Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 411 Grocery stores don’t raise idle birds

The big black bird descended from the sky and drew out the Fenye hidden in the shadow with one claw.

But no one present could figure out where this black bird came from.

Fen Ye, who was thrown out, stared at Ji Qinglin and the big black bird in front of him. He seemed to be familiar with this person and the bird.

Ji Qinglin suddenly remembered that when he was in Tianxiang City, he was knocked out by Fen Ye and buried in the ruins.

When the results came out, Fen Ye was gone, and he didn't give himself a last hit.

Ah Qing's original body also flew far away and hit the wall.

Only the head disappeared.

At that time, I suspected who was secretly helping me, but I couldn't find any trace.

At this time, looking at the huge black bird falling from the sky, Ji Qinglin thought about the people and things that went to Tianxiang City in the first place.

Looking at the black feathers and the huge body that could almost be sat on, with black flames similar to those of Fen Ye coming out, Ji Qinglin suddenly had an idea in his mind.

No way? !

"Boss Mei Mei?"

Ji Qinglin tentatively whispered from behind.

Unexpectedly, the big black bird turned around and rubbed its huge black head against Ji Qinglin's face. The intimacy was as close as that of a pet dog.

Ji Qinglin was also a bit unexpected.

What a guy!

As expected, my grocery store doesn’t raise idle people, bah, it doesn’t raise idle birds.

Originally, Yu Ye and Chi Ye were both surprised when they saw the big black bird falling.

Especially when he saw that the black shadow seemed to be similar to Fen Ye, he was worried that it was Fen Ye's foreign aid. Only when he saw a claw scratching Fen Ye out did he know that it was one of his own.

When I heard Master calling it "Boss Coal", my eyes widened immediately.

Is this the coal boss?

That coal boss who eats and sleeps all day long?

How many secrets does Master have secretly hide in private?

The secret policemen behind them even opened their mouths.

"Is that Deputy Commander Ji's mount?"

"Damn it, it's not impossible."

It can be seen that the coal boss seems to have some restraint on Fenye, or the two are similar to some extent.

Ji Qinglin recalled what Fen Ye had just told him about him and the immortal.

A bold guess suddenly appeared in my mind:

Could the coal boss be the part of the Immortal who successfully refined the burning industry?

The part that is successfully refined is equivalent to the gangsters in the underworld who "put down their butcher's knives and become Buddhas on the spot". Naturally, they must be separated from the main body.

Then I thought back to when I met the coal boss in the wasteland more than two years ago. This guy flew directly onto my shoulder.

Could it be that Cheng Cheng felt the remnants of the immortal soul in his body?

As for being besieged by other crows, is it more fun for it?

That makes everything clear.

No wonder Boss Coal is different from ordinary birds and can still see Chi Ye in his soul state.

But such a big bird usually hooks up with small birds passing by. This is something I can't understand.

Suddenly I felt like "The Legend of Crow".

Fen Ye touched his chest with his palm, and the three blood marks disappeared, and he stared at the two birds fiercely.

Ji Qinglin gently patted the coal boss and whispered:

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

The coal boss nodded lightly.

Ji Qinglin then confirmed in a lower voice:

"It's okay for you to become bigger or smaller at any time, right?"

It always feels a little weird to ask a bird if it can get bigger or smaller.

However, the coal boss nodded slightly.

"Okay, you go first!"

This time the coal boss wanted to nod subconsciously, but when he heard that he was told to go first, he turned and looked at Ji Qinglin in confusion.

Although he has never learned the meaning of bird expressions, Ji Qinglin saw the contempt in the coal boss’s eyes (→_→)

As if to say:

"Why don't you go first?"

"Believe me, come on, you still don't believe me?"

The disdain in Boss Mei's eyes became even heavier.

It seems to be responding to:

"I damn well know who you are!"

Seeing this person and one bird passing the blame to each other, Fen Ye saw the opportunity and flew straight to Yoshijima Shinichi.

Even though his eyes were full of disdain, the coal boss' reaction speed was still very fast. With a flick of his huge wings, his body like a giant eagle also flew sideways to block Fen Ye.

Ji Qing Lin Xin said that it would be great if his bird was as big as this.

The two previous times were sneak attacks, and Fen Ye was not afraid of Ji Qinglin's bird.

Black flames and feathers collided with each other and fell in all directions.

Not to mention the secret police, even Yu Ye and Chi Ye were fascinated.

While the coal boss was holding Fen Ye back, Ji Qinglin jumped up again and used the Treasure Mirror of the Sky.

Noticing the rapid movement of clouds in the sky, Fen Ye felt bad. Ji Qinglin might want to kill himself and the bird together.

Immediately he slapped his palms outward, and the black flames above his head formed two giant hands, which seemed to be grabbing the coal boss and blocking him in front of him.


Seeing that Zi Lei was about to fall, Ji Qinglin only had one word of instruction.

Having lived with Ji Qinglin for two years, I know this guy's insidiousness very well. When he heard the word "small", the coal boss's body instantly transformed into a pile of chaotic black feathers, and his small body flew upwards, avoiding the clasped hands of Burning Flame.

It looked as if a tiny fly had escaped a swat.


At the same time, a purple thunder also fell on Ji Qinglin.

