Master Summoner Online

Chapter 893: Enemies meet with jealousy

"What's going on, why did you suddenly change your attention?" I talked about the conditions with myself just now, but now I ask nothing and only go together. I have a little doubt about their sudden change.

Daybreak: "Don't doubt, my friend, we changed our view because you are strong, you and your companions are strong, and you are very secure with you. The world is strong, so we respect you."

The group of us looked at each other, and the rubber stickies dismounted and said, "Hey, don't you believe them? What if we stay with them in case of a knife?"

I said, "Sustainers do n’t have to use it, they do n’t have to worry about it. If they knew they would stab a knife, I would have killed them a long time ago, and I do n’t have to stay there now.” of. In any case, the anti-human heart is indispensable, and more or less wary of this group of players in the outer area, even if this group of people really want to play poisonous hands behind us, I am confident that before they start, they will be nailed to death Under the dragon gun.

In this way, our team added a group of foreigners, and the group continued to move forward. The second ring zone is a large area of ​​city ruins. These ruins are very ancient. It seems that we should enter the Lincheng center of Huaihai.

Everyone walked out for more than ten minutes and encountered a lot of horrible lizards, but they were quickly killed by everyone. At this moment, a thunderous loud noise suddenly came from the sky in the distance, followed by a dazzling beam of light. Then, the rumbling sound and the mixed screams of the chivalry kept ringing.

And that place is the direction of the Hungarian players just now. Although they escaped, we did not go after them, but this does not mean that they will not meet players from other regions or powerful bosses.

"Check it out," I said.

The others followed immediately, and it was obvious that they had encountered powerful opponents. Of course, they were not sure. It had been more than ten minutes, and they all had mounts to run fast. Naturally, if they Who would it be? I was a little curious about this issue.

We were in the first few hundred meters away from the first incident. In the first act of sight, a female soldier issued a terrible misery, a big hole was broken in the belly, and the body was completely thorough. He was cut off, his lower body fell into place, and his upper body rolled straight and flew out.

Then we saw a large square in front of us. There was a large lion in the center of the player. A giant lion that was six or seven meters high was in the center of the player. This white body had tiger stripes on it, and it was burning orange. Flame.

The lion touches the tiger's streaks. This rare product is the legendary lion and tiger beast from the cross between a male lion and a female tiger. It immediately scanned the eyes with golden eyes-this guy is a 165, king-level BOSS, and Sky Lan lion. There are four million, and there are probably thousands of players around. Among them, I also saw a group of horses riding this blood-colored scale. There is no doubt that the red cloud iron rider of Lingyun Pavilion was now the main cavalry of the Chess Corps. I also saw the thunderstorm at the head of the chess corps.

This cargo rides a fierce tiger with two heads covered in flames. The two heads of the tiger spit out the sky flames. Thunderstorm sat on the back of the tiger holding the long bow and slashed the head of a player. At this time, two more The man rushed towards him, but at the same time his longbow was suddenly swapped with a spear behind him. This process was completed in only 1.2 seconds. The speed of switching weapons was amazing.

"Master, we can grab the boss." The black **** said.

"Grab the boss?" I was puzzled. Now it's completely impossible for the rule to grab the boss. I didn't intend to wait for thirty minutes to protect the ownership of the item after killing the boss.

Kuchurin said, "I said, have you gone to the database?"

The black **** did not speak, but smiled. Ziyue said, "What's going on?"

Kuchulin Road: "I also let the database go, so to speak, there are no outside rules in this place. Do n’t care about the ownership issue when playing BOSS, because ownership here is only experience, and items are not owned, as long as the BOSS is hung up. I can pick things up. "

"So good." Huofeng laughed.

"Yeah, although there is no ownership of the item, there are many hidden dangers like this. The BOSS must be careful here, or they will be killed when a group of people appears at the most critical moment." Hei Shinto.

I laughed: "Since we don't have the right to pick it up, let's do it. It doesn't matter if you don't have any experience. Anyway, the experience here is too rich and not bad."

"Go!" Xu Yu shouted first.


The crowd was so high that everyone wanted to have a good fight, especially the rubber stickies, who were baptized by the Hungarian masters before, so they pulled out the wings of the conqueror and waved forward, riding The horse was killed first, and then everyone rushed forward like a tide! Those Greeks also followed us.

Our presence did not attract much attention, after all, it was abnormal if it did not appear.

