Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 451 Are you really on your honeymoon?

He told Chi Ye what happened in Moxi Village.

According to the plan, Chiye and Lu Bing returned to Bangkok to find their third sister and secret police for support.

By the way, I took along the coal boss who stayed at home for several days to eat and fish.

It's just that Sanmei still needs to cooperate with Bangladesh and put pressure on the Buddhist Kingdom of East India before she can be allowed to go in and investigate the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

So Chi Ye and Lu Bing went to Moxi Village first to bring back the important witness Zhao Heng for protection.

But they didn't expect that by the time they arrived, Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye had already gone to the Buddhist Kingdom of Dongyin.

Zhang Huaisu had already learned about the situation here, and disconnected the jade tablet, and searched for clues about the Buddhist kingdom of Dongyin and Burning Industry in ancient books.

After the connection with the Book Saint was disconnected, Ji Qinglin dared to start the couple mode with Yu Ye and continue to explore the Buddhist country of East India and Yu Ye.


Ji Qinglin and Yuye relied on false identities to cross the border and arrived at the Buddhist Kingdom of East India.

In order to blend in, Ji Qinglin changed into an East Indian-style white skirt and long shirt at the airport, then wrapped a headscarf and pinched a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, looking quite pious.

Yu Ye changed into a navel-baring, close-fitting short-sleeved outfit in line with the local style, paired with a long purple pleated skirt, and a purple veil, which looked quite Eastern Indian.

Ji Qinglin couldn't help but admire in a low voice:

"A good foundation means you can do whatever you want, and you can wear any style of clothes."

Yu Ye turned around in a circle and said sweetly:

"Master, if you like it, I can buy a few pieces and take them back."

Ji Qinglin reached out and touched his exposed smooth lower abdomen:

"No, just take a look. These clothes are too cumbersome. It will be inconvenient for you to take them off when you go back to work as a teacher."


After renting a car, Ji Qinglin and Yuye expected to reach the foot of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple soon.

What Ji Qinglin didn't expect was that the incense in Wanfo Temple was so prosperous that he had to drive in traffic for more than an hour before finally getting there.

Fortunately, Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye went there as a couple.

The two of them ate, drank, and drove in the sun to their destination.

On the other side, Chi Ye looked at the intimate travel photos taken by Yu Ye and Master along the way, gritting his teeth and wanting to smash his phone.

They really went on their honeymoon, right?

No matter the clothes or the location, it is still in the exotic East Indian style!

It obviously looks good on you, okay? !

Chi Ye regretted more and more why he went to Aragami Technology last time! Wouldn't it be nice to go out with Master?

I must go next time! If Tiandao Consulting Company goes bankrupt, you have to go!

Looking at the picture, even Lu Bing felt a little sour, feeling that the Coke in his hand was no longer sweet:

"It's so comfortable for them! Ask that third sister, can we go there now?"

Chi Ye said angrily:

"Calm down, the overall situation must be our top priority. Let's wait for news from Third Sister."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it was so pleasant along the way. If I get to Wanfo Temple, I can stroll around the scenic spot and make a wish, ask for a marriage sign if I have nothing to do, and stay in a hotel at the foot of the mountain at night."

Before Lu Bing could finish speaking, Chi Ye stood up and walked straight out:

"Let's go! No more waiting! Tell Third Sister we're leaving now!"

At the foot of Wanfo Temple, even the parking lot was full. Ji Qinglin and Yuye could only park their cars in the forest.

The two pretended to be pilgrims and followed the flow of people up the mountain to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Walking all the way up, Ji Qinglin also felt it was quite strange.

Except for the way the pilgrims dress here, which is more similar to the Indian style of my time, the temples are similar to what I saw in China at that time.

Could it be that Buddhism from Kyushu later spread out?

It’s interesting to think about it. The earliest Buddhism originated from ancient India, but today the Buddhism here is Chinese style.

I thought that my own religion might have been submerged in the long river of history, so I inherited the new Buddhism from elsewhere.

We walked up the stairs to the gatehouse of Wanfo Temple on the hill. An announcement was written on the electronic screens on both sides of the gatehouse:

In order to thank pilgrims for their long-term support to Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple will start a seven-day Buddhist sect meeting.

The front hall of Wanfo Temple is all open and no donations are collected. The masters in the back hall have to prepare for the sect meeting, so they are not allowed to receive pilgrims for the time being.

We will also invite Master Jingneng, the first disciple of the Buddhist sect, to attend the sect meeting. There are many people coming, and we hope that the pilgrims will actively cooperate and follow the arrangements.

Yu Ye frowned and whispered:

"No wonder there are so many people. It turns out that some kind of Buddhist sect meeting is going to be held. Master, could this be a conspiracy to burn the industry?"

Ji Qinglin nodded and said:

"It's not a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy. This tells us clearly that not only are there a large number of their followers here, but there are also disciples of the Buddha who are covering them. It tells us that even if we know that this is where we want to take action, there is nothing we can do."

"Then should we take the initiative, or should we wait for the end of this sect in seven days?"

"It's definitely useless to wait. Since they can get a sect to come out, they will naturally make other arrangements. And what I'm most worried about is whether they will do anything in these seven days."

