Master Summoner Online

Chapter 985: Heaven

Take a deep breath and suppress the excitement! It finally started, the domestic trials finally came, the peaceful growth phase after the road of the king has ended, the battle finally started again, and the prelude to the world competition has begun. It seems that the next time is to race against the clock to make yourself stronger. There are great opportunities for the five qualifying places. As long as you grasp it, you can definitely qualify.

Before the World Series comes, I have to raise my strength first, which can deter other war zone masters and improve the prestige of China. This matter, even with my current strength, I feel a little pressure. As the player's level rises, no matter it is combat experience, or whatever.

Just because a gun is easy to hide from an arrow, it is fortunate to say that domestically, it is impossible to say internationally. The means that have never been seen is the most terrible!

Changshu lay down in my heart with a sigh of relief, and when I sat up, I saw that the MM around me looked at myself quietly, and I was a little worried, and I asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

The long time three talents also said, "Nothing." After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the computer.

"Fuck!" I felt like I was being tricked.

Back on the line, only from this so-called China Experience Competition, even after the release of the national qualifier, the Second World set off a fierce leveling frenzy than before the road of the king at that time, countless players who aspire to become famous in World War I are like locusts It has swept through all the developed intermediate and advanced leveling maps, and some even broke into the terrible unexplored world.

In order to compete for PK caused by level maps, a large amount of gold coins were consumed, and the exchange rate of gold coins and RMB on the trading platform rose again. The group of scalpers who fell alive on gold coins can be said to be unprecedentedly happy.

And on the player forums, posts related to leveling mission experience abound, and gossip is flying around.

Now my level is more than 159 points. The massive experience required to punch the 160 level is scary enough. If you have a leveling map like the ruins of light and darkness, you do n’t need to worry about leveling, but the problem is that there is no place now. Find that kind of thing.

No matter who is inevitably involved in the army of leveling, now the whole world is filled with a rather fanatical atmosphere, there are fewer players in the empty city, and those bar cafes are deserted, everyone is rushing Leveling, even if those players who are not participating are afraid of the level being dropped, it is also not to be outdone.

Those people in the guild organized rushing teams to run around every day, and sometimes they broke into the unexplored map and all the monsters inside there returned to the city.

As time goes by, my summer vacation has come to an end. From the next semester, we will be the seniors. As the first batch of formal students at Jinlong College, we have no previous seniors, but we have students of this term. School girl.

There are still three days to go to school. Today I ’m going to finish an important period. I will retrieve Longhui ’s recasting. I remember that the dragons said that the recasting process was caused by failure. I hope I do n’t want to. Unlucky.

Coming to the Dragon City, just after stepping out of the hotel, you saw the fire on the other side of the blacksmith's shop. The color of the flame was not red, but a strange flame like snow and white. The flame reached hundreds of meters directly into the clouds.

Apart from running towards the smithy, I rushed into the backyard and felt an indescribable heat at this instant. The heat wave was simply amazing, as if the tide was attacking like crazy.

Dharma shouted for me to step back, and I nodded and immediately stepped back, barely standing in the same place as the Black God and Tian Zhao. The dragon was standing in front of its huge Titan barrier, and there was almost no movement on his face, it seemed This terrible heat wave, in his eyes, was breezy.

At this moment, you can clearly see the white flame like a beam of light. There is a shadow that is constantly tumbling up and down. The snow and silver dragons around the dragon pillars are transformed into living creatures, dancing around the flames of light. , Opened his mouth to spray a white dragon flame, while quenching the middle object.

With the passage of time, the heat wave tumbling and the temperature constantly rising, we have been forced to retreat far away. Rebecca displayed a layer of frost enchantment around us, but even this enchantment cannot resist the impact of the heat wave. In, still sweaty.

After half an hour like this, suddenly a faint Jinxia in the clouds in the sky began to appear, and the strangeness became more and more strange. Even the residents of this peerless power class in the Dragon City were more or less There was panic.

The discoloration of the dragon's face promoted the dark clouds in the sky. In the dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed continuously, jumping over the clouds constantly, looking shocked.

The dragon man looked at the strange change in the sky and said, "Heaven is here!"

Suddenly, "It's your turn!"