Just as we rushed down, two people rushed out. The appearance of the two people suddenly made the rubber sticky eyes cold: "Fuck!"

I took a closer look at the two that rushed out, each one reducing a lot of Tyrannosaurus Rex, no need to ask the tyrannosaurus rider of Yamato District Congyun, and riding on the two tyrannosaurus two people were warriors who had seen during the expedition. With the mad martial artist, I immediately understood the anger of the rubber stickman. At the time, the rubber stickman and the warrior fought on the expedition battlefield. The warrior was not as good as the rubber stickman. In the end, he hit the rubber stickman with a blow. Serious injuries nearly died in the chaos.

It was really jealous to meet the enemy, and the warrior yelled at the incomprehensible bird language and killed us, exactly toward the rubber sticky person.


After seeing each other, the rubber sticky man rushes towards the other party. He can defeat the other party once and he has the confidence to defeat him the second time. Both sides regard the other party as the enemy, and there is no possibility of letting the other party go!

"Hey", when the Warrior Division and the Rubber Stickman killed and interacted with each other, the mad warrior suddenly burst out with a loud laugh and threw the Jin Chancan's sword in his right hand at himself while riding the Tyrannosaurus. More on.

On the expedition battlefield that day, the goods that were beaten by the brothers could only be repelled. It seems that this guy wants to collect the old accounts, and summons the beasts with his heart, but instructs them to kill the BOSS, and sends a message to everyone. Go against the BOSS and solve the mad warrior's message while throwing the dragon gun!

After the opponent's sword was released, it turned into a golden light of the whole body, and it was cut with an unstoppable momentum. Naturally, we are not willing to show that the weak dragon gun turns into a red dragon and this golden light meets us!

"Boom!" A loud bang sounded, the guy's sword was bounced out, and my red dragon was also beaten back to the prototype.

The weapons of both sides were returned to their masters. When the dragon gun was taken back, the man was already riding the tyrannosaurus with a sword in front of him. The sword fell in the sky and emitted a dazzling golden light. I also sent the dragon gun to break the barrier.

There was a squeaking noise, the edge of the blade and the gun blasted a mass of energy, and both of us were shocked and retreated by this energy for several steps. In this confrontation, I can see that the strength of this goods is much stronger than that on the expedition battlefield that day, and seeing the other side ’s strength machine sends out blood in my body, and being able to defeat such an opponent can be more fun than killing a group of rookies. many.

When we clashed with each other, other people had already killed and sent to the battlefield. The fire Phoenix row of rockets first solved an American, and then Xueyue Sword cut a soldier who did not know which country it was into!

When loneliness sings and puts a few large magics in the crowd, it can be vanished into nothingness!

This group has apparently been killed for a long time. Whether it is killing each other with PK and BOSS, the spirit is more or less exhausted, and the response has dropped a lot, and we have been killing some mobs along the way, and the attributes are almost in the best state. .

The purple moon **** flame demon fired a large fireball, and then blasted out the sky flames, Kuqiulin shot with two guns in succession, the big devil sword danced wildly, the white light constantly flashed around, plus a BUFF. They are even players with dark gold equipment. It's hard to stop.

The soldiers are singing in front of the loneliness in front of them, Long Xin, Fire Phoenix and other long-distance professions continue to output a skill, and the players will be stunned. Now we will always have seven or eight priests, and everyone ’s survivability is greatly improved. At the same time, Yun Lan I did n’t choose to hit the front, but walked directly in the crowd like Tian Zhao. One side of the ground-cutting punch was emptied and the blood jumped, and then teleported to the most densely crowded place. Find out the lion, the lion What kind of strength is there? When the flames explode, the claws are swept, and basically no one can resist the pair of claws of Lanshi, and a clearing is quickly cleared!

There are also about ten magicians in the rear. Of course, the strongest of these is loneliness, singing and attacking the crowd in the crowd! A trick is a vacuum zone. The magician was originally born with high attack power. Her professional element destroyer is even more perverted. The name of the first female mage in China is not stigmatizing. As a war soul club, He does all kinds of things in one hand. Unlike my management, all things are left to 烽火 燎原 to do. He just builds the resident by himself. In the end, when it comes to attributes, only a **** and **** level is enough. Kill any magician!

We entered the crowd, the pressure of the chess corps in the center appeared to be greatly reduced, and we began to organize a comprehensive attack on BOSS.

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