Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 489 Not speaking means consent

Ji Qinglin didn't expect the bomb to be activated anyway.

However, Lu Bing was not ready to give up. Instead, he chose to suppress it with water force, preparing to compress the power of the blast bomb so that no one outside would notice it.

It would be very easy for Lu Bing to withstand the power of the explosion just by using the power of water. He could compress the detonation bomb within a square inch, which is almost equivalent to pinching the detonation bomb with bare hands. The difficulty is indeed exaggerated.

Seeing that Lu Bing's small hands were unable to hold up, and that the shock wave in the dark room seemed to be about to wash away the water outside, Ji Qinglin quickly used the Buddhist moves he had recently learned.

Golden light covered the whole body, and then he pressed his palms together hard, and two huge golden palm prints quickly gathered towards the central house.

A pair of golden palms wrapped around the water flow, holding down the shock wave that was about to flow out. Lu Bing finally felt the strength loosen.

Feeling the force flowing in their palms gradually weakening, Ji Qinglin and Lu Bing slowly let go of their hands.

However, they saw that the roof of the black house in front of them had been shattered to pieces by the earthquake, leaving only half a circle of broken walls. However, they did not hear any sirens ringing around them.

There are only two transmission ports connected to the windows on the ground in the center of the dark room, and we don't know what is going on below.

Lu Bing asked in a low voice:

"Are we exposed?"

Ji Qinglin shook his head and said:

"I'm not sure, but if there are experts below, they should have already reacted."

Lu Bing asked with his mouth:

"How to say?"

Ji Qinglin thought for a while and made a "keep going down" gesture. In this case, there was no turning back.

Then he grabbed the thinner one of the four masters next to him who had been knocked unconscious.

Following Jia San's instructions, he found the elevator in the north. He grabbed the man and opened it with his fingerprints and entered the elevator. Lu Bing also followed, and the three of them headed for the third floor.


As the elevator door opened, Ji Qinglin unceremoniously threw the unconscious master out of his hands.


Immediately afterwards, I heard the man fall to the ground. It seemed that he had not hit any trap.

Seeing this scene, Ji Qinglin and Lu Bing jumped out of the elevator together.

But the two of them were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The so-called third floor is very empty, and the area seems to be larger than the one above.

The ground is a rare silvery white color, and the lighting makes the entire space look very clear.

Just seeing the silvery white under his feet, Ji Qinglin felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

The central ceiling is concave upwards and is connected to the black room on the second floor. If there are only two conveyor belts left in the room.

What Ji Qinglin didn't expect was that in the center of the open space was a huge stone platform. There was no immortal body on it, but a large metal table with an intelligent robot behind it.

There is no strands of hair on the body, no body hair, and no obvious gender characteristics.

The mechanical body can be seen through the translucent gel-like shell. If it weren't for the large number of pipelines inserted behind it, it would be similar to the intelligent robots at the front desk of many hotels.

On the east and west sides of the stone platform, there is a silver-white metal skeleton sitting on each side, which looks like a sculpture.

Lu Bing and Ji Qinglin looked at each other, then raised their eyebrows and gestured to the robot in the center of the stone platform, and quietly guessed:

"They couldn't have made that thing with the remains, right?"

"It looks like it's correct."

Because a translucent material similar to the body was chosen, it is not visible at first glance, but the strange light blue color on the bones of the body is more obvious.

I thought it was a bit exaggerated to believe that immortal creatures cultivated part of the vertebrae of immortal remains. Unexpectedly, Sanfa Xiantu actually built a robot directly from the remains of immortals.

This robot must be the reason why they can copy other technologies.

Lu Bing pointed at the metal robots on both sides and reminded:

“But there’s no need to put art to decorate a place like this, right?”

"Process them one by one. No matter whether this thing can be resurrected or not, let's turn it into scrap metal first."

Although they felt that the two robots would not cause any trouble, Ji Qinglin and Lu Bing cautiously approached one of them first.

But the closer the distance, the more Ji Qinglin felt that something was not right with this thing. He did not pull the distance too close, and pressed the handle of the knife seven or eight meters away, and the water blade also gathered in Lu Bing's hand.

Without any communication, the two of them started to attack on the same spot with a tacit understanding, both to test and to kill the enemy. The black knife slashed down quickly, and the water blade swung across.

What didn't surprise Ji Qinglin and Lu Bing was that the robot actually responded.

However, what the two of them didn't expect was that in the face of these killer moves, the robot actually managed to achieve the impossible goal of attacking last and arriving first.

However, he saw the machine skeleton leaning against the stone platform with his feet paused. The silver-white ground seemed to come alive, and silver-white blades instantly pierced out from the ground in front of him.

Seeing the silver-white ground move, Ji Qinglin suddenly realized why he felt uncomfortable when he saw that weird silver-white color.

It is very similar to the T1000 mercury robot seen in my movie "Terminator", except that the attack range and reaction speed are completely different.

With his feet stamped, almost the entire ground turned into a sharp blade.

It's not worth exchanging injuries with the robot. Ji Qinglin and Lu Bing retreated at the same time, and their moves naturally lost their previous power and turned to the defensive.

