Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 416 The owner of the painting

Yoshijima Tetsu really couldn't figure out what was going on.

He struggled to get up and asked:

"Who are you?"

The tightly wrapped mysterious man glanced down and said:

"Your savior."

After saying this, Tetsu Yoshijima didn't know how to reply, so he could only continue to ask:

"What's going on here?"

Yoshijima Toru took stock of his situation again. The two of them were still on the hillside before, and they could vaguely see the bodies of the team members lying down at the bottom of the hillside.

Strangely, they did not turn into mummies.

The man in black robe looked back at the town and murmured:

"You have a good foundation. You withstood this evil voice and didn't chop it into a pulp like they did."

At this time, Tetsu Yoshijima stood up and looked towards the town. Through the skylight, he could vaguely see that most of the buildings in the center of the town had collapsed.

Thinking of the red light and thunder and lightning last night, Toru Yoshijima became even more confused:

"What a sinister sound, what exactly happened here?"

"Monsters attacked these three small towns. The attack method was just like what you experienced last night. They first made evil sounds and made the town residents kill each other, and then sucked their blood."

"Three small towns? Other small towns were also attacked? What happened last night? Why am I okay?"

Listening to the question raised by Toru Yoshijima, the man in black robe replied calmly:

"Yesterday, an immortal sealed the monster. When you came here, you caught up with him to subdue the monster. The fight you saw was also the same."

Only then did Toru Yoshijima understand that it was no wonder that the team was just affected by the sound and went crazy. The reason why the team was not drained of blood was because the monster was sealed.

"What kind of monster is that? Who sealed it in the end?"

"I'm not sure about that. Just like you, I just happened to encounter these."

Yoshijima Toru looked at the injuries on his body. Most of the horrific wounds last night had healed by now.

I don’t know how the expert in front of me did it.

Yoshijima Toru said:

"Anyway, I will never forget the grace of saving my life. I didn't expect that the injuries on my body would heal so quickly. I wonder what you would call me, Master?"

The man in black robe picked up the strange painting on the ground and threw it to Yoshijima Shinichi:

"Don't ask for my name. If you really want to repay me for saving your life, just listen to what I have to say."

"Senior, please speak."

The man in black robe put his hands behind his back and explained:

"I came here to recruit a disciple, and I happened to stumble upon this scene. My main practice is innate Qi. I just inspired your Qi to automatically repair the wounds on your body.

I think you have not been affected by the evil voice, and your cultivation foundation should be good. If you are willing to worship me as your teacher, I will give you this painting of mind cultivation.

As long as you promise to let your descendants learn this skill from generation to generation and ensure that it is not lost, this life-saving grace will be repaid, how about it? "

Yoshijima Toru said:

"I don't have much cultivation experience, and my family doesn't have much money to buy prosthetics or high-end exercises. Can I learn your exercises?"

The man in black robe opened the scroll and saw a strange black pattern inside.

"There is no need for any complicated practice. As long as you look at this painting for a few hours every day, your strength will naturally improve rapidly, which will help your body repair."

"Ah? There is such a thing?"

"Of course, this is unique to my sect."

Yoshijima Tetsu said in confusion:

"But this is too easy for me, isn't it? Thanks to your saving my life, I can also learn your unique skills. Otherwise, you can tell me your address. After this matter is over, I will visit you and thank you."

The man in black robe stepped forward and patted Yoshijima Toru on the shoulder:

"No, you just need to promise me that this painting and the method of practice will be passed down to your descendants. Remember, don't let this painting be passed down. It is best for you and your descendants to do so." As long as you can see it, one day in the future, I will come back and pick up this painting."

Yoshishima Tetsu kowtowed:

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life and passing on your skills. I will definitely do as promised, junior."

"No need, I will find you. At the same time, I also suggest that you move farther away. This place is ominous."

When Tetsu Yoshijima finished kowtowing and stood up again, he found that the mysterious man in black robes had disappeared.

Just now I could see that the package carried by the man in black robes should also contain other scrolls, but I'm not sure how many of them there are specifically.

After Hei Baoyuan left, Tetsu Yoshijima didn't understand why he had such an adventure.

Because the wounds on his body had not yet healed, Toru Yoshijima took out the inexplicable painting and looked at it all morning. As expected, the remaining wounds on his body healed faster.

He then escaped from Huatian Town and returned to Banxia Town to report the situation here to his superiors.

As a result, a horrific small town massacre finally came to light.

A total of more than 1,800 people died in the three towns. Basically, they killed each other and were drained of their blood.

If only a few people died, the official would definitely not accept this theory of ghosts and evil spirits.

