Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 123 A Hundred Years Like a Dream Master-Apprentice Reunion

After the elder sister waited for the four to be executed, Jiang Chen returned to the gate of the Three Corpses to explain the matter clearly.

At this time, the Three Corpses Sect, which was almost harmed by the elder sister, did not have many disciples, and because of his pretending to be ghosts in the past two months, it was also difficult to recruit apprentices in the name of the Three Corpses.

Under the suggestion of the existing disciples, Jiang Chen, the new head of the sect, decided to change the name of the sect to Qingshimen.

Anyway, Master didn't say not to use his name, and if he didn't say it himself, no one would know.

Although young, relying on the method of blood control corpse repair taught by his master, Jiang Chen has long been a master in the corpse repair world.

The competition between the sects is to learn from each other. If you really have the ability, your reputation will soon be established. In just two years, the Green Corpse Sect has become a well-known sect in the corpse repair world.

For this new star, all the major sects are also scrambling to throw olive branches, hoping to cooperate with the green corpse sect to grab the territory.

However, Jiang Chen didn't have much interest in these things. It was his pursuit to let the corpse repair technique and the blood control technique taught by his master carry forward.

Jiang Chen followed the training ideas given by his master to refine the corpse himself and try not to use other corpses. This "self-cultivation" method of cultivating himself in the direction of the corpse is different from the "other-cultivation" method of most sects.

But Jiang Chen still encountered a bottleneck: blood control is very strong, but this thing is also slow to teach, can't let the disciples experience the pain of being crippled like himself before practicing?

Until that day, Sima's family, a big family in the corpse repairing world, came to visit, and it was the young patriarch Sima Shang who came.

"I didn't expect Jiangmen Chief to not only have an unsurpassed appearance, but also a talent of heaven. The Sima family has studied this blood control method for many years but failed. I wonder if Jiangmen Chief will discuss it together?"

He wasn't interested in Jiang Chen, the glib guy, but the Sima family's cultivation of corpse aura really gave him new ideas.

Unlike other families who can only absorb and collect corpse aura, the members of the Sima family seem to be able to generate corpse aura by themselves. Corpse aura is like a part of the body to them.

Although the people of the Sima family can create corpse aura, the use of corpse aura is too rough and there is no way to control it. They came to Jiang Chen for discussion because they wanted to learn the tricks.

If the two can be integrated, the small dream of leaving a name in the history of corpse repair can be realized.

However, Sima Shang's purpose was not that simple. Originally they wanted to form an alliance with Qingshimen in the name of research, but after seeing Jiang Chen, Sima Shang wanted to marry.

How could Jiang Chen agree? He resolutely rejected the Sima family's marriage proposal, and just worked together to study corpse repair.

Sima Shang was very persistent, visiting again and again, recommending his family's body repair and technical achievements like asking for angel investment, and proposed that as long as they got married, they would share the results.

Jiang Chen didn't care about the miscellaneous corpse repair skills until he heard Sima Shang introduce the corpse borrowing technique.

The so-called corpse-borrowing technique is to allow soul consciousness to borrow other bodies to live normally, and this kind of corpse-borrowing technique does not require soul consciousness injection, and it can be controlled remotely with soul consciousness and a remote control module.

As long as the other side is connected to the soul consciousness, all perception signals can be transmitted to the soul consciousness, making everything feel like what you feel.

That is to say, you can let the corpse appear instead of yourself, but the feeling of life is still your own.

Hearing Sima Shang's introduction to this immature technology, the first thing Jiang Chen thought of was Master.

Two years have passed, and I still haven't heard any news about Master. I have even been to the vicinity of the deserted city a few times, but I didn't dare to go up the mountain because of what Master said.

If this thing is really successful, then the master will be able to live an outside life in the cave by manipulating the corpse, which is both safe and effective.

But the master said that he would not let me go back. It doesn't matter. Didn't it mean that you can run back if you are hunted down, and then let the disciples chase you down, hehe.

Sima Shang was not stupid, after several conversations, he concluded that Jiang Chen was interested in borrowing corpses, so he used this as a bargaining chip to ask for marriage again.

Jiang Chen turned around and asked:

"Mr. Sima is very obsessed with marriage. Could it be that he wants to use this to embezzle my green corpse door? Or he has evil intentions towards me?"

