Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1007: Calculate the marriage for me (four more)

  Chapter 1007 Give me a calculation of marriage (four more)

  So, there is only one last possibility——

  Ruan Qi will really know the prophet.

  Ember repair did not want to accept this setting, but had to accept it again.

  He looked at the smiling little girl in front of him, and struggled to find his own voice, "You...are you really good at fortune-telling?"

   "A little bit." Ruan Qi gave an ambiguous answer.

  Ember Xiu swallowed with a ‘gu-dong’.

   Well-known academic leaders can even tell fortune-telling. Is this a distortion of science or the loss of superstition?

  Ember Xiu is going to Spartan, he barely digested the information just now, and then he stammered, "If, if I didn’t listen to you just now, I just drove away..."

  Ruan Qi: "Then you will be hit by people and cars."

  Ember repair: "!!!"

it is as expected!

  He really almost held hands with Death just now!

  Ember Xiu's face turned white again when he thought of the exploding black car.

  He wiped out a cold sweat in fear, "Then... Then I can be considered as having escaped the blood and light disaster now? Will it be like that in the movie, if the **** of death cannot kill me once, he will come to kill me a second time?"

   Ruan Qi couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth when he heard this question.

  If this Young Master Yu is not a doctor, writing novels is a way out.

  The brain hole is too big.

  Ruan Qi silently spit out a series of ellipsis, and patted Emben Xiu's shoulder very perfunctorily.

   "Mr. Yu, you should watch less novels and movies. It will affect brain development."

  Ember repair: "..."

  Ember Xiu felt that Ruan Qi was accusing him of low IQ.

  But he has no evidence.

   However, being interrupted by Ruan Qi, the strong sense of fear before has faded a lot.

  The fear of death faded, and the energy of ‘100,000 why’ in Emben Xiu’s heart came out.

  He looked at Ruan Qi, did not hold back the curiosity in his heart, and asked gossiping, "Miss Ruan, can you really figure out everything? Then can you figure out when I get married?"

   "..." Ruan Qi looked speechless, "Mr. Yu, you seem to be only 22 years old this year."

  I just wanted to be married when I was in my early twenties?

  Are young people getting married and having children so early? !

  Ember Xiu was a little embarrassed to be said by Ruan Qi.

  He coughed awkwardly, "Mother-born single for 22 years, understand."

  Ruan Qi gave a meaningful ‘Oh~’.

   "Understand, I understand." She smiled at the 22-year-old single dog, "I understand both physically and psychologically."

  Ember repair: "???"

  No, I didn’t mean that!

  I just want to find a soft girlfriend!

  Miss Ruan, just say, don’t drive on this broken road!

  In Ruan Qi's only unspeakable eyes, the old face of Ember Xiuxian flushed.

   But he still cheered and asked again: "Miss Ruan, can you figure out where my girlfriend is?"

  Ruan Qi glanced at him and shook his head.

   "I can only count what will happen to you in the next six months. But I'm sorry, in the next six months you will not meet the person you are destined for."

  In fact, the Koi skill can only see possible disasters in the future and some major events of promotion and wealth, and other things that will not threaten life or reputation are invisible.

  For example, if you ate a few bowls of rice today, and you will meet a handsome handsome guy on the road tomorrow, these trivial koi skills are not very predictable.

  However, even though Ruan Qi couldn't see whether Ember Xiu had an object in the next six months, she could see his future aura.

  The golden aura represents wealth, the black aura represents death, the red aura represents the disaster of blood and light, and the pink aura represents peach blossom luck.

  It’s a pity that Ember Xiu’s aura for the next six months will be all golden, not pink at all.

  So, the Embers will upgrade from being single for 22 years to 22 and a half years.

  Ember repair: "..."

  This news is no better than his car accident.

  No girlfriend or anything, it’s really miserable.

  Doctor Yu Da is very distressed physically and psychologically. He sighed sadly, and asked unwillingly, "What about half a year from now? Will there be a girlfriend?"

  "..." Ruan Qi's ellipsis no longer wants to vomit.

  She really couldn't understand the urgency of ember's urgency of getting rid of it is more anxious than shit.

   "Mr. Yu, you will not have a girlfriend in the next six months or even a year. But I can tell you another thing."

  Ember Xiu thought it was something to do with his girlfriend, so he quickly asked, "What is it?"

   "Um..." Ruan Qi glanced at his face, and said as softly as possible, "If you have time recently, go to the hospital to check your body."

  Ember repair: "???"

   "...I don't quite understand what Miss Ruan meant..." He was a little dazed, "My body is very good. I only had a full physical examination a few months ago and I am very healthy. Miss Ruan, you..."

  "Have you checked the prostate?" Ruan Qi interrupted him.

   "?????!!!" Emben Xiu became even more confused.

  Men's full physical examination, of course the prostate will be checked! What's more, he is still a doctor, how could he not even do such routine examinations?

  Ruan Qi knows what he is thinking just by looking at his expression.

  "Have you been sleeping well lately?" she asked.

  The embarrassed Embenxiu nodded subconsciously.

  Since Embers was naturally sick, their family's sleep has not been very good. However, because of the busy work day, Ehinxiu is worried about his younger brother, but the quality of sleep is not bad compared to his parents.

  But I don’t know what’s wrong recently, and I have frequent insomnia and headaches.

   "This is a neurological reaction caused by the prostate," Ruan Qi Taohua's eyes were slightly rounded, "You are a doctor, don't even know this?"

   "..." Of course Embenxiu knows!

  He is a genius who skipped consecutive grades in college, alright?

  But no matter how genius, when the pain is on his turn, he can’t heal himself.

  What's more, Emben Xiu didn't link the headache and insomnia to the prostate.

  Who would guess that he has a prostate disease when he is okay? !

  Ember repair is a little broken.

   "Miss Ruan, can you make a mistake? The whole body check I did only a few months ago..."

"I'm not mistaken." The little girl interrupted him softly, "You are now in the early stage of onset. If you don't get treatment in time, you will experience dysuria and abdominal pain in less than a month. Mr. Yu, if you believe me, Just go for a B-ultrasound."

   "..." Embenxiu wiped his face vigorously, "Miss Ruan, is this also your fortune-teller?"

Ruan Qi shook his head slowly.

   "No, I saw it."

  Ember trimmed his eyebrows and jumped, "How do you look? Just look at your face? Look at it and ask?"

   "Yeah." The little girl replied confidently, "Your illness is all on the face, so Mr. Yu, treat as soon as possible and recover as soon as possible."

  (End of this chapter)

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