Master Summoner Online

Chapter 918: Bloodbone Ring

A little bit, there are fifteen black-handed players, surrounded by about 300 gravel ramblers. There are five soldiers and an angel with a pair of white wings and delicate armor, holding a two-handed sword. Clan Summon Beast. Within the circle are five mages and two archers and two priests.

Hmm ... hmm ... BoomBoomBoom ...

The sword air knife wind, the magic arrow, attacked the surrounding rambler crazyly, and these players, at the same time, were stabbed by the surrounding rambler's spear, and the damage was crazy, but the two priests, one man and one woman, cooperated very well. Okay, the scepter waved the light of healing to spread in all directions, quickly recovering the lost blood of everyone.

Although there are a large number of ramblers, after these people form a small circle, they can really besieged and come in contact. There are only a few of them. The latter can only dry out, but they cannot be attacked. The outermost are not standing. Moved, holding a silver gun in hand.

I saw one of these five magicians wearing a black cloak and could not see the gender. A metal gloved hand protruded from the sleeve of the right hand of this man's cloak, but it was strange This one is holding a lantern that emits a dark green light.

The light emitted by this lantern will form a layer of dark green shield on the peripheral players. The shield is very fragile and almost broke after two or three hits. However, the shield is generated very quickly. Reborn.

And this person was so amazing that he held a sickle wrapped in a chain around his left hand, raised the sickle high, and saw the pitch-dark javelins emerging from the sky, shooting like a fire and rain, walking one by one The man was miserably pierced through the body and nailed to the ground.

With the cooperation of others, for a while, the ramblers howled and fell down, and these people were under the double protection of the priest and the shield, which just blocked the impact of the ramblers.

In view of this situation, these other walkers are appropriate, and they do not intend to intervene casually. In general, do not disturb others, unless the other party is really in danger of death, otherwise, do not shoot, like this It's easy to cause trouble and righteousness.

As I was about to leave, I saw white energy corpses emerging from the dead rambler, and then these energy corpses were sucked in by the lamp like a giant whale swallowing water.

At this moment, the biochemical explosive dragon suddenly said: "This guy is absorbing the source material, and it is unforgivable, the source material is mine!" He strode forward.

Immediately I felt bad, and rushed to make a counter-call!

"Ding ~! You summon the beast and refuse to execute your order ~!"

by! This guy has the same personality as the Ark. The biochemical explosive dragon has rushed up like a gust of wind, and then the claws and laser blades are waving. Immediately, the rambler hears a miserable burst, and three heads die instantly and devour their source matter.

I quickly rushed out and shouted, "Stop the biochemical dragon !!!!"

"No! I won't stop until I have collected the source material." While not forgetting to attack, he also sent out a sentry missile, flying all the broken arms and legs of a rambler.

"Hand over the source matter!" The biochemical dragon snarled and launched the launchers on both sides of the shoulder, followed by a series of missiles bursting out!

Burst and kill!

Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

As a missile screamed, it quickly dispersed and exploded in all directions. With a huge roar, a large row of gorgeous numbers came out. At this moment, hundreds of ramblers were shrouded in the sky, followed by the lightning messenger and countless missiles. Out, hit the ramblers accurately.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

A series of explosions rang again, leaving only scorched earth on the ground, and there were countless sparks flashing on it, and a series of damage numbers burst out again!



Suddenly, bursting A killed a group of ramblers and caused two waves of black-handed warrior players at the same time. At this moment, they also suffered a serious impact, causing the blood-filled bar to drop a lot.

At this moment, the players of the black hand guild seemed very angry to me at this moment.

"I depend! Who are you! Do you dare to rob?"

"I R! Are you tired of TM? You're almost dead!"


I was just wondering if I would bother you now, and the trouble is here again. This misunderstanding is really troublesome.

"Shit! Grab us and blame you, pay for it!" If you think what to do next, a soldier has already attacked himself like a storm.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

The dense metal collision sounded. Fortunately, my brother responded quickly and made him sneak attack successfully. It is estimated that the gutter will overturn the ship!

Forget it now that they can listen to everything, put them flat and sit down and talk about it, yelling!

The kick rushed out, and the other party should also pounce on him. The guy did n’t mount, did n’t know if it was hung or did n’t catch it. I saw the dark red light on this man ’s sword. Destroyed blow!

