Master Summoner Online

Chapter 941: Polluted Photon Magister

Looked at the time: "It has been delayed for a long time, but let's have a quick battle in this game!" Said out of the team.

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng stepped off the mount and stepped forward: "Fight fast! It's what I meant!" The original spear was put away, and he slowly pulled out a long sword from the waist. This sword was very simple and did not have any luster and some rust. Looks like a novice village novice used to cut Slim Goblin iron sword.

"Novice sword? My grass, is there something wrong with it?"

"Nima, that novice sword! Are you despising our beast **** boss?"

"Grass, take a novice sword, you are the legendary god!"

"Dare to despise our boss! The boss killed him!"

A group of dragon tooth players scolded behind me. Dragon Soul Xiaofeng looked helplessly at the sword in her hand, and I asked, "What the **** is that?"

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng said: "Anyway, it's not a novice sword. I don't know what his name is."

"Eh?" Immediately scanned this person with fire and golden eyes-Level 153, Holy Knight, Equipment: Unknown Old War Sword (Ancient), Sun Cross Armor (Seal Equipment), Sun Heart (Auxiliary Equipment), Warcraft Mount: Red Flame Scorching Sun, others unknown.

I did not expect that this unsophisticated sword was an ancient weapon. After reading the information, he said lightly, "Let's get over it."

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng laughed: "Then you call out the summoned beast first."

I laughed: "No, I'm enough!"

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng said: "Don't regret it."

I nodded. "Just rest assured."

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng said, "I'm here."

I said lightly: "Come on!"

The players also slowly retreated around. These two are the most heavyweight characters. I ’m afraid they will shake the mountain and fly sand and stones in a while. If you do n’t hide away, you ’ll be afraid of the gate fire, hit the pond fish, okay, not so exaggerated. .


The audience immediately calmed down, all eyes gathered on the two Wu Hua, the distance between them was only about 30 meters, this distance must be quite moderate for the shooter, but standing opposite the sword has been out of the ground, actually It is equivalent to standing within the attack range of others.

Instead, Qi took a step, and Dragon Soul Xiaofeng fluttered slightly, with a golden light suddenly came to one meter away, and did not use a sword to cut, but simply banged with a punch, which looked very ordinary. , But I understand that it contains absolutely terrible energy.

One punch to one punch!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" There were several sounds of bangs, the fists of the two intersected, the generated air waves set off, and a "chuck" and "chuck" sounded in the air. Although the game will not really break, it can be closed. To the huge impact, it is necessary to create more realistic effects and special effects. The crisp sound just now is just the system dubbing effect.

The bones were crackling like beans, and the energy burst out at the same time, both sides shook away from each other. The two sides fought a half-dozen in the first round. Dragon Soul Xiaofeng laughed and said, "Beast God! You can compete with the true face of the soldiers. Summoner! It really deserves its name! "

Suddenly, he rushed forward a few steps into the sky, waving his sword into a propeller, hitting his face from top to bottom.

The long sword turned into a phantom in the air very quickly, and the people who looked at it were dazzled and didn't know which one was true. This person was indeed a trivial matter to avoid.

Gently move aside, the sword tip can easily pierce into the metal ground, and the sword body suddenly bends into an S shape! I go! The toughness of this sword is too terrible!

Immediately following the sword's body straightened, the strength of the body leaned forward, and the sword once again turned into countless phantoms. Even if I flashed left and right to avoid, and took out a dragon gun to resist, the opponent was faster than myself. Too much and too much, it is inevitable to hit a few swords.

"Ding Ding Ding" a few ignition stars emerged, and the damage caused was only low between 1500 ~ 1800. It seems that this trick is to sacrifice attack power for fast attack speed. Strung to death.

"The words of masters like clouds in Death are true." Murmuring, while the words, real and fake actions were launched.

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng made a series of attacks on my avatar. With a short time of invisibility, the light and flint came to the back of the opponent. When he was too late to react, he shot a black dragon thorn!

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng really is not the master to deal with. When he defeated the substitute, he instantly understood that if he was stunned and thickened, then his victory would be assured.

"God's Armor!"

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng Shen sang as a set of golden translucent armors, stabbed by the real red-eyed and black dragon dragon gun on this so-called deity armor. Since it has been bounced out by force, Dragon Soul Xiaofeng Lian Holding a sword in his hands, he cut it around his neck.

Soul Shield!

The shield unfolded to resist this attack. This attack of Dragon Soul Xiaofeng dropped the soul shield's lasting moment to a position of about 400 points. Dragon Soul Xiaofeng's sword was bounced off, but then he saw his other hand held up. And holding an energy sword composed of energy elements in his hand, pointing at his own goal, this sword pointed at his heavenly cover.

"Dead!" Xiaohun Xiaofeng roared, and the sword had fallen.

A burst of blood burst out, and the energy sword split the remaining shield of the shield. Fortunately, at the most critical time, his head tilted, so that the sword did not directly hit the head but rubbed the helmet, and split it on the shoulder near the neck. , But a deep mouth came out, most of the sword body was caught in it!

—37444 Suddenly he reached out and grabbed his arm with his left hand so that he could not escape. The other hand sent out the dragon gun, first the lightning announcement and then the barrier broke!

The dragon gun is extremely sharp, piercing the body of Xiaofeng Xiaofeng directly!

