails. Like tofu

The abdomen was cut, followed by seeing a creature that looks like a zerg snake in the interstellar, but compared to the snake I know, this guy has two stout backs and his head is not that long .

Seeing this monster crawling out of the belly of the boss, everyone immediately slashed, because the appearance of this guy is likely to cause another **** battle.

Immediately following this monster like a snake, he lifted his sickle-shaped hands and spit out, "Please put down your weapon, I am not here to fight." After saying this, a line of small characters appeared in the head of the cargo. Mass Predator-Dehaka (Ontology) 'Name is white This item has become a neutral unit. And the name and the word ontology also say that this is what it really looks like.

Since this guy is a neutral unit, everyone can also put their weapons away. When we see them, they also put down their sickle-shaped hands and said, "Hello, I'm a source element predator-De Hakka, I killed, I seized the source, and I appeared in front of you because I felt your power, I was afraid of your power, and I trembled in front of your power. "And at the same time, I needed the sickle-shaped fingers Hold me.

And I was a little puzzled: "What on earth do you want to say?"

Hakkar straightened his **** that had skins apart from bones and said, "You radiate light, and you will have more sources, and I will follow you and be loyal to you, but when you stop shining, I will Will leave you. "

"Ding ~! Trigger hidden missions [De Hakka's Loyalty] Quest Difficulty: F, Mission Description: You defeated De Hakka in battle. Now it betrayed Belisque and placed on your account. Mission Objective: De Ha. Ka seeks a new body, and the mission fails: Haka is refused to join. "

Um, this guy is really a guy who is blowing grass on both sides, saying that mutiny is mutiny. Although an extra teammate is good, this guy is completely like a time bomb. No one knows when this bomb will explode. I Asked, "What's the benefit of accepting you and me."

De Hauck said: "Of course it is good. You must be looking for Beresque. I can tell you that even if you rely on your strength, you can't find it even if you turn this place upside down."

"Why?" Long Xin asked.

De Hack explained: "Because it hid itself in the gaps of the dimension space with the dimension anchor."

I asked, "How do you know?"

De Hakka said: "That's because the dimension anchor was originally invented by me. I used to give it as a gift when I showed loyalty to Beresque, so I know where to hide and how to release the dimension anchor. Besides, What I want to say is that this guy is very powerful, even much stronger than me, and it is impossible for you guys to defeat it. "

It seems that this guy knows a lot, I said, "Then I can accept you, but what do you want me to show your loyalty?" Since this product is given to the Beresque dimension anchor as a gift, I should be able to Get something out of it.

"Well ..." The goods began to think, after thinking for ten seconds, the guy pierced his chest with his sharp sickle hand and made a deep mouth, followed by a very strong pull outward, the next moment it The tip of the sickle-shaped arm stabbed a **** thing the size of a tennis ball: "So how about I give you my heart as my loyalty?"

"This ..." The heart can still be taken out like this, this product is really a monster, Long Xin frowned. "Brother, you have a good taste."


"Take your heart back. I don't have that heavy taste. When we look back, we defeat that guy. I want that dimension anchor." I said.

"of course can."

I said, "What do you need?"

De Hakka said: "I can't last long, so I need a new body. You are a summoner, you have a summoning beast, and let me parasitize one of your summoning beasts. I should be able to meet my requirements. "

"This ..." I started to be a bit reluctant, Hakkar said: "My parasitic object is not necessarily a living thing, and I can also parasite non-living things. Just like your mechanical beast, the mechanical family calls the perfect inorganic body of the beast. If I can combine it, I will become an "essentially perfect" and "morphically perfect" being. "

"Perfect? ​​Is there anything perfect in the world?"

De Hakka: "There is no perfect in the world but only stronger."

"Okay. Come out! Gatling Blast Dragon!" My pure mechanical clan beast is just one of them, but Gallulu doesn't count.

After looking at the Gatling blaster up and down for a while, the goods said, "Very good, strong, strong, and free of impurities. It is a very ideal parasitic. I also think that I have an unawakened soul in him. The foundation can turn into a very strong individual, and I am very satisfied. "De Haka reported his evaluation of Gatling Blast Dragons.

I said, "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

"Understand." Saying that the whole body of the Hydralisk continued to collapse, a flesh and blood flew apart, and the horror caused us to take two steps back slightly. Soon, this guy's entire body collapsed into one. Heap of flesh and blood, at the same time, a faint feeling drifted away.

Immediately following the flesh, a caterpillar-like thing fell on the Gatling Blast faucet, followed by this caterpillar turned into a pool of black slime, and the slime began to slide down from the top of the Gatling Blast It didn't take much time. Under the premise that the Gatling Blasting Dragon did not make any resistance, the black mucus flowed out of its entire body, and the body of the Gatling Blasting changed in the next moment.

"Boom" made a loud noise, a white beam of light rose from the foot of the Gatling Blast Dragon, followed by it, attached to the summoned beast space, the metal ball representing the Gatling Blast dragon shattered, and then the white beam of light shattered. The pillar of light became fiery red. After thirty seconds, the pillar of light quietly cracked, and a behemoth finally revealed its figure. At the same time the task is prompted to complete.

Soon we saw that the original Gatling Blast dragon had doubled in size, and the whole was unintentional with the Gatling Blast dragon, but it has become a semi-dragon and semi-mechanical creature, and its head has become covered. The scaled dragon head also has a dark golden helmet on the outside, but a mechanized detector is worn on the left eye. The left hand Gatling machine gun has become a dragon claw covered with blood and flesh. Four different colors. The test tube was inserted in it, and the muscles were shaking like rhythm. The mechanization of the right hand has become more exaggerated, the color of the laser blade on the claws has become crystal blue, and the light is more shocking. It looks like an indestructible weapon. The chest is still covered with heavy armor, but the abdomen is 8 domineering. Muscle, armor is like wearing on it. The two legs below the waist are still mechanized, but there is something similar to nerve tissue inside. There is also a long mechanical tail behind it. The jet backpack on the back sprays air waves to form four energy wings that cover the sky. It looks lethal. , The original mechanical beast is now a complete biochemical monster.

"Brother, look at the attributes?" Seeing Gatling Benglong become like this, everyone is looking forward to its change. I encountered sharing attributes in the team-Name: Biochemical Blast Dragon.

Mosaic: Tyrant Dragon Core (Activation: 10%)

Type: Special department.

Race: Unknown life: 550,000 points.

Attack: 9000 ~ 12000 points Defense: 6000 points Skills: Rare metal armor (passive), the biochemical explosive dragon integrates the plasma barrier into its own armor, reduces the damage taken by 30% (ranged 15%), and is immune to magic.

Devour: A biochemical dynamite that gains Haka ability can kill itself to gain the source quality, passive: passively: every unit that dies nearby will devour the death and leave the source material after death. Active: Biochemical dynamite Swallowing a creature unit (unavailable to players and bosses) The swallowed creature player will receive no benefit, cool down for 10 seconds.

"Aberrations!" Yan Yuliu nibbled his tongue and rubber sticky people couldn't help sighing: "Now think about it, I am afraid that the profession of summoner is the strongest of all professions."

Lonely sings: "No, there is no strongest profession in the world. You say that this profession is the strongest and the weakest. Take the beast god, not every summoner is as perverted as he is."

I was a little embarrassed by them, but I was also very excited. I patted the big guy and laughed, "Please give me a lot of advice, Biochemical Dragon!"

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