Naturally, Sima Shang couldn't say that he had other plans, but if it seemed inappropriate to say that he was interested in sex, he said solemnly:

"The head of Jiangmen was joking. The marriage is also for the cooperation between the two families. I, the Sima family, have a scholarly family for generations, and I will never take advantage of others."

There was a smile of "Planned" on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, and he replied:

"Since it's that simple, I agree to marry. But it's just a superficial couple. After all, they said it's just for cooperation. I believe that Mr. Sima won't use the banner of cooperation to take advantage of others' danger, right?"

There are indeed a lot of things that can be exchanged with the blood control technique through marriage: I can further study corpse repair; I can get the results of the Sima family's corpse technique to help the master; disciples can also learn the relatively simple Sima family corpse repair technique first.

And what I lost was just this little reputation.

It doesn't matter, I should be able to explain it clearly to Master

"Uh, this"

Sima Shang didn't expect Jiang Chen to play such a trick, but he thought that there was some progress, and he said in his heart that he would cheat a marriage first, as long as he enters the bridal chamber, your life will be his own.

"Your Majesty is naturally happy, so I will send someone to prepare and choose an auspicious day to marry Jiangmen Chief."

"Since it's just a marriage, Mr. Sima doesn't need to invite too many people, as long as outsiders know the news."

Sima Shang wished that only two people would be there, and that what happened would not be known to outsiders.

In order to show his cooperation, Sima Shang handed over some information about borrowing the corpse technique, and on the other hand, asked Jiang Chen for some of her blood.

On the day of the wedding, the "loving couple" who finished entertaining the guests went back to the bridal chamber.

Seeing Jiang Chen pull the bed and prepare to sleep on the sofa, Sima Shang poured a glass of wine and said:

"Madam, why bother to abandon each other in such a hurry, it might not be appropriate to offer a glass of wine, so how about I toast my wife?"

Jiang Chen was not interested in this, but it was his wedding day after all, so he didn't want to lose face, took the wine glass and pretended to drink it up, but actually poured it down his sleeve.

"Mr. Sima, we have an appointment. I just"


Before he could finish speaking, Sima Shang made a sudden move, and his corpse claws clenched onto Jiang Chen's pulse door and grabbed it desperately.

Unprepared, Jiang Chen reacted quickly. His arm was caught and he immediately turned around and kicked Sima Shang away.

Realizing that something was wrong, Jiang Chen came to the window, only to find that the door and window had already been sealed. Sima Shang patted the footprints on his chest and said:

"Master Jiangmen, you can't get out."

"Sima Shang, what do you mean?"

Sima Shang, who seemed to be waiting for something, was not in a hurry, and explained:

"Let me tell you clearly, I'm not interested in the Green Corpse Gate and blood control techniques, the only thing I'm interested in is the blood of the head of Jiangmen."

While searching for a way out, Jiang Chen said cautiously:

"My blood?"

"That's right, the blood that can perfectly gather the energy of corpses. After merging part of the energy of corpses with the blood of ordinary people, the body will be necrotic. The spirit practitioners who cultivate corpses are slightly stronger, but they can't avoid it.

But your blood can actually incorporate a large amount of corpse energy without causing any problems to your body. I don't know how you did it, but I think if you can change into the blood of Jiangmen Chief, you can definitely challenge the title of Corpse Hero. "

Jiang Chen hadn't studied his own blood either, so if you think about it, the severed hands and feet wouldn't bring any changes to your blood, right?

Could it be Master?

Jiang Chen recalled that when he was weak, his master let him bite his arm, and there was indeed a warm inflow at that time.

Other than that, there seems to be no other possibility. It can't be drinking fish soup to change blood, right?

When Sima Shang told himself these things at this time, he obviously had absolute confidence that he would not be able to escape. This time I came prepared, I am afraid that the members of the Sima family outside are also helping the crowd.

But Jiang Chen guessed wrong on this point. Sima Shang really didn't arrange subordinates. After all, he killed his wife on the wedding day.

He originally thought of taking Jiang Chen's blood, disposing of the body, and reporting his lover as missing. As long as no one else knows, no evidence can be found and no one can say anything.

Jiang Chen knew that he would not be able to leave without killing Sima Shang, but just as he was about to gain strength, he felt a sense of stagnation in his body.

