Master Summoner Online

Chapter 981: Five-tailed ice fox

The woman in front of me looked extremely enchanting, especially that those eyes possessed a magical power. At this moment, I felt weak and the dragon gun in my hand couldn't hold it and fell to the ground.

"What did you do to my husband this demon woman!" Xueyue pointed at the photon giant sword and yelled at the palace master.

The other laughed: "It's nothing but using a little bit of charm. These men are very good, especially those with dragon blood. You guys are all very good. If you ask me, I can take it You are disciples, you teach each other! "

"You dream!" With a cold voice, the side of the palace master who didn't know when he came at night, exposed the cold dagger in his hand, and sent it from the dead corner in the corner of the opponent's eye.

"Cut!" The other person was very sensitive, and flew away from the dead end to launch an attack. The body tossed back once more, and the position of the fall was a huge bed. This bed was a huge bed that could allow ten people to roll. Look carefully. It will be found that this bed is not simple. Some strange magic runes are carved on the side of the bed. It can be seen that it is definitely not an ordinary bed.

Immediately following this palace master, he hooked his fingers, and his body walked without resistance. The rain and rain, the fierce blood, the Superman, and the tearless trace. The situation of the four people was almost involuntary. Forward, but they stopped in front of the bed, then turned around, and now they were tightly hugged by the palace master.

"Let him go!" Yun Lan yelled, and the fist of his right hand slammed in the air. There was a harsh sound in the air, and a fist punch, but the master of the palace raised his five fingers with one hand to expand. A layer of transparent shield emerged, but a punch from Yun Lan directly penetrated the transparent shield. The palace master was surprised and flashed sideways, and the punch hit the wall of his body heavily.

Immediately there was an additional fist mark on the wall.

"It seems that I am too small for you. I was like to accept you as my apprentice, but you are so disrespectful, don't blame me." The guy said, laying himself flat on the big bed, and leapt out Jumping into the air, suddenly, with a push of both hands, two small cold winds suddenly shot out from her hands, the extremely cold feeling made people burp.

"Giant Doorman!"

In the face of these two cold winds, no one dared to have the slightest carelessness, suddenly screaming in the dark, the huge iron gate rose up, blocking the two rapid cold winds, blocking the snowy moon and Yunlan at the same time. A right rushed towards the landlord.

Watching the healthy and strange girl approaching herself, the master of the palace ran both hands towards the direction of two people and launched at the same time: "I want to pinch me whimsically, the wind is strong!" The tornado formed by the two huge cold winds flew out toward the The two whistled.

"Martial arts step!"

"Phantom step!"

Suddenly blessed a booster skill, flashed through the cold wind, but the opponent did not stop attacking, when the hands were dancing, a cold wind roared out. No matter Xueyue Yunlan in front, Mo Yan in the rear, Xiaolou Erica, etc., they flickered from side to side, constantly avoiding the bitter cold wind. The cold wind is not ordinary wind, and the numerous ice skates are mixed into it, so that the surrounding ground furniture is marked with a few scars, but the palace owner pays great attention to the target of the attack. Although the cold wind roars, it does not hurt behind him Lying on the big bed and four people beside the bed.

The cold wind screamed, and the girls kept dodging, tired enough, and the physical strength would not be consumed for long. On the other hand, the palace owner's side is not blushing and panting, as if so many cold winds are released, but it is a dish too small to be too small. According to these circumstances, the girls will sooner or later be strangled in the cold wind because of lack of energy!

The MMs were forced to be about two meters away from the door of the room by the cold wind.

"Do you have only this little ability? If you don't become apprentices in this palace, you're sorry ... the wind and cold spirals!" The original temptation of the palace master suddenly became cold! And as she drank, the cold wind from her palm seemed to be manipulated by the invisible hand, and suddenly spun up. One strand, two strands, three strands, ... continually gathered to form a gyro-shaped wind group, which pushed the wind group with both hands and swept away to the MMs ...

"Holy shield!"

Xueyue took the shield forward and pushed the shield with full force. Suddenly, a glass-like mirror surface emerged from the surface of the shield, forming a thin glass mirror surface in front of the body.

Suddenly there was a muffled sound in the void. Immediately followed by-"Uh ..."

The shining mirror continued to inhale the cold wind.

The palace master was a little surprised that Xueyue could absorb his skills. She had lost the laugh of the demon, and her eyes were angry: "See how long you can support?"

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Four seconds!

Five seconds!

"Holy Shield-Mirror Power !!!"

After five seconds of maintenance, Xueyue issued a sip, and the tens of millions of cold wind energy absorbed by the sip would be released in an instant!

"Hmm ..."

The mirror surface fluctuated violently, and numerous cold winds were burst from the mirror surface. These were just absorbed into the cold wind, this time whistling out, scattered, and returned to their original owners.

"Reflection ?! A little skill, but not enough!" He called out a large number of Bing Lingfei to shoot out.

"Boom boom boom boom ..."

A terrifying crash sounded, shaking in the entire room, and another "bang" blew. The energy generated by the explosion soared into the sky, and the energy storm rolled around in a tsunami-like manner, sweeping everything in the room and even the entire room It all fell into half for nothing.

In addition to destroying things, Bang replaced his lost self directly. Seeing that the ice wall around them collapsed, he stretched out his hands to show the red-eyed dragon gun, struck heavily, and launched "Dragon Soul Destruction". Rising into the sky, a huge block of ice shook open, and it was pierced from the ruins of this ice palace.

