Hearing Yu Ye's shouts outside the door, Ji Qinglin hurriedly sat upright and pushed Zhang Huaisu back to the chair.

Yuye was too stuck at this time, she had just trained it, bah! Regulate Huai Su's seven emotions and six desires.

But now I calmed down and felt lucky that I didn't do anything stupid.

"Come in!"

Yuye pushed the door open in a panic and entered.

"Master, senior!"

"What happened?"

"Cui Sanmei was attacked by an unknown force. Although she was only slightly injured, it also shows that the situation in Bangkok is a bit complicated, so the disciple was advised to go back."

Suggest Yuye go back? Why don't you recommend going back by yourself?

Oh, yes, he's still dead, so that's okay.

"Huaisu, it seems that our wish to study here on vacation has come to nothing. We have no choice but to go back early, Huaisu? Master Shusheng?"

Zhang Huaisu was still a little dazed sitting on the chair. Ji Qinglin yelled twice before he came back to his senses.

"Oh, please sir."

Thinking that he was a little emotional about leaving, Ji Qinglin added:

"I'll definitely come back after I finish my work and continue to fulfill my promise of reading."

"Sir, you're kidding. Nanyang Dao and I are always here, and we're always here for you if you need us."

After all, this is not the ancient times. It takes ten days and a half to go somewhere, so there is no need to be so pretentious.

After Ji Qinglin said a few polite words, he turned around and made arrangements:

"It seems that the situation over there is very urgent. Call the others and let's set off now."


Seeing Yu Ye go back to prepare, Ji Qinglin turned around and joked:

"I wonder if Master Shusheng has any protective magic weapon that can help me survive this calamity?"

When Ji Qinglin said this, he was also a little worried that Huaisu would be friends with her again and asked her if it was okay. Fortunately, Huaisu was still serious about business matters.

"Sir, there is no need to worry too much about going here. Although I am not a Taoist, I can still see that there is no need for you to go there without any worries."


As expected, these Four Saints stages cannot be understood in terms of human beings.

Originally, when Ji Qinglin and I came here, we didn't have anything prepared except books. We all packed lightly and left as soon as we could.

So after the arrangements were made, everyone in the hotel quickly packed up.

Zhang Huaisu also rarely walked out of the book graveyard and followed the car all the way to the Book Review Bureau at the southern port of Nanyang Island.

There is still a long queue outside the book review office, and there are still so many people who want to go to Nanyang Island, but I haven't seen any new faces these days. You can imagine how difficult it is to get to the island.

"Huai Su, do you want to avoid it? If you are seen by people who want to go to the island, you will no longer have any sense of mystery."

Zhang Huaisu smiled indifferently and followed everyone directly to the port.

Uncle Mo contacted us in advance and asked the merchant ship to wait here.

When Shen Shuyuan saw it, he put down what he was doing and followed him.

"Island owner, Mr. Ji is leaving? So suddenly?"

Ji Qinglin said politely:

"I have to go back and deal with some things. I can agree to everything Chi Ye and Mr. Shen said before. There are still many things to cooperate with in the future."

Zhang Huaisu had already recovered his masterly attitude and said:

"Safe travels."

Yu Ye, Chi Ye and Jiang Chen cupped their hands together and said:

"Senior, take care!"

Ji Qinglin also smiled and nodded:


The Book Review Bureau is not far from the coast, and the long queue of people outside the door also saw the farewell here.

Nanyang Island has always been a place where people come and go. Even those who go to the island for sightseeing have a lot of choices. It would be great to have the opportunity to visit the island and maybe learn a few unique secret books.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the people on Nanyang Island are very cold.

Not to mention taking the initiative to see him off.

However, these people were sent off in a queue, which was really confusing.

"Hey, what are the identities of those people? They can actually let people from Nanyang Island line up to see them off."

"Is he a senior member of any group or an important member of the government?"

"Bah! Stop talking nonsense! Nanyang Island is not subject to any control. Anyone who comes has to give a book before entering."

"Then I don't know. What's the situation? Donating a library? That's not right. Even if you donate a library, there won't be many books that are not available on the island, right?"

Just as he was talking, the boy from the Book Review Bureau came out to guide:

"No. 137, No. 138, please come in with your books."

One of them grabbed the boy from the book review bureau and pointed at the port:

"Hey, little brother, who is seeing you off at the port?"

The little brother frowned slightly, reached out and patted the back of his hand and said:

"Don't point fingers! The person standing at the port to see him off is our island owner, and the person boarding the ship is the island owner's old friend."

The people on Nanyang Island are very respectful to the island leader Huai Su. On the one hand, most of the people who fled here had a second chance to live because of the name of the Calligrapher.

On the other hand, I really admire the island owner's cultivation and habits. After all, anyone who lives in seclusion on Nanyang Island can read all books, even the island owner's books. There is no hierarchy in reading.

Of course, after what happened a few days ago, they were also curious about the identities of Ji Qinglin and his party.

According to the island owner's habit, they would not ask for any punishment, but they had already inquired from Shen Shuyuan, and the island owner only said that they were old friends, so they would not ask for trouble.

"Island owner? Is that Lord Book Sage?!"

As he spoke, he raised his fingers involuntarily.

"I told you not to use your fingers!"

"Sorry sorry!"

"No. 137, No. 138, please bring books in."

