Master Summoner Online

Chapter 902: Icetooth Dragon

As this huge figure descended from the sky, a snow-white dragon appeared on the ground in front of us. The most distinctive feature of this dragon was that the dragon's mouth still had two sharp long teeth exposed like saber-toothed tigers.

"Sure enough, it is a flying dragon!" I said secretly afterwards, "I am ready to kill, the knight takes the hate, and the rest perform their duties. The priest draws his blood, and scolds the boss for us, absolutely not Make anyone. "

Speaking, I flew up and read the information after getting closer—Icy Tooth Dragon, Level 165, King BOSS, Introduction: The fast flying dragon living in the permanent ice and snow world, its big teeth and sharp spines are its Features: nailed scales grow on wings and tail, and they can shuttle freely on the slippery ice surface, because it has such ability, it is really difficult to grasp the law of his movement, although This icetooth dragon was already dead, but the dragon of order, Yasha, used its power to awaken this outstanding warrior, making it more aggressive and aggressive, and also one of the first-layer guardian beasts.

I shouted: "The 165-level king-level boss is still affordable, and inform the surrounding teams that they are rushing here. We have this ice-toothed dragon!"

Ye Shuang asked, "What about those foreigners?"

I said, "Kill the boss first and then kill them."


Talking about a rein, it ’s not a rein. It ’s a beam of light on the raptor. At this time, the steel capital was invented. Why do n’t you use an ordinary rein? That ’s because the common reins are easily torn off by the raptors. He kicked off with radio waves, and in the face of the mighty Icetooth Dragon, no one thought of shrinking, but was greatly excited.

"Thermal shock!"

The front row Raptor Cavalry launched an assault together. Then, the armored Raptor Captain's additional skills were launched, but he didn't want to. The Icefang dragon kicked off, and the Raptor Cavalry rushed under everyone's feet and bumped into everyone. !!


Roaring in a rage, Fangya Dragon swooped down from the air and flung straight towards the rear Raptor Cavalry.

Here are all veterans who have been in the field for a long time, blocking the shields in front, and suddenly suffered a hard shock from Icefang, but Icefang is not the king of the boss, and wo n’t be beaten there like other bosses. While giving the player a chance to fight back, he immediately stepped back. Several people who rushed past had already retreated behind the icetooth dragon. Ye Shuang took the lead with a spear to launch the additional skills. The spear took a powerful hurricane, and it hit the ice beautifully. Ankylosaurus!

—4199 Damage floated, the long tail of the hit Icefang dragon swept past Ye Shuang behind me, and I immediately rushed wildly at the moment, triggering from the side with a thunderstorm and hitting the boss's forelimb. The effect stuns it.

The BOSS is in a dizzy state, and everyone around the country, whether it is China or foreign, throws their own special skills towards the BOSS. The damage on the ice tooth faucet flew into an ocean for a while, and thousands of people gathered around it. It should not be underestimated.

The dizzy time passed quickly, and at this same moment, the Black God made a journey of destruction, but the boss who had eaten once will let you have such continuous control, and the ice tooth dragon swayed his head violently as soon as the Black God rushed past With a big mouth opened, the next moment, a sharp ice cone spurted out, and Black God caught off guard by the ice cone. The whole person was shocked and flew out, rolling down in the snow.

—20191 Seeing this injury makes people take a breath of cold air. At the same time, Xueyue is already grabbing the sword of choice and swept in the other direction. The armor-smashing blow left a mark on the boss and brought out 5000 points. The left and right damage numbers will instantly switch the sword of choice to the national gall bladder, and the two swords successively scream and bring out damage in the vicinity of two thousand.

My distant sentry missile whistled out, but at this time Bingya Dragon's head looked at me and spit out the air-conditioning. I hurried away, but a group of foreigners around me could not do it, although they flashed, but the speed was not as fast as the biochemical explosion. At a time, more than a dozen foreigners were frozen, followed by a dragon tail sweeping the frozen people into scum.

Yun Lan flew from behind the BOSS, and the lightning dance + dazzling serial strikes continuously attacked, bringing out a series of damage figures --- 511-572-591-581-601

"No!" Yun Lan rounded out the beautiful beauty, although the damage of this multi-stage attack is not high, but it is not so low!

The ice tooth dragon that was attacked again was completely angry, inciting the huge body of the wings to fly up, a mouthful of air-conditioning, the air-conditioning fell to the ground and violently exploded, and the player within the range was almost unbearable.

In the blink of an eye, seventy or eighty people were killed under its cold air. Among them were our Dragon Tooth players and foreigners. After finishing the move, the body turned and swung down fiercely, it seems that it looks I threaten it the most.