After going out, I couldn't help but feel a little surprised, seeing the MMs and the palace master confronting each other not long ago, the huge room was completely destroyed just now, and the four people around me, such as Yan Yuliu Nian, also stood up from the ruins with ashamed faces.

"Oh! What happened?" Lie Xue Fei Yu Yuliu patted the soil: "I don't know just now I just remember that I wanted to rush up to chop that fox essence and then it was impossible."

But I saw that the master of the palace did not know when to put on a white robe embroidered with gold silk, and put on a very luxurious robe, wearing a jade crown, showing full majesty, and seeing that we woke up, Xiaolou said happily: "You guys finally woke up."

Brother Superman: "What just happened?"

"You're overwhelmed by this fox spirit." Erica said.

Tears disappeared: "Why are you okay?"

Erica said with a stiff shoulder: "Please, we are women, so lascivious like your men."

The five of us looked at each other and didn't know what to say, but couldn't help but have a slight blush on my face. I said, "Okay, don't be dazed, go and chop the fox spirit to complete the task."

"Okay." The four shouted together, Yanyu Liunian and Fiery Blood summoned their mounts and pets, Tears No Trace and Brother Superman also have their own pets. Tears No Trace is a fiery mouse, but this is not an ordinary mouse. This guy is called a volcanic rat. He has the ability to ignite fire magic and has a small and smart AI. The Superman Big Brother pet is a behemoth with a current flowing and called a thunder beast. It has a huge body and strong attack power. It can also control lightning elements. It is an onslaught. The only choice.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scanning the Past-Five-Tailed Bingling Fox (Humanoid), Level 187 Bingling Spirit, Blood: 72000008000000, Introduction: Bingling Fox is a kind of spirit fox living in the Death Glacier. This kind of spirit fox is clever and possesses Strong learning ability, always eager to learn new things, because such continuous cultivation and learning, if you can cultivate to nine tails, and grow for another thousand years, you can break the limit and become a fairy beast, which can be in the sky and the sea Soaring arbitrarily, unfortunately, because this ice fox likes the human warrior Ice Dome, one day he broke into the Ice Dome station and confessed to him, but who wants the Ice Queen to pass by, and he was seriously wounded when he encountered this incident, Nedan Damage can't be repaired, it can only maintain the Five-Tail Realm, and the dream of Chengxian cannot be realized for life.

"Damn, the charm is lifted, but it doesn't matter, I just need the little ghost with dragon blood! Come on, my loyal subordinates!" BOSS smiled, put a few weird handprints on his hands, and then the wind suddenly burst Scratched up, forming a huge vortex above his head!

"Demon! Forbidden! Dimensional return!"

With a cold scream, the vortex above BOSS's head began to spin quickly.

"Come out to my soldiers!"

After a long scream, I saw that BOSS's hands were folded and merged together, the body was shaking slightly, and huge waves of energy were scattered from her. This wave could rush into the upper vortex. Seeing this, I Quickly throw AMP!

A huge English from MISS rose from her head, and Xueyue also passed a fatal blow, but when the sword was cut down!


Hit an invisible force, shivered fiercely, and flew out. Others also launched various attacks. Various skills were thrown towards the BOSS. All of them were blocked by the invisible forces outside her. Come.

After we blasted for a few seconds, there was no change effect. In the center of this vortex, several figures suddenly blasted out from the inside. In an instant, these figures fell around the BOSS, waiting for the light to dissipate on them. What emerged was an ugly bird-man with wings spread, covered with rotting zebra zombies, a horrible ghost, wearing armor There are no more decent soldiers, and more than thirty various monsters have appeared in front of BOSS.

"How? Surprising enough? These guys were soldiers of the Demon Army stationed in this ice palace. Unfortunately, they died in this place." BOSS smiled coldly: "Go, you can't even enter the prefecture, only The tragic souls who can wander outside the gate of the ghost kill these people, of course, the dragon boy will leave it to me. "

The surrounding monsters immediately howled and killed us.

"Hum, don't think that only you can summon! Lao Tzu is the true summoner! It's not worth summoning you than me!" Looking at the monsters running wild, I waved coldly, waved, and summoned the magic circle around me. In an instant, all the summoning beasts and contract summoning beasts all appeared beside them,


It's not over yet!

"Super Fusion!"

A vortex larger than the vortex she just summoned appeared in the sky above my head. A huge black hole appeared in the center of the vortex. Suddenly, an extremely powerful attraction was generated. The players around, Mount of Warcraft, War Pet, Summoned Beast, And the army that BOSS just called so hard was swept away!

"How is that possible! You actually!" BOSS was stunned! It took the boss to summon a vote of helpers before I could perform well, so I was pulled away and melted away.

The whirlpool's constant rotation seems to strengthen the black hole to absorb its power. Those who are still struggling on the ground, as well as those who have escaped from the ice palace and have not been found by the fox spirit guards are all drawn into the whirlpool.

There are screams all over the space, the sound is like the crowds in Hell, the invisible air waves even distorted the normal vision.


There was a loud noise, showing a huge black hole! The electric light flashing inside the cave seemed extremely horrible, and then a large object slowly emerged from the black hole flashing by the electric light.

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