Master Summoner Online

Chapter 930: Sprint

Not long after the arrival of the American reinforcements, a large group of people appeared. This would appear to be a group of cavalry soldiers who were a group of Dutch. It seems that this is another chaotic battle.

But there are a large number of Americans and a continuous stream of reinforcements. After 30 minutes of fighting, the Indians have been killed more than half. The Thunder Elephant Rider has reached only two or three floors, and the Dutch are almost the same. After all, this group of people There are very few people here, and they are purely here to make soy sauce.

Soon after another ten minutes, the Americans gradually occupied the dominant position on the battlefield. Suddenly, the beasts of this society spit out more and more thick poisonous gas. These poisonous gases turned into a bunch of poisonous blasts and blasted around. Go out and follow the sky, the sound of explosions is endless, the venoms of venom, flying and exploding in the air, the sound is horrifying, hundreds of venoms burst out from the beast, and the venom smashed the surrounding white bird riders. In the blast of crickets, one white bird after another fell like a rain.

More venom fell on the ground, and the players on the ground also suffered heavy losses. The horror of BOSS, how to not let the people below be stunned, and sucked the air-conditioned white birds riding in front of the marsh's venom, it was simply It was unbeatable. With one stroke, there were countless deaths and injuries. The remaining white bird screamed under the white bird "呱呱", and immediately scattered around the Buddha. You must not give your father and mother two more wings. In the sky with a fast casting speed, the white birds shooting dry feathers screamed one after another, and the beast attack seemed to be very focused on taking care of these guys. It seems that they have been tossing in the air for a long time, and the beast has begun to get bored.

The marsh beast directly killed more than 90% of Shiratori rides. After all, these guys are too brittle. Except for having an air advantage, they have no other advantage at all.


Shiratori rides a heavy loss of Shiratori rides, leaving the rest scattered to escape the string, for fear that the boss will kill all his people again, and after running off the annoying Shiratori, the marsh beast once again opened its mouth and opened a large green area. The poisonous mist was sprayed!

The blood of a large number of players went violently, and the poisonous mist was too deadly. Only a few well-equipped masters who were directly killed by the spike were able to escape from the deadly blood.

However, there are too many Americans. Every ten minutes, we will return to increase the number of people, unite the people before and kill the boss. However, in the face of the extremely powerful beasts, the American formation remains very reluctant. Those cannon fodder soldiers summoned beasts were almost dead batch after batch, but in the light of the priest, many of the best equipment were quickly filled after being beaten with residual blood, and rushed up to bear BOSS, and then not the residual blood retreated. Down is to be killed on the spot directly.

The warrior carried the BOSS. As for the long distance, those archers frequently opened the bowstrings, the elemental division repeatedly fireballs, ice, wind blades, ground spurs, and lightning bursts. I have to say that these long-range attacks are the real output experts. The work is completely a meat wall, and the boss is not allowed to contact these fragile mages and archers.

I know that this level of BOSS will not be blocked by soldiers for such a long time. Once there is any movement in the BOSS, Americans may suffer mass destruction, and this BOSS has evolved from the thunder beast. After playing Starcraft, I know that Thunder Beasts do n’t eat deceleration, do not eat dizziness, and do n’t eat any control skills. Instead, they have to make a rushing charge and rush to the rear of the Americans. By then, any formation will be attacked by violence.

Thirty minutes have passed, and the number of Americans is about 100,000. The reinforcements do not know when it has stopped, and more than 50,000 of them are banging at the BOSS. Others began to besiege the Indians. The marsh beast waved the giant sickle from time to time, sweeping sharply, and at least one second or thirty people were dropped in one action.

The golden eyes of the fire eye have always locked the blood volume of the BOSS. At this time, the blood volume of the marsh animal has been reduced by about 50%. This will cause the blood to fly a little impatient, and said, "I said, when do we have to wait until this time, BOSS? It is very likely that they will be taken away by the Americans, and I'm sure there will still be a large army on the road, otherwise it will not be so do not rush up. "

I chuckled: "It's okay, wait a second, right? Let's guess which side will win?"

Xueyue Meimu blinked and said, "You really have it."

Suddenly the night shouted: "You see the boss has begun ~!"

Everyone immediately turned their attention to it, and saw that the boss suddenly lifted the giant sickle into the ground, and then lifted a large piece of mud, followed by the huge body, and began to dig into the ground. I couldn't help but mind, in legend Is the charge coming soon? ?

The Americans tried to prevent the BOSS from sneaking into the ground, but the creature did not take any control skills, so the player wanted to stop it at all. It didn't take long for the whole body of the creature to go underground, about ten seconds later.


