One sapling after another, under the control of Fang Heng’s super power, poured into the mouth of the ghost at a very fast speed.


One by one, the ghost’s eyes widened, and it wanted to scream! But I found that I couldn’t open my mouth!

I don’t want to be a hero anymore! I don’t want to!

Fang Heng shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, Ghost, be patient a little, it will get better soon.” ”

Outside, everyone looked at this scene in surprise!

“Ghost it, it can actually eat so many plants?!”

“It’s so big!”

“Won’t it really break it?!”

The sapling flew very fast, but because of the huge amount, it also flew for almost ten minutes before it was all swallowed into the mouth by the ghost.

“Look at it! The hell, it’s getting so big! ”

The people looked at the scene in front of the TV in shock.

I saw that at this time, the ghost Si’s body was a full circle larger than before, and the black mist around him expanded several times, and he became a fat man.

“Huh… Ju~! ”

Ghost puffed out his cheeks, closed tightly, and closed his mouth.

His eyes were wide and he kept looking at Fang Heng.

It found that its body had resumed its movement, but the saplings had been swallowed into its stomach, and now if it vomited it again, thanks to it!

In that case, wouldn’t it be that the heroes and heroes did not do it, and they still suffered this crime in vain? So it definitely can’t open its mouth right now!


Fang Heng looked slightly embarrassed, and said, “Don’t worry!” When this matter is over, I and everyone will definitely accept your love! ”


Puffing out his cheeks, Ghost Si nodded with difficulty. That’s good!

My suffering cannot be eaten in vain!


Fang Heng stretched out his hand to grab the ghost Si and looked at the big blue bird: “Ancient Moon Bird, hold it!” ”


Fang Heng directly threw the ghost Si towards its mouth!

Although the ancient moon bird looked dull, Fang Heng’s words could still be understood, not to mention, it originally liked to bite things.

As soon as the ghost Si approached it, its beak immediately opened! Swish!

Easily put the already fat ghost Si in his mouth after the swelling.

Fang Heng chuckled.

The mouth of the ancient moon bird is the most magical place on its body.

Unless the size difference is too large, everything can be taken! This scene made the people watching outside even more confused for a while!

“What the hell is this all about? The ancient moon bird bit the ghost! ”

“I don’t know, but it’s terrifying that Ghost Si’s belly can really hold so many saplings.”

“Keep looking down to see what Boss Fang wants to do.”

Fang Heng covered the superpowers on the two of them again. Teleportation!


The three of them suddenly appeared in the sky.


The ancient moon bird instinctively spread its wings to stop the fall. Fang Heng easily stood on its back and looked around.

“This! Here it is?! One of the starting points of the green area! ”

He Liang shouted in surprise!


“Are you about to start dropping saplings?!”

Xia He asked. The starting point of the green area.

This is located on the outskirts of Haicheng and is also one of the ports of the highway, and next, Fang Heng plans to start from here and drop all the saplings of cones.

At this time, there are basically no vehicles around, and most of the neighborhood is residential areas. So that no one saw them in the sky.

However, on TV, this scene has caused an uproar.

“Ready to start?!”

“What the hell are you going to do?!”

Everyone looked at Fang Heng expectantly, wondering how he was going to deal with it.

Fang Heng smiled slightly, and said to the ghost in the mouth of the ancient moon bird: “Ghost Si, when the ancient moon bird flies later, you can open your mouth and throw these saplings all along this road, you know?” ”


Puffing out his cheeks, Ghost Si hurried to reconcile.

It gets it! It just wants to solve it quickly now and get out of this big bird’s mouth!

“Good! Then it will trouble you, Ancient Moon Bird! Set sail! Use up as fast as you can and sprint! ”


The ancient moon bird tilted its head, and its wings immediately flicked! It’s like a hurricane!


The ancient moon bird rushed down this road!

And Ghost Si had long been unable to bear it, and at the moment when the ancient moon bird rushed up, it opened its mouth wide again!

Then, it is a scene that is destined to go down in history and into the hearts of all audiences!

Countless and large numbers of saplings, like a flood, fell from the mouth of the ghost and from the sky!


Under the high-speed flight of the ancient moon bird, the saplings are like dominoes, neat, obviously extremely fast, but they are not chaotic at all!

Bang bang!

One by one, one by one, a large number of saplings fell along the green belt and fell to the side of the road!

Countless people were stunned.

They really couldn’t imagine that Fang Heng would actually transport such a large number of saplings in this way, and neatly and neatly, along the green belt!

