Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 455 Underground Rift Tower

Chapter 455 Underground·Rift Valley·High Tower

At the same time, the backyard of the Chedi Temple above also collapsed.

However, when setting up this mechanism, the destruction and concealment of the underground chamber were taken into consideration. The collapsed ground and building supports just covered the tunnel entrance.

The place where Ji Qinglin and Yuye fell has been buried by rubble, and the tunnel on the other side is blocked by the collapsed wooden frame of the main hall above.

Ah Qing stood up and asked:

"Can such a trap alone hold them back?"

Fen Ye is quite calm:

"It's at least hundreds of meters deep down here. If they fall from such a place, they will be seriously injured even if they don't die. And I don't even know the exit below. They have to be locked down there for a while. This time is enough." We created the body.”

Ah Qing shook his head and said:

"In order to ensure that there are no accidents, the move just performed consumed a lot of flesh and blood, so I'm afraid there is some missing material."

Fen Ye chuckled and said:

"The materials here are not enough to begin with, but there are plenty of materials when needed. Why do you think I want to hold some kind of Buddhist sect meeting?"

Ah Qing was stunned for a moment, frowned and said:

"I didn't expect an immortal to have a perverted friend like you."

"I told you, I'm just along for the ride."

"Aren't you afraid that doing this will offend the Buddha?"

"Don't worry about Buddha Saint. I have my own ideas. Besides, since Ji Qinglin and the others are taking the blame, it may not be tied to us."

Ah Qing didn't say anything after hearing this, and continued to condense flesh and blood to form a body with the six relics as the center.

The collapse of the pagoda temple also shocked the temple supervisors and monks guarding outside.

There was neither an earthquake nor a landslide, so why did the ground collapse?

And it was nothing more, nothing less, only the main house in the backyard collapsed.

Everyone was gathering around to prepare for rescue, but they were blocked by Fen Ye, who came out of the tunnel in time.

"Mr. Fen Ye, what on earth is going on?"

"It's nothing, it's just an attack. From now on, no one is allowed to enter the backyard without my instructions. Everyone is dispersed around the pagoda temple to guard, and report any situation at any time."


Although all sentient beings were also very confused, they still did not dare to disobey this man who was the honored guest of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple and the man who presided over the ceremony.

Follow the arrangements and pull the cordon to the outside to ensure the safety of the Pagoda Temple.


Chi Ye and Lu Bing had just landed from the airport.

After arriving at the airport, the two of them had a tacit understanding and went to choose East Indian style clothes first.

Chiye complained while choosing Chiye:

"With my figure, what can I wear that won't easily crush that little bastard Yu Ye?"

In order to look better in these navel-baring clothes, Chiye has only eaten a few vegetable salads since yesterday.

Although the actual effect may not be obvious, at least the psychological victory has been achieved.

After choosing and choosing, I finally picked a light yellow saree dress.

Lu Bing reminded:

"You can't do this either. Yu Ye is wearing a navel-baring top and her waist is exposed. You're in a long skirt and it's too much of a disadvantage."

Chi Ye glared at Lu Bing and said:

"What do you know? No matter how good-looking you are on the outside, your temptation to the master will be mediocre. You have to have a surprise on the inside."

"There's no surprise? Maybe you don't have it inside."

"Go, go! Choose your own clothes."

"Fortunately, I am going abroad. Otherwise, if your subordinates from Tiandao Consulting saw me in Bangkok, their jaws would probably drop."

Lu Bing still insisted on his black and red aesthetic and found a more exquisite short skirt in simple black and red.

I just looked in the mirror and found that it looked a little childish, so I put a few smears of makeup paint on my face from the clothing store.

It looks like a little girl from some tribe, which adds a bit of youthfulness.

But just when the two of them got dressed up and were about to rent a car like their master and go there.

But he received a call from the book sage Zhang Huaisu.

Chiye was naturally very respectful to this calligrapher:

"Senior, what's going on?"

"Something happened to Mr. Yu Ye."

After just one sentence, Chi Ye and Lu Bing's eyes widened.

"What? Senior, what happened to Master and the others?"

Zhang Huaisu told the two of them the situation.

Master Ji Qinglin and his apprentice sneaked into the Pagoda Temple behind Wanfo Temple. After discovering the entrance, they went down to investigate. Unexpectedly, Fen Ye and A Qing interrupted their contact with Yu Ye.

My last sense could detect that Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye, master and apprentice, should have fallen into an underground rift somewhere.

Chiye heard this and said worriedly:

"What's the specific situation of Master and the others? Then we can go directly to the rescue with a large force of secret police now?"

Zhang Huaisu replied:

"Although I can't restore the connection with them, I can feel that their lives are definitely not in danger. I don't recommend that you go to the rescue. Your husband and Yu Ye acted secretly. Your rescue in the past was not justified, but it was actually done. The identity of the gentleman will definitely cause trouble.