The creature's huge body emerged from under the ground at the rear of the American, directly hitting numerous remote players above it into the air for hundreds of meters, and then these people fell like rain. After emerging, it took about ten seconds and then again Drilling into the ground, and then popping up again, the Americans were all in a mess. The marsh beasts infinitely blasted their long-range professions into the air and then fell to the ground and died.

However, I gradually realized that this guy was not only making troubles in the American area. Even the surrounding players were not let go. It was a joy to play one by one. I saw that the Americans suffered heavy losses, and the Indians were already defeated. People know that they are not opponents, and they all make a clear decision and run away!

Immediately following the marsh beast, he went underground once and disappeared without a trace. At this time, I couldn't help turning on the thermal scanning and perspective effects to see what it was doing under the ground, but it was a shock to know that this guy rushed towards us!

NND, without this kind of play, shouted: "BOSS is here, everyone flashes!" The voice did not fall, "Boom!" Numamon rushed to the bottom of himself, and a large number of people including me were suddenly Thrown into the air, the impact of the slamming charge is harmless, but falling is another matter. You must be disabled if you fall down.

"Asuka Flower Moon!" Wings spread out and handed over Amber Dragon to help pick up people.

At the same time, I rushed up myself. First, I immediately reached out and took down Yun Lan, who was not far from me. She hugged her delicate waistline and took her back. After catching it, she was relieved. Lying in my arms, I did not forget to blush and said, "Thank you ..."

The other Snow Moon summoned, the ice crystal phoenix, handed over the Bone Batman in the night to pick himself up, and at the same time dragged the fierce blood flying, of course, the people on the ground are also busy with the help of the people who fell from the sky, after the beast weaved into underground.

Everyone fell safely. Of course, not all of them were very safe. Many people did n’t receive it, and they dropped most of their health. Fortunately, the creature was drilled out in front of us. If it appeared behind us, it would be troublesome. This guy plays After about ten minutes, I finally stopped and panted.

Seeing that the BOSS is no longer tossing, everyone can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, I laughed and said, "Finally stopped ~!"

Xueyue yelled at Yunlan Road, "Hey! Come down from my husband!"

Yun Lan Xiumei said, "I don't!" He answered simply. And the body is still closer.

After being teased by Xueyue, I quickly let go and let Yun Lan down, and looking at her like this, I guess I'm going to pull out the country to stab people.

I coughed a few times and said, "Okay, that group of people has no fighting power. Now it's us, take the boss and take the treasure!"

Everyone is waiting for this sentence. Just now the marsh beast slammed the Americans and disabled them. In a short time, they were unable to prevent an effective attack. Now it is time for us to perform.

I Shen said: "Everyone remembers that BOSS poison gas is very terrible. Beside the soldiers, everyone else should be careful not to be too close to the Boss, but also be aware of the long-range skills, especially the range skills. Full! "

A large section of two or three thousand lives of male and female priests nodded one after another, took back the amber dragon and the sky photo, followed by the transformation of the ark, the ark was thick and full of attack power, to deal with this powerful monster, but although it is not He listens to me but now I control his body and do n’t care if it is obedient


The first rushed up, and a breath of dragon blasted out on Boss' head!

—7330 Relying on, I did n’t expect the Ark ’s attack power to do this damage. The guy ’s flesh is so obvious. From this, I can see that my current attack power ca n’t do tens of thousands of damage, and the other people ’s damage is certainly impossible. go with.

At this time, the boss was awakened by me, and the huge body hit him fiercely. I decisively stretched out my hands and held this guy's giant sickle, but suddenly I felt a sudden pain in my hand, NND, this guy All the body is poisonous. This poison can't even stop the solid dragon scales. The people behind me immediately gave me a continuous healing and purification skills to maintain blood and purify toxins!

"Let's attack now!"

Gritted his teeth to stabilize this violent monster, and the priest behind waved his scepter together, and the healing rays continued to fall on him. I thought: as long as I can control it this way, this BOSS will sooner or later Grind to death!

"Gathering energy!"

"Dance of Lightning!"

"Meteor fire and rain!"

"Rage Dragon Cut!"

"Split the sky!"

The surrounding companions sent various skills to the BOSS. At the same time, the priest also purified and fell on me, constantly dispelling the toxins for me, snoring, the marsh beast struggled hard, and his head was thrown away. Fly out, bang! Falling heavily on the ground, as I fell, my team shouted: "Everyone hurry up!"

Immediately after the words fell, the marsh beast rushed into the player's pile, but there were many people rushing there, the huge bone sickle waved, and the surrounding players who were killed shed blood.

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