Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1016: Welcome to the Shen Family Lawyers Group (three shifts)

  Chapter 1016 The Shen Family Lawyers Group welcomes you (three shifts)

There are a total of six movies released at the same time as "End of the World".

  Two directors of these six films have the surname Zhang. They are Zhang Duoduo, the director of the movie "The Guide to Broken Love", and Zhang Yuan, the director of "Martial Arts".

  And the box office results of these two films are not much different, it is difficult to judge who is the director Zhang who cooperated with Watermelon Dalang.

  Some people think it is Zhang Duoduo.

  Because he and Wu Huai were nominated for the Best Director Award at the China Film Festival last year. But in the end the film festival gave the trophy to Wu Huai, and Zhang Duoduo ran with him for nothing.

   But some people think it should be Zhang Yuan.

  Because he directed "Martial Arts", and Wu Huai directed "The End of the World" is the same subject film. If "End of the World" is ruined, "Martial Arts" will benefit the most.

  Everyone insists on their own words, and they all feel that their inferences are reasonable. Many people even went directly to Zhang Duoduo and Zhang Yuan's Weibo to ask questions.

  Zhang Duoduo didn't say anything, but Zhang Yuan, who was notoriously hot-tempered, couldn't stand it.

  He directly scolded on Weibo.

  【Director Zhang Yuan: Don’t look for anything on my Weibo! If I doubt it, I will show evidence! Some directors and actors want to hype self-direction and self-acting, but also have a little bottom line, don't step on those who really feel at ease making movies! 】

  A class representative immediately extracted the key points of this Weibo.

What Zhang Yuan wants to express is: First, I am innocent. Second, I am a person who can make movies at ease. Third, this incident was directed and acted by some directors and actors for hype.

  So the question is-who are the directors and actors who direct and act for hype?

  【Uh...Zhang Yuan is talking about Ruan Qi, Zhanrong and Wu Huai? 】

  【Except for the three of them, there is no one else. From the beginning to the end, aren’t there only three of them involved? 】

   [So... the face-to-face kiss incident is the hype of Ruan Qi, Zhan Rong, and Wu Huai who directed and acted for "The End of the World"? 】

  【A bit like it. Otherwise, why does Shen Wenqian have so many chat records of Watermelon Dalang? How did he get these records? 】

  【Mom! The entertainment industry is terrible, Ruan Qi and the others actually directed and acted in such a big show! We all become cannon fodder? 】

【NS! I want to curse a bit! Are you so frantic for hype? 】

  Because of Zhang Yuan’s Weibo, the public opinion leaning towards Ruan Qi and Zhanrong finally turned around again.

  The fans are anxious in their eyes. They sent private letters to Shen Wenqian one after another, hoping that he could think of a solution again.

  Shen Wenqian looked at Zhang Yuan’s Weibo and let out a sneer.

   "Bull my babe, I will swell your face now!"

  After finishing speaking, he put his finger on the screen of the phone and sent out the third wave of evidence that had already been edited.

  【Broker Shen Wenqian: @张元, come out and get beaten. [Picture]×18】

  Another eighteen screenshots! ! !

  The netizens who are about to eat melon immediately opened the picture.

  The first screenshot is a record of bank transfer and remittance.

  The payee's name is Zhang Sheng, and Shen Wenqian marked it with red letters here to tell everyone that Zhang Sheng is the real name of Watermelon Dalang.

  The name of the sender of this transfer record is Li Mengmeng.

  As everyone knows...Li Mengmeng is director Zhang Yuan’s assistant for seven or eight years.

  Seeing this evidence, everyone screamed in surprise in their hearts.

  Then turn to the second screenshot.

  The second screenshot is a chat record-from the WeChat trumpet of Zhang Yuan’s assistant Li Mengmeng!

  Some netizens took this chat record and compared it with that of Watermelon Dalang, and found that both the chat time and the chat content can match!

  The person who chatted with Watermelon Dalang is Li Mengmeng!

  Watermelon Dalang called her Director Zhang because Li Mengmeng was Zhang Yuan’s assistant!

  This evidence is harder than diamonds!

  Netizens gasped in shock, then turned to the third screenshot, all were taken aback.

  Because the third screenshot to the eighteenth, the densely packed are all the fake box office data of the movie "Martial Arts" directed by Zhang Yuan! ! !

  After watching carefully, everyone was shocked to find that the box office of several movies released in the same period was stolen by "Martial Arts"!

  This is simply...

  【Too shameless! ! ! 】

  【Stealing the box office is so rampant, the box office of "End of the World" has been stolen more than 80 million! 】

  【Fuck it, no wonder the box office grew so slowly in the first two days of "Martial Arts", but it started to skyrocket on the third day, it turned out to be someone else's home! 】

  [The old man has never seen such a brazen person! 】

  【What did Zhang Yuan say on Weibo just now? Make a movie at ease? Isn't he stealing the box office with peace of mind? ! 】

  【For the box office of "Wu Xia", he did not hesitate to frame Ruan Qi Zhanrong with a veneer kiss photo, and also slandered them for the purpose of hype and self-direction and performance. If Shen Wenqian had not released this wave of evidence, many people would have been deceived by him! 】

【NS! The more I thought about it, the more angry I got, I couldn't help it, and went to scold Zhang Yuan! 】

  The three waves of evidence released by Shen Wenqian were as if Thor's hammer killed Zhang Yuan's actions in a pit, and there was no opportunity for sophistry.

  All the truth is revealed, and the anger of netizens is also raging.

  Everyone ran to Zhang Yuan’s Weibo to swear at him. Zhang Yuan would suffer hundreds of thousands of times of backlash from the trouble before this incident.

In less than ten minutes, #张元架害湛容阮柒#, #张元偷票房#, #张元传说大郎#, #张元Chat录直播# and many other topics were hot like sitting on a rocket The search list is everywhere.

  The anger of several fans finally has a way to vent. They stopped tearing, but rushed to Zhang Yuan's Weibo in concert to condemn his behavior frantically.

  The first in the entertainment industry, Ruan Chui's Wang Leke, is even more in the lead, directly scolding Zhang Yuan ten articles on Weibo!

  【@张元, it turned out that you kid framed my sister Ruan. The face of a very old age is quite white, but why is the heart so dark? Did your mother eat black rice when she gave birth to you? 】

  【@张元, people can lack heart and eyes, but they cannot lack morality. But you are not only lacking in mind, but also very lacking in virtue. So you cannot be called a human being. 】

  【@张元, steal my sister Ruan’s box office, right? In the future, if you have a movie to be released, all the theaters under the Chinese Film and Television Group will not cooperate with you! I am mad at you! 】

   [@张元, Ma Liu, get out of me and apologize to Sister Ruan! A bad old man in his fifties bullies a twenty-year-old girl, don't you be guilty! 】

  Wang Leke scolded ten Weibo in one breath, and there was no repeated sentence. The netizens were simply amazed.

  Compared with Wang Leke, Shen Shi’s Weibo is much simpler.

  【Shen Shi: @张元, Shen Family Lawyers Group welcomes you. 】

   means, frame Xiaoqi, wait for the lawsuit!

  (End of this chapter)

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