Master Summoner Online

Chapter 973: Ice Dragon MM

"Hello!" Waving to say hello.

"Hello." The dragon also waved his paws.

Do you dare to believe it? Followed the dragon and said, "Where do you come from, and what are you doing here?"

I said, "I'm from Chenlong City. I'm here to find the Holy Dragon's suit. Do you know where it is? Mr. Binglong."

"I'm a mother." The dragon's four surprising words, this guy speaks lowly like a woman, and can't tell from this guy that it's female.

"Well, Ms. Binglong ..." I said a little blush before I finished speaking, "Is this 1800 years old or a girl?"

"Female ... girl ?!" I was a little bit confused. I was still a girl at the age of 1800, when I was an adult. Although I know that the Dragons can live very long and have a slow growth cycle, but 1800 is a bit exaggerated and can speak. All the guys in Arad who came to the Dragon City are not four or five thousand years old, and all of them are still alive, and the real red-eyed black dragon is estimated to have lived for nearly 10,000 years, and this living fossil-like guy did n’t call himself It's so exaggerating to calculate that this ice dragon says that she is a 1800 girl.

"The girl is the girl, do you know the ice dragon MM, the message of the Holy Dragon Yao Yao suit?" I asked again.

"Is there anything delicious about the Holy Dragon Dragon Yao?" He said, sticking his tongue out and licking his lips.

"That thing is equipment, not food, if you know, please tell me."

"Then I don't know, but Lord Scasa should know." Binglong MM said.

Upon hearing a play, he immediately said, "Can you take me to see what you say, Master Scasa?"

Binglong MM said: "Yes, but with conditions."

"What conditions?"

"I want you to play with me."

"Play ?! What to play?" I started scratching my head.

"Play fighting!"

The dragon's head lifted and then drooped down, opened its mouth suddenly, and sprayed at me with a breath of dragon's breath.

"White Dragon Shield!"

The shield opened immediately, but it followed the dragon's breath and dropped 50,000 points of durable "White Dragon Shield". The lasting moment fell to only 2,000 points, followed by the ice dragon MM body, and the dragon tail swept like lightning. , The remaining lasting moment was lighted up, the body followed the tumbling and fell to a hundred meters away, my heart was shocked to the extreme.

"Are you just capable of that? Get your true ability!" He suddenly opened his mouth and spewed an ice cone.

Quickly flickered away, the dragon's voice echoed between the heavens and the earth, this whole crystal clear ice dragon, pumping the tail of the dragon, the body "snapped", leaving a residual image in the air, me and the distance from this hundred meters, only felt There was a flower in front of me, and then two giant ice-sculpted dragon claws scratched. Then glide away. The huge impact made me shake violently. If it weren't for the amber dragon's body, it would be big enough. May have really fallen off the abyss. But Binglong's two claws were also very hurt. Just a face-to-face was caught and lost a third of his life value.

After transformation, my attributes are calculated according to the amber dragon. Now the situation is not as good as myself wearing Long Hui armor, and the skylight and the black **** that impact me are somewhat unsupportable.

"Yan Long fired a shot!"

With two arms attacking the shield one hundred and eighty degrees, the muzzle extended.


A series of small lasers shot out, pulsating on the Ice Dragon MM, leaving a white dot on the thick color scale armor, but there was no cut-in, no defense, and the pitiful injury number ————- 727--781

For a moment, I opened my mouth wide, and none of the injuries was more than four digits. This guy's defense is imaginable. He was "tickled" by the Ice Dragon MM, and he was surrounded by thick ice mist and a mouth. Just spray the frost in the sky and spray it over, and at the same time, the body shakes again and again, the ice spikes on the back come out of the body, especially the ice arrows, bursting out!

I flickered left and right to avoid the shuttle-like attack of migratory locusts, very embarrassed, relying on the speed of the amber dragon, flying out and climbing on a huge rock, looking at the ice dragon MM, very helpless "I said that since it was a girl, Wen Jing would be fine."

Binglong MM, didn't care about me at all, opened a big mouth of blood basin, and killed Frost Dragon Breath!

The wings flew up.


The frosty dragon blasted around the huge rock I just stayed. The sound of rumbling came, and the huge rock and some places around it were frozen into a large ice sculpture directly. If you don't dodge yourself, this may be the end.

No, you ca n’t be passively beaten like this, you must fight back or you will be killed by it sooner or later. When you make up your mind, the Ice Dragon MM seems to see my thoughts. The dragon tail swept away and the body rushed over again. The dragon's claws seized it.

The wings incited, withdrawing dozens of meters in an instant, and rushed directly to the ice dragon MM attack that was thrown off. I burned a flame all over my body and pushed it with both hands. This flame was like a living creature, and the tornado that turned into a flame rushed to the Ice Dragon MM.

The dragon horn on the ice dragon head flashed a blue light at the same time. When the light touched, it turned into a dark blue beam of light.

I hoped that I would send the flame storm to defeat the defeated army, and the body decisively flashed away the beam of light, but the ice dragon MM seized the opportunity and rushed up, the dragon gun emerged, "sniffed", blocking the opponent's claws, just stopped One claw and another sharp dragon claw came in, and it didn't give me any chance to respond!

