Master Summoner Online

Chapter 944: Contaminated Photon Beast Mage

"Let me go! What a powerful attribute ..." Rubbing his eyes, he didn't look at the eyes and said, "If you start a war, this thing can sweep the world if it doesn't work well."

The pit father said: "I don't understand this kind of thing. I can tell you that the group of people in the United Nations area has begun a big cleanup. Many players in the small country game area have been cleared, and the battle spirit left some of the suits below. The team has all been killed, so the guy's purpose must be to clear everyone, everyone may be a bit exaggerated, at least to kill all those who resist them. "

"The appetites of these guys are really big. They want to swallow the whole ruins alone." Lie Xuefei said unhappy.

"If I had such a cavalry, I would dare to swallow it alone!" I said.

"Can you stop talking, speed up, ready to kill Boss, Americans have gathered nearly a thousand players to guard the door of the BOSS location, maybe Boss has been opened!" Yun Lan said.

"How do you know?" Dark night asked.

Yun Lan said: "Is it rare that you have foreign friends?"

"So too."

I said, "Let ’s set out now. Send a few assassins to explore the truth and see if Boss has been motivated. Pay close attention to Boss's health and skills. In the end, BOSS is definitely difficult to kill."

The call was disconnected, and the remaining Lightning Iron Riders joined our team. They walked in the outermost area. I, Xueyue, Yun Lan, Black God, and Tianzhao Guards kept Mo Yan in the middle. At the same time, I started scanning continuously and searched, except to search for the hidden underground. The monsters, the abnormal cavalry in the **** area, can no longer enter when they are hung in the ruins. For the players who have already reached this step, if they try to hang out before they hang out, they are almost in vain, especially a treasure like me. This is especially true for those who are shaking.

When I scanned it, Mo Yan Broken Dragon did not put it away, and the slime mold was continuously thrown out. The slime mold exploded to force out the hidden monsters, and cleared the surrounding maps. This method also happened to kill two unfortunately. Knowing which country assassin, those two will surely be depressed when they return to China. Just after we cleared another corridor, we were lying on the ground about a hundred meters away in front of us. The wreckage of photon killers and photon killers, messy unrefreshed parts were scattered all over the side, and on the side of the corpses, there were eight or nine player corpses lying on the rock formations, and a lot of potions and equipment burst out. .

In addition, there was another person, a woman wearing a black armor, with a bulge and a bulge, but this woman's face was a cold machine, holding a long blue beam whip in her hand.

This female humanoid photon beast drew on the ground and saw five magical arrays appear around it. The magical array turned, and the next moment, two photon lizards, two photon saber-toothed tigers, and one photon and three heads appeared. dog.

The beam whip hit a whip flower on the ground again, followed by the roar, and the five photon beasts rushed over to us and others, and made themselves on the back of the three-photon dog, and followed the photon beasts in front. Come far away.

Obviously, this is a monster of the summoner type. The two photon lizards are invisible at once. The photon saber-toothed tiger is extremely fast, and the blink of an eye is aggressively forced into front of everyone. The mechanical summoner sitting on the back of the photon three-headed dog pointed his hand towards his side. At the same time, the blue light flashed in the three heads of the three-headed dog at the same time, and three blue light bombs flew out. The photon beast exploded among the people faster.


The blue light bounced first and rushed up to the Lightning Iron Rider, bursting into earth-shattering loud noises. At the same time, three Lightning Iron Riders were blown out at the same time, causing 30,000 points of damage, and the blood was left directly. Mo Yan hurried to treat, and followed closely The photon lizard sprayed the decomposition solution and fell on one of the Lightning Iron Riders, and immediately took away the last blood of this person.

At this time, the body of a photonic saber-toothed tiger has rushed towards me like a whirlwind, and I immediately instructed the biochemical explosive dragon to step forward to step on the dragon's own steps, shaking his body several times in a row, and pounced directly on the opponent's summoner himself.

The other party did not retreat, and the photon whip was drawn towards himself fiercely, and he decisively flickered away. The dragon gun sent, but he didn't want the photon three-headed dog to appear a barrier outside. The dragon gun stabbed above was an instant hit. When the electric shock of ten million volts passed on to him, he couldn't help but grunted, and his body took a few steps back, while his blood volume dropped by 3,000 points.

"Roar!" The photon three-headed dog growled and brought his owner's head upright, and his huge body fell directly on himself.

Immediately hit the cat and fled away. A bang made a loud noise. The photon three heads and three dogs smashed a deep hole in the place just now. They stepped on an empty photon three heads and were very angry. The owner kept waving his back. A long whip, like a serpent, slammed at me. The blue light in the mouths of the three dogs converged, and a blue noise was emitted from three heads at the same time.

