Master Tongtian

Chapter 263 Kill the count with one nail! Kill Rosen with two nails! (3/4)

Chapter 263 Kill the count with one nail! Kill Rosen with two nails! (34)


Deep in the Snowy Mountains, there is a secret cave where the Iron Arm Brotherhood once lived.

The Brotherhood is a thing of the past, and the cave has naturally changed owners. Now it belongs to Faeron and his Deadpool.

A faint light spell floats on the top of the dimly lit cave, vaguely illuminating the spacious cave space.

It can be seen that the mud floor in the center of the cave has been trimmed to be very smooth and flat, like a smooth mirror made of mud.

This 'mud mirror' was not easy to get, and it took 20 iron-armed diggers to smash it with their fists for half a month before it met the requirements.

On this smooth clay plate, many complicated shadow lines were engraved, and a large amount of faintly glowing blood was poured into the lines, forming a large blood magic circle.

On the ground around the magic circle, iron-armed digos with shriveled bodies lay scattered.

They are all dead.

Their vitality, their souls, were squeezed into the blood by a cruel spell, and this blood was squeezed out of their blood vessels and poured into the magic circle.

In the center of the circle, stood a naked, one-legged mage with not a hair on his body and delicate skin.

It was Faerun who had taken refuge in the Lord of the Dead, Vandelon.

He stood on one leg in the center of the magic circle, holding three beautifully crafted straw dolls in his hands.

The grass stems that make up the doll have been soaked with blood, and the grass stems are bright red and full, like leeches that have sucked blood.

There are three pieces of silk cloth pasted on the face of the doll, with a name written on each of the silk cloths.

From left to right, they are Sophia de Omicia, Rosen de Philander, and Vivian Moreau, the mortal enemies that Feilun hates so much.

As soon as the magic power was activated, the three puppets floated up and hovered in front of Faerun.

Faerun shouted in a low voice: "My slave, bring me the leg bone needle."

With these words, Horus, who was missing both legs, floated over and handed three giant bone needles ground from fresh human leg bones to Faerun.

The bone needle was densely white, with the periosteum that had not been peeled off cleanly on the surface. One end was ground to a sharp point, and the hollow marrow cavity was filled with glowing blood.

The specially refined bone needles are very strange and naturally have the power to resist the entanglement of magic, so the mage's hand is ineffective and can only be held by hand.

After getting the three leg bone needles, Deadpool Horus silently retreated to the side of the cave, completely ignoring the swollen and rotten wounds on his lower body.

Feren picked up the bone needle and looked at Sophia's doll first.

His thoughts were shaken, his magic power surged, and he chanted evil words in his mouth.

"Arrogant Sophia de Omicia, in the name of my Lord Vandelon, I will let you be wrapped in pain and resentment tonight, and let your soul shatter in your sleep and turn into ashes!"

Amidst the evil words, Ferun grasped the bone needle tightly and used all his strength to pierce the doll's head bit by bit.

There seems to be some kind of strange resistance on the doll's body, and it seems to be wrapped in a flexible film, desperately blocking the penetration of the bone needles.

Faerun gritted his teeth and thrust with all his strength.

As he moved, the light on the blood array around him became stronger and stronger, so much so that the entire cave was illuminated in blood.

Finally, the leg bone needle penetrated the membrane on the surface of the doll and penetrated into the doll's body.

Faerun shouted: "Let death come to you~"

Almost immediately, the Moon-Watching Garden appeared more than a hundred miles away.

Sofia was still awake and was removing the hairpin from her hair with the help of the maid.

It was a leisurely time to relax the whole body, but suddenly I felt an almost dizzy tingling in my head. At the same time, I felt that my soul was invaded by a bloody light, and my aura quickly dimmed.

Her mind was shaken, and she immediately knew that she had been struck to the soul.

As a peak 19-star Archmage, his soul is almost perfect and flawless. Naturally, it is impossible for someone to easily attack him successfully.

Close your eyes and immediately activate the secret method of meditation: perfect mind!

The master's soul quickly converged, shrinking into a flawless, restrained and condensed soul ball. Outside the ball was the rich blood light trying to invade.

The evil blood light and the soul of the master are constantly fighting. With each confrontation, the blood light becomes dimmed, but the soul of the master is also damaged.

In three seconds, there were 36 consecutive collisions, and then the blood disappeared, and Sophia's soul became very dim.

A thought flashed through her mind: "What an evil spell!"

Then I felt my eyes go dark, I couldn't hold myself up anymore, and my body fell forward.

The maid was startled and hurriedly supported Sophia's body: "Master~Master~What's wrong with you?"

Sophia calmed down for a while. Although her eyes were still darkening, she finally regained some consciousness.

She said anxiously: "I'm fine for the time being. Go and have someone go to the temple to find the priest Fa'ao. Just say that I've been under a soul spell!"

After saying this, her vision went dark and she fainted completely.

The maid screamed in fright and hurried to find Malkyri, the housekeeper.

The vision returns to the secret cave in the Luoxue Mountains.

Fearon looked at the doll that represented Sophia.

The leg bone needles on the doll have turned into powder, and the grass stems that make up the doll have completely withered and lost their function.

He sighed: "Hey~ As expected of a master and a peak mage, he didn't even die."

He had just gathered the power of ten Iron-Armed Diegos, and then borrowed Van Delon's voodoo nailing technique to take advantage of the sneak attack, but he still didn't kill Sophia.

He is truly a magic genius who shines in the Northern Territory.

"But even if you don't die, you will suffer enough this time. Your magic power will be greatly reduced and your lifespan will be greatly shortened!"

Then, he looked at the second doll, but it was Rosen de Philander.

