Master Summoner Online

Chapter 983: Get Longhui Lock

"You're here?"

The Ice Queen said softly.

"Queen, about my Arctic Ice Palace, my companions and I have already solved it!" Said a fist to the Ice Queen.

The Ice Queen laughed and said, "I have felt that the vixen's breath has completely disappeared. You are doing very well."

"Okay, now that I ’m in trouble, I ’m relieved! This time you sweep the Arctic Ice Palace, you have done a great job! I will definitely reward you ~!"

The Snow Queen said to us with a smile, and at the same time, the system prompt sounded in my ear.

"Ding, congratulations on completing the mission [Arctic Ice Palace] and getting rewards: 100 million experience, 100,000 reputation ~!"

Looking at the sudden increase of a lot of experience bars, it has risen to the position of 9973% of this level, and can be upgraded soon, but this point reward is definitely not in line with the difficulty of the three S-level tasks. Because my Longhui lock hasn't got it yet.

"Come here!" The ice queen shouted, and a guard walked in immediately: "Take His Royal Highness's companions to the Treasure Pavilion, and choose the items you like. As for Your Highness, you will go to the Heroic Tomb with me Will give you Longhui Lock. "

"Okay." I said, "I'll go there for my mission reward. After you take something, go back and kill the **** alliance spirit."

"Rest assured, the Earth Alliance is nothing but many people?" Yan Yuliu said.

"Come back soon after taking things." Xueyue ordered.

"If you dare to stalk flowers everywhere, you will never spare you!" Yun Lan said.

"I see." It made me think that I would be abducted by this NPC.

Next, my companion and the guard went to the treasure hall to receive prizes. In the backyard of the palace where I and the Queen of Ice came, I asked, "Aren't we going to the Hero's Tomb? Why are we here?"

The Ice Queen said, "We need a friend to take us."

"Friend? Who is it?" I asked with some curiosity. What kind of friend does this guy have in this place where the birds don't **** for thousands of years, even if there are thousands of years.


A deafening dragon groan came from the sky, and an ice-sculpted dragon appeared over the sky, then in the open space in front of us.

When I saw this dragon descending, I couldn't help but shout, "Arad!" That's right. This dragon is the first time that this dragon has taken me to Frost Dragon Arad of the Dragon City.

"His prince is good these days." Arad waved his paw to say hello to me.

"The friend you said is it?" I pointed at Arad and looked at the Frozen Queen somewhat inconceivably.

Queen Ice said: "Yeah, why are you surprised?"

"A bit unexpected."

Arad said, "I wouldn't have come if the old lady hadn't looked at the honour of my prince."

"Okay, let's squat down and let it come up to me." I said, Arad leaned down and I and the dark **** Tianzhao climbed behind it in turn. The German body suddenly incites wings to fly.

"What do you mean?" The Ice Queen shouted at Arad very uncomfortably.

"Bapa! There is no place for you to sit on this uncle. You told the big stupid bird to take you there. I only carry the next Prince, and of course, his two lovely and beautiful bodyguards." Germany said to the ice queen still on the ground.

"What are you talking about, this evil dragon!" The ice queen was angry, and the staff appeared in her hand instantly.

Arad continued to coax with her: "Come, I'm afraid of you old lady who pretends to be tender." When he said it, he would start the magic of dragon language.

I said immediately: "Arad stops quickly and picks her up."

"I see, His Royal Highness." I was very majestic in Chenlong City, and when the ice queen sat up, I asked, "Where is the Hero's Tomb?"

"The hero's mausoleum is on the plain of ice and fire," the Ice Queen replied.

I patted Arad's head and said, "Go to the Ice and Fire Plain."

"Know, you have seated Your Royal Highness Prince, and so are you, Eighth Lady." As you said, you found a direction and determined your course. The wings instigated and whistled, and they darted into the clouds like a sword and flew at high speed. .

When Arad flew out of the clouds, a huge plain of red and blue appeared below us.

The ice queen pointed to the southwest and said, "The hero's tomb is in that direction!"

"Got it!" Arad said impatiently, and flew over at a low altitude. Above the ground, the wolves, leopards, and leopards were scared to run around. The appearance of Arad was like the end of the day. Far above these creatures.

"Land down in that valley!" Arad flew into the valley, his huge body fell into the valley, and immediately shocked the local residents. The residents here were some blood-colored skeletons called forgotten warsong tribe soldiers.