Dang Dang Dang!

The silver-white sharp blades were all blocked by the two of them.

However, those sharp blades quickly merged with the silver-white ground after they landed.

The most troublesome thing is that Ji Qinglin and Lu Bing are worried that similar sharp blades will emerge from their feet after landing.

Ji Qinglin simply used chaos to control the chaos. After blocking the sharp blade, he turned around and slashed straight to the ground with his sword.


As the energy exploded, a huge gap was cut out of the silver-white metal material on the ground, revealing the cement gravel underneath.

Just as the mercury-like metal was about to heal, Lu Bing used the power of the wave to make up for it and kicked the gap open, tearing out more than ten square meters of standing space on the ground.

However, Ji Qinglin's blow was quite powerful. Worried about being discovered by the outside world, Lu Bing reminded:

"It's a quick fight! I'll help you separate the metal, and you can handle it."


Just after kicking it down, Lu Bing was already roughly familiar with the weight of the liquid metal.

Although the density is definitely much higher than that of water, it is not impossible to control it in a short period of time.

Seeing the two people falling into the open space, the mechanical skeleton stood up and clasped its palms together, and a large number of mercury sharp blades instantly appeared on the ground around it and stabbed into the center, as if it was going to turn the two people into pulp.

Just as he was about to touch Ji Qinglin, who was leaping high, Lu Bing below secretly bit his silver teeth and turned around.


The liquid metal around him was immediately rotated by a strong force, and all the mercury blades that came out of the air were bent.

In the face of the huge force, the blade stretched and tore like noodles.

Ji Qinglin also seized the rare opportunity and jumped together to prepare to kill one of them first.

The terrifying blade struck down with great force.

However, at this moment, Ji Qinglin noticed a big bulge on the silver ground beneath him.

Immediately afterwards, the mechanical skeleton robot that was supposed to be at the other end of the stone platform came around here without knowing when it was close to the ground.

Suddenly bursting out from the ground, Ji Qinglin's offensive was interrupted again.

At the same time, the two robots' liquid metal control capabilities were also stronger. Lu Bing felt that the metal beside him suddenly doubled in weight. He had no choice but to jump high from the open space first, and the water whip hit the ceiling before being fixed. Body.

Ji Qinglin, who was originally afraid of destroying this place, finally couldn't care so much anymore and turned around and said:

"Wait for my signal!"

Immediately, the energy in his whole body turned into fire energy and exploded, and then he jumped up and slammed his palms on the ground with a roar.

The flames immediately covered the surrounding silver ground, and the powerful energy drove the liquefied metal that had been burned even softer to rush to the surroundings. Ji Qinglin smashed a big hole under his feet.

The sharp blades that originally stabbed him from all around softened into liquid and were bounced away.

The opportunity was not to be missed, Ji Qinglin turned around to prepare for the third strike of the day.


The two metal skeleton robots who were preparing to pile up liquid metal to resist just raised their hands, and the liquid metal wall instantly melted and fell. At the same time, the surrounding liquid metal trapped the two robots' feet.

The raging flames made the surrounding liquid metal softer and closer to a real liquid state, which also created the conditions for Lu Bing to take action.

That's why he was able to break through the defense in an instant and help Ji Qinglin control these two guys.

Will not miss again, the cold blade of the mad knife turns into a cold light and flashes past.


Killing the two metal robots together, a huge gap was cut out along with the stone platform behind them.

At the same time, the surrounding liquid metal seemed to have lost control and stuck to the ground again.

The robot itself is not strong, but combined with the liquid metal, it is indeed very tricky in this small area.

"Are you OK?"

Ji Qinglin and Lu Bing said in unison and smiled at each other when they saw that the other party was fine.

After finally killing these two things, the noise was quite big.

However, the robot on the stone platform did not react as if it had not seen anything.

Worried about being discovered by people outside, Lu Bing took the lead and wanted to jump onto the stone platform, but was stopped by the cautious Ji Qinglin.

"Be careful, don't set up any more traps."

"Don't worry. Originally, I was worried that there was no high-voltage electricity on these ten stations, but the knife you just cut opened them, so it should be fine."

Ji Qinglin came to the side of the stone platform, sniffed twice and frowned:

"Do you smell anything?"

"Huh? There seems to be a faint smell. Don't tell me, it's a little familiar."

Ji Qinglin narrowed his eyes and said firmly:

"It's the smell of blood. I smelled it that night at the Pagoda Temple."

Hearing the reminder, Lu Bing also instantly remembered that it was indeed the same smell, but it was obviously much lighter than the one from Pagoda Temple.

Ji Qinglin took a flashlight and took a careful photo, and sure enough he found several pools of blood stains on the stone platform that had not been cleaned up.

Seeing this scene, Ji Qinglin did not rush up to the stone platform, turned around and grabbed the guy who was still unconscious after being brought down and said:

"Brother, please explore the way. If you don't say anything, I'll treat it as if you agree. Thank you!"

After saying that, he threw the man onto the stone platform first.

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