Master Summoner Online

Chapter 932: Polluted Photon Bombardier

Quickly withdrew into the back of the formation, after the chess regiment was broken, we also rectified the army and killed the other side. Of course, the Americans would definitely not let us rush out, and a group of bloodthirsty cavalry came quickly to contain it.

"Thunder stomps!"

The old cow's earth dragon slammed on the ground and a large area of ​​thunderous light raged on. Most of the people who wanted to rush to the ground were paralyzed and trembled in place. The old cow immediately raised his shield. The shield hits the opponent's face, and the tomahawk fires a round of combos to kill the opponent's nearly half of his blood.

"Qi chop!"

The lone mark flashed to him, and the short Taidao chopped all the blood of this person twice. Even if the opponent had the blood of the priest, he still couldn't keep his hit experience.

Gather the summoned beasts to the side, and then start with a move to destroy the Dragon Spirit, then open up the potential to explode and destroy the Dragon Slash. With the momentum of **** battles in all directions, the surrounding bloodthirsty beast cavalry is embarrassed.


There was severe pain in the chest. Two iron arrows slammed on the chest, and two more than four thousand injuries jumped out. This is when I saw an archer suddenly disappearing out of thin air. It seems that there is a high-level lurking inside. Or, he must be killed, and the thermal energy scanned and searched, and soon found a moving figure, following the star fall.

The meteor fell, and the lurker was forced out. At the same time, the phoenix pulled his bow at him. The lurker was very clever. He quickly found the soldiers around him but gave him a meat shield, but he did not expect that phoenix. With a stunned shot, the long bow suddenly turned seven or eight consecutive burning arrows, killing another soldier who was about to rush in front of him, the best of the fire and the skill of the fire that he realized. Feng, strength is not ordinary tough.

"Boom ~!" At that position, loneliness was singing and calling out a huge fireball. It fell suddenly. In the firelight, a large number of smart wind blades brushed down, the wind rose, the scene turned upside down, and the bloodthirsty cavalry around it was countless. Instantly drop!

"Roar ~!" A bloodthirsty cavalry was blown up into the sky, and it was like a golden-haired beast was thrown out. The fierce blood fluttered the two swords and swept the battlefield like a **** of death!

"Flying blood, you rush too far ahead!" Shouted Yanyu Liunian, and the next moment, countless magic elements fell on him and covered his face.

At this time, only a skeleton bat remained in the whole body. A pretty assassin girl stood on top of her bat. She saw the bracelet on her wrist glowing in the air in front of him to form a dipper-like star.

Immediately after, the Bone King Batman spurted out the spurs of the sky and drove away the bloodthirsty beasts that rushed up. The fierce blood then exhaled: "Saved."

The amber dragon breathed and scorched a team of bloodthirsty beasts, and the dragon gun once again launched the destruction of the dragon soul, while shouting: "Brothers, charge!"

The nearby Raptor Cavalry, Bear Cavalry, Sea Lizard Knight, Rose Cavalry, and Ghost led a group of Mingsongs. They launched a charge, and their blades shook in the shields and armors of the opponent. Fewer players fell to the ground and there were more of our opponents. With various long-range attack support behind them, it took the power of nine cattle and two tigers to finally tear the opponent's player line apart.

Finally, after nearly an hour of fighting, the team finally made a siege. We can kill them. The Chess Corps guys have contributed a lot. If they did n’t drag a large number of enemies, they would be damaged even if they could burst out.

After rushing out of the siege of the teleportation array rushed to the siege, we called our fellow countrymen at the same time. After getting everyone's specific position, we also began to enter the world on the ninth floor.

As soon as I entered this ninth-level world, the scenery immediately changed, and I entered a world that looked very bright, surrounded by high walls and stone walls. Even if I and the black **** Tianzhao will randomly transfer here, we will be together. It has already appeared on the 9th floor of the Light and Shadow Soul Tower. This should already be the top floor.

"Finally there is a layer like a tower." The Black God looked around and said.

I started to scan the surroundings, but I didn't see anything. At this moment, the surrounding walls spread and moved, and the sound of "whistling" continued to be heard. The walls on all sides moved and recombined, and soon A huge empty hall was formed.

Suddenly a figure jumped out in this hall, and suddenly a surge of energy surged towards him!

Slightly low howl, the body stretched out, launching Dragon's Charge to stop it hard.