—21092 There was severe pain in the chest. The whole person seemed to be torn. Even if the scales of Amber Dragon were as hard as steel, four wounds were left, and the body fell directly from the sky onto the snow.

Dozens of black gods also fell out of me, Binglong MM fired a blue beam of light again, and opened his mouth without giving a chance to breathe, spraying dragon breath!

Change the human form decisively, and directly offer the absorbing Blood Shield. "Boom Boom" is accompanied by two bangs. Breath and beam of light spray on the Blood Shield to make a "Beep" sound. The Blood Shield not only resists it. Dragon Breath, and the frosty cold cannot freeze it.

The ice dragon was taken aback, but it wasn't that I was blocking its attack, but "You are not a dragon? You are a human."

I stood up and laughed: "I am a human being is a summoning beast, just now is my summoning beast Amber Dragon." While talking, the fire eye golden eyes scan-ice armor dragon-Stella, level 197, spiritual BOSS, Introduction: Stella was originally a dragon family who lived on the Dragon Island Dragon family. Its body had two kinds of dragon family blood: Frost Dragon and Aquamarine Dragon. Because of this special constitution, it evolved into a rare Ice armor Dragon, but Because it was too naughty, sneaking out of the outside world run by Long Island, playing outside for a hundred years, when I wanted to go back, but forgot to go back, I could only stay in the Snow Dragon Mountains.

It ’s a naughty bag. When I came out to play, I still forgot the way home, and after playing for 100 years, my parents must have died suddenly on Long Island.

"Since you're not a dragon, forget it, I'm leaving." Then he turned around.

"Wait, don't go." I called quickly.

"What's the matter?" Binglong asked, turning his head.

I said, "Can you take me to see Scarsa?"

"No, Lord Skarsa hates humans very much. If you go, you will be killed by Lord Skarsa, and you are too weak to pass through the enchantment under Lord Skarsa." Ice Dragon MM said.

I quickly said, "Is there any way to get through enchantment?"

Binglong MM said: "It takes at least 165 strength to pass through the enchantment, and you are still far behind." After drilling, he went into the bottomless abyss.


Level 165 is a bit distant, and Scazar is definitely the owner of the Snow Dragon Mountains. The highest level of boss is definitely not the master of any trouble. It seems that you must go to the real red-eyed black dragon and see if it is alive. Casa, maybe it has any way. According to my speculation, this Sakasa is the key to the suit I am looking for.

I made up my mind to take out the crystal and go back to Dragon City, because the **** enchantment had to stop this trip to the Snow Dragon Mountains, but also got clues. The next time I called everyone together, this is even called Scasa The guy is not afraid to give the task.

After returning to the Dragon City, repair the two Holy Dragon Yaos and put them back in the warehouse to lie tight. They climb out of the crystal and teleport to Longyuan to find the true red-eyed black dragon.

Seeing this guy reluctantly opened his eyes and said, "What's the matter with the little ghost?"

"I want to ask a question."

"You ask, but I will choose to answer or not." True red-eyed black dragon.

"Well, my question is, do you know Scasa?" I asked.

"Scasa, what do you ask this for?" Said the really red-eyed black dragon, puzzled.

I said, "I just came back from the Snow Dragon Mountains and stopped there. A dragon said Scazar lives on the top of the mountain. I'm looking for it."

"That's right. Your Sakasa should be the Ice Dragon King."

"Ice Dragon King?"

"Scasa is a Frost Dragon, and the King of the Frost Dragons. He ruled the tens of millions of Frost Dragons. When this guy fought, it was really magnificent. If I remember correctly, this guy should be dead. Are you still alive? "The real red-eyed black dragon squeezed his chin." Anyway you want to find it and save effort, it won't see you. "

"Why? This guy hates humans?"

"Yes, this guy can be said to hate human beings, because a long time ago, you said that many areas before the Snow Dragon Mountains were connected, such as the Wannian Snow Mountain, the Death Glacier, the Ice Polar Land, and so on. At that time, the place was called "Ston Snowfield", and there was a celebrity named Bantu. Skarsa and them could be considered neighbors. Every time Skarsa woke up, this group would suffer, because Skarsa This guy has a big appetite. It will eat all living creatures within a few hundred kilometers, including the people of this ethnic group. Until one day, a group of guys who claim to be heroes of the Alliance, while Scasa left the nest to find food and enter it. The lair kills the young dragon in the lair and destroys the dragon egg. From that day, Scasa regarded all humans as enemies. Since then, he has watched pedestrians on the top of the mountain every day. Once he enters the range, he will use it as food. Eat it, and from time to time go down the mountain to destroy the human city, until the racial war erupts and the various races join forces to resist the demon army. This guy will lay down his hatred and stop its revenge. "True Red Eyed Black Dragon said It knows history.

"Understand now, kid."

"Got it."

"Know, let's go, I want to sleep."

"Then you sleep slowly." After speaking, he pulled out the crystal and left Longyuan. It seemed that he could only rely on himself. After level 165, he went through and resolved it to the Dragon Peak.

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