Master Summoner Online

Chapter 878: Come back home

The results obtained after testing all afternoon were very satisfactory. In addition to testing the skills, I also tested that dimension anchor. The effect was that I had a portable warehouse and it was a very large one. In addition, I was limited to me and my teammates. However, there is no time to hide inside and there is a time limit.

After the test, we took our luggage and left the college. The next time it is scheduled to be at 7 pm, the streets here come and go. It was lively all around.

Suddenly, a scent was smelled in the nose, looking up and looking sideways, but seeing the oblique side lights bright, it turned out that I don't know when there is a gathering place for snack barbecues.

"Big Ben, let's have a barbecue," Yinyue suggested.

The guard touched his belly: "I'm hungry too."

Long Xin said: "I'm also a brother, and people haven't missed the barbecue for a long time, let's go."

Smelling the scent, I didn't even feel the movement of some forefingers said, "Well, ladies, let's go."

"Oh!" MM is very happy, counted the days, I have not eaten this kind of thing for a long time, in fact, I do n’t have a special preference for barbecue, occasionally it ’s good to eat and eat. Sneak away.

After thinking about some previous things, I randomly found an empty place in a nearby barbecue restaurant, and everyone sat down in a circle. The owner of this barbecue restaurant is a middle-aged man and woman, and should be a couple. Outside of us, we sat at three tables and were talking about something while eating.

Followed everyone to order, everyone laughed and looked at the lively scene around. Suddenly, with a squeaking sound, a car stopped in front of the barbecue shop, then three people jumped out of the car and walked over as they talked.

I inadvertently looked over and found that the car was a Porsche, and three people got off the car, one of them was wearing a black suit and the other two were plain casual clothes.

The three men came over. The man in the suit, who was in the lead, was in his 40s. He and two of them sat down at a large table. One in plain clothes shouted, "Old right, two This is my friend. I brought them here to try your barbecue. I said in front of them that your barbecue tastes awesome. Don't embarrass me. "

The middle-aged man shouted as he was doing his work, "You rest assured, wrap it on me!" After the three of them sat down, they smoked, and then took the barbecue menu and ordered it, then called again. A box of beer, talking and laughing, the noise was very noisy. I glanced a little, felt a little noisy, and then I didn't pay any attention, but this is Yun Lan grabbed me and stood tightly on me, meanwhile she didn't know what I put my hat on my clothes and I said, "What's wrong?"

Yun Lan raised a finger and put it in front of the lips of the cherry blossoms to signal us to whisper, and whispered, "The guy in the suit is my dad."

"Oh ... oh!" Everyone was shocked, Yun Lan immediately signaled that we should reduce the decibel to the minimum.

Behind this time: "What's wrong? Boss Mo."

The boss named Mo, who should be Yun Lan's father, said, "It's nothing, I have too much heart."

"I don't know how to make Qianjin come in?"

"Don't mention it, hi." It seems that when it comes to the pain, he doesn't want to continue.

Yun Lan on our side said indignantly: "The guy I hate very much, the iron-hearted, is also willing to make me a victim for my own status!"

"What? The victim?" Xiaoguang said.

Yun Lan said: "Leave it and wait for the talk."


So everyone packed the things without eating, and immediately settled the account and left. The MMs first covered Yun Lan and left me, then brought things, and in a small park where everyone came, we found a place to sit around.

I said, "You can go on."

"Well, if the last thing, my dad intentionally introduced me to others. That is a bastard. The purpose is to exchange for other people's asylum, for my own selfishness! I can play with whatever happiness I want." Although this matter has been It used to be, but her heart was still stinging and bleeding!

Xueyue patted Yun Lan's shoulder and said, "I understand your mood, I have been forced to marry, and both of us were saved by the same person." He said the same to me.

"Yeah, thanks to a stupid stupid person." Yun Lan said: "Without this hot-blooded stupid, I might have engaged that **** as my stony-hearted parents said and waited until I graduated from college. "

I couldn't help but buckle my cheeks.

Yun Lan asked again, "By the way, what would you do if Tian Xueyue didn't complete the agreement that time?"

Xueyue said: "In fact, I had made the worst plan at that time and told you that I couldn't. I secretly prepared 100mg of potassium cyanide at that time. If they forced me, then I would mix the potassium cyanide and the wine. Drink in front of them. "

Although I don't know if it is true, if it is true, I am really lucky to win.

Yun Lan said: "It seems that we really have something in common. I bet you were resolutely opposed at the time, but they said that a little girl knew what they were doing for me so that in the future I would know their good intentions. "

Xueyue said: "Yes, where will they understand our feelings!"

It seems that compared to rich people, my filigree life is more free. Looking at the other MMs around them, each of them has a very good housework. Each is not a senior official or a rich family member. Although it is not known whether they will encounter such a thing, everything depends on whether their parents and then treat their daughters are very different. However, how to say that the human relationship in this society is fragile and strong. I do n’t know what my parents look like from childhood to Dalian. I only have this feeling with Long Xin.

Everyone talked, ate and waited after they were done. At the same time, I learned that Yun Lan would not add it by herself, and went to her sister, saying that she would move to my house after finishing things. I do n’t know if she came. Will be rushed to the living room to sleep.

Xueyue Longxin and I stood at the street station and waited for the bus, but suddenly there was a miserable message on the left: "City management is here!" A group of hawkers selling barbecues followed the ghost and started to pack and escape a group of city management and devils Enter the village where the hawkers gather as if entering the village, and then there is a group of urban management that is often seen, such as a wolf-like tiger, kicking the hawker's stall, twisting the weighing rod, and leaving behind is a mess and a group of people who want to cry Hawker.

This kind of thing is basically staged every day. It's no surprise. Ten minutes later, the bus came and took the bus back to my home-Long Chao.

Back at home, letting things go, the next step is to take a shower.

Long Xin smiled slightly: "Brother, I propose that the three of us wash each other!"

"..." I: "I don't think we can fit in the bathroom."

"Well, our bathroom is really small. If there is a bathtub in it, my brother can have fun with Sister Xueyue ~! By the way, I can call Sister Xueyue sister-in-law when there is no one. Is it? "Long Xinjiao smiled.

Xueyue was said to be blushing, and the red ones could spill blood. I wiped my sweat: "Please, what's in your little head?" I couldn't help but bang her head three times.

"Woohoo ~~~ Brother, you big fool!" Long Xinjiao whispered and changed clothes and went into the bathroom.

After a helpless smile, I said to Xueyue, "When Long Xin finishes washing, go wash it!"

"That ..." Xueyue suddenly shuddered.

"What is that?" I asked in confusion, confused.

Xueyue said, "You fool."

"Huh?" I was shocked.

"Well? What are you doing?" I said in amazement.

At this moment, Xueyue will cover her head with a quilt and said, "Turn off the light, it's so bright."

"Oh." Turn off the card light and lie down to sleep.

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