Master Summoner Online

Chapter 906: Melee starts

BOSS lifted his feet high, followed by a fierce step on the circle of flames and opened up in all directions, and 4 cavalry fell to the pool of blood. Many cavalry soldiers in the surrounding blood retreated, not at all. Dare to approach the BOSS, because once you approach a small life, you can't keep it.

After about five minutes, the group was almost dead. If nothing unexpected happened, the soldiers in the front would be gone in a minute or two, and the long-range occupation behind the soldiers who lost their cover would be killed in seconds.

At this time, a large number of players appeared in the northeast. In fact, there were more than one group. Players appeared in all directions. It seems a bit troublesome.

Only Long Xin sent a message: "Brother, how is your situation over there? We are almost there."

I replied: "There are more and more players, and the situation has become troublesome!"

"Then you have to stand up."

"hope so."


The number of players below is getting less and less, and has begun to retreat, Tian Zhao shouted: "Look at the master, Chess Corps!"

In the distance, the thunderstorm riding two headed war tigers led a group of red cloud iron riders and purple thunder iron riders to kill the boss faster than other players, and yelled loudly as they ran: "Brothers! This boss belongs to We in China, kill the enemy, destroy the BOSS! Chess Corps! Kill! "

A large group of soldiers from the Chess Corps held up their weapons and shouted, "Kill!"

Seeing this menacing killing, these people who are still fighting against BOSS are very unwilling. BOSS has already consumed a lot of their blood. It is really difficult to give up, but now the situation is not impossible. If you do n’t want to let yourself be fully accounted for here, the player who has to bite the teeth and yells in his native language should be the word retreat. The people around him are extremely unwilling to follow and start to evacuate ...

But the words of this thunderstorm yelled, "Badao, you take a group of purple thunder irons to destroy those foreigners, and the others will deal with the boss with me."

Behind him, a group of purple thunder iron riders, led by a player carrying a giant sword, rushed towards the beginning of the retreating foreign players, this group of people is really fierce.

Forget about this group of people and I have no reason to save them. In addition, I also left the place to change places, and if I saw me, I would come to clean up me.

At the back of a large rock, leaning on the rock to block the view while looking at the people in the Chess Corps. This group of people encountered the same situation as the foreign players before when they met the death flame giant, and the BOSS physical attack immunity was abolished. All melee units.

"Why can't this boss fight?" Shouted a Hongyun Tieqi.

"This BOSS must have immunity to physical attacks. All the cavalry set up their formations. The Red Cloud Iron rides in front of the Purple Thunder Iron Ride. The priest mainly provides blood to the Red Cloud Iron Ride. All auxiliary skills are applied to the magician! The immune physical attacks will not necessarily Immune to magic attacks. "Thunderstorm began to order.

At the next moment, the soldier's defense front was set off. The Chess Corps was originally a soldier. The various team formations were much larger than those of other players' guilds. Soon a set of very strong fronts unfolded. After this, BOSS raised his mouth and mumbled for a while. Large fireballs fall in the sky. Each fireball is more than two meters in diameter!

"Master! Overhead!" The black **** exclaimed, and when I looked up, I saw a fireball falling straight towards me, I lean! I cursed and hurriedly took the beautiful bodyguard to leave the place, but at this time, there were constant fireballs around me, NDD, since the fireball range exceeded a hundred meters, it was too exaggerated!

This is not even after the fireball hits the ground and causes an impact and an explosion at the same time. The explosion sounds around me constantly. The ground was pitted with fireballs. The ground around the pits had cracks, and the earth and stones cracked and collapsed. .

Quickly pulled out the dimension anchor to find a position anywhere, the space cracked a little black seam, and quickly took the beautiful bodyguard to hide in. After we entered, the crack disappeared.

Fortunately, we have this dimension anchor. The four-dimensional space opened by the dimension anchor belongs to another completely different space. The BOSS at that end is ten times more powerful and cannot attack me.

However, this place is not comfortable at all. There is no trace of air in it. I feel suffocated and uncomfortable. The endurance value starts to drop. If the endurance value drops to zero, I will be suffocated. General flexion.

But you ca n’t see the outside from the inside. However, after five minutes, I think BOSS has finished the big move, so I pulled out the dimension anchor, a crack appeared, and quickly drew my head out and took a big breath. Then spit it out, it's so uncomfortable!

After I walked out, the black **** Tianzhao followed him, and when I came outside, I saw a lot of players here at this moment, and the Death Flame giant on the other side was still strong.


"Brother, brother, we have arrived where you are." Long Xin sent a message and I immediately responded: "Don't worry about where I am, immediately prepare to hit BOSS! Take my attack as a signal!"

"Understand!" Long Xin responded quickly.

