Master Tongtian

Chapter 102 Don’t jump! (2/3)

Chapter 102 Don’t jump! (twenty three)

Underground mine.

"What the hell is this?!"

Captain Hamill's incredible voice echoed in the mine.

"Who knows, maybe this is the devil in hell."

It was Feilin who spoke. He was holding the sword in his hand tightly and his face was blue.


A deafening roar erupted from the ugly monster's chest.

Why the chest?

Because he didn't have a head at all, he was just a big piece of meat with thick limbs.

The monster's skin was covered with bloody mouths, and as he roared, the small holes in his skin split open.

Some small openings turned into mouths with long teeth, some small openings turned into blood-red eyes, and some small openings turned into holes for jets of air.

The facial features that should originally appear on a person's face are actually scattered all over the body, and the number is more than fifteen.

Rosen had already figured it out: "It's a fusion giant whose predecessor was the buried miners."

Xialina's face was full of shock: "It's too evil! It's really too evil! It must be completely eliminated!"

The question is, how to eliminate it? !

Seeing that the giant was about to charge, Sharina didn't have time to think too much and shouted: "Warriors, shoot arrows! Shoot its eyes! Hold him back first!"

The soldiers' weapons include knives, bows and crossbows, and their abilities in close combat and long-range attacks are quite good. However, facing an opponent of such a physique, close combat is obviously unrealistic.

Whether it is the Silver Moon Ranger or the Exorcist Warrior, they will execute the order immediately.

‘Swish swish swish~~’

Sharp arrows pierced the air and hit the giant's eyes very accurately after spanning a distance of more than 60 meters.


The giant roared again, ignoring the injuries on his body, leaned over, and lifted a half-meter-high boulder on the ground.

"Disperse! Disperse now!"

Xia Lina immediately yelled, and at the same time grabbed Rosen's arm, pulled him into her arms like lightning, and then rushed out with him in her arms.

The other warriors also scattered in all directions.

As soon as he finished the action, the giant bent down and threw the boulder over.

A huge boulder weighing more than one ton drew a parabola in the sky and hit the ground at a speed of tens of meters per second, making a "boom" sound and causing a cloud of gravel and smoke.

The power is quite powerful, but fortunately the speed is not fast, which shows that the giant's power is not as terrifying as he appears.

Sharina pushed Rosen away from her arms and yelled: "Hamil, come here and protect Rosen!"

Rosen glanced at Sharina's chest, and a flash of surprise flashed in his heart: 'Why is it so big? ’

Of course, now is not the time to think about this.

He immediately shouted: "No, you don't have to protect me!"

"Spread out and attack freely! Pay attention to self-protection!"

After fusing two powerful magical arts, his power has made a qualitative leap, and he no longer needs the protection of other warriors.

As he spoke, he cast spells quickly.

Extraordinary constant resistance field.

Extraordinary and impermanent force. Constant vortex force field.

Constant flame barrier.

The spells are completed one after another, taking less than two seconds.

Although the scale of each spell is less than one-fifth of its original size, with the support of high-intensity mana, its power is five times that of the standard version!

Sha Lina, who was blessed by the Eye of Wisdom, clearly felt the changes in Rosen. She felt relieved and immediately asked: "Then what should we do next?"

Of course Rosen knew.

Ever since he discovered Olekeya, he already knew exactly what to do.

He said urgently: "It is impossible to defeat the evil god with our strength alone. We must help O'Lekeya get out of trouble!"

"How can I help?!"


After Rosen said this word, he shouted loudly: "Hold the giant! Use all your efforts to hold the giant! Buy me enough casting time!"

Just as he was speaking, the giant started to take action and rushed straight towards Rosen's position.

"Shoot the arrow! Shoot it in the knee!" Hamill yelled.

‘Whoosh whoosh~’

Arrows rained down, pricking the giant's thigh into a hedgehog, but this guy's flesh was too thick, and the flesh and blood was filled with a very powerful force.

The Silver Moon Ranger's arrows hit him, almost like tickling him, completely unable to stop his actions.

"Ofina~ Let this monster see the power of thunder and lightning!"

The voice of the white wolf beast king Nandix rang out in the field.


The white wolf looked up to the sky and roared, a large amount of silver lightning emerged from its fur, squirming quickly like a snake, and then converged on Nandix's hands, forming a lightning spear over five meters long and as thick as a thigh.

When the spear took shape in his hand, Nandix shouted: "Go!"