I quickly attacked with a slam attack. This attack was completely defended. I was not immune to the knockback effect. I was gliding backwards except for a distance of four or five meters. "Charge! Shield strike!" At the moment of the knockback, the effect of the recruitment of the knight recruitment combo charge + shield strike is not ordinary, but I have no time to bear it.

"Dragon's Charge!"

Brush it, the knight's body was hit directly like a dangerous kite, and a stone pillar more than three meters high collapsed almost ten meters away.


Several people around were suddenly shocked.

"Boy, dare to hurt my elder brother!" That day, he actually uttered a word. This is a druid in a transformed state. This man stabbed at himself with a sword, followed by a crushing blow. Falling with the devastating blow, the angel's body trembled violently.

—17470—17381 is indeed a beast. Otherwise, any attack that blocked me will be defeated by two moves. At the same time, the body will be up and the opponent is ready to fight back, but he has no time to do that, because he found that I left my claw to strike , Dragon Claw plunged into his breastplate very easily!

"Grab it!"

The armor was humming, and his body flew out, his blood was greatly reduced, and he dared not to come up, as did everyone else.

After I played the biochemical explosive dragon here, I was still killing the rambler. This will bring together other black hand guild players. These portraits are not too dare to get up, and I will not take the initiative to challenge.

Just now I was repelled. The two also recovered under the treatment of the priest. At this time, a long beep came from the sky. With this long beep, a huge bird in the sky appeared like an ice crystal bird. No need to ask is the ice crystal phoenix of Xueyue.

Then there was a roar from a distance, followed by a fiery beast wearing a red armor, and the flame-burning beast leapt out of the stone pillar forest, and it seemed that Yun Lan had also come.

In less than ten seconds, the ice crystal phoenix fell from the air, and a beautiful blue-haired beauty warrior carrying a sword and shield on her back jumped off. At the same time, a soft female gladiator and a red-haired cute were jumping on the lion. Female mage.

The three came together to my side, Long Xin said, "Brother who bullied you, your old girl avenged you."

I laughed and said, "It's always my brother who bullies others, and that other person bullies your brother and me."

"What's the situation?" Long Xin asked.

Someone on the other side said, "Your brother robbed us."

Long Xin nodded and said, "That's the case, why don't you clear up the blame with the stranger, so it will save you a lot of trouble."

As soon as the words came out, the face turned into a pig's liver and lungs.

Just here--

"Ding ~! Player: Ling Feng Wu (US area) won a treasure: Bloodbone Demon Ring ~!"

Uh, the Americans move really fast, so the first BOSS got the treasure so quickly. This is an archer player among the players of the black hand guild. This person is carrying a blue crossbow. The middle said: "I said if you can calm down, these monsters are okay."

Another archer said: "Hey! Wind hymn, which side of this guy are you on?"

Just then another soldier suddenly shouted anxiously: "Everyone go quickly, the chairman is besieged by a group of foreigners, we will go and help."

"What to do with this thing?" Asked the male pastor.

The soldier cursed at the priest: "You are stupid, just a few heads. If the president is killed by a foreigner, you will bear this responsibility."

Suddenly, the pastor had nothing to say. At this time, the archer named Wind Praise ran to me and said, "Some friends, if you can accompany me to solve those foreigners who help us to make a siege, then This matter is fine. "

"Okay, tell me, coordinates!" It's best to turn Gan Ge into Yuzhu without meeting soldiers.

"All right, come with me, I will take you."



Following the players of this black hand guild, Xueyue asked: "Do you want to win over this black hand guild?"

"of course not."

"what is that?"

I smiled: "Also, it's easier to make trial points for foreigners than to kill monsters !!"

"Yeah, yeah! There are 100 trial points for killing, and equipment will burst." Yun Lan laughed.


Quickly cleared the battlefield, summoned the beast to open the road in front, and successfully rushed out of the stone pillar forest. After running for twenty minutes and minutes with the black-handed player, a large group of people appeared in front of me. I do n’t know which country's players, the number is about two hundred people. Right and left, there are thirty or forty players in the Black Hand Guild. Some of them are mixed with some ramblers on the ground. There have been more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground. Axe is exactly the headshot.

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