“Is this the elf? Is this an elf?! ”

“It’s amazing! Their power is amazing! ”

“I just feel great! If we rely on our human resources to transport these saplings, how long will it take?! ”

“That’s right! But relying on Ghost Si and the Ancient Moon Bird, how long has it been! Look at its flight speed, soon, it will go around the sea city! ”

He Liang looked at Fang Heng, who was constantly flying at this time, in shock.

“Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Boss Fang can actually have this hand?!”

He lamented.

“Boss Fang’s understanding of elves, we can’t compare at all, elves still have many magical places that we need to explore!”

Xia He is rarely serious.

The ancient moonbird flies extremely fast.

It is rushing at its current maximum speed!

The fast dragon, known as the speed of God, circles the earth in only one hour.

Although the ancient moon bird is not comparable, it only needs to circle the road line of Raohai City, so in the shocked eyes of all the audience, the ancient moon bird flew for almost an hour, and finally, successfully ended this gallop!

And this spectacular domino scene has also come to an end.

All visible to the naked eye, the originally inflated huge body of Ghost Si is getting smaller and smaller, and more and more normal.

Although the saplings that it has been spitting out of its mouth have not diminished in the slightest, it is clear that it has become more and more relaxed.

Finally! Burst!

With the end of the last leg of the route, the journey of the ghost spit seedlings is also completely over. ”

Countless residents of Haicheng all came to their windows in exclamation. Residents along the road immediately screamed!

This is the sound of surprise! They can’t believe it!

Right in front of their eyes, next to the road green belt that had just been empty, there were already neat rows of saplings standing side by side.

This means that not long ago, the ancient moon bird with the ghost, once flew by at extreme speed!

This incomparably real picture, incomparably real scene, completely reshaped their three views!

It’s different from what you see on TV, on the web.

Although I know that those Pokémon are real, I haven’t personally touched the relevant things, and the experience will not be so profound after all!

But now it’s different, right in front of their eyes, a scene that really appears, making them visually unconcealable!

Pokémon really exist! Their power is really very powerful!

Fang Heng chuckled, his mind swept away, and he could clearly perceive that the city had completely boiled at this time.

“Next, it’s planting.”

He smiled and waved lightly. All three teleport immediately.


“Boss Fang! You are amazing! I didn’t expect that there would be such a way! ”

He Liang shouted at Fang Heng who came back for the first time.

“Thanks to the Ghost Si and the Ancient Moon Bird, praise them a lot.”

Fang Heng smiled and walked to the side of the ancient moon bird and pulled down the ghost on its mouth.

“Ju~桀~! (╥︣_╥᷅)”For a while, Ghost Si couldn’t help but shed tears!

It quickly ran away and flew towards Ulin!

“Juju~! (╥︣_╥᷅) “Woohoo! I’m wronged!

Ulin hurriedly hugged it, his face was slightly helpless, and he had to keep comforting: “It’s hard for you, it’s hard for you, ghost!” Rest assured, rest assured! Everyone will definitely remember your good! ”

“桀桀~(╥︣_╥᷅)(Woohoo! What is the use of wanting others to remember well… )”

Ghost Si felt that he had been deceived, and he had known that it was so uncomfortable, and he would definitely not be a big contributor.


Seeing that it was so sad, Xia He stood up: “I said you little devil!” Unexpectedly, it is also a good product! It looks fierce, but it turns out to be so easy to cry, it’s the first time I’ve seen Pokémon cry! ”

“Ancient moon bird! Come! ”

Waving at the ancient moon bird, he then took out a handful of energy cubes and threw them at it, his face full of pride!

It’s just that.


The ancient moon bird still looked dumbfounded, without any expression, just chewing energy cubes to itself.


The audience who saw this scene also cried and laughed.

“I didn’t think that Ghost Si was actually a child’s character? I cry so much. ”

“It turned out to be a crybaby!”

“It doesn’t look scary at all!”

“I heard that the owner of the crying ghost runs a haunted house! Their haunted houses are also run by ghosts?! Let’s go play together then! ”

“Go! Gotta go! I love ghosts so much! I’m going to make it cry! Ha ha! ”

A variety of network sounds are emerging. Everyone teased Ghost Si one after another.

Previously, it made so many grimaces, creating a terrifying impression on the public, all of a sudden… It’s all reversed.


He Liang laughed happily for a while before continuing: “Since the saplings are almost in place now, the next step is to plant!” ”

“That’s right.”

Fang Heng nodded slightly.

So, He Liang walked to the camera again, his expression was solemn, his eyes were serious, and he said: “Everyone! The cones have all arrived, and the next step is for everyone to take action together! ”

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