The spear turned into lightning that split the sky, and with a loud crackling sound, it pierced the giant monster in the distance.

At the same time, Sharina was not idle either.

Although she couldn't figure out how to get sunlight in the underground mine, she had no choice but to cooperate with Rosen.

"My Lord~ In the name of the Third Golden Rule, grant me the power to pierce all darkness~"

He chanted in his mouth, moved quickly with his hands, cocked the crossbow, raised it, and aimed it at the giant monster's chest.

'collapse! ’

The crossbow arrow flew out, with a dazzling golden light glowing from the arrow, like a golden meteor that melted into the night sky, complementing the silver-white lightning.

At the same time, Rosen seized the time his teammates had bought, drew out the Silver Moon Focus Sword, raised it to the sky, and with a thought, released the spell that O'Lekeya had given him in his dream.

Natural magic. Light from heaven!

Natural spells are driven by 'actual representation'. It is very simple to get started and extremely difficult to cast. The actual difficulty of this light of heaven is roughly equivalent to that of a five-star logical spell.

It just hit the upper limit of Rosen's spellcasting ability.

But although the difficulty is low, the mana consumption is ridiculously high.

The spell was activated, and the mana surged in Rosen's body, pouring into the Silver Moon Focusing Sword like a tsunami.

With Rosen's current mana, he also felt a lot of pressure to cast spells.

Fortunately, this consumption is one-time.

A moment later, the spell casting was completed, consuming a full 30% of Rosen's mana.

The moment the spell was completed, Rosen's whole body emitted a dazzling light, and the light on the Silver Moon Focusing Sword was even more intense.

And all this brilliance merged into the tip of the sword like a torrent, and then came out from the tip of the sword, condensing into an incandescent ball of light that was exactly the same as the sun.

The light ball lasted for a moment, rushed straight to the top of the mine, and then spread with a 'pop', opening a strange passage with a diameter of more than fifteen meters.

Strong golden sunlight shot out from the passage, shining directly on Olekeya's body.

At the same time, the sunlight completely pierced the darkness in the mine, making the mine as bright as noon.

Under the sunlight, the blazing lightning and the golden crossbow arrows were all eclipsed.

Rosen heard Olekeya's voice full of joy again.

"It's very good. The power of the spell is many times more powerful than I imagined, and a lot of sunlight is guided in."

"I'll be out of trouble in five minutes at most!"

This voice made Rosen very happy, but also worried. He was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the counterattack of the King of Neverwinter.

On the other side, lightning hit the giant monster's body, and the crossbow arrow also hit the giant monster's chest.


Under the abuse of lightning, the troll's body shook like chaff, but it did not fall down and even continued to move forward. It looked like it was dancing a super-fast shoulder-shaking dance.

The next moment, a golden crossbow arrow flew over and penetrated into the giant monster's chest, drilling through it in one go and drilling out a bloody hole the size of an adult's head.


The giant monster's body finally lost its balance and slid five or six meters on the ground due to the huge forward inertia.

If it were an ordinary creature, it would be disabled or dead after suffering such a blow, but this giant monster was only numb for less than three seconds before turning over and sitting up. .

It raised its hands and squeezed the wound on its chest, and a large number of blood vines like blood vessels emerged from the wound. Within a moment, the blood holes disappeared without a trace.

Then, the troll raised his hand and slapped it on the ground, and his huge body bounced off the ground. Then he kicked his legs on the ground, heard a loud "boom", and rushed towards Rosen again like a cannonball.

Xia Lina was extremely shocked. She glanced at the blonde woman in the sky in her hurry, only to find that the golden light on her body became condensed and her struggle became more intense. This showed that Rosen's method was effective!

She was overjoyed: "Stop it! Stop it quickly!"

At the same time, she quickly cocked the crossbow, but the speed of the troll was so fast that she couldn't make it in time.

Not only was she too late, so were the other warriors, even Nandyx.

He is a beast king who unleashes witchcraft, and his spellcasting speed cannot keep up with the pace of the giant monster.

The lightning strike that he had used all his strength before also put huge pressure on his and White Wolf's bodies, and they had to slow down before releasing the next powerful spell.

Seeing that the giant monster was about to rush in front of him, Captain Hamill gritted his teeth and raised his knife to rush forward and fight hard.

But at this moment, Rosen's voice came from behind: "Let me come!"

What appeared along with this sound was a dazzling light blue light spot.

Extraordinary spell. Impact fireball.