"It seems to be working."

Poison in wine? But I didn't drink it myself. Is it the wine I drank while entertaining outside? But he drank too!

"Don't think about it, the bone powder is specially made for the head of Jiangmen. It has no effect on corpse aura, but it can block blood vessels when encountering blood with a high concentration of corpse aura."

After Sima Shang finished speaking, he stepped forward and pinched Jiang Chen's bleeding vein again. Jiang Chen wanted to resist, but he couldn't use the blood control technique to block it.

"This body of divine blood belongs to me. If I can call my husband earlier, maybe I can save your life."

With a sneer, Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and yanked his arms.


The arm that had been connected earlier was pulled off from the wound again by Jiang Chen.

The stone bone powder can seal the blood, but it doesn't seal the blood, as the arm is disconnected, a large amount of blood spurts out.

With the help of the pain and fresh blood, Jiang Chen used the blood control technique again, and the blood pierced through Sima Shang's body like long thorns.


The guests outside the building who hadn't left the building heard an inconspicuous cry, and thought it was the husband and wife who were in love for a long time, so they looked at each other and smiled without saying anything.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen's limbs could be broken. Sima Shang only felt a large amount of blood piercing into his body along the eight extraordinary meridians, and it was so painful.

"Don't you want to? I'll give you all!"

Jiang Chen manipulated the blood to penetrate Sima Shang's body, and then gathered the remaining strength to tear it to death.


With a scream, Sima Shang's body, who could no longer bear the terrifying amount of blood, swelled and exploded instantly.

Not only the body and blood, but also the corpse aura stored in Sima Shang's body also gushed out and filled the whole room.

After a desperate fight, Jiang Chen, who had lost his arms due to poisoning, also fell to the ground.

He couldn't use the blood control technique for the time being, and after using so much blood just now, as the blood left from the severed arm, the feeling of dying from excessive blood loss soon struck again.

Jiang Chen knew that his life could only end here, but it was a pity that he failed to fulfill the agreement with his master.

If there is a chance to choose again in life, I am willing to go back to accompany Master, but it is a pity

When Jiang Chen regained consciousness, he found that he was not dead, but locked in a dungeon.

It turned out that there was no movement all day and night, and the members of Sima's family were worried and opened the door to check.

In the end, they found Jiang Chen unconscious and Sima Shang shattered all over the place.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, Sima Shang's father, the head of the old sect, saw his son's tragic death, and sent people to rescue Jiang Chen, and at the same time asked him to be imprisoned in the dungeon first.

Xiao Jiangchen is not stupid. Seeing that the Sima family didn't know about Sima Shang's seizure of blood, they lied that the husband and wife were planning to double repair and break through the restrictions on corpse repairs. However, due to the disharmony of Qi and blood, Sima Shang exploded and died. He was also seriously injured with a broken arm.

The members of the Sima family were noncommittal about this statement. They didn't know that Sima Shang took the blood alone, but they also saw the results of Sima Shang's unique research on Jiang Chen's bloodline.

So in the end, it was decided to secretly detain Jiang Chen, the wife of the former president, as an unknown person who killed her husband. The purpose was also very clear, which was to collect Jiang Chen's blood to improve the Sima family's body repair technique.

The members of Sima's family don't harm them, they just come regularly to draw Jiang Chen's blood and inject it into the new batch of Sima's children to improve their bloodlines. After all, Jiang Chen is the president's wife, and no one dares to do anything deviant.

In the beginning, they took care of Jiang Chen carefully, but later they gradually discovered that Jiang Chen "can't die" at all.

The body gathers powerful corpse aura but does not show it, only forming black tattoo-like patterns on the body.

Even if he did not eat or drink for a long time, his appearance did not change at all. The Sima family had studied corpse repair for a long time, and knew that this was the rumored "Looking like a corpse but not a corpse, immortality will not be lost".

Immediately, he didn't dare to be careless, and the supervision of Jiang Chen, this precious lump, was even stricter, and he didn't even dare to take his arm back, for fear that she would run away.

The members of Sima's family didn't understand, but Jiang Chen himself understood: it was his own special blood that absorbed Sima Shang's corpse energy after coma, and he didn't expect that Sima Shang's corpse blood, which Sima Shang was looking for so hard, allowed himself to do it.

