Chapter 1002 Crying and calling dad

  Ruan Qi watched the magical pharmacopoeia in the system for a while, then returned to the bedroom.

  The five-day holiday has passed. Today is the day to return to the "Blade" crew.

  The little girl washed and rinsed as quickly as possible. After breakfast, Shen Wenqian’s phone number arrived.

  The car that picked her up was already waiting outside the villa.

   "Report safety after you arrive at the crew, don't be too tired from filming, and eat more." Ruan Munan warned worriedly.

  Ruan Qi nodded obediently.

  "Don’t worry, brother, I will take good care of myself. Besides, I will be able to come back in less than a month."

   Ruan Munan gently patted her on the head.

Ruan Qi hugged his brother affectionately, then waved goodbye to everyone, and turned to leave.

  In the nanny's car, Mo Lan and He Ma put the suitcases away.

  Xixi started the car, and the nanny car slowly drove away from Yuyuan.

  "This is the shooting schedule for the next half month. Take a look." Shen Wenqian handed her the document.

  Ruan Qi turns a page at will——

  The schedule is densely packed with scenes, from morning to night, I can’t take any time off.

   ""Blade's Edge" will be released in time for the 11th prime time, so I can only speed up the shooting progress." Shen Wenqian took out a bottle of yogurt from the small refrigerator and handed it to her, "You insist on it for another month and give you a big vacation after it is finished."

  Ruan Qi took a sip of the yogurt and had no comments on the arrangement of his agent.

  Although the shooting schedule is indeed very tight, but for the little girl who has been pounded by Nie Beilou's neck and collar since she was a child, this work is completely within the range of her physical strength.

  Furthermore, when she thinks of "Blade's Edge" after the 11th prime time, she will have a lot of faith points. The little girl's whole body is like a chicken blood, super~active~power~der! ~

  Shen Wenqian explained clearly about the work, and then talked about another thing.

  "Do you remember the reporter from The Wave Times on the day of the premiere of "End of the World"?"

  Ruan Qi dipped his straw to think about it, “Is that the reporter who asked Ye Ran’s conditions to meet my criteria for choosing a spouse?”

On the day of the premiere of "End of the World", a reporter from Hailang Times asked Ruan Qi, "With Ye Ran's terms, would you choose him as your boyfriend in real life?"

  This question seems to be Lalang, but it is full of text traps everywhere.

  If Ruan Qi gave an affirmative answer, then the scandal between her and Ye Ran would be spread all over the sky.

  But if she said she would not choose Ye Ran as her boyfriend, then Heizi and the unscrupulous reporters would write-Ruan Qi didn't like Ye Ran, and felt that Ye Ran's conditions were not good enough for her.

  Ye Ran’s parents are well-known directors and actresses, and his grandfather is a popular singer, three generations of ancestral fans can play die. If they eat the brainwashing bag "Ruan Qi can't like Ye Ran", what Ruan Qi will face will be the fatal bombardment of the Ye Ran family's three generations of ancestral fans.

  At that time, even if Ruan Qi and Ye Ran have a good relationship in private, they will cause trouble.

  Fortunately, Ruan Qi answered very witty, and directly blew himself up like the opposite **** who is seven years older than him. This saved a turmoil.

  But the storm has escaped, and Shen Wenqian will not tolerate the Hailang Times reporter who provokes the discord.

  Afterwards, he asked Mo Lan to investigate, and finally, he dug out the person behind the reporter.

  "Fengyu Group?" Ruan Qi hasn't heard anything about Fengyu for more than a month.

  Her deepest impression of Fengyu Group is that the company’s boss and the boss’s youngest son are both seriously ill.

  At the beginning, Shen Wenqian was entrapped by his artist Yao Xue, which was instigated by Dong Wei, the boss of Fengyu Group.

  Dong Wei’s youngest son, Dong Qicheng, was the one who was led by Ruan Qi’s aunt Ruan Chunhua last year to make her go on a blind date.

  After Ruan Xuanhua was cleaned up by Xi Jiu, Dong Qicheng did stop for a long time. But at the Golden Melody Awards ceremony more than a month ago, Ruan Qi was splashed with water in the background.

  Later, Shen Wenqian and Xi Jiu called for surveillance, and finally followed the clues and found one person—Yao Xue.

   is the artist who framed Shen Wenqian’s workplace harassment before, and it was later discovered by Ruan Qi that she had an improper relationship with Dong Wei, the owner of Fengyu Group.

  But when Ruan Qi was filming in YL country just a month ago, a domestic paparazzi broke the photo of Yao Xue and Dong Qicheng entering the hotel together.

  Good guys, Dong Wei and Dong Qicheng are father and son. Yao Xue has a relationship with both of them. This is simply too scary.

  Now, when Ruan Qi heard that Shen Wenqian said that the person behind the Hailang Times reporter was Fengyu Group, the first thing she thought of was the melon between Dong Wei and Yao Xue.

  "Is it Dong Qicheng or Dong Wei?" she asked.

  Shen Wenqian shook his head, “I don’t know. The bank account of the reporter from the Wave Times had a transfer from Fengyu Group. But it was not clear whether the transfer was Dong Wei or Dong Qicheng.”

  But he is more inclined to be Dong Qicheng.

"After all, there is not much enmity between you and Dong Wei." Shen Wenqian calmly analyzed, "If you have to say that there is, it is that he originally wanted to use Yao Xue to frame me to achieve the purpose of annexing Jinhua Entertainment, but you broke it down. . But I think Dong Wei should be more interested in Jinhua Entertainment than to deal with you."

  Dong Wei is a typical careerist, otherwise he would not develop Fengyu Group into one of the four giants in the entertainment industry.

  It has not been a day or two for him to acquire Jinhua Entertainment, but he has been struggling to find a chance to start. Therefore, rather than dealing with Ruan Qi, an artist, Shen Wenqian feels that Dong Wei wants to deal directly with him or Lu Hao, the chairman of Jinhua Entertainment.

Ruan Qi thinks Shen Wenqian's analysis makes sense.

   “So, Dong Qicheng should be the one who instigated Ye Ran and me to instigate the reporter from Hailang Times?”

Shen Wenqian: "Perhaps nine out of ten. Dong Qicheng had pursued you before, but you rejected him so bluntly. The second-generation dude like his self-esteem will definitely not stop. What's more, he didn't get it with Yao Xue recently. Are you together?"

  Yao Xue failed to frame Shen Wenqian, but was exposed by Ruan Qi. This crazy woman doesn't necessarily hate Ruan Qi in her heart.

  Dong Qicheng and Ruan Qi have hatred, and Yao Xue hates Ruan Qi. When the pair of scumbags met together, I am afraid that they even thought about how to make Ruan Qi stink.

  The thought of her little girl being remembered by these two scums made Shen Wenqian feel like eating shit.

  "Fuck!" He couldn't help cursing an swear word, "I knew that these two **** would get mixed together, I should have killed Yao Xue directly!"

  Ruan Qi looked at Shen Wenqian's anger for her, Taohua couldn't help but smile.

   "Brother Shen, don't be angry with that kind of person, it's not worth it. Beware of baldness."

  Although he knew that the little girl was comforting him, Shen Wenqian reflexively touched his hairline.

He touched it and said: "Leave this to me. You can film with peace of mind. With my ability, although the Fengyu Group cannot be closed down directly, it will definitely allow Dong Qicheng and Yao Xue to eat a month's shit! I want to cheat my house. Babies? I just let them cry and call Dad!"

   Shen Wenqian: The cub guard array is open.

     Thousands of changes the day after tomorrow, the bald head is being saved...



  (End of this chapter)

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