Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1000: I can live for fifteen years (two more)

  Chapter 1000 I can live for fifteen years (two more)

  "In the past few days, find a time to tell your family about your relationship."

  "..." Ruan Qi's expression gradually became rigid.

  It's not that she doesn't want to tell her family, but just think of the reaction of her father and grandfather after the public relationship...

   "What about your mother and your grandmother, what are you afraid of?" After Nie Beilou finished speaking, he thought about the virtue of Ruan Qi's father and daughter's control, and he was strangely silent.

  Although her father was pressed by her mother, it was related to the fact that his pakchoi was overwhelmed by the pig. It is hard to say how big Ruan’s father would react.

  Maybe, Mother Ruan really couldn’t hold back this time.

  Ruan Qi saw Nie Beilou's silence, and his heart became even more senseless.

  She silently hugged the small pillow, and said with a guilty conscience, "Master...Would you like to speak for me?"

  Nie North Building: "……"

  Nie Beilou actually doesn’t really want to challenge the bottom line of father Ruan’s daughter.

   What's more, there is also a grandfather Ruan, who is ‘granddaughter is the best, granddaughter’s best, granddaughter doesn’t like me.’

  As soon as he thinks of the strange attributes of the Ruan family and his son, Nie Beilou's head starts to hurt.

  He glanced at his expectant apprentice, his heart swayed for half a second, and then resolutely refused: "My boyfriend, go and say it yourself. This matter has nothing to do with me, I don't care!"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Master, can you be a bit more obvious if you are not loyal? !


  This night, Ruan Xiaoqi had a nightmare all night.

  In her dream, she made a public affair with her family. Grandpa Ruan and Dad Ruan couldn't stand the excitement and wept loudly.

  The tears of the two people flooded the house, flooded the entire Qingyun Village, and then spread all the way to the imperial capital.

   Then, Ruan Qi was shocked to wake up.

  The little girl ‘teng’ sat up from the bed, her face was still filled with horror of being overwhelmed by the tears of her father and grandfather.

   "Seven girl, have you had a nightmare again?" Bai Li in the system asked with concern.

   Ruan Qi held his face in panic.

   "Uncle Bai Li, I dreamed that my father and grandpa knew that I was in love, and the tears of crying flooded Qingyun Village."

  Bai Li: "..."

  How princesses are your father and your grandfather?

Bai Li complained speechlessly in her heart, and then comforted: "Dreams are all opposite. The Xi family is so good to you, and your family will definitely not object. Don't worry too much. By the way, I have something to do. I want to tell you, it's about the system."

  As soon as he heard that it was about the system, Ruan Qi's attention was immediately drawn back.

   "What's wrong with the system? Is it going to be upgraded again?!"

  Bai Li couldn't help but roll her eyes, "You should be upgraded to Chinese cabbage? How easy! And the system was upgraded more than a month ago, okay? Young people, don't be too big!"

Ruan Xiaoqi, who was in good measure, stuck out his tongue.

   "It's not an upgrade, what is it? Is it because my life span has increased again?"

  Ruan Qi asked casually, but Bai Li nodded without thinking.

  "After the release of "End of the World", it has indeed increased a lot of faith points. You have accumulated fifteen years of life."

   Ruan Qi: "!!!"

  When the system was upgraded more than a month ago, she only had a lifespan of twelve years.

  This is less than two months, can you live for fifteen years? !

  The little girl widened her eyes in surprise, "Uncle Bai Li, how come my life span has risen so fast this time?"

   "Because of the solid powder, silly girl."

Bai Li was also in a very good mood, and explained to her with a smile, "Didn’t I say before, the more people who like you, the deeper the relationship, the faster the belief value will rise. This time you played in "End of the World". Mrs. Yu is very brilliant, not only attracting a large wave of new fans, but also making your old fans have a deeper affection for you. The fan's feelings are deep, and the faith value will naturally rise faster."

"So Ruan Xiaoqi, "End of the World" is just the beginning. If you want to live a hundred years, you must continue to work hard. When one day you reach the top and your loyal fans spread all over the world, your biggest death crisis will be solved. "

    I think Ruan Xiaoqi is particularly suitable for a song-"Borrow from Heaven for Five Hundred Years".

     ask for a monthly pass, okay?



  (End of this chapter)

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