—19000—25000 The two injuries are very serious. At this moment, Dragon Soul Xiaofeng's sword has cut into his ribs. If it was not fast enough for the announcement of lightning, I am afraid that he would be cut open in the middle.

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng's energy sword disappeared, I also stabbed him into the body and pulled out the dragon gun, and also brought out a pool of blood. Dragon Soul Xiaofeng held the sword in one hand, covered the wound with the other hand, and opened his mouth. Said: "It's awesome. In this way of life-fighting, I'm afraid the summoner who dares to play this way is the only one."

"You're not bad. If it weren't for my blood, I'm afraid that the energy sword skills I had just now can be me." I laughed.

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng said: "I lost this battle, the treasure belongs to you."

At the end of the battle, cheers came from behind me. At this moment, the priests on both sides also hurried forward to treat us, and a group of companions gathered to ask for help.

The audience was full of joy. After a few words from Dragon Soul Xiaofeng and Xunshen, they took the team of death and slowly withdrew to the distance. They were willing to gamble to lose. They are not losers. Dragon Soul As Xiaofeng walked, he couldn't help but turn back and said, "Beast God. I'll be back, wait."

I laughed: "I will."

Next we counted the number of players consumed by this BOSS. We lost 2,900 people to our three families. The equipment and gold coins collected were very generous and we can go back and compensate them.

Pick up the horse and start to move towards the final BOSS location, but just when we set off— "Ding ~! Player: Wushuang Lengyue (United Nations region) get treasure: capture hunting knife ~!"

"Ding ~! Player: Wushuang Lengyue (UN area) obtained treasure: Bloodbone Demon Ring ~!"

"Ding ~! Player: Wushuang Lengyue (UN area) won the treasure: Magic glasses ~!"

"Ding ~! Player: Wushuang Lengyue (UN area) obtained treasure: Death Lasso ~!"

This ... There are four treasures in the hands of Wushuang Lengyue. Although it is not clear what the strength of those who held the treasures was before, one thing is very clear to everyone. The person who can get the treasure is definitely not weak. If the treasure is not taken because they are too weak, then the matchless cold moon is too strong!

Secretly surprised, he continued to move forward, pretending to be calm. Soon after, the monster appeared, still a photon lizard or a photon slayer and a photon cannon striker. Occasionally, he encountered a squad led by a photon killer. Everyone moved carefully Constantly brushing, the monster's attacking force here is very horrible. Several people surround it and have to guarantee that they will not die.

After walking for an hour and a half, we finally came out of this area and entered a new area. The rest of this piece of ruins are surrounded by countless metal blocks. The surrounding light is relatively dim. At this moment, a kind of exhaust fan came from my ears. The sound of fan blades rotating.

"Boom!" A dark red light fell from the sky to kill an archer. Everyone was shocked. When he looked up, he saw a guy in a blood-red robe floating in the air at seven or eight meters. Holding a staff in it, there is a mechanical cheek under the cape, and the robes have also been densely popped with holes.

I threw a golden eye of fire and looked at the information of the mechanical mage—the contaminated photon wizard, level 185, the elite strengthening monster, introduction: At the time of the prosperity of the Titan civilization, there was a very good magic wizard who proposed The idea of ​​combining magic and technology into one. After a whole study, a new powerful long-range assault unit Photon Magister was born. Under the influence of blood rain, the source of magic power and thinking mode of Photon Magister collapsed. , Under the control of the dragon of order, became one of the final guards of the ninth layer

"Fuck, magic monsters can still fly, some are cool now!" I said holding the dragon gun tightly.

Lonely sang and groaned, saying: "The magician and the attacking force attacked with me, knocked this guy down, and after the fight, the soldiers charged, after all, the mage was a mage, even if the mechanical blood was not much there."

Speaking of sending a wind blade first, the surrounding players also sent magic and arrows to the sky. The Photon Wizard flickered left and right to avoid it, but if we had a large number, it would not flash, even counted No accidentally fell afterwards. At the moment when it fell, more than a dozen soldiers rushed at the same time and rushed up with their swords. However, the photon wizard was still struggling when he fell to the ground. He saw a fire wall suddenly appeared on his staff. In front of all fighters, isolate themselves from the player.

However, this is so difficult. It may be rare to live through the battle-hardened players, rushing in without a hitch, and at the same time, the priest rear supplies. This wall of fire is very powerful. Players attacked Xunfeng, and dozens of people attacked at the same time. It took nearly 10 seconds to break this guy's shield.

The shield that had been broken by the photon wizard suddenly flashed, flashing to a place twenty meters away, shouting mechanically, dancing his staff, and then three huge incomparable fists appeared in the sky, "Boom Boom" The bombardment of three fists on three players wiped out a large part of the blood and blood of the two players, and the other was killed by a spike.

But this is the other players rushed up, chopped melon and chopped it into a pair of waste iron. This photon wizard has only 20,000 blood and few physical defenses. It did n’t take long for the blood and blood to dry up completely Being emptied at the same time-"Boom!"

The monster's body exploded, and a huge mushroom cloud rose, and the surrounding players were directly blown out. Two of them were killed. The monster's final self-explosion was unexpected, although a group behind us looked at each other. Something, pack up the loot, and pay attention to it after the first loss. Kill the monsters with a long-range attack. The range of the self-detonation is not large. The power is very amazing, and you dare not approach.

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