"Wait a long time!" With this voice, I saw five people suddenly flashing around the huge Titan barrier. One of these five people is very familiar to me because he is Arad, and there are four men and two women around, If they were not wrong, they were the four dragons that were sent by Arad with the real red-eyed black dragon to complete the mission of the Seal Campaign with me.

After another half an hour, the golden lightnings in the sky were beating fiercely. It seemed that they could be cut off at any time. It seemed shocking. The scene, especially when the day was coming.

The dragon's mouth yelled, "Cloth!" Six humanoid dragons, including the dragon, instantly appeared as pieces of equipment, wrapping the body, and at the same time holding a huge magic array with their hands, they and the huge monster in the middle. Mechanical hood.

next moment.

I see in the sky, China suddenly flew countless thunder and lightning, and dozens of them were coming in the direction of Chenlong City!

"Flying Dragon Xuantian! Start!" The six dragons shouted at the same time!

The huge magic array they supported was sent to the sky by the six of them. The rays of energy gathered on the magic array were shining. The thunder and lightning falling in the sky first hit the enchantment that protected the dragon city, and immediately stirred up thousands of thousands. The current, even the real red-eyed black dragon's enchantment is difficult to be the force of the day. After spending ten seconds, it broke the enchantment of the enchantment and descended on Arad and other dragons to spread the battle!

In this moment!

boom! A huge mass of energy exploded when it collided with the magic circle, causing the impact aura to sweep away a distance of hundreds of meters towards the surroundings. If it were not for the explosion in the air, who knows how many people will be in this impact Spared.

Even if the thunder and lightning were blocked, the excess thunder and lightning blew to the ground, a crazy crackling sound was heard, the energy was violent, and the pits were blown out on the ground.

"Is this a strong one?" Ronin couldn't help but scream. And in the sky, one after another, lightning continued to bombard here, and cracks had already appeared in the magic circle. The crackling sound was shocking.

After five minutes of resistance, Arad and others have begun to run out of energy.

"Damn! The formation cannot support it!" Said the fire dragon, spitting blood from his mouth.

"It's almost a little while insisting on it!" The dragon people did not forget to encourage everyone while struggling to support it.

Sky clouds are low, and the golden lightnings are gradually converging, forming a more terrifying giant lightning split.

"Boom!" This giant lightning blasted on the enchantment first, but broke through the enchantment's defense instantly and fell on the magic circle. This magic circle was crushed without blocking for a second, and the ground six The man vomited blood and flew out, hitting the surrounding walls heavily.

"Master (brother)!"

"Arad! Everyone!"

A few of us saw people shouting at the same time. I never expected that this day ’s horror would be so terrible. All the defensive formations were completely destroyed. If we let this lightning fall wildly and hit the Titan barrier, then these twenty days The painstaking efforts were all in vain, and even we couldn't save our lives.

Just before the thunderbolt was about to fall on the Titan barrier, but we couldn't help but watch it all of a sudden, a dark figure came out, and a huge black barrier was spread over the Titan barrier to protect it. Hit the shield but can't break through!

This will make it clear that this black shadow is a man in a dark armor, seeing him shouting in an angry tone: "You all let go!" Black light continued to flow outside his body, and soon he It turned into a black light and shadow, rising into the sky, and a bang followed by a thunderous blast. The lightning that split from the sky was not missed by him in the air.

Not only I, but Arad, who fell to the ground, was stunned and shocked.

At this moment, the figure in the sky is a ghost of a black dragon. This dragon has eyes that are redder than blood. Yes, this figure is a humanized true red-eyed black dragon. The true red-eyed black dragon controls its own shadow. In the impact of the clouds, a thunderous explosion rang, and the next moment a black light and shadow fell suddenly and fell on the Titan barrier!


Shocking noises, earth and rocks splashing, rising smoke and dust dozens of meters high covered the entire blacksmith shop, and when the smoke spread out, seeing the sky, the dark clouds finally began to spread gradually, and the sky disaster was over.

When everything calmed down, Arad and others stood around, and when the smoke at the center spread out, I noticed a figure crawling out of it, looking a little embarrassed, with a look of anger in his face. It is a true red-eyed black dragon. The Titan barrier has been reduced to ashes, and no **** is left. At this moment, the true red-eyed black dragon is holding an ice blue energy group in his hand.

"It's done!" Dragon Man first exclaimed! The equipment that was finally completed after twenty days of tempering was extremely shocking.

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