But the body is not old or damaged, and it cannot help oneself escape. As the secret of the Sima family's body repair, the clansmen guarded Jiang Chen extremely closely, for fear that she would escape.

But this is not a glorious thing after all, so the Sima family released all kinds of rumors, such as being arrested for failing in the sect dispute, Jiang Chen went crazy and bloodbathed the Sima family and was arrested, etc. The Qingshimen group gradually merged. up.

The elites of the Sima family and even the head of the sect had been infused with Jiang Chen's blood when they were young.

With the death of generations of old people, Jiang Chen's seniority and strength became even more legendary. Regardless of whether they knew the real past or not, people in the clan would respectfully call him the "ancestor of the corpse" of the Sima family.

The Sima family was only worried that Jiang Chen would go crazy or die in this detention, so they once asked the elders of the clan to come regularly to communicate with the corpse ancestor Jiang Chen, and must take good care of him.

But their worries are completely unfounded.

Because they didn't know that Jiang Chen also had another exercise taught by his master: the turtle's breath is like a dream.

It is not impossible for a tortoise with an immortal body to breathe like a dream and sleep for two or three years.

If it weren't for the fact that the elders who woke him up to chat had changed a bit, Jiang Chen once suspected that he had just been imprisoned and slept for a month.

After being banned for a hundred years, he can still talk freely and ask about the situation outside. The elders of the Sima family in the past can only say one thing:

"The corpse ancestor is really a god-man."

Until the former head of the sect, Sima Zhao, disregarded the dissuasion of the sect, not only imprisoned Jiang Chen in a special dungeon, but also directly borrowed the arm of the corpse ancestor Jiang Chen for his own use, and even took the heart for Sima Duan.

What puzzled the people was that the corpse ancestor Jiang Chen did not refuse, because Jiang Chen knew very well that the borrowed body would come back with blood, so he would have a way to escape.

After sleeping in the confined space for more than a month, watching the changes outside for a hundred years, I now finally fully understand the loneliness and desolation of Master back then.

After I go out, I just want to go to the deserted city to find my master, even if I am beaten to death by my master, I will admit it!

As he had expected, the returned limbs carried new blood, and Jiang Chen once again used the blood control technique to see the light of day again.

Coming out after being imprisoned for a hundred years, Jiang Chen didn't go crazy and is still very rational, but Master taught me that hatred is hatred, and no matter how long the past has passed, we must avenge it.

Jiang Chen didn't massacre the Sima family, but first dismembered the unscrupulous current president Sima Zhao who attacked him, and then summoned the entire Sima family.

As the corpse ancestor of the Sima family, Jiang Chen's request was also very simple. All members of the Sima family cut off their own fingers. On the one hand, it was to repay the debt to themselves, and on the other hand, to express their allegiance to themselves.

Most of the members of the Sima family knew the status of the corpse ancestor, and also knew that the imprisoned corpse ancestor did not commit mass murder when he came out, but instead had a debtor and a debtor, so most of them chose to cut off their fingers and swear allegiance.

But there are also a few who are not open-eyed and feel that this request is a bit too much, and they are planning to leave the Nanhua District Chamber of Commerce to make a living by themselves.

Jiang Chen understood very well that after killing them, he sent someone to scatter their ashes outside the chamber of commerce.

After being imprisoned for "a month" and seeing the light of day again, Jiang Chen has taken over the entire Sima family. If Sima Shang and the old patriarch knew about it, they would probably be able to recover from anger.

After completing these, Jiang Chen immediately announced that he was appointed as the new president.

It stands to reason that there is no need to publicize the change of the chairman of the chamber of commerce, but when he found out that he had been locked up for so long, Jiang Chen was just worried that the master might have come out. If he did come out, he would definitely come to him after seeing this news.

If you, Master, have not left the mountain, then the disciple will have to go to you, and this time the disciple will not make a wrong choice.

As a result, the appointment notice was sent out the next day.

Master, he is here.

Thank you for your reading and support!

(The long-haired wife of Sima's family, the descendants have blood, the name of the ancestor of the corpse, borrowed his arm, and directly sent a big chapter to fill in the pits of Jiang Chen's story~ Although a hundred years have passed, for Jiang Chen, it is only a month ) (Jiang Chen: Keywords: bloodline, binding)

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