Since you are here, I will not show weakness, the Dragon's charge will be launched, and it will turn into a blue light dragon!

"Boom", the two sides collided together.

The ice tooth dragon groaned from the air and slid for a while, but it was worse on my side, and it fell and tumbled out from the air. The pair of fangs of ice tooth dragon was not covered by the biochemical explosive dragon. Armor, even the flesh inside the armor belt torn off a piece.

"Damn!" A low-drinking voice canceled the transformation and let the biochemical explosive dragon rest for a while, followed by finding Gallulu, turning the amber dragon into a dragon arm, and following the contract to summon the beast, Wolf King, Water Dragon, Thunder Eagle , The Breath Dog, and the Trolls have summoned and sent them up.

Although the impact just failed, Bingya Dragon also looked around for something good. The body appeared to pause for four weeks and players rushed to attack Bingya Dragon, but Bingya Dragon as a king-level BOSS naturally would not wait.

With a bow of the dragon's spine, ice thorns with a length of more than one meter appeared on the back of the ice tooth dragon, followed by these ice thorns, and blasted to the surroundings with a split head and face. The ice tooth dragon forced the surrounding players to open Defend your own defense skills against the numerous ice spikes that have been shot madly ——— 15782—14029—17435—15192

NND, the king-level boss is really terrible. This blockbuster is like a heavy rain attack. In the blink of an eye, there are no fewer than 20 players hanging in this ice thorn rain. Others are either late or have equipment and health. Very high, escaped.

"Fuck, this BOSS is too powerful." Ye Shuang couldn't help but said, just now the boy was almost buried in this large icy rain.

I laughed: "Not powerful, it is not a king-level boss." Speaking with the summoned beasts, the ice-toothed dragon just after the ice spikes once again blew air-conditioning, and I also directed Gallulu to blast and breathe, The two air streams contacted a violent explosion in the air, and I immediately launched the Dragon's Charge once again and came forward. This accurate hit was followed by a black dragon stab. — 3029—5092 BOSS was successfully stunned for two seconds and was fainted. At the moment of dizziness, the death call was activated, destroying the critical hits, breaking the barriers, annihilating the barriers, and cutting the ice and snow for three consecutive times. Of course, it wasn't just other melee players around me that had a shot. A group of archers and mage players in the rear launched attacks.

The time of two seconds passed quickly. After that, Bingyalong opened his arms to the left and right, and suddenly opened his mouth after waving for a while. A large group of air-conditioning sprayed out along a whole line. Suddenly, players on this line became The ice lolly, followed by the claws, turned into scum and died. The priest player was not treated at all, but the most terrible thing was that the sprayed ice cone hit the ice cone and died.

In the last two hours, the blood of Icetooth Dragon has fallen below 40%, and the players around us have already died. Fortunately, half a hour after the battle, my reinforcements reached forty minutes. The two bosses are also a 165 king-level boss named Binggelong. The last boss has not been found. Besides, in the valley now, we are basically all players of the dragon tooth, and there are less than a hundred foreigners. Players are completely negligible to us.

However, BOSS is extremely fierce. We are not afraid of many people. The hatred of high-end BOSS is not what you say. It depends on it to judge who attacks.


The huge roar was deafening, and ice spikes formed on the back again!

"Fast defense, long-range career back!" Shouted at the same time, the ice thorns burst out like a locust shower.


Soul Shield!

White Dragon Shield!

The three-layer shield was turned on and then the flashlight fire was fired. Several zigzag lines were continuously walked out to avoid the attack as much as possible. After ten seconds, the ice spikes were over. The durability of the shield was also consumed, and then backed up. step.


The water whip whistled out, immediately entangled BOSS. At the same time that the Icetooth Dragon was entangled, the players surrounded them, and the sharp blades rushed to death. After a mess, the **** time disappeared, and the black **** launched the destruction journey Then you need to stun it, but the icetooth dragon roars and the whole body of ice spikes soars. The melee players around the body are punctured by the ice spikes in no particular order. Make a short-range teleport to the black god.


The ice thorn stayed for two seconds and ended, but after the end, it followed the BOSS and then blew air-conditioning, and immediately made the surrounding players screaming, and the minimum is 5W + damage. Not alive at all.

"Everyone spread out and share hatred!" High-level BOSS will not let players pull hatred, only rely on continuous attacks by multiple people, so that hatred is kept to the front MT at a minimum to ensure complete behind.


The battle lasted for half an hour, and the BOSS finally came to the end of his life. With less than 15% of his health left, a dragon tooth player shouted at this meeting: "President! Not good, Someone is over there! "

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