Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1014: Ruan Qi's last photos (one more)

  Chapter 1014 Ruan Qi's last photo (one more)

  At this time, on the Internet, news about Ruan Qi and Zhan Rong’s face-to-face kiss has spread all over the sky.

  The most-viewed Weibo was squeezed by huge traffic and almost collapsed, and it was supported by programmers who lost their hair and gritted their teeth.

   Weibo hot search list is no longer available.



  # Ruan Qi Zhan Rong romance exposure#



  Various topics related to Ruan Qi and Zhanrong have become popular all the way, and you don’t even need to spend money on hot searches. Netizens have made concerted efforts to send the topic to the top ten in the ranking.

  The topic square is even more chaotic. Those who eat melons, gloat for misfortunes, fight for reasons, and curse people are so smoggy that they can't even look at them.

  Marshmallows never dreamed that their idols would disappear for half a month, and they would make such a big thing all at once.

  Everyone was confused for a long time, and it was not until Qin Qingdi, the president of the support club, brought a group of high-level officials off the court personally, that the chaotic situation was saved.

  Because the previous fans were so noisy, Qin Qingdi directly gave the order to die——

  No swearing! Don't tear it! speak politely!

After   , a group of big fans rushed into the topic square aggressively, one of them counted as one, and all the loose fans who scolded passersby were caught back.

  Qin Qingdi directly posted a Weibo in the name of the chairman of the future aid club.

  【Ruan Qi official support club: Please make high-quality marshmallows, don't do unnecessary tearing. Believe Ruanbao, there are no obstacles that she can't pass. please wait patiently. 】

  Those marshmallows who have been brought to the rhythm, after seeing this Weibo, their minds gradually become sober.

  Yes, they can’t scold or shame Ruanbao.

  There have been so many rumors and black materials before, and the soft treasures have all been eliminated, and this time it must be possible.

  As for whether there is a relationship with Zhan Rong...

  Forget it, don’t want to, let’s pass this level first.

  The marshmallows collectively lost their memory. No matter how the Keyboard Man and Heizi provoke, they just don’t mention the close kiss of Zhan Rong and Ruan Qi. Everyone also came off the stage one after another, apologizing in a very gentle tone for the previous torturing and cursing in various topic squares.

  Pure passersby are almost stunned by this show operation.

  【What is the situation of Ruan Qi's fans? Wasn't the world still torn apart before? Why did you come to apologize as soon as you turned around? 】

  【The ones I just tore were all young loose fans. Now the fans of the support club have come to wipe their butts for their own bear children. 】

【Hahaha! God is wiping the **** for the bear child! Fans of Ruan Qi's family laughed at me to death. 】

  [But there is one thing to say, I’ve been in the business circle for so long, and it’s the first time I met a fan who would take the initiative to apologize...]

  【Upstairs +1. The fans of Ruan Qi's family are really very qualified. If you change to someone else's fan, you will be scolded, and the support club will never come out to apologize. 】

  【Inexplicably, I feel a little more fond of Ruan Qi's fans. And think about it in another way. If my idol was spread rumors and posted the actor, I would also be annoyed to curse. 】

  【Hehe, rumors? The photos of veneer kisses all burst out, and the cotton candy is still dead. Is the duck's mouth hard? 】

   [Photo is a problem of angle, and some photographers have already analyzed it. 】

  【Shente? Angle problem! There can be no waves without wind, okay? If Ruan Qi and Zhan Rong are really okay, why don't they come out to clarify? 】

  【Ruan Qi’s fans, don’t wash them up. If you are in love, just fall in love. Do you admit that it is so difficult? 】

  【Distressed for "End of the World" and Zhang Yinghou, a good movie and envy of cp, all ruined Ruan Qi and Zhanrong. 】

  【Don't take my family Zhan Rong, okay? Ruan Qi took the initiative to kiss the photo. What does it have to do with Zhan Rong? 】

  Then, keyboard man, passerby, Zhan Rong fan, Zhang Yinghou fan, and Yan Xian CP fan quarreled again.

  Many people rushed to the Weibo of Zhan Rong, Ruan Qi and even director Wu Huai, asking whether this incident was true.

  But as the two parties involved in the scandal, Zhan Rong and Ruan Qi did not respond with a single word, and even their agents were quiet and scary.

  Both fans are panicked.

  Don’t these two people really fall in love?

  The marshmallows are okay, most of them are Ruan Qi’s mom and dad fans, and there is not much resistance to Ruan Qi’s leaving the order.

  But the fans of Zhan Rong’s family reacted a little bit fiercely.

  You should know that Zhan Rong was once a phenomenon-level top stream. Although he has now successfully transformed and took the actor, there are still many girlfriends.

  As soon as this veneer kiss photo came out, most of his girlfriend fans were sane, but there were a small number of extreme fans who were totally unacceptable.

  They ran directly to Ruan Qi's Weibo and cursed, and the swearing out of them was so harsh.

  Forget it, there are more than a dozen Zhan Rong fans formed into a small group, made Ruan Qi's photo into a posthumous photo, and posted it on the topic square!

  Marshmallows saw this scene, almost vomiting blood.

  Even Qin Qingdi, who was accustomed to the storm, almost lifted the table. She suppressed her anger and calmed the fans, then turned around and called Mo Lan.

  After receiving the call, Mo Lan immediately told Shen Wenqian of the incident. Shen Wenqian sent Ruan Qi's photo to Zhan Rong's agent Chang Bing with a cold face.

  Chang Bing saw the posthumous photos of Zhan Rong's fans and immediately knew the seriousness of the incident.

  This is an infringement of the right of portrait and has caused a bad influence. It is legally responsible!

  Furthermore, even if you don’t have to bear the legal responsibility, taking a photo of a living person would be too wicked, right?

  What a hatred!

  Chang Bing immediately stated his attitude: "I immediately contacted the support club and asked them to restrain the fans."

   But without thinking, Shen Wenqian refused directly.

   "No," he stopped Chang Bing and sneered, "Let them make trouble. When this matter is over, none of the people who bullied Xiao Qi can run away!"

   "..." Chang Bing looked at the coldness in Shen Wenqian's eyes, and then thought of Xi Jiu behind Ruan Qi, and couldn't help but slapped a sharp spirit.

  However, he did not oppose Shen Wenqian's approach.

  On the contrary, because Zhan Rong is often affected by the extreme operations of those poisonous fans, Chang Bing really hopes that Shen Wenqian and Ruan Qi can teach them an impressive lesson.

  It would be even better if he could take off fans. He would be happy to sing "Farewell" for Zhan Rong to Du Wei.

  The poisonous fans who are about to receive a "Farewell" song, do not know that they are making a big death.

  They completely ignored the warnings from the support club, and recklessly swiped the screen with Ruan Qi's posthumous photos.

  The Marshmallows did not dare to scold them for Ruan Qi, so they could only silently report. But some people can't bear it anymore.

  The first one to jump out was Ruan Chu, the number one in the entertainment industry and Wang Leke, a young Chinese film and television host.

  He directly accessed those Duwei accounts on Weibo.

  【Lake is not Coke: When your mother gave birth to you, did you forget your mind? P my sister Ruan's last photo, believe it or not, I hired a group of ps big guys to make all your photos naked? ! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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