"Boy, you ruined my good deeds many times, broke my legs, and even mocked me in front of me. Tonight, I will let you die with a broken soul!"

Take out the second leg bone needle and use the same technique to nail it to the doll's head.

At the same time, Crescent Town was dozens of miles away.

Rosen was playing games with the two girls on the bed, and he was in high spirits when he suddenly felt a shock in his head!

My heart was suddenly shocked, and I immediately understood that it was a blow to my soul.

He shouted loudly: "I'm being attacked! Use mind aggregation!"

After dozens of times of collective meditation, the three people's mutual understanding has reached an extreme level. This is the moment when life merges. Their souls are vibrating at almost the same frequency, so at the first moment, Completion of spiritual aggregation.

The body is not one, but the mind is fused. The three of them gather together to face the powerful enemy!

One person is alone, two people are allies, and three people are a crowd!

In an instant, Rosen felt that his soul had become extremely solid and condensed, as unshakable as a towering mountain.

At the same time, he felt an extremely evil condensed blood light shrouding him, trying to extinguish his soul.

Rosen's mind was shaken, and an idea flashed through his mind like lightning.

"Anna, Alice, Jenny, Soul Thorn Technique!"

Before the thought came to an end, the Three Body and Four Gods activated the Soul Thorn Technique to the extreme almost at the same time. As a result, countless needle-like golden lights appeared around the three souls gathered together.

The soul has sharp rays, like a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​swords, flowing rapidly around the soul.

The bloody light hit the array of sharp lights, and the two sides began to fight fiercely.

If someone observes from the perspective of the soul, they can see a huge and rich blood cloud pressing towards the three people standing on the ground. The three people are standing together hand in hand, and in the air around them are countless swords spinning at extremely high speeds. flow.

The blood cloud and the sword flow collided, and white light flashed with high density.

The sword flow is constantly broken, and the blood cloud is constantly thinned.

After the confrontation lasted for 3 seconds, the blood cloud was completely dispersed by the sword stream, but the sword stream still had some excess and rushed away in the direction of the blood cloud.

The thorns in your soul will hurt you if you touch them!

A hidden cave in the Snowy Mountains.

Fearon pierced the puppet with a needle, and immediately felt the leg bone needle vibrating incredibly violently, making it almost difficult to control.

He used all his strength to grasp it, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his heart.

"What's going on?!"

Three seconds later, the leg bone needle in his hand exploded into powder, and the blood grass doll withered and withered in an instant, turning into powder.

But that’s not all!

Fearon felt an indescribable sharp pain coming from his head, as if many sewing needles were piercing deeply. The pain caused his body to uncontrollably have epileptic convulsions.

On the other side, although Rosen escaped the difficulty, he had no intention of letting the attacker go.

After the confrontation was over and his mind had some leisure, he immediately shouted loudly in his heart.

"Alfroya~~Save me~~~"

Who knows if the other party will come again, the most important thing to do now is to press the other party to death!

As soon as he finished his thoughts, a ray of golden light appeared above his head, and a familiar voice appeared in Rosen's mind.

"It's Van Delon's evil magic 'Voodoo Nail Technique', which seriously violates the third golden rule!"

"Don't worry, I have located his location through your counterattack and will give him a divine punishment!"

Falling snow cave.

Fearon was still twitching due to a severe headache, and suddenly, his consciousness was in a trance for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the cave, blood array, and dolls all disappeared, and he found himself standing in the wilderness.

There is a cloudless blue sky above your head, and endless green grassland around you.

Feilun was even more surprised: "Shouldn't I be in the Luoxue Mountains? Where is this?"

"Hey~ How come my legs are healed?"

As soon as the thought fell, a huge golden symbol suddenly appeared in the blue sky. It was the triangle inscribed circle unique to the Golden God.

This talisman was small at first, like the sun in the sky. After a thought, it quickly expanded and filled the entire sky. At the same time, a majestic and indifferent voice resounded through the sky.

"Faerun Sano, a follower of Van Delon, will impose the death penalty on your soul in the name of the third golden rule!"

As soon as he heard this, Feilun felt his whole body tense up, and as soon as he exploded, his lower body could no longer hold himself tight, and billows of filthy soup spurted out.

Immediately afterwards, the golden triangle flashed again and turned into a platinum light thunder.

The light thunder was small at first, but in an instant it occupied the entire sky, and then crushed down with irresistible power.

Looking at Faerun again, his whole body was shaking like chaff. He wanted to roll his eyes and faint, but found that not only could he not do it, but he was unusually sober.

He watched helplessly as the platinum light thunder reached his head, but he had no choice but to raise his hands and try his best to resist.

As soon as his hands touched the platinum light thunder, he felt tremendous pressure.


He tried his best to lift it up, but was still being pushed down unstoppably.


His legs were pressed down and he knelt on the ground, then he bent his upper body, and then his whole body was lying on the ground, and then his body was crushed bit by bit.

Fearon felt endless pain, but could not escape.

I don’t know how long it took, but the crushing force of the light thunder finally reached its extreme.

With a 'poof~', Faerun's soul exploded into a cloud of free light spots.

Back to the cave of reality.

He saw that Faerun's eyes suddenly glowed with an almost blinding light, and an inhumanly shrill scream came from his mouth.

Anyone who hears this scream will feel terrified and unable to sleep for three days and three nights.

No, he wasn't the only one, Horus was in the same state.

After the abnormality lasted for a minute, the light in Feilun's eyes suddenly dimmed, and his condensed pupils also expanded.

Although his heart was still beating and breathing continued, the aura of life had left him.


The one-legged Ferron fell to the ground together with Deadpool, who had lost his legs.

Both men died.

The souls of those who died under divine punishment disintegrated.

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