Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 426 Reversal! Lu Bing is dying

Sanada's guess was right. Neither party had time to prepare.

Ji Qinglin and the others only arrived half an hour early, but it was enough to set up a trap.

Sanada must be murderous when he comes here, so Ji Qinglin makes him run back and forth in the bay.

Another reason for using the local coast guard is that after the fight is over, the blame can be completely passed on to Sanada and the others.

He defrauded the contract, tricked Sanada and others into taking action, and finally carried out a sneak attack.

This is already the biggest advantage that can be imagined for setting up in advance in public areas.

Just in the grass, Lu Bing had already noticed the two people beside Sanada. Although they were both wearing spacious robes and hats, they could tell from the pace of their movements that they were not on the same level as the ones behind them.

Because when he was on Ie Island yesterday, Lu Bing stole something at the headquarters of Aragami Technology, so he didn't actually see it.

After observing the two people at this time, Lu Bing also gave his own judgment:

"A fat man and a burly man with a strong back and waist. Both of them should be at the level of the Nine Heroes, but I don't know whether they are one of the Nine Heroes."

Chiye was a little surprised after hearing this.

Originally, he thought that Sanada wouldn't be able to make a comeback even if he brought two more Jiuxiong level players, but after finding out that he actually brought two of them, he began to feel a little unsure.

"Master, do you think we should proceed as planned or evacuate with the contract?"

Ji Qinglin shook his head and said:

"Didn't I teach you? If you start, you must kill. Evacuation is impossible. I will try first to see if I can instigate rebellion. If not, I will take action."


Ji Qinglin suddenly burst out from the grass and punched the two Qi Refiners who were rushing forward with his fists.

The two men were originally chasing the fake fisherman with the contract. Ji Qinglin came up to him silently. The two men couldn't react at all, so they punched him and flew away.

The big man standing on the left side of Sanada and the fat man on the right each caught the flying teammates with one palm.

Seeing Ji Qinglin, Sanada almost gritted his teeth and said:

"Finally we meet again! Ji Qinglin!"

Ji Qinglin smiled and said:

"I can see that Mr. Sanada really misses me. The contract has been signed. Is there anything else Mr. Sanada has to do?"

Sanada was not going to talk nonsense this time, he raised his hand and said:


The Qi Refiners behind him surged forward, and at the same time, the secret policemen on this side of the grass also rushed out.

Considering that relying on the strength of ordinary secret police officers could not deal with Sanada's high-end Qi practitioners, Ji Qinglin still invited some assistance from the Sihui.

Lei Qiong, Bai Qiucheng, Pei Ruotao and others were among them, and even Yoshijima Shinichi, who had just recovered, also joined.

In addition to helping, the former are naturally seeking benefits for the Chamber of Commerce. Aragami Technology is too big a piece of meat.

Yoshijima Shinichi is completely out for revenge.

Ji Qinglin reminded him before taking action: Unless necessary, everyone is mainly responsible for clearing out the Qi Practitioners on the periphery, and should not act rashly against those around Sanada.

The two people around Sanada were not in a hurry to take action and asked:

"As long as you kill this kid, the mission will be completed, right?"


The two of them took off their hats at the same time.

It can be seen that the strong man on the left has a lot of mechanical prosthetics installed on his body. From his neck to his hands, everything that can be seen is made of metal except for his head. The word "武" is tattooed on his bald head.

The one on the right is an obese middle-aged man, but his head is not as bloated as his figure appears, and his walking movements are not as awkward as a fat man at all, as if he is wearing a layer of inflatable fattening clothes.

The strong man took off his bamboo hat and threw it directly towards Ji Qinglin.

When Ji Qinglin drew out his black knife to block the bamboo hat, the man actually followed the bamboo hat and arrived in front of him.

The speed made Ji Qinglin look stern.

Then a powerful and heavy punch came down. Only then did Ji Qinglin notice that a fist blade had appeared in the man's hand.

Ji Qinglin took advantage of the opportunity to block with his knife and flew out.


At the same time, the middle-aged man also threw out his bamboo hat.

But when the bamboo hat flew in front of him, it suddenly exploded and turned into a large ball of flame.


Lu Bing's little lolita figure jumped out from the grass, kicked the flames away, and landed firmly in front of Ji Qinglin.

"Fu Xiong Zhu Ming, Takeo Zuozhen, I really didn't expect that you two would work hard for the old thief Sanada. Don't you want to give up your dignity as Jiu Xiong?"

When the people around heard about the three Nine Heroes here, they consciously distanced themselves a little.

Chi Ye, Yu Ye and Jiang Chen, who were wearing masks, were not far away and did not go in depth to make it easier for them to respond at any time.

Two Jiuxiong came to the other side. To be on the safe side, Yuye held the jade plate around his waist again to let the senior Shusheng know what was going on here.

The bald man replied:

"You can do things for your friends, and so can we."

As he spoke, he moved his fingers, and the fist blade in his hand disappeared.

"Are you using money to do things? How much did Sanada give you?"

The obese man Fu Xiong Zhuming, who had been silent since then, replied:

"Fellow Daoist Lu Bing, there is no need to hurt your friendship for such a person. You can make a price and you will not participate in today's matter. We only want this kid's life."

Lu Bing turned around and joked after hearing this:

"I think they are right, Ji Qinglin, how much do you think you can sell your head for?"