The familiar blue light shot out, and it was still the thunder that guided my sword.

The difference was that the beheading blow just now failed to kill Fen Ye. Ji Qinglin secretly thought that he did not join the Heart Sword.

The word "love" means "unfeeling".

Fen Ye, who was just about to catch the coal boss, failed, and naturally there was no possibility of defense.

This sword slashed solidly from Fen Ye's left shoulder to the right rib.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Fen Ye's body broke apart.

The angry eyes completely dissipated along with the black flame attached to his body.

When the flames dissipated, only a strange omnic body that had been chopped into two pieces was seen lying on the ground.

Ji Qinglin stepped forward to check and guessed that it was not Fen Ye's true body, and cursed secretly.

No wonder this guy fights so confidently, right?

However, when he lowered his head and inspected it carefully, he discovered that there was a piece of crystal blue crystal material inserted into the chest cavity of the omnic.

Immortal remains!

Sure enough, this kind of substitute method is not easy to use.

Seeing the black smoke dissipate completely, the secret police officers thought they had finally eliminated their opponents, so they couldn't help but cheered and gathered around.

Although he left for more than two months under the pretense of faking his own death, Ji Qinglin's status among the secret police was still unshakable.

And after a person dies, his legendary status becomes even more legendary.

Those who have seen Ji Qinglin know that he is a legendary figure; those who have never seen him know him as a legendary figure.

Whether it is true or false, these people verified it again in the square today.

Yu Ye and Zhang Huaisu confirmed:

"Senior, that Fen Ye shouldn't die so easily, right?"

"It should have been replaced by the remains of immortals or other artifacts. Those black flames seem to have dissipated, but they are actually returning to their original owners. However, sir, killing them this time has severely damaged them, and they will not harm you for a while. create a threat."

"Is the real body still in the city?"

"No, if the distance is close enough, the black flames should flow away on the spot and go straight to the main body. If they dissipate like just now, it means that the main body is far away, and when using this method, the main body will Very fragile, I don’t think the other party will take such a risk.”

Seeing Ji Qinglin being surrounded, the coal boss fluttered his wings and landed on Chiye and Yoshijima Shinichi's side.

Chiye, who had not yet recovered from his emotions, reached out in surprise and stroked the black feather of the coal boss and praised:

"I didn't expect that the coal boss is really hiding his face!"

The coal boss was very down-to-earth and did not listen to these flattery words. He opened his beak and made a gesture.

Chi Ye understood and took out some food from the ambulance, tore it open and placed it on the ground for the coal boss to enjoy.

No wonder the coal boss usually eats so many workers without caring about them. There is really not a morsel of food that is free.

Yuye also came over and told the master what Huaisu told her.

After confirming that Fen Ye was not in the city, Ji Qinglin breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the lightly armed team of the secret police and the chamber of commerce experts led by Pei Ruohai from Xichang District also arrived.

Because according to the original plan, Pei Ruohai and others stayed on the outside.

He felt that it was impossible for the other party to sneak into such a deep place anyway, and Pei Ruohai was more worried about problems on the side of Zhi Xie, so he stayed on the north side.

After being informed by the secret police that something happened in the center of the city, I was quite optimistic at first. I just told the secret police to let Yoshijima Shinichi handle it, and he happened to be in the center of the city.

It turned out that the person who called for help was Yoshijima Shinichi, so he rushed back without stopping.

To be able to defeat Yoshijima Shinichi, the opponent is definitely a master, and I am a little worried about whether Yuya and the others will be difficult to handle.

At this time, I naturally thought of Ji Qinglin who had sacrificed his life.

If that guy was still there, the other party would definitely not dare to go so arrogantly.

After arriving at the scene, Pei Ruohai found that the square was severely damaged, but the secret police had gathered around. It seemed that everything would be fine, so he hurriedly arranged:

"Amitabha! It seems that the secret police team has solved the problem. The damage to the square is so severe. It seems that the enemy is in trouble!"

Pei Ruohai, who was wearing a cassock and looked calm when he saw Ji Qinglin couldn't help but say a bad word, rushed over with his eyes wide open.

The former armed squad members had also been to Mang Mountain and attended the funeral. When they saw Ji Qinglin, they all came over with shocked expressions.

"Deputy Commander Ji Ji? Is it you? Am I not dreaming?"

Ji Qinglin packed up the bodies on the ground and stood up and said:

"I know you have a lot of questions, but let's wait until the matter is resolved. Now I have to rush back to the grocery store. There are still a group of intruders to deal with over there. There are some things here that I have to arrange for you. Is that okay?"

Everyone had not yet recovered from the shock, but they still subconsciously replied:

"No problem! The deputy commander gave orders!"

"The threat here has been lifted, but we cannot take it lightly. The opponent's target is Yoshijima Shinichi. President Pei, please take the experts from the Chamber of Commerce to protect him and wait for us to come back. I have something very important to ask him."

Unlike when he promised Yu Ye in the past, when facing Ji Qinglin, although Pei Ruohai was a senior, he was obviously more respectful.


"Leave two teams here to check for hidden dangers. Once it is safe, we can let the residents come back. We will discuss the rest with President Pei and Sanmei. The rest of the people will go to Ji's Grocery Store with me."

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