Master Summoner Online

Chapter 958: Bloodthirsty Scorpion Lord

With a scream of Ice Scorpion, he was kicked and his head was killed.

The black moongrass has also collected enough quantities, and this broken ice scorpion exploded a silver coin to me, which is also extremely rare-the lower the level of the monster that is destroyed compared to the player's level, the more likely it is to explode the item. low.

Two materials were found, first went to another local original-ice crystal.

It is said that ice crystals are local. Such places can only be found in the cold, and the cold forest meets this condition. Through the dense cold forest, the terrain gradually rises. My purpose is to freeze in a cave in a mountain behind the cold forest. Ice crystals can be collected at the cracked surface of the ice surface, and walk through the dense cold forest all the way, stepping on numerous mobs blocking the road, and a winding stream appears in sight.

This stream of water makes people see a big heart, because under the frozen stream ice, half of the unfrozen stream is dyed red, and a faint **** smell is scattered in the woods. According to this situation, the upstream of the stream is judged There must have been fierce fighting in the area.

If you are not mistaken, there is a territorial battlefield, and you have to go there anyway. Check it out in the past. I do n’t know which guild will get this territory.

A little interested, turned into Gallulu, the beautiful bodyguard made it into the cockpit, ran towards the upstream, ran out five minutes around the ears, and the whistling sound of elemental energy released.

From a distance, you can see the silhouette flashing in a hillside valley in front, and the number can't be judged for a moment.

Changed back to human shape and fumbled with a beautiful bodyguard. After a while, I saw the ruins of a city in front of us. We came to a high place to see the release situation.

A group of people are being sent to death, but depending on the situation, family members have stabilized the center of the territory and are cleaning up the surrounding forces. The battle has entered the most critical state. The guild guarding the city center firmly holds the territory token. The center guild players have a large number of fighters on the periphery and a large number of magicians in the back row. The bombardment of elemental energy is overwhelming. This guild is obviously very powerful. Most of the players in the perimeter attacking forces abandoned the attack and chose to leave.

However, there are still some very strong guilds that continue to attack. Their fighters and archers resist the bombardment of the opponent's magical energy and send the archers into range. The archer shoots his arrows into the defensive side of the magician's array, forming a direct threat, forcing him to release some attack fire to attack the situation.

From the perspective of the terrain, defensive release has a favorable advantage. This kind of high-altitude attack, the cavalry of the main combat arm has become a burden. There is no way to fight the highland in this low-level battle. For the second, every wave was completely fueled by tactics. It could only be rushed in batches and died in batches.

The situation on the battlefield did not unexpectedly gradually tilt towards the defensive side. And the defensive side does not know whether it is too irritating or conservative, a group of people will only nest on the high ground and still have an advantage in number. If they are replaced by my command, they can directly invest all the heavy soldiers to rush up and kill them. People should know that most of the attacking party is mainly remote. When it comes to a close-range battle with a bright bayonet, the one that absolutely hangs is called a fast. Although there may be some losses in front, it can quickly end the battle once it rushes into the opponent's camp.

Soon after, the offense began to be somewhat unsupportable. These guilds sprinted continuously for no less than dozens, but each charge failed to break through. It was worth the loss of the soldiers. Seeing that the battle was unfavorable, the offensive side was a bit unstable. Someone made a clever decision to quit the battle. It ’s terrible to leave this land for 30 minutes. Obviously, the overall situation has been decided. The defensive side has sent highland forces to clear up alien forces in the territory. Thousands of senior players are looming. In the new territory, no one dares to try it!

It's almost here. Another hero rises, although I don't know what the guild is called, but the dragon capital is not so lonely ...

Go and collect ice crystals, whoever cares about this territory doesn't care about me.

I got up and left, and I quickly found the cave not far from the battlefield. Entering this fairly spacious cave, the inside surface of the cave was covered with a layer of cold frost.

Next, look for a crack on the ice wall. This crack must have been originally and not the kind of artificial excavation, and soon found a crack to take out the iron pick and start collecting.

"Ding ~! You collected Ice Crystal x1."

In the field of vision, a system prompt came, and the iron pickaxe continued to be collected, and soon the ice crystals were lighted up. This kind of crack can not be infinitely collected. After you have collected it for more than ten times, you can't continue to collect it. You must change the place. Already.

In this way, the food was taken offline at noon and then collected on the line. There are a lot of caves in this mountain. Just seven or eight caves have been lit up in the morning.

Just when I entered a big cave near the cave, and at this time, hundreds of ice scorpions rushed out of the cave and started massing towards me. Although there are a lot of them, I am totally different. Because the attack power of these broken ice scorpions can't break my defense at all, and it won't hurt my blood value.

