Master Summoner Online

Chapter 946: Break the line

The scars of tears, and the Thor's hammer held by him, were almost unstoppable. With his roar, he was thrown into the air and turned into a huge war hammer entangled with thunder and lightning. The huge thunder and lightning in the sky fell on the giant thunder hammer, and the thunder hammer was like a giant. The whale absorbs like swallowing water. On the giant thunder hammer, the whole body is blue and white, and there are small electric lights jumping over it.

The huge thunder hammer dropped, and thunder exploded. Thousands of huge and extremely thunderous lightning burst from this thunder hammer, madly eating away in all directions. At this moment, whether it is a bear cavalry known as a tank or a lion and iron rider or It was a rare armored cavalry, all of whom were killed in this thunderbolt.

"Fuck! This guy is too cruel!" The old cow who just rushed up two steps was forced to retreat because of the huge impact of lightning.

"Don't be arrogant! Brother comes to fight you!" The rubber stickman walked on the flanks carrying the wings of the conqueror, suddenly accelerated, the mount's nose sprayed with mist and panting, it seemed that it could not stand the intensity of such fighting.

"Whatyouknow (it's up to you!)" The tear scar looked at the rubber stick man rushing towards himself, revealing a slight contempt, and yelled, "Thatlifecame! (That life comes!)"


The Thor's hammer swept across the air, and the rubber stickman immediately raised the wings of the conqueror to continue blocking, but "Boom!" Exploded. The rubber stickman did not expect that the opponent's blow would explode, blasting back and blasting away. The lightning current becomes whole body.

-39872 The damage floated, the sacred weapon was terrible, the attack power was greatly increased, and various effects were also added. Obviously, no one was his opponent.

The horse's hoofs were messy, and the mount hissed, and the scars of the tears, the Thor's hammer, shone brightly, suddenly slamming the head towards the rubber sticky man and smashing his face!

Suddenly, the frost, flames, lightning, and meteorites fell wildly. The skills and magic of hundreds of high-level magicians of the battle spirits teamed up. The scars of tears were originally intended to solve the rubber stickies, but they were hit by sudden attacks. Broke, not panic, Thor's hammer opened a lightning barrier to block all the surrounding attacks, and at the same time took dozens of level 150 or higher masters to such fierce blood flying, smoke and rain, old cows, wind and moon, etc. The roar rushed up. Everyone knew that if they were lucky, they would be able to kill the top master and reveal their holy weapon. The benefits are unimaginable. As for the trial point, it became secondary.

The opponent is not bad, the Thor's hammer is held high, and the next four lightnings fall, followed by four lightning-like long swords and blue armored humanoid monsters appearing next to the lightning, they all shuttle like ghosts Among the players, every flash of electricity must accompany a player's injury!

Many players launch attacks on these guys, but these guys are obviously high in AI and extremely slippery. With the help of surrounding enemies and players, they can cover up and hide their attacks!

And their weird and fierce attacks killed several Chinese players in just ten seconds.

The scars of tears are flying in fierce blood, rubber sticky people, old cows, smoke and rain, and wind and rain. The tears of tears are connected with a number of hammers, and the old cow was almost killed. The priest inserted the time in time, and then issued Thunder and lightning, the fierce blood flying and the smoky and rainy years were broken into blood, the rubber sticky man and the passerby were all going back and forth, the conqueror's wings were defeated by the Zeus thunder hammer, and they were defeated. In the end, the wind and the moon were difficult to resist. It was difficult to support alone and had to retreat. Hundreds of Raptor Cavalry gathered around to rescue the five, while countless unicorn cavalry roared. The five people who have finished the treatment come here. This time the five people joined forces but can barely fight a draw. I will protect the summoned beast on my side, and I have a new face in the summoned beast. The "Tautou King" surrendered from the summoning chip is full of heavy armor, a tauren monster, a huge body of fifteen meters high, and a ten-meter-tall ebony alloy tomahawk in his hand. It has a range. Control, invincibility and other skills, the strength is very terrible, you can sway the dragon gun yourself, it can be said that there are almost no rivals, the average player cavalry is vulnerable to me, even the unicorn cavalry or bloodthirsty cavalry is difficult. withstand.

One American player after another was killed and fell to his side, the number of trial points in the body gradually increased, and beside me, many Chinese Americans defeated, and the biochemical dragon that rushed to the front was like a car. The tank rushed into it. No one can stop the attack between the dragon claw and the laser blade. The amber dragon can kill several people with one stroke. The black **** ’s chariot is unstopped. The sky is mixed with the crowd. While helping us to kill the enemy and seeing good equipment, I picked it up for me. There is such a smart, smart and cute summoning beast that it is a blessing that he has repaired in eight lives.