Take out an active stone to return the endurance value, and then see the battle situation. At this time, the battle situation is very chaotic. Many players attack the boss and each other PK, the scene is extremely chaotic.

Quickly found a relatively fragile position, and then shouted, "Everyone is coming out!" The next few rounds of summoning circle around me turned, all my summoned beasts from the wolf emperor to the ark all appeared, with a big hand waving, calling behind The beasts roared and killed forward!

The first to respond were a group of magicians and archers, who flung me a wave of arrow rain and dazzling magic skills.

Three layers of shields were opened to carry massive long-range attacks. The three layers of shields were torn like paper, followed by many attacks that fell on me. The blood volume was drastically reduced, and I quickly took out one. Bloodstone instantly replenishes the entire amount of blood.

Then the dragon gun stabbed to the ground, and the earth and rocks burst apart, one after another, the dragon-shaped air waves cut from the ground and soared into the sky, crisscrossing, and leaving deep cracks on the ground!

Ahhhhh ...

A series of screaming sounds came and went. I do n’t know which country's magician archers were instantly killed on the spot, followed by the dragon gun and bombarded the ground, then a wave of dragon-shaped blood waves spread in all directions and destroyed the soul of the dragon. Out of a vacuum zone, the summoned beast also played, and the breath of Amber Dragon and Ark whistled out very fiercely.

Ahhhhh ...

After a scream, a path of more than fifty meters and a path of hundreds of meters was emptied from the ground with at least a hundred corpses lying on it.

Yanyu Liunian laughed with a pair of swords: "The signal from the beast **** is coming, everyone rushes!"

Lonely sang and sang on the head of the giant Triceratops: "BOSS ours, punch me, all but those in front of us, kill without pardon!"

Speaking of it, Triceratops rushed out on the weighing step. On the left side of the Triceratops was the Dragon Rider's Raptor Cavalry. On the right was the War Soul Warrior Bear Cavalry and the War Soul's Invincible Air Force Flying Dragon Cavalry.


Although our appearance did not set off a lot of waves that could be attacked by our players, it was miserable. The sudden attack caused them heavy losses. The old cow laughed riding the dragon, and the dragon first paralyzed a group of people with a thunder. Follow the old cow to launch the additional skills of the Tomahawk in his hand to tear up the two players instantly, followed by the smoke and rain and the fierce blood flying to kill, four swords flying in the crowd, and no less than ten fell in the blink of an eye. Under their sword.

The Bone Batman in the air spurted out the spurs of the sky, followed by a pretty figure and passed by a group of players, and the group fell to the ground. The cooperation between the night and the Bone Batman was impeccable, and most people couldn't resist it!

An iron hoof smashed directly on the surface, and the player around the Winged Conqueror could not stop the rubber sticky man, and the battle horse roared like a roar of a dragon!

"Furious Thunder Slaying the Dragon!"

The wings of the conqueror raised their heads high and then split off. The next moment, the sword's body glowed with extremely dazzling thunder. Following the thunder, it turned into a twenty-meter-long thunder dragon and landed in the crowd. The horrifying thunderstorm raged on. Here, Thunder Dragon wandered through the crowd for five seconds, and strangled the surrounding Bailai people cleanly!


Suddenly there was an explosion, and a Raptor Cavalry was blown into four pieces and flew out. Even the mount fell to the ground in two and turned into a white light. A crowd wearing a red armor holding a golden handle came out of the crowd. A warrior with a sword of flame appeared, followed closely by this man to cut off the head of a bear cavalry.

Just as this man was about to attack the other, a young girl wearing a silver mask flanked by a pair of swords to kill him. Once he came up, the two swords fell down one after another and hurriedly carried a sword to parry, but could not withstand the fierceness of Xueyue. The offensive continued to retreat. This time, Yun Lan appeared the man's rear fists combined and pushed forward an energy body shaped in the shape of the ice tooth dragon's head, flying out, biting the person in a bite, and the person's eyes were full. Unspeakable.


"Come on! Take over the boss, and the soldiers will stop the magician to continue attacking!" I cried.

At the same time, loneliness sang to launch the Quake Hammer to kill more than 40,000 HP of the boss, forcing the boss' attention to me. Boss was about 30% of the blood, and it was not difficult to kill the treasure. It's troublesome.

At this moment, we suddenly killed a group of people with us west. The person I saw was the guy from the Holy Cross. Looking at this group of men and women, they would launch an offensive. I cried out, "Who leads the team to block them? Come down! "

At this moment, the fierce dragon cavalry who is still dancing in the fire and phoenix took the initiative to fight, and came forward to resist, while the bear cavalry of the fighting spirit also blocked a group of players from Myanmar from the east.

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