I still believe that there must be a solution on your side, sir. I am telling you to give you a vaccination in advance. Ah Qing and Fen Ye are both there, and there is also a strange power, which should come from the same generation of immortals, so I I suggest you make more preparations before they come back, but don't act recklessly. "

"Thank you, Senior Shusheng, for reminding me."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Bing and Chi Ye were slightly relieved. Master and the others were fine.

Lu Bing took a sip of Coke and said in shock:

"What are you going to do next?"

Chiye thought:

"Let us report the situation to Third Sister first. Since it is an underground rift there, if Master and the others are all right, I believe they can find an exit with their strength.

Senior Shusheng is right. It is indeed inconvenient for us to go to the rescue in a big way now. According to the original plan, we will go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple first and be prepared to catch them all when the secret police force passes there. I can think of a way to see if I can support Master and the others. "

They never thought that such an accident would happen, so Chi Ye and Lu Bing could only change their plans temporarily.


In the underground rift valley, Ji Qinglin had just woken up holding Yu Ye.

Because I can't see the light outside, I can see through my mobile phone that it is 7 o'clock in the morning.

Most of Ji Qinglin's wounds have healed with the help of Jie Huo, but there is still some pain in the injured areas.

"Master, are you okay? Do you want to take a rest? Disciple, let's go explore the road first."

Ji Qinglin stood up and pulled out the black knife from the wall and said:

"Let's go. I'm fine now. I'm just a little hungry. If I had known, I'd have missed doing it twice last night."

For a moment, Yuye didn't know whether to say that the master was optimistic or that he was not serious.

However, after waking up and looking at the underground crack again, Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye were secretly frightened.

Rather than a crack, it would be more appropriate to call it a rift valley, because the two sides are so wide.

Let alone the master and apprentice, it would be no problem even if he fell off a building.

Ji Qinglin was also a little curious. It stands to reason that there is such a wide rift valley below. If it collapses and erodes over time, there should be obvious cracks on the surface.

But not only is there nothing above, there are even two temples built right above the crack.

No matter how stupid the people who built the temple were, they should have discovered the cracks underneath when they were laying the foundation.

The reason why the cracks were deliberately built was probably not just to leave a trap.

What's the difference between that and the fool who sits in the explosives warehouse every day, preparing to release a black gun?

Unless the structure of the underground rift valley is separate and independent from the two hills above, the cracks will not extend upward.

Although it was strange, Ji Qinglin didn't waste too much energy on this kind of thing. The top priority was to escape first.

The master and the apprentice roughly analyzed the location, and it should be located below the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

If you continue to walk deeper into the tunnel, you will definitely not encounter the traps that Fen Ye and Ah Qing may have prepared, but there is no bottom there, and it is too difficult to walk up the cliff.

And once it falls, there is no telling how deep it will slide down, so the master and apprentice decided to go back in the overall direction.

Since the pagoda temple can be built above this crack, it means that there must be an exit from the crack over there.

The disadvantage is that if you reach the end and go up, you are likely to encounter Fen Ye and Ah Qing again, and this kind of condescending position is very dangerous.

But Ji Qinglin didn't want to reach the end, because he saw many gaps on the road while sliding down.

Those gaps may be transverse cracks underneath.

Since it is difficult to get out of deep cracks, you can try to go out from the safe and wide transverse cracks found on the road.

When I was looking at the scenery below from the top of the mountain, I saw many valley cracks on both sides of the mountain of Wanfo Temple. In terms of direction, they may be connected to the traverse.

If you search a little more, you should be able to find your way out.

Although the power of mobile phones and flashlights does not last long, fortunately, the robbery fire and thunder pattern can provide natural lighting.

The two people stepped on all gravel, and it was obvious that there should have been small-scale collapses here.

This is not a bad thing for the two of them. It is unrealistic for such a large rift valley to collapse and bury them, but the collapsed gravel can continue to provide a way forward for the two of them.

But after traveling a few hundred meters forward, the master and apprentice suddenly discovered something huge appearing in the darkness ahead.

When you get closer, you can see a lot of neat bricks and stones, which are actually traces of man-made construction.

Are there people living in such a deep place?

Or did this building also fall from above?

Looking at the extent to which the masonry was buried, if it had fallen down, it would have been there for quite some time.

Because the range of the tribulation fire and thunder pattern illumination is limited, it is difficult to see the full picture of the behemoth in front of them.

Ji Qinglin picked up a few stones from the ground, covered them with calamity fire, and then ejected them with the power of fire.

Several tongues of fire shot out, and the behemoth in front finally showed its true appearance.

It was actually a huge tower that slid into the rift valley. The entire tower almost fell at an angle of 45° between the ground and the wall.

The foundation of the tower has been partially buried, but you can still vaguely see the place above the cliff where the tower collapsed when it slipped.

There is no doubt that this tower was slid down many years ago.

Thank you for your reading and support! (Ji Qinglin: Quick, save Bai Suzhen!)

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