Ji Qinglin didn't pay attention to Lu Bing's joke and said:

"Two seniors, Sanada not only funded the Omnic Rebels privately, but the various experiments he conducted at Aragami Technology were also horrific. If you two want to see it, I have plenty of evidence here. You two must be considered masters of the first generation. No matter what price Sanada offers, neither of you should sell your souls, right?"

What Ji Qinglin didn't know was that Sanada not only promised the two of them a very generous reward, including shares in Aragami Technology, but also agreed to use half of the products from overseas factories close to the two's sites to supply the expansion of the two sects.

This is definitely a big temptation for a modern sect, because there are as many disciples as there are self-cultivation kits.

Sanada is desperate, because once those files are exposed to Aragami Technology, it will be irreversible. For this reason, as long as Ji Qinglin can be solved, naturally he can agree to any conditions.

So after hearing Ji Qinglin's words, the two of them didn't have any mood swings. Zuo Zhen said calmly:

"Should you do it yourself or should we do it?"

Ji Qinglin frowned and said:

"I'd better send you on your way first."

Since a grandmaster of Jiuxiong's level can have such a low baseline and ignore the evil deeds of Aragami Technology, of course the only thing he can do is to send them to the west.

What Huai Su said is right. In this world, cultivation is just practice without cultivating the mind. In the final analysis, they are just hooligans who have learned scientific cultivation.

Lu Bing introduced their identities, and Ji Qinglin also knew their abilities.

Fu Xiong used a talisman. He remembered that the guy from the talisman sect he met in Tianxiang City was indeed quite difficult to deal with.

But what's even more dangerous is that this Wu Xiong is different from Wu Wei Xiong who specializes in physical training. This Wu Xiong trains with weapons. After relying on technological transformation, his body is almost entirely covered with weapons.

Lu Bing, who was in a high position in Jiuxiong, naturally didn't care about this, raised his hand and said:

"In that case, which one of you two will fight me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man raised his hand, and the talisman flew out like a hidden weapon.

Unlike the Fu Lu sect that I encountered before, this Fu Xiong's skills are really smooth.

The chaotic wind talisman had just been thrown out to suppress Lu Bing, and the wild fire talisman also formed a foehn with the wind talisman. The thunder talisman, which was not destroyed when it landed, affected the place where he stood at all times.

On the other side, Takeo turned around and slashed with his sword. When he came forward, there was already a giant ax on his arm.

Ji Qinglin, who originally wanted to take the move, quickly stepped aside, and Takeo punched him with almost no pause.

Sensing something strange, Ji Qinglin drew his knife to block the main fist. Sure enough, a spear was thrust out from the cuff under Beng Fist. Fortunately, Ji Qinglin had already guarded it.

Is this guy covered in weapons?

If you can, take off your clothes and fight!

It would be very difficult to kill him without getting hurt.

Chiye and others, who were dealing with the surrounding Qigong practitioners, saw this situation and were not very helpful, so they whispered:

"Capture the thief first and capture the king first. Capture Sanada first and the battle will be over!"

But before Chi Ye and others took action, Lu Bing, who was closer to Sanada at the front of the battlefield, already had an idea.

While triggering the water bomb to shoot down the talisman, Lu Bing quickly dodged and missed Zhu Ming, heading towards Sanada who was surrounded by Qi Master elites.

When he turned around and noticed Lu Bing rushing towards him, Sanada not only wasn't afraid, but instead snorted and reached for his arms.


A pair of heavy vibrations came from Sanada's arms.

Lu Bing, who was halfway through the rush, suddenly felt a surge inside him, as if someone had punched him in the heart.


Then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person fell backwards helplessly.

Seeing that the research was effective, Sanada spat:

"Huangshen Technology can make you, but it can also destroy you. When Xiao Qinghong gave you the materials to rebuild your body organs, we secretly studied them. Although they are strong enough and do not need to be cleaned, as long as the vibrations generated in the special wave band can damage you, You don’t know the damage it causes, do you?”

Fuxiong Zhu Ming also understood why Sanada said that Mizuo Lubing was not to be feared. After a moment of hesitation, he was about to pop out the fulu and take Mizuo's head when a black knife flew towards him.

Almost as soon as he dodged to avoid the blade, Ji Qinglin had already stepped behind Lu Bing on the Dual Shadow Chasing Soul Step, picked him up in his arms and jumped away.

However, facing two Jiuxiong-level masters, it was naturally impossible for Ji Qinglin to escape unscathed.

When he rushed towards Lu Bing, he had already been stabbed in the back by Zuo Zhen. He picked up Lu Bing and jumped away, and was hit by a thunder talisman on his body. Fortunately, he was also born in Lei Jin, otherwise he might have been left behind with Lu Bing.

Seeing this, Chi Ye, Yu Ye and Jiang Chen rushed forward and barely blocked Zuo Zhen and Zhu Ming's pursuit.

Without the source of power for the mechanical organs, and the broken organs hurt the remaining internal organs, Lu Bing only felt pain and weakness all over his body:

"Cough bastard!"

"Do not talk!"

Pouring the calamity fire into Lu Bing's body would at least ensure that the biological organs would slowly recover and maintain life.

Ji Qinglin knew that Sanada must have kept a trump card, but he really didn't expect that this trump card was aimed at Lu Bing.

The highest combat power is on the verge of death. This reversal is really troublesome.

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