Master Summoner Online

Chapter 927: Gaia boulders

Fifteen minutes later, when I arrived at the coordinates, I saw that the location was in the valley, and not far from the entrance, I saw a large group of players guarding the entrance. These are mostly French. There are also some other small countries. Belgium, Andorra. Ah Luxembourg is a guy on the same server as France.

A large number of Chinese players in the periphery started a fierce battle with each other. Among them, I saw Chinese players. I saw war spirit players.

"Sparkfire Hagiwara!"

Lonely stood on the head of the giant triceratops singing, drinking softly, and the flame of his left palm was so strong that he burst into a fierce sea and fell into the formation of more than 100 of them on the spot.

Suddenly, in the sea of ​​burning flames, a scream and a large number of damage were immediately heard, and the players below directly blasted out a potion of equipment. After the battle spirit, the Chinese Guild appeared one after another. When the forces emerge, you can see the sea, Mingshen, and Rose knowing the guild.

Our side also descended, Feng Xiaoyue re-summoned the raptors, and I changed back into a human form, calling the beasts to rush in during the handover.

Ahhhhh ...

A series of little-known little country players screaming in front of me were killed instantly.

"Brother! Here!"

Long Xin's voice came. I turned around and looked at it. Long Xin waved to me outside the white rice fast west of me. The MMs around her and the student union were already the teeth of the dragon. My wind and Xiaoyue were still dark. The skylight and the summoned beasts quickly merged with them, and I said, "Follow me, the door is just a **** with less than five combat powers. There is no need to entangle with them. What we have to do is rush in to grab the boss and kill France. Robber. "


Our dragon tooth is the vanguard of war spirits and other guilds behind us. The weapons in the hands of the players in front of us are gleaming. At this moment, I found that more than 60% of the group are warriors, 25% are mainly priests, and 20% are bows. The hand is made up of 5% summoner. There was no shadow of a magician in the crowd.

The effect of using soldiers to put people on the wall is really good, coupled with the rear priest and the summoning beast that serves as cannon fodder. From this it can be inferred that the BOSS inside is bound to be a physical defense super high magic defense extremely low existence, otherwise it will never leave a magician here.

In other words, without the powerful magical support of a magician, it is easier to break the wall in front of you.


With a low drink in my mouth, I raised my hand to summon a meteor falling.

"Boom boom."

A gap was blasted directly on the wall of the person, but just after the bombing, a large dense rain of arrows swept across the sky and fell towards us like a group of locusts.

Lonely singing decisively shouted: "Bear Cavalry lifts a shield!"

The Raptors of the first line backed up immediately. The bear cavalry behind them immediately raised their shields and the Raptors slowed down when they retreated.

"Hmm ..."

The arrow rain fell, and the thick-skinned bear cavalry said that the attack was like tickling. The blood loss was only a few hundred points, but the blood of a few soldiers had accumulated. Most of the time, but still insisting on the charge, under the severe arrow rain, a white light flashed, the first cavalry hung up, the battle bear roared and fell to the ground, and the soldier also fell to the ground.

The adversary's front is very soon. Although the sacrifices of a dozen bear cavalry have been paid, their sacrifice is worth me. I shouted, "Raptors! Kill me!"

The ordered Raptor Cavalry smashed up very fast. The competition was pure power points. So far, no one other than that Raptors can collide with my Raptor Cavalry. The fighting power of these small nations is not very high. Gao, the short soldiers were able to resist such an attack that was not enough. Thirty minutes later, all the players in these small countries were blocked ...

Just after the last player lay down, the entire valley entrance was full of corpses, and it was also mixed with a lot of shiny potion equipment and money, leaving the players with hands and feet to clean the battlefield. And, so the captain of the cavalry turned into the hand of the nether, and the nether Kaifei would lead the cavalry into the deep valley first.

The cavalry was in front of us, not too far behind, and there were dense heads in front of it, and it turned out that there were a lot of people. It seems that this group of French wanted to monopolize this BOSS. Among the crowd was a huge 30 meters high Rock giant, whose body is made up of huge scarlet rocks with white gas, called Gaia Giant Rock. This Gaia Giant Rock, regardless of its huge size, can fight without muddy water. During the roar, the huge rock fists flutter. , "Papapa" shot each French cavalry to death. The 175-level king-level boss is so powerful that it can be dealt with by no more than a dozen people.

When we arrived, we saw that the cavalry brought by the ghost in front was trembling in this large group of French magicians. The opponent had absolute distance and firepower advantages. The cavalry brought by the ghost was difficult to pass through the thunder pool built by these people. This group of magicians Summoned countless magic elements to come, and set up a fire net on the front line. When we arrived behind, we saw the bodies of hundreds of cavalry lying on the ground and dropped in the square. After a dozen long-range skills killed a mage, he was killed Countless magics are pushing back.

"NND, this group of French TM is also too strong." Youm grumbled angrily.