Just as I took the new batch of equipment that Tian Zhao brought back to collect my backpack, then my head was knocked suddenly.

"Ding ~! I was stunned by the mouse: the cat loved the cat (US area), and stunned for 3 seconds ~!"

I was frightened when I received the reminder. I didn't expect to unknowingly mix in a high-level assassin and faint myself. My assassin, the flame storm of the amber dragon also broke out in the crowd, and after waiting for the stun to recover, I took a number of steps in a row, launched the armed storm and the water veins, and threw a thunderstorm in hand. This has been Small AOE skills that haven't been used for a long time.

Not far away, another gas wall was breached. From a distance, it was seen that a group of cavalrymen riding dinosaurs broke the Aegis of the atmosphere. Yes, it was the tyrannosaurus rider of Yamato District Congyun. The number was more than 3,000. The Tyrannosaurus Rider led by Black General was finally killed. Among them, he saw the figure of the warrior division. The former man escaped from the rubber stickman with the help of the dragon, and now he is back again.

But this is the moment I see a large number of remote players behind this group of Tyrannosaurus Riders, and a group of bands? !! I rubbed my eyes to make sure I read it right. It was indeed a group of bands. This group of people was divided into three types of clothes, black, red and yellow. With a gold rim around the waist, it looks more sophisticated, exposing the gold rim to the outside and a large bow tied around the waist. Everyone wears white boots. The neat costumes appear to be more consistent in movement, the performance is very imposing, and even behind the Tyrannosaurus Rider, each person has a very representative Japanese instrument 'Taiko' on his chest and hits the drum head with a sound stick in each hand. It makes a very rhythmic sound, and at the same time every time it hits a layer of red ripples, the shrouded tyrannosaurus riders all beat the chicken blood, killing the American cavalry is just chopping It's dish-like, and the taiko drums are very neatly dressed. The band also has horns, guitars, flutes, flutes and other musical instruments. These people are not so uniformly dressed. This band is tightly protected by the surroundings, playing and playing in the middle. Singing and dancing, the joyful atmosphere is totally incompatible with this **** and violent battlefield.

After looking at other people, let's take a look at yourself, and at a glance you can see an extremely magnificent golden figure standing on the right side. That can even dim the magical light of the sky, like the glorious power of God, in a thought, and then there are countless flashing lights around. There are swords, spears, countless types that appear in the air, but they are not repeated, and any of them are treasure-like weapons with gorgeous decoration. And the spearhead of all these weapons refers to the surrounding American players. With the sound of the wind being split instantly, countless American players who shone up with cold sharp blades rushing to the surrounding area, screamed and slammed the mounts. Penetrated by several weapons.

But at this moment a slender figure with black leather armor suddenly appeared, took out a dagger and sneered at Jin Ling, who looked unguarded behind him. As he stretched out his hand holding the dagger--the moment he just stretched out his hand; Like a flash of lightning, a shining gun. Crossed the back of his hand and nailed his hand to the ground.


Suddenly, the man's face flashed with an incredible expression, and at the same time, he wanted to pull out the spear that pierced his palm, and at the same time looked up to see what was going on, at this moment-"The ants lying on the ground. Who allows you to look up? of?"

The golden figure looked down at the sneaker lying on the ground with his red eyes burning. He asked in a contemptuous tone.

"Lying on the ground with your head down to die! Hybrids!"

The lovely loli sitting on the loose and comfortable fur of the snow-white elk, played the harp in his hand, and listened to the roar of countless treasures that cut the skin and pierced the ground deeply.

"Well. Very good confidant ..."

"Don't call me that." The speaker was a magnificent man, dressed in gold armor, with straight blond hair like a burning flame, a dignified face, and a gorgeous young man who could not be added. The bright red **** eyes of an extraordinary person exude a mysterious glow of self-indignation. That's right, this person is Lori's exclusive mercenary, and it is also the strongest existent mercenary in this department. He appears in this world as Archer.

The strong players in the surrounding countries have performed various unique stunts. A group of players who resist the United States have been untenable. The large number of people and the strong attack force have made their firepower unsustainable.


After fifteen minutes, it will almost stop our American players from being killed. The masters of various countries lead their own countries. Looking ahead, you can already see the scene of killing Boss.

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