True and false action! The real body rolled to the side, and the substitute was penetrated by the laser. Not only that, the laser also shot three black holes that could not be seen in the wall behind me. At this moment, I was temporarily invisible. This guy couldn't find my place, could not find It is natural that MISS has hatred. Under normal circumstances, monsters will stand in place or leave without hatred, but this guy has neither moved nor left, but has been riding three photons, and rushed to Xueyue and others.

This is back! The waves were thrown at this guy, and the twisted water whip was sent out, and the owner and the three-headed dog on the ride were completely anchored at this moment, and they couldn't move at all.

The other party is bound, and the opportunity is rare. If you do n’t want to, throw the red-eyed dragon gun in your hands. The red dragon roars and launches. The dragon gun turns into a huge red dragon and launches a fierce attack on the monster below. At the same time, I Also seize the opportunity to start scanning-the contaminated photon beast mage, level 185, strengthen the elite beast, introduction: photon beast mage is a captain level created to lead the beast photon beast, photon beast, photon compression in the body Space, you can compress the beast-shaped photon beast into it, and call for battle during the battle.

The three-headed dog and this beast mage were paralyzed on the ground by the red dragon. I recalled the dragon gun and launched the destruction of the dragon soul to completely solve it. Others have also started a terrible battle with the photon beast.

When I looked at my companions, I saw a group of lightning iron rides around a poor photon lizard to launch a stormy attack. The last six weapons at the same time penetrated an unlucky photon lizard, followed by an explosion, and the photon lizard It was blown into pieces and scattered. The other photon lizard was stepped on by the broken dragon and immediately trampled the lizard's head into a ball of mud, and immediately died on the spot.

Xueyue wields the national sword to chop this photon saber-toothed tiger, and the saber-toothed tiger is continuously screaming. This saber-toothed tiger is dying, and Yun Lan steps forward to make up a knife, and the monster can no longer scream.

The last saber-toothed tiger was also riding by a group of lightning irons, stabbing and chopping, and finally unloading eight pieces. What a poor trial point was shared by a group of people.

The next step is to clean up the monsters on the ground and the equipment that players exploded. We can all pick up these things, but the Lightning Iron Riders did not earn us, but gave everything to us. The only thing I got was the reward after killing the enemy. The number of test points and experience points.

Moving on, one monster after another rushed out of the dirt along the way. In addition to the killers, killers, and slayers we have seen, there is a guy named Photon Smasher. This The attack power of the group of guys is higher than that of the killer. Like the slayer, a two-meter-long mace in his hand can kill a lightning iron rider with one stick, but its attack speed is slower. Difficult.

On the way, we also encountered a lot of beast mages. These beast mages were not very easy to deal with, but killing them would explode the summoner's platinum suit called 'photon beast soul suit'. We obtained after killing 13 beast mage. Of a shoe. It seems the spring of the summoner is here.


In the last two hours of cleaning, I opened a double experience and triple explosion rate, and swept through several corridors with a group of people. The monsters were almost killed by us along the way, and a large collection of equipment broke out and there was a complete set. Kits and parts, these kits make up a good set to hang in the guild for competition. If one person is scattered, this kit is meaningless. The system on the way prompts the news that Wushuang Lengyue obtained a batch of treasures.

According to statistics, there are four treasures in my dragon's tooth. One is owned by the war spirit, one by the sea, one by Mingshen, and one by death. Now the Chinese people use nine treasures to account for the total treasures. A third of the number. Moreover, the treasures owned by Wushuang Lengyue have been added together, and they already have as many as ten. In addition, as far as I know, there is one in Singapore. Two of the Japanese have not been taken away, and eight have fallen into the United States. Human hands.

The situation is not optimistic at all.

While killing monsters, a group of people swept through a large area of ​​photon monsters and burst out of various suits. After ten minutes, they finally came out of this muddy corridor, and during the time of 11.30, they continued to fight with the dragon's teeth. Meet other players. During this period, I also encountered a large army of the Chess Corps, and the Lightning Iron Horse returned to the team smoothly.

After gathering our companions, after an hour of Mercedes-Benz, when we arrived at the final BOSS point, we found that it was just a vast and open-air plaza. The core of the plaza was killed, and a large number of American players guarded there and other areas around it. The player is launching an attack, and a faint audible sound is like a roar of a roar of a dragon, NND, and it really started. Listening to the sound is rare. In the end, the boss is a dragon? But no matter what the body, the final BOSS is against the sky, it is impossible to kill.

Lifting the dragon gun, I laughed and said, "All set off! Enemies in front of the target, in the name of the dragon!"

"Smash everything!" All the dragon's teeth shouted, the momentum was rainbow, and a group of people were stacked with various BuFF, and set off!


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