"Don't be afraid, let's rush again, the team behind will follow up, and a group of mages will finish playing as long as they are close." The rubber stickman said.

Ghost nodded and said, "Okay. Brothers, follow me again!"

The legend also smiled throughout his life: "All the archers over 150 levels have grouped me, and opened the eyes of the hawks at the beginning of the cold, let them try the taste of all arrows!"

"I see!" Chu Han rides the ghost wolf king, and the ghost wolf king jumps out, a ghost image of an eagle's head emerges from behind, the ghost image disappears. Hands tie players together and stand in rows.

The cavalry in front carried the opponent's magic, and the legendary life in the rear and others entered under the cover of our magician. The range, the legendary life said: "Everyone prepare, tear me up their front!" The archers opened their bows, The range of the bow is basically about one hundred meters. Now Hawkeye has increased the distance by 50% and has a 150-meter range arrow, which is very scary.

"Attack !!" The legend commanded throughout his life.

The archers fired hundreds of arrows into the opposing camp at almost the same time. Under such a dense attack, no one could be harmless. Not to mention that among the hundreds of arrows flying to him, many were poisonous arrows that had been poisoned, and there were even a few magical arrows with added magic value.

Subsequently, the magician shot. The original cover was to launch a comprehensive attack. Almost all the magicians used their most powerful magic. Fire-ball fireballs, wind-based wind blades and dances, ice-based ice storms, earth-based core bursts, and thunder-based lightning storms, in which loneliness sings with one hand to summon orange-red fireballs, rain Falling Dust Dance also sends out blue wind blades to the enemy.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" Just a few moments, countless arrows were shot on the opponent's magician, one by one like a hedgehog. Among them, several magic arrows even penetrated their bodies, and even some unlucky people left several transparent holes in their bodies.

"Boom", and then all the magic hit, the other party instantly fell into the ocean of elements, and a huge explosion occurred at the same time. The violent explosion drove us up and the cavalry forced us back more than ten steps.


The rubber man pulled out the wings of the conqueror and laughed: "Attack!"

Having said that, he had already rushed out for the first time, and the sword sharpened, two consecutive mass killing skills broke out in the crowd, causing a group of mage to fall to the ground instantly, endure the previous attacks, and the shields that survived were almost the same. To be broken, the thin body of the magician without a shield could bear the slash of the soldier.

While the rubber stickman rushed up, the other cavalry launched an impact, and we opened the channel to other Chinese players to take the opportunity to enter.

"Continue to attack! Don't give them a chance to breathe." He rushed up with the summoned beast, and instantly swept away, while others immediately issued an attack command.

Countless arrows and magic once again filled the sky above this valley, as if it were gorgeous and colorful, but this gorgeous represents infinite killing. Of course, in this case, we are not launching a brain attack, but in order to maintain the continuity of the attack, the magician and archer are divided into several echelon attacks. In this way, after the attack of the current team is completed, the subsequent teams will immediately attack again and again and again to ensure that the opponent is always under the attack of magic and bow and arrow.

In an instant, we completely occupied the advantage in the field and killed the French soldiers!

But at this moment, a loud roar suddenly sounded: "Beast God, Americans have killed a lot of people! We can't stand it."

"Damn." Turning his head immediately: "Everyone who has my Dragonfang's order will turn around and kill the Yankees!"

Lonely sings: "Rubber bear cavalry to support them, this BOSS is extremely high in physical defense, you are not very useful to stay here."


In this way, a group of people came to the intersection of the valley and saw that there are many other Chinese players in this group of black cavalry. These people are mounted on the body of the horses covered with cricket shells. I found that the long guns in the hands of this group of American cavalry are very It ’s long, three meters long, and the cavalry on both sides have n’t touched yet. Our cavalry has been picked down by others. The commander of this group of cavalry has a 20-meter-long giant in his hand. He started with my dragon gun. Destroyed by a long fight, this cargo suddenly screamed, and a shot fell into the crowd, causing a lot of frost, and the surrounding players were frozen and killed by ice.


"It's him!" Yun Lan said in surprise.

"Who is he?" I asked.

Yun Landao: "Apollo, president of the Space Rover, the second guild ranked by the Holy Falcon Empire in the United States."

"Who's that first?" I asked.

Yun Lan said: "The first guild is called the Griffin Federation, and the president is a life player. The two chairmen who actually host the guild are the roar of blood and the scars of tears. They are a pair of brothers, but the relationship is not very Well, it turned out that there were actually two opposing parties in a guild, the first being the Roar of Blood and the second being the Tears of Tears. "

"Americans are really interesting. By the way, do you know what it is?" What guilds have a party in the guild, and Americans really like to engage in politics, of course, the worse and worse.

Yun Lan laughed: "I stayed in this guild before returning to China, of course I know."

"Don't talk anymore, that guy is here." Xueyue pointed at the guy waving a giant soldier in front of him and muttered. She seemed jealous.

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