The scarlet skeletons did not seem to be afraid of Arad, dragged the iron sword and killed him. Arad whispered, "Stupid undead!"

"Brush!" Two claws made a mark against each other.

Immediately, countless ice lingers appeared from the sky, and it was like rain as if falling from the sky. These skulls were hit by ice blasts, and hundreds of thousands of damage figures floated overhead. They were scattered in place and turned into a pile of smashed bones. Killed in the blink of an eye.

We all got up and down from Arad, and they became blue men. We walked towards the hero's tomb. Arad, who was extremely boring on the road, walked to get rid of the mobs on the roadside. These monsters are at least 210. The creature of the first class was killed by one punch and kick. If it wasn't for the mission, the NPC would not be able to team up with the NPC, otherwise it would be so cool for the two super bosses to practice.

A few minutes later, I came to the entrance of a huge tomb, and a enchantment of lightning appeared there. The Ice Queen pulled out a crystal and threw it, and immediately a big hole appeared in the enchantment.

With a bang, two behemoths flew from behind the enchantment!

As I was about to meet, Arad stepped forward one-handedly, a huge ice cone flew out and hit one of the two monsters.

—1427801 This monster howled, and millions of damage flew out, but it was not spiked. It can be seen that the defense is high enough, and the other monster snarled. I can see that the guy who came out was like a tiger. The creature, the one hit by Arad fell to the ground, struggling, and the other roared with blood on the icy body fur.

"Ice burst!" The Ice Queen suddenly shot, using the most common ice skills.

—53747 The ice burst ability itself is not very harmful, but the chance of freezing is very high, so this guy is frozen in place at once.

I hurriedly cast a fire-eye golden eye, and suddenly found that this monster is a level 240 quasi-BOSS monster called Heroic Guardian Phantom Beast, with a blood amount of up to two million, which is simply not able to withstand the current level of players.

Arad was about to give the illusion beast that fell to the ground a final blow, but the ice queen called it, saying, "Don't hurt them, they are the guardians here!"

Said, walking lightly forward, the psychedelic monster that fell to the ground was dying. The Ice Queen still healed it, and then let it go. We continued to walk, but a large number of psychedelic monsters appeared in the ice. The queen stepped forward, her white fingers spread slightly, and she moaned, "Cold wind!"


The blue whirlwind immediately frozen this piece of phantom monster. The ice queen did not kill a monster along the way, all of it was forced to retreat or frozen. After one hour of advance, we came to hit a large platform. The platform Countless monsters are creatures above level 250. These guys rushed towards us without a word, grinning one by one and trying to tear us apart.

The Ice Queen's staff was raised, and a blizzard was blowing in the huge space. During the blizzard, the monsters calmed down and stood one by one, saying, "I use the magic mirror of ice to make them fall into an illusion. We Get the Longhui lock first. "


The crowd came to the middle of the platform. The ice queen read a spell and saw the ground sink into a piece. Then a small slate rose up. The slate was suspended in the air without any support. It was very magical.

A stone box was placed on the slate. When the stone box was opened, there was a shining group of light. The ice queen took out the light group and handed it to me. She reached for the next moment and turned it into a belt. It's about eight centimeters wide. Looking at the exterior, it looks like a collection of flat blue gemstones. An oriental dragon carved on this belt is lifelike, very exquisite and luxurious.


"Hmm ..."

Suddenly, a violent cry broke my mind of appreciating this beautiful belt, and I saw that the stone box suddenly emitted a thick smoke, and a huge thing appeared in front of the thick smoke!

Seeing this emerging guy was an ice blue scale armor with nine heads of giant snakes, each of them screaming out of the smoke, and the unpleasant sound pierced the eardrums.

The Ice Queen said: "It's Ice Hydra. I didn't expect it to be alive. I thought it was dead."

I asked, "What is this snake and how do you know it?"

The Queen of Ice said: "It is the pet of the Dome of the Ice. I thought it had died in battle with the Dome of the Ice. I did not expect it to be sealed here. Please wait. Now that I have found him, I will take it by the way. Go back, my palace will not be too lonely with it. "

I asked, "What to do?"

"Arad, aren't you bored? Go play with it."

"Why should I help you." Arad put his hands on his back and put on a look of irritation.

The Hydra saw that we were ignoring ourselves and arguing, so we were very angry and blasted out a string of energy balls, coming out like a mortar.

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