Master Summoner Online

Chapter 880: Drive the tauren

Five more days passed. During this time, the guys of the Holy Cross did not come to find trouble. It seems that the guild will become a trouble object in the future, but let them follow the kiss of the devil, and it should be good after the situation.

Back to the steel capital, now my steel capital has been successfully upgraded to level 8. In addition to the ability to make colossus, you can upgrade the teleportation array to a teleportation station and build a teleportation station so that you can freely lead to other The cities in China that have teleportation arrays are no longer limited to the main city. After various expansions, my steel capital has reached tens of kilometers in length and height. In this case, my steel capital , Enough to accept the millions of players here.

Standing on the platform of the Protoss Hub, looking into the distance, I saw Tasada's goods coming over.

I asked, "Tassada, is it all right?"

Tasada said: "Commander! Our receiving station recently received a signal!"

"What signal?"

Tassada said: "We detected that this signal came to a mothership, but we cannot confirm whether it is our compatriot."

"What do you mean?"

"We had received this signal several times before you appeared as the commander, but every time it went off, the magic signals of this world would interfere with the signals of our receiving stations, so we must be cautious."

"Then you continue to monitor and report to us if something happens."


"By the way, what's going on around Tassada?"

"There is nothing in the surroundings. A group of monsters with a tauren's body has prevented us from collecting a high-energy gas gas mine for three hours. The commander can clear up if you are free! Of course I can do it for you if you have something.

"No, I will bring a group of immortals and sentries in the past and you will be fine! You continue to monitor the signals, if it is our fellows fighting for them to return to us."

"Understand the commander ~!" After that, Tassada disappeared, this goods is the Dark Templar, but he will not remain invisible forever but can switch between invisibility and invisibility freely.


Next I called up my troops and rushed to the high energy gas collection area according to the location instructions on the map.

The so-called high-energy gas here actually means ordinary gas. There are a lot of gas mines in the mountains behind the capital of iron and steel. If an absorption cabin is built on this mine, the gas can be raised and converted into high-energy gas. Say how amazing Xingling's technology is.

There are many gas mines on the back mountain, and the gas mine I am going to is located in the recessed area below the mountain.

At this time, I felt very strange, why would a group of tauren run up my mine full of poisonous gas and get lost? Maybe it is possible.

Ten minutes later, a simple camp appeared in front of us. This camp was very strange, because it was built around the absorption cabin. This group of people's bull heads were tall, with pointed corners, bronze bell-sized eyes, and holding a tomahawk. As they walked along, the sound of "Booming", a group of tauren around a suction cabin did not know what they were doing and rarely committed suicide collectively. It's impossible to think more and more outrageous. Gas is a colorless, odorless, and odorless gas. Although it can sometimes smell apple-like, this is due to the simultaneous release of aromatic hydrocarbon gas and gas.

Among the tauren was a cow with black fur, carrying a black axe, and hanging a drum on his waist, saying, "What do you say is in it?"

Suddenly, one of them was humane: "Captain! I asked just now that the smell of an apple is rare. Is this an Apple warehouse?"

Who knows a little star full of tauren, and said, "I like apples the most."

by! I almost didn't faint. Sure enough, there are no residents in this world who don't know that there is still gas in the sky. I don't know what will happen if they **** more, suffocate and die?

I leaned forward and shouted, "Hey, the tauren over there, leave here quickly, or I want you to die without a burial place!"


Captain Tauren said nothing, rushed over with an axe, and yelled, "Let's tear this shouting adventurer together to pieces!"

Hehe, the monster rushed up, and the tauren captain was just a small 155 ordinary boss, and I was picked by the spiritual one, so I didn't even look at it.

So Dragon Gun shouted with a finger: "Sentinel casts a stand!"

"Papapapapa!" A row of positions sealed the first batch of tauren inside, followed by the immortal fruit to cut off the fire. This group of tauren had nothing to do with, and every tauren could inflict tens of thousands of injuries on them. The tauren fell down.

Through the cover of my stand, the ten immortals I brought with them, using their phases to break the cannon, hit the tauren and burned their heads! The immortal here is a purely mechanical unit. There are no broken Protoss limbs in it, but a computer with the ability to know me.