With a loud bang, the dragon's charge was broken up, and the energy fluctuations generated. Even the two beautiful bodyguards on one side had to step back far away to avoid being caught in the center of the explosion by this energy.

At that time, the guy had already launched the second round of attack, and it was a powerful energy. The energy attack came, and the attack was more powerful than the previous one. Without retreating, he rushed towards the target and opened the soul shield.

At the same time, the left hand turns into a dragon arm, the shield blocks the attack, the dragon arm launches the annihilation, and the dragon arm turns into a flame sword, and splits towards the target!

"Boom" made a loud noise, and the flame sword formed by the annihilation of the barrier slammed on the ground slate, with the slammed center as the center, there were cracks but no potholes.

Although the annihilation of the barrier was not hit, I still locked the opponent's path. The dragon gun was thrown to start the Red Dragon Roar, the huge Red Dragon rose to the sky, and then turned back down. The blink of an eye has already reached the top of the guy's head. The dragon claws struck the opponent and hit the opponent with a tail blow. The lazy donkey rolled for several laps before stopping. At this moment, I also saw the true face of the guy who attacked himself.

This guy is wearing a black armor-like armor, which is about two meters tall and has a pale blue pattern on his body. The most important thing is that there is a cannon barrel hanging behind the guy.

Needless to say, scan this product immediately-the contaminated photon sheller, the 180-level enhanced mutant beast, introduction: at the moment when the super-ancient Titan civilization reached its peak, a group of mechanical products with autonomous consciousness were born. These products are called the Galaxy The photon beast, but the product of the apparent weakness of the Titan civilization, was buried in the long river of history. It was not until the day when the blood rain fell. These photon beasts reappeared every day. The blood rain contaminated them and became a self-conscious killing machine. When the Light and Shadow Soul Tower was built, these photonic beasts were sucked into it and became the final guards.

After reading the data, it turned out that this last layer was actually the handle of a super-ancient civilization guy. It seemed a bit troublesome, with a slight groan, and the figure flew. At the same time, the artillery man carried the cannon, and a strong energy shot from the muzzle. Shoot at yourself.

I attacked and blocked the attack while giving my beautiful bodyguard a glance. The two immediately grasped it, and Jiao Yi turned into two beautiful shadows that swept up on both sides.

This self-conscious mechanical monster is not low in AI, busy shrinking back, the cannon on the shoulder burst into a large barrage at us, covering all three of us in an instant, but this level of The barrage, but could not hold me, smiled slightly, the dragon gun was thrown to start the red dragon roar, and the barrage was torn in a blink of an eye. At this moment, the black **** rushed up and started the destruction journey. I saw that this guy actually held the cannon to his side. Came to stop, but was blocked there and was immediately dizzy.

As soon as the monster was stunned by me and the attack of Aizhao, the bomber's mechanical armor was constantly bombarded, bringing out a series of damage figures!

—9809—7662—9722—7199—7923 ...

Very good, my attack power is higher than that of Tian Zhao, but the attack speed of Tian Zhao is faster than me. In this way, with such enhanced mutant monsters, I ca n’t help me anymore. It ’s not a problem at all!

When the other party recovered from the dizziness, I immediately sent the Dragon Lance to send out the Black Dragon Spike to stun it again. Then the ice and snow three consecutive cuts made three consecutive attacks, killing the photon artillery screamer.

"Barriers break!"

The lance's blade brought out a cyan flame cone, and the barrier was still so strong that it penetrated directly through the guy's body.

— 18944 "Hundred Ghosts at Night!"

The injury figures jumped up, at the same time, the artillery was knocked down and flew out and hit the gunshots. The dragon arm lifted up Longkou's big move. The whole hall suddenly lit, the fire was full, and a flood of "Hong" fell around. This guy was terribly burnt by the scorching breath, and immediately lost a large amount of blood. This unlucky child, in less than a minute, Tian Zhao broke out the **** cross, took the last blood of this guy, and shelled it. The cross of the hand exploded, and the body fell to the ground and died after shaking it a few times.

The sheller fell down, leaving a spot of gold coins and a pair of white gloves that looked like machinery. The gloves also had a pale blue pattern, and they landed on the ground steadily. I stepped forward and picked them up, not to mention that they laughed. I ca n’t hold my mouth anymore, my chin is about to fall off—photon bombardment gloves, grade: platinum, attribute (unidentified), one of the photon bombardment suits, for archers only. Note: Complete sets can be upgraded to diamond crystal grade.

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