The light point flew to the giant monster's feet and exploded violently. The huge shock wave kicked up a large amount of gravel and stopped the giant monster's momentum. The high-temperature flames roasted the giant monster's flesh and blood until it was sizzling and smoking.

Sharina shouted with joy.

"Good job, Rosen!"

"shoot arrows, shoot arrows with all your strength, once the power in the giant monster's body is exhausted, it will die!"

The giant monster was really powerful. When it was hit head-on by the big fireball, it only paused for a moment. Just as it was about to rush forward, another light blue light point flew to its feet.

Still Rosen.

'boom! ’

There was another loud noise, and the violent impact knocked the giant monster to the ground, causing him to lose his balance and take several steps back.


The sound of cracking wood could be heard in the sky.

The blond O'Lekeya has gained a lot of power from the sun, and she is breaking free from the shackles of the King of Neverwinter little by little.

The situation has improved, but the King of Neverwinter will not sit idly by.

The vast and deep voice sounded again in the underground space.

"Little mage, your spells are indeed good, but how long can your magic power last?!"


The troll let out an ear-splitting roar, and after being knocked back continuously, he seemed to be completely angry.

His smoking skin turned red, and his messy muscles bulged visibly, like a bull with red eyes.

It went into a rage.

Xia Lina was horrified. She aimed at the opponent's chest again and shot a golden crossbow arrow.


The giant monster actually moved sideways and dodged her crossbow arrows by a hair's breadth, showing incredible flexibility.

Then, it ignored the interception of other warriors, and suddenly, with a loud bang, it jumped up high, like a cannonball, and hit Rosen's position at high speed.

Rosen had been paying attention to the overall situation. When he saw that the other party dared to jump up, his eyes flashed and he had a plan in mind.

He immediately unleashed the third fireball technique on it.


The fireball technique was actually intercepted by the stone thrown by the giant monster's left hand, and the giant monster raised its right hand, and another stone whizzed towards Rosen.

Just as he was about to be hit by the boulder, Rosen's body suddenly moved 8 meters. Almost at the same time, he used his third spell.

Extraordinary and impermanent power. Weightlessness!

A head-sized transparent ball of light flew towards the giant monster in the air, expanding into a twisted space as it flew, successfully covering the giant monster's body.

At this time, the giant monster was jumping to its highest point. After being enveloped by the ball of light, its body became as light as a feather and rushed diagonally upward in a straight line toward the top of the mine.

Originally, wanting to use the power of impermanence to knock the giant monster away would have required a lot of mana, but Rosen was using his strength to fight back. The real driving force for the giant monster to fly forward actually came from the giant monster itself.

Therefore, he consumed very little mana, but had a huge effect.


The giant monster's body hit the ceiling more than thirty meters high, causing a large crater visible to the naked eye. Half of its body was still stuck in a rock crevice.


It struggled desperately to get out of the trap, but under its huge struggle, the rock cracked with a cracking sound, and it was about to break free.

"Ofina~ Let the wind of frost rage!"

Nandix appeared, just in time to add a powerful witchcraft of Feng Shui bipolarity.

The biting and damp cold wind blew on the giant monster like a knife. In the blink of an eye, the surface of the giant monster's body was covered by a thick layer of white frost.

After being covered by hoarfrost, the giant monster's struggling strength was significantly weakened, and with such strength, it was basically impossible to break free from the shackles of the stone cracks.

The troll threat is temporarily lifted.

But the real threat comes from the King of Neverwinter.

The confused voice sounded again in the underground stone room.

"Golden Apostles, if you only have this little power, then the farce should be over."

Following the words, the stone wall cracked with cracks everywhere, and rattans at least half a meter thick and with a black-red metallic luster emerged one after another.

There are five such giant vines, each of which seems to have infinite length, so that the entire underground secret room is filled with this terrifying vine.

He was really going to take action, and no mortal could resist such power.


O'Lekeya shouted, intensified her struggle, and instantly tore off a large number of blood vines.

"Damned Daughter of Heturo!"

The King of Neverwinter cursed, and the four canes retracted to deal with Olekeya, leaving only one to deal with everyone.

Rosen's heart moved slightly, and he immediately divided his mind into three parts and entered the Lord of the Universe meditation.

During meditation, 99% of the power entered O'Rekeya's body through resonance.

You can clearly feel Olekeya's joy.

O'Lekeya's struggle became more intense, and she was about to escape.

Therefore, the rattan was also timid, retracting at any time to prepare for support.

And the battle has entered the most critical and dangerous moment!

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