The three people entered, but the others outside were excited.

After all, the Book Sage Zhang Huaisu is still a legendary figure to most people. If you come here to deliver books, you may not be able to land on the island, let alone see the Book Sage.

When they heard that it was the Book Sage who was seeing him off, they were naturally curious. If the port hadn't been closed, they would all have run over to have a look.

Even so, many people took out their mobile phones in advance to record the scene of the European Emperor.

Zhang Huaisu didn't care about this at all. She was indeed mysterious, but she didn't do it intentionally.

In Ji Qinglin's words, Huaisu is just a simple homebody.

As the south bank faded away, Ji Qinglin and others on the rear deck also returned to the cabin.

Ji Qinglin went to the cab first. Nangong Qianfeng, Uncle Mo and the captain were here, seemingly communicating about the route back to Bangkok.

Yu Ye has already told everyone what happened in Bangkok.

Ji Qinglin warned:

"Qian Feng, go back to the company with Uncle Mo first. Bangkok is probably not going to be peaceful in the next period of time, so try to go out as little as possible."

Although these words are not in line with Ji Qinglin's previous promise, for Nangong Qianfeng, the most important thing is that this bastard can come back and stand in front of him.

"I know, you must pay attention to your own safety."

However, Ji Qinglin still added:

"Don't be impatient. Although you can't come out for activities, I can go find you."

"Well, you bastard, what are you talking about? Why am I anxious?"

"Okay, okay, I'm impatient."

Back in the cabin, Yu Ye, Chi Ye, Jiang Chen and Lu Bing were all there.

Before making arrangements, Ji Qinglin still tested Lu Bing's wishes.

"Bing'er, I feel a little sorry that Tangtang Shuixiong always helps us. Will it be convenient for you in the next time?"

I thought that Lu Bing, who liked Xiaoyao, would go back because something happened at Tianshui Dojo, but unexpectedly, Bing'er raised her hand casually and said:

"It doesn't matter, I gained a lot from going to Nanyang Island with you this time. Not only did I learn the lost water of waves, but I also became familiar with the book saint. There should be no problem next time I go to the book for free. It's such a big favor. It’s all small things like helping out.”

Ji Qinglin felt a little relieved after hearing this. After all, he was currently lacking in combat power.

Neither Ah Qing nor Fen Ye can be dealt with by Jiuxiong or below.

"Okay, what do you think about the attack on Third Sister this time?"

Yuye, who was wearing a light blue sweatshirt, stated:

"According to Xie Ling Fan Yu's investigation report, the person who attacked Sanmei should be the one who broke into Bangkok last time. Unfortunately, they seem to have some special ability to hide their aura, so the murderer was not caught, but Sanmei has been sent extra. The secret police are under tight protection."

After Xie Ling and Fan Yu finished handling the matter in Tianxiang City, they planned to stay and continue to help build the local secret police branch.

But when I heard something happened in Bangkok, I went back immediately.

After being resurrected, everyone's clothes became more casual.

Before, it was either black or white, which gave people the feeling of "you have to be pretty and be filial".

Chiye, who was wearing a denim jacket, waved her hands and said:

"There is a problem with this matter. These guys finally sneaked into Bangkok again. They actually attacked the third sister, and they were not successful. This is too rubbish. It does not conform to their efficiency and style of work. Could it be something else? Did someone do it? It was this kind of terrorist attack."

Yuye shook his head and said:

"If you want to attack, from the perspective of difficulty and impact, attacking officials in Bangkok is more effective than attacking Sanmei. Besides, ordinary people would have arrested them long ago."

Lu Bing shook the empty bottle and said:

"Maybe they want to attack the Bangkok secret police's chain of command."

Chi Ye denied:

"It's safer to attack server equipment than to attack Third Sister. Besides, although I don't want to admit it, for the current secret police, Third Sister is really glorious, and a bastard like Yu Ye can also carry the banner."

"Who are you calling a bastard?!"

Jiang Chen added:

"Moreover, attacking the command system and real operations often complement each other. It makes no sense to attack the command system alone. Yuye, let Bangkok check to see if there are other cases that occurred during the same period. It is estimated that Sanmei may just be covering up, mainly It’s to attract your attention.”

Yuye nodded and said:

"Master, what do you think?"

"Attracting attention is one thing. You just said that the third sister is now properly protected, and there are quite a few secret police guards, right?"


"So, it's not that complicated. The result is the goal. The other party just wants to distract most of the secret police members."

Jiang Chenmei stared at the road:

"Master, if that's the case, why didn't the other party act at the same time?"

"Because I'm afraid."


"Don't forget that more than a week ago you took someone's home in Tianxiang City. You just suffered so much. Even if you take action, you have to confirm in advance that there are no traps. In addition, my teacher suddenly resurrected, they may They don’t know that we have gone to Nanyang Island, so they are naturally afraid of us disappearing, so they act very cautiously.”

Yuye nodded and said:

"Then what is master going to do next?"

"Aren't they scared? And we don't know their true purpose, so why not just mess them up? Who of the three of you looks the most like pretending to be a teacher?"

Yu Ye and Chi Ye turned around to look at senior sister Jiang Chen.

Thank you for your reading and support! (The first two chapters were a bit dull. Sorry, I will start more troubles when I return to Bangkok~)

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