Master Summoner Online

Chapter 923: Magic glasses

The battle lasted for an entire hour.

The eye of the curse has reached the end of the strong crossbow. Numerous beams of light on the huge body shot out of its eyes. The players around the ground rock swept across and uttered a scream. Those who were directly swept by the beam of light instantly ate gray smoke. After finishing this trick, the huge body of Eye of Cursing was half-knelt on the ground, and the phantom dragon's gun was fired. Four or five heads of phantom dragons were wrapped around this guy's body. The crazy energy generated by the explosion swept it up and swept away. His body was attacked by thousands of players around him, and his body was beaten upside down.

"Roar!" The Cursed Eye was almost at the end of its life, and saw that this guy's tentacle-shaped hands turned into a pair of dark blades, rushing up with madness, the countless eyes of his body constantly blasting out the beam of light, BOSS has begun the final It ’s violent, so are the players. Countless arrows, sword winds, sword qi, magic elements, greet the eyes of the cursed, the eyes of the cursed eyes emit light sweeping within 100 meters, dozens of players This terrible beam of light hit, hopelessly.

Immediately following this cursed eye was very angry, waving his hands that turned into blades, flickered out suddenly, sickle waved, two players flung up and fell down with a broken waist, as it continued to advance, The arms also kept harvesting the life of the strong, just a few breaths, at least more than fifteen players fell under its sickle arm.

Let the summoned beasts spread out and spread their attacks. At the same time, they rushed towards the main body of BOSS, swept away by the destruction of the Dragon Soul, and the BOSS fell into the sky, followed by the dragon gun and lifted the blood dragon waves. Stir in BOSS.

After the dragon soul was destroyed, he said nothing, but just threw out the dragon gun in his hand.

"Red Dragon growls!"

The red dragon fell, roaring its claws, and a pair of sickles of the cursed eye flew up to meet the dragon, connecting them with four hits, but it took a hard step to block the dragon's four claws.

The red dragon roar attracted the other's attention, and he rushed silently from the other side, and started the dragon's charge. This guy responded quickly, a pair of sickle arms flew together, and suddenly slammed together again.

"The potential exploded!" With a roar, the dragon's charge was greatly increased in an instant. The pair of dragon's charge that was so powerful could not be resisted at all. In a blink of an eye, they were shattered apart. With a loud cry, this guy has already There is not much blood, this blow ends it, the double palms are turned into dragon claws, and they are directly pressed onto a large eye on the body of this cursed eye. The death call, the energy explodes, and the cannons start one after another. The casts were cast one after another, the big eyes were torn apart a little bit, and finally the cursed eye made a scream of howl, and finally the dragon's roar was launched, accompanied by a loud dragon yin, taking away the last blood The energy blasted through this guy's body, and finally it was completely blown into fly ash, which disappeared.

After bombarding this guy, I already had enough experience slots to be filled, the level was increased to 154, and the trial points also soared 1.2 million points. If this tour of the ruins is the most rewarding, it should be the trial points. Already.

The death of BOSS left a lot of spoils. Among all the spoils, one of the most conspicuous ones I saw was a diamond-shaped mirror. The closed eyes that can be seen in the mirror, did not want to directly open the electric light fire toward the ground. Something rushed over, and suddenly there was a wrong figure. Two were faster than me, and one of them blocked in front of me.

The spear that the other side protruded hit my breastplate, and a flash of the side of the body immediately followed the sacrifice of the sharp knife, the huge steel blade was cut off, and the iron gun was cut off with a slap, and even the equipment was destroyed. I do n’t remember that this property has this property. Seeing that this thing has run out? Forget it for whatever reason, this is not a matter, the soldier who was chopped off my weapon was angry.

"Stop it for me!" With this loud scream, Baigui Night Walk launched a roaring cube to cover the guy's face directly, and flew away for dozens of meters!

But at this meeting-"Ding ~! Player Shitoro (Yamato Ward) gets treasure: magic glasses ~!"

Relying on the little devil dare to take advantage of the fire! Against him!

"Let Lao Tzu die!" Reached out the dragon gun and returned to his hands, and the surrounding beasts quickly moved towards this guy!

I just picked up the treasure, and saw a large group of people killing him aggressively, turning around and escaping without thinking, I rushed up with a heroic charge, and instantly got closer!