I walked in with a pickaxe and shook it three times. The black **** and Tianzhao protected me, summoned my little rabbit, and let it show its strength. When the rabbit claws waved, the scorpion monsters all howled, Miserable death, spurting blood and falling down.

The 6,000-point attack power is really terrible for this group of monsters in their early 100s.

The ice crickets walked freely among these monsters. Every time they hit the broken ice scorpions, they started mourning. They opened their skills to spray the ice and hit them. The broken ice scorpions screamed, turned and fell, hoping. Lost his life, in a blink of an eye, planted more than thirty pieces of broken ice scorpion, my little rabbit fell to about twenty o'clock.

The ice cones screamed and fell, and instantly crushed an ice scorpion into a honeycomb. In less than twenty seconds, about fifty ice scorpions had been killed. About a dozen ice scorpions were still alive. About fifty or sixty.

The three of us bypassed these ice scorpions and entered the cave. Since then, there are a lot of ice scorpions waiting for us, so.

With one stop, the "Dragon Soul Destruction" was launched. Countless dragon-shaped air waves rushed into the sky, the dragon gun fell, the dragon waves swept, and a large group of soldiers and scorpions fell apart and died. After a move, Black God Sky According to the previous picture, the ice scorpions were planted in the ground, and the snow on the ground was red with blood. In a minute, hundreds of broken ice scorpions fell and entered the cave to find cracks, but they just entered.

A pair of red light clusters appeared in front of him, followed by a huge white scorpion who jumped out. This scorpion is covered with dense small scales, four fat short feet, and is about four meters tall, but its body length is more than fifteen meters, and the **** mouth is full of two rows of sharp fangs. Make it easy to shred human prey like this, with a pair of big eyes, there is a very heart-warming blood.

Bloodthirsty Scorpion Lord, Level 110, BOSS, Introduction: The leader of the Broken Ice Scorpion family, who lives in the extremely cold caves all year round, rarely goes out immediately because they live in a dark place for a long time, don't look at the eyes and other people can't pick up things. Relying on the body's thermal induction, it searches for prey and has the ability to control the ice element.

The bloodthirsty ice scorpion lord saw us killing so many offspring and rushed up in anger. A pair of large pliers were photographed fiercely. My body stepped back to avoid it. The response of this goods was not slow. The pliers were finished. After that, another large pair of pliers swaggered and swept, still slamming towards him.

Both palms turned into dragon claws, drinking with their mouths to meet.

"Energy explosion!"

"Grab it!"

The big pliers of this guy slammed hard, and the scales cracked and blood splattered immediately. The large pliers that were swept over were directly blown up by more than half, and the body stumbled back and forth several steps.

The badly wounded boss made a roar, adjusted his posture and rushed out again, as if a giant tank slammed into it, with a terrifying sound.

The dragon gun appeared in his hand and threw it to start the red dragon roar. The huge red dragon was down towards the boss claws of the boss. The boss made a terrible cry. A forefoot was suddenly torn off by the red dragon. The blood was mixed with minced meat. All of a sudden it smashed.

He lost a front paw, and almost fell down, roaring in pain, and the huge tail fell wildly to his head and face.

At the same time, Black God and Tian Zhao rushed left and right.

The Astral Scarlet Cross shattered the big tail of BOSS.

"Drink!" He drunk himself, rushed up from the front, and blasted into the air. He banged heavily against the head of BOSS, "Boom", his face bones were broken and collapsed into a pothole, and the bones were directly beaten broken.

My bunny summoned a large piece of ice cone to fall, and ice stabbing into its body, tearing its flesh, the body was destroyed into a piece of fuzzy flesh.

I took a few steps back and watched the boss screaming and struggling on the ground. Finally fell down.

This kind of small boss can't bear to fight at all, three fists and two feet are dealt with, and the harvested experience is less than 1%. Pick up the loot of the boss and go into the cave to find cracks to collect ice crystals.

"Boss, BOSS was slaughtered!" I exclaimed a little exclaiming outside the mouth of the hole. Whose mission is this guy a rare boss? If it is, then it is a little troublesome.

"Fuck! Who's so bold, go in and look for that guy."

When I saw a group of rushing caves, I looked at the group and asked, "What's going on?"

"Huh!" A soldier said coldly, "Did you kill this BOSS!"

I smiled lightly: "Yeah, is this guy rare who has a strange task? If so, then I can only apologize again."

"You put p!" The guy's face exploded with blue muscles, angrily: "This is my little brother's task, you just apologize and it's over, don't make a joke."

I asked: "Then you want any solution. If you want equipment, you can get it. Two pieces of silver are not good."

An archer said: "Brother is so ridiculous."

"Yes," the soldier yelled. "Give me a shot!"

Suddenly, an arrow rain fell.

As soon as I dare you to fight, you can't blame me.

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