"Damn boy, I want to tear you up!"

The Tauren captain rushed forward, dropped an axe, and shattered one's stance directly. This guy's attacking force is good, and it is probably uncomfortable with an axe.

However, I didn't want to fight it head-on, summoning a troll, and the troll stepped forward to slap this guy's blood of more than 20,000, plus the output of the immortals, our combat power is completely above the monster, It's very easy to kill!

In less than ten minutes, this guy was unable to support and started to call the remaining younger brother to escape, but I could not let it fly to the fat side of his mouth. He sent a sentinel to seal his retreat with a stand. The immortal set fire. BOSS, soon this product and its younger brothers all fell down.

At this moment I would like to shout, "I see it, illiterates, this is the power of technology!"

This is also a strange resource killing. It does not have experience. It is also said that most of the things left in a place are resources. The rest is gold coins. At the same time, the sentry is asked to demolish their camp, and then a group of detectives are called over. Continue to extract gas, and I took my troops back home.

When I returned to the steel capital, the cloudless sky in the sky suddenly became cloudy.

Zi! boom! boom……

Then the earth trembled violently, this whole building shook like the whole world, shit! This earthquake is rare and no one has broken a hole in the national line.

However, I did not receive any system upgrades. The wind in the sky was heavily clouded, accompanied by a blood-red thunder tore the sky, and the pouring rain poured down. It is frightening that the rain falling from the sky is not unusual. The color is **** red like blood!

"What's going on?" I stared blankly at the blood rain falling from the sky. I remember the same thing happened when Tianzhao used Scarlet Spacetime.

At this moment, both Tianzhao and the Black God around me couldn't help but started shaking. I also felt a bit of bitter cold at the moment, "Okay ... so cold ... let's go in."

"Um." With the two girls quickly entering the Protoss hub, they also called Tasada to get a heater, but even though their bodies were warm, they felt a continuous flow from the bottom of their hearts. Chill, what happened, isn't the disaster that might be calmed down by "human" power?

"Look at that!"

Tian Zhao suddenly pointed at the front and shouted. I immediately looked at it and saw that there was a rush of golden light flowing between the heavens and the earth, like the momentum of a volcano erupting in one breath, followed by a dragon chant accompanied by the clouds, The surging golden streamers turned into the shape of a dragon soaring, and a dance flew towards the sky above nine heavens. Looking at the stance, it seemed that it was going to break the void!

However, at this moment when the golden streamer's shadow of the flying dragon is about to be emptied, the huge dragon shadow is separated into two black and white dragons circling in the air, and the huge dragon shadow is looming. We can see so far away that we can see how big the thing is actually.

He took out the crystal black **** and asked, "Where are you going, master?"

"Go and ask that guy." After finishing talking to Long Yuan, at this moment the red-eyed black dragon was standing on Baoshan with a huge body and looking up at the sky. After I arrived, this guy crawled down and spit out the word "Damn!"

Looking at it with anger and fear, I came forward and I imagined something that would make this guy feel scared, so I asked, "What's wrong?"

True red-eyed black dragon said: "That **** thing has risen."

"What rose?"

"Ruins of light and darkness!"

"Relics of light and darkness? What is this?" I asked.

True Red Eyed Black Dragon explained: "This sentence is a long story. After thousands of years of racial warfare, the racial united army rose in strength after winning the sacred weapon. The morale increased, and then the racial united army joined forces. The strategic decisive battle conducted by the demon army is a strategic battle in the three places of Bei Liao, Huaihai and Tianping Road. The battle in these three places is called the three major battles. The three major battles lasted 142 days and the two sides participated in the battle. A total of more than 1.5 billion people of various races participated in the battle. After these three battles, the main military forces of the Demon Army were basically eliminated. The victory of the three battles laid the foundation for the victory of the race. "

Um, it sounds like the three major battles in Chinese history. I said, "Do these three battles have anything to do with this incident?"

True red-eyed black dragon said, "What's the matter, let me tell you a little bit."

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