But with so many people dead, and the way of death so bizarre, it was natural that the case could only be closed early.

I was also afraid of causing too much panic to the outside world, so when I reported it, I basically wrote about casualties caused by landslides.

Yoshijima Toru is also secretly investigating what the monster is and who sealed it.

However, nothing was found at the scene.

But when I took the people to the small town, I happened to meet a group of monks traveling eastward.

Those monks spoke very mysteriously, and the implicit meaning behind their words seemed to be that they had sealed the monster.

But when Toru Yoshijima asked about the specific details and the red light and thunder and lightning that happened that day, they knew nothing about it.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he is a guy who is fishing for fame and glory.

After burying the brothers, Yoshijima Tetsuya remembered the advice of the man in black robe, so he also left Banxia Town and settled in the south.

At the same time, he also started to practice the techniques on the paintings as taught by the man in black robe.

It is said to be a practice, but it is actually just staring at the painting alone.

But the strange thing is that every time I look at it, the energy in my body will flow with me, but I will have an indescribable feeling of depression in my heart.

After the viewing is over, the sense of depression disappears and it becomes extremely enjoyable.

Yoshijima Tetsuya kept his promise and never showed this painting to outsiders.

Relying on the changes brought about by this visualization painting, Toru Yoshijima's path to spiritual practice gradually became clear. Even if he did not have the money to install a powerful prosthetic body or purchase advanced techniques, his strength could still be greatly improved.

However, Tetsu Yoshijima never passed this painting on to his children for study, and naturally his good children did not know the existence of such a painting.

On the contrary, Toru Yoshijima relied on the wealth he had built to buy high-end cultivation accessories and techniques for his children, without mentioning the existence of such a painting at all.

Time flew by, and it wasn't until Tetsu Yoshijima entered old age that the middle-aged children were finally able to support themselves, that Tetsu Yoshijima took out the painting.

But before giving the painting to the child, Tetsu Yoshijima told the child exactly what he had experienced.

After hearing this secret, the first reaction of Toru Yoshijima's child was to ask:

"Then why didn't you teach this painting to your children early? Didn't you talk about it until you were middle-aged?"

Yoshijima Tetsu's old head said:

"Because I don't want you to learn what's on this painting."

"Father, why is this?"

Yoshijima Toru turned his head and said something that made the child's hair stand on end:

"Because every time I look at that painting, I feel the same palpitations I felt when my father was bewitched by the monster in the small town and almost killed each other with his brothers."

Yoshijima Toru's children opened their eyes wide when they heard this:

"You mean that the man in black robe has something to do with the monster? Did he intentionally harm us?"

Yoshijima Toru shook his head and said:

"This painting must be related to the monster, but I don't know what the relationship between the black robe and the monster is. I can't confirm whether he harmed me, but he saved me. This is indeed a fact."

"So what is dad going to do about it?"

"My father plans to ask you to keep this painting and pass it on, waiting for him to pick it up one day. After all, the life-saving grace is real.

But for your safety and the longevity of the family, future generations must not practice these things. My father is also afraid that you will be rebellious when you are young, and you will not listen to what I tell you, so he waits until you are mature enough. I will only talk to you about this matter when I am able to support myself. "

"It is indeed my father's long-term consideration."

Only then did Yoshijima Toru give the painting to his son as well as the notes that recorded some details and experiences of the small town massacre that he had investigated that year.

"Father, don't worry, the child will definitely continue this request."

From then on, the Yoshijima family followed Toru Yoshijima's last wish and properly preserved the painting and notes.

Because Toru Yoshijima thought more comprehensively, future generations would wait until the children matured before telling the story.

And like Toru Yoshijima, they first told the thrilling past to point out the power of it, so future generations can accept it calmly.

It has been passed down for so many generations, and the heads of the Yoshishima family have given up any hope that anyone will come to collect this painting.

It is more simply implemented as a short story and family tradition that tells future generations how difficult it was for our ancestors to start a business.

This painting and notes were passed down from generation to generation until they reached the hands of Shinichi Yoshishima.

Yoshijima Shinichi relied on his low level of cultivation and had seen the contents of the painting. Fortunately, he suppressed his curiosity and did not practice.

He also felt that like his ancestors, he would wait to tell stories to children one day and pass this painting on to future generations.

But I didn't expect that I was luckier than my ancestors, and I really waited for the person who wanted to take back the painting.

But the bad news is that the visitor wants not only the painting, but also the lives of the descendants of the Yoshishima family.

It was only then that Shinichi Yoshishima finally realized the wisdom of his ancestor Toru Yoshishima.

Thank you for your reading and support!

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