Fen Ye must have known that he was coming, and his method could only delay it for a while.

Unless he destroys all the evidence or completes what he needs to do during this period, he must strike while the iron is hot and go in to investigate.

Ji Qinglin put his arms around Yuye's waist and said:

"Relax, we're just here for a trip. If you need anything, we'll talk about it tonight."

During the day, I mainly visited the spots to confirm that there were no problems with the internal structure as Zhao Heng said.

After entering the temple, the square in front was already crowded with pilgrims, all of whom wanted to complete their worship in the main hall in front.

Some people couldn't get in and just knelt down in the open space outside. What's more, they even pitched their tents in the square inside the temple, and there were quite a few of them.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple has no obstacles to this. It seems that it hopes that the more people, the better.

Indeed, there is no better equipment or weapon than these devout pilgrims for security.

Ji Qinglin and Yuye had no choice but to walk up the less crowded mountain path outside the temple.

There is no temple outside, but there are a lot fewer people. There are several sandalwood trees growing diagonally outward on the mountain path, and the trees are covered with red cloth and wooden plaques.

There were many new red cloth strips neatly placed under the tree, and no one was guarding them.

Many young lovers wrote their names on it and tied it to the tree.

Seeing that Yu Ye was fascinated, Ji Qinglin reached out and pulled one out and handed it to Yu Ye.

"Master, isn't it appropriate for us to write names?"

"It doesn't matter, sincerity will lead to success, we can just tie it up."

Yu Ye took a look at the cloth strips and found that the lower parts were already tied.

The area that extends beyond the mountain trail is still vacant, and it should look good if tied up.

He could jump to high places, but he was afraid that others would notice him if he was too high-profile.

While hesitating, Ji Qinglin picked up Yuye from behind.

Then he raised his hands upward and let Yu Ye ride on his neck.

This was the first time Yu Ye experienced this position. Although it seemed a little embarrassing to others, she still stretched out her hand to gently support the master's head.

After steadying himself, he raised his hand and tied the red cloth to the branch outside the cliff.

Before coming down, I didn't forget to reach out and take a photo, recording the mountain road, ancient trees, red cloth and the master and apprentice stacked together.

But after taking the photo, Ji Qinglin held Yuye's legs and stopped her from coming down.

"Hey! Master, let me down quickly."

"Hold on, this is good. If you shout louder, you will attract people over."

I felt a little embarrassed, but I was also afraid that I would make too much noise and attract people from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple to reveal my identity.

He had no choice but to lower his body back, put his hands on the master's head, and rest his chin on his hands.

Beep beep beep!

As he was carrying Yu Ye towards the back mountain, he received a message from Chi Ye:

"Master, the secret police are still negotiating with the officials of the Dongyin Buddhist Kingdom. They may have arrived slowly. Bing'er and I went there first. Where are you now?"

It was not convenient for the master and apprentice to type, so Yuye directly sent the photo he just took.

The master and apprentice did not expect that a photo would almost destroy Chiye's mobile phone.

Chiye stomped her feet in envy in the VIP waiting room:


Everyone around him was shocked.

They actually went to the temple together and even tied the red cloth to keep each other company!

Forget it, he still carries Yu Ye on his back like a child! Too biased!

Master Dutang took a glance and seemed to find a better position than in his arms.

Although he has a small figure, he is more suitable for such a position than Yu Ye.

Ji Qinglin carried Yu Ye along the mountain road to the back of the temple. Different from the bustling front hall, the back hall had been hung up with warning banners, and there were temple disciples guarding the back hall to prohibit entry.

You can vaguely see many Buddhist disciples sitting on the ground chanting sutras on the construction site in the backyard, but you can't see clearly what they are doing in the two courtyards behind.

There are many ancient trees around, completely blocking the two courtyards.

Cameras and security alert systems are deployed. This kind of security and confidentiality means does not look like an ordinary temple compound.

In order to avoid being suspected, Ji Qinglin did not approach, but went to the side and looked at the back of the Wanfo Temple.

Sure enough, there is a hill behind, with many old and new pagodas built on it. A very old temple is built on the hill, which looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

But from a distance, we can see that there is also a cordon outside the temple. Although there are no disciples guarding it on the outside, there are guard towers on both sides, making the security even tighter than here.

Yuye pressed her head against Ji Qinglin's head and whispered:

"Master, the guards are very tight. How can we investigate?"

"Go back to bed first and talk about it later in the night."

From the information given by Zhao Heng combined with the situation at the scene, the pagoda temple in the back mountain may be more important, but if you want to get in, you have to think of a way.

There are so many people here, there must be no hotels nearby, and it’s not convenient to go back down the mountain.

So the master and the apprentice went to the camping site halfway up the mountain to buy some temple vegetarian food, then bought a two-person couple's tent, and found a slightly secluded place to set up the tent under a tree to rest.

Watching the sunset on the top of the mountain, many people took out their cameras to take pictures. Yuye was lying in Master's arms, eating vegetarian meat and admiring the beautiful scenery on the mountain.

The master and the apprentice had a tacit understanding and hugged each other to take a nap with the soft sunshine that was about to disappear.

Thank you for your reading and support! (Chiye: I don’t accept it!)

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