I saw that the goods turned around while emitting a faint light on my body. This skill I know is a lurking camouflage skill. This trick is different from the assassin's stealth technique. It is very different from stealth, but camouflage consumes a certain amount of magic. Stealth has been maintained for a period of time. Occupation time will appear after the attack, unlike the assassin stealth, which will immediately appear during the attack. Of course, there is a flaw in camouflage. When running, a hazy shadow appears from time to time. This shadow may be ignored in the eyes of rookies, but it is very fatal to deal with the hazy shadow of masters.

Around this time, the archers all sent the lighting arrows to the sky. The world turned into daylight. The lighting arrows can be hidden, and the camouflage is invisible. Naturally, it can be illuminated. This is not necessary. Remove the camouflage and continue to maintain the camouflage running to fight out of the range of lighting arrows. I am the fastest among all people. There is still a distance between the people behind the electric light fire and the opened thermal scan staring at him fiercely. He is Can't run away.

This person knew that he couldn't shake me, since turning back, he turned his right hand to show a large purple bow, and hit the bowstring.

Suddenly, an arrow turned into a purple light. At the same time, his figure flickered, and he stepped back in a zigzag position. His foot was constantly stepping on the ground. Wherever he stepped on, a circle of metal appeared. Objects.

Sideways dodging purple light, in addition to this round metal object, I know this is the skill of the lurker. There are two ways to recruit females. Spider mines and widow mines. The spider mines are in front of me. They were first called small mines and later system skills. The revised version was reworked into a spider mine, and as long as the shock wave fluctuated, it could explode.

The other widow was more powerful than the spider, but there was a delay before the thing was set, and it couldn't be deployed in this way.

In the blink of an eye, this guy exploded all the way while deploying spider mines in the passing section. The eyes were full of dense spider mines, but this density was not enough. I can see that there are more dense deployments than this.

It is not impossible to pass through here reliably, but this is a waste of time and it is easy to be run by this guy. You must know that the lurker is faster than the assassin. Without saying a word, it is covered with attack, soul shield, The White Dragon Shield turned on, then activated the Heroic Charge again to make a short follow-up.

"Boom boom!" An amazing explosion immediately occurred. A long howling blasted the ground with a dragon gun, sweeping out the destruction of the dragon soul, and even actively detonated all spider mines. Seeing that I played the cards in such an irregular manner, this was an instant for the Japanese lurkers. The color changed greatly, and he continued to step back in shock. You Longbu turned on the electric light fire and burst out of the dazzling fire light caused by this crazy explosion.

"Oh ~!" I rushed to him in an instant and shot quickly. The dragon gun with thorns and picks left two cuts directly on this guy's body, but ...


I go! The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and the lurker's high agility and high avoidance were not a joke. Looking at such a scene, the devil sneered. The bow and arrow were no longer effective, but he did not forget to use the secondary weapon to counterattack and burst out a dagger. The speed of the dagger was too fast, plus the attack speed of the lurker and the very BT, which caused me to be stabbed.

When he stabbed me, my left hand's fast claws, this guy ’s arm, specializes in my strength of three or four hundred. If you are a full-minded plus a lurker, you can get rid of it, then there is a ghost, and the dragon holding it in the other hand The gun started the barricade to break through and exploded, and it even made a "chuckling" crisp sound, punching a large hole in the lurker's chest.

—37499 The guy was very reluctant to wipe out the white light and disappeared. The treasure and a pair of shoes and a few dry grains were already potion. He quickly collected the treasures and boots and backpack. At this moment, he saw a large group rushing towards himself.

"Nirvana goes to the air! The other Dragon Tooth beating players quickly break away from the battle." After speaking in the channel, he slammed on the ground with a palm, and the black water jet bursting out of the zone, turning it into a water blade, empty Dancing, rushing towards the players who rushed up around me. In addition, I can control the water blade to attack the soldiers' mounts. Under the terrifying power of the water blades, these wolves and leopards have shattered.

All the others turned back.

One by one water blade bombardment is not counted. A loud scream activates an armed storm, and a hurricane with countless swords rises from the rise of the earth. Then the starfall calls for dozens of meteor stars to fall, "Boom", "Boom" There was a loud noise, and the meteor fell to the ground. There were numerous black cracks like spider webs on the ground. Many people rushed out and slammed out. "Everyone comes back!" The beasts were called back to transform. Start, turn into an amber dragon and fly to the sky instantly. Follow the teleportation of the soul to transport the black **** on the ground to himself. The body flies hundreds of meters high. These players who have no flying summons or flying Warcraft mounts only Waiting for the dryness on the ground was helpless.

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