Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1022: Trick the dog in and kill it (two more)

  Chapter 1022, trick the dog in and kill it (two more)

   Ruan Qi: "!!!"

  Uncle Bai Li, please let me turn back in time!

  Let me rewind the time!

  Bai Li: Thank you for your invitation, this system does not have this function.

  It is impossible to go back in time, and it will never be possible to go back in time.

  Ruan Xiaoqi can only face the bleak life bravely, and the boyfriend who is cold.

  She raised her eyelids quietly and glanced at Xi Jiu's face secretly.

  ...The cold one is about to freeze.

  The little girl whimpered in her heart.

  The cold-faced Jiujiu is terrible!

  Ruan Xiaoqi shivered and shrank her shoulders like a little quail who had done something wrong. Then, she stretched out her little hand, like a little milk cat tempting her owner, and took a look on Xi Jiu's clothes.

   "Jiu Jiu..."

   Xi Jiu didn't speak, her expression was cold and she couldn't see emotions.

  Ruan Qi slumped his head when he saw his boyfriend ignored him.

  "Jiu Jiu...I was wrong..."

  The little girl's voice was crying aggrieved, and the whole body was filled with pity.

  Xi Jiu originally planned to let her take a lesson in the cold for a while, otherwise the habit of eating instant noodles would develop, and how could the body stand it.

  However, seeing the little girl about to cry soon, the man's heart hardened suddenly softened.

  His black eyes flicked helplessly, and he deliberately asked in a cold voice, "Are you still eating instant noodles in the future?"

   Ruan Qi cried and shook his head: "...Stop eating."

  "Will the crew have dinner on time?" he asked again.

  Ruan Qi nodded pitifully: "Yes."

  Xi Jiu saw the grievance almost overflowing on the little girl's face, and couldn't hold on to the last bit of coldness in his heart.

  He sighed, stretched out his long arm and took her into his arms.

   "The baby won't cry." The man lowered his head, and pinched the little girl's nose with his slender fingers. "It's not that you are not allowed to eat instant noodles. But that thing is unhealthy, you can't eat more, eh?"

  Ruan Qi nodded his head like a little milk cat.

  Xi Jiu kissed her on the corner of her lips, and whispered softly: "If the baby is tired of the crew’s meals, tell me. I will bring you food for three meals a day, okay?"

   "...No need." The little girl hummed and shook her head, "You will be tired."

  Xi Jiu is about to be adorable by her intimate little girlfriend.

  He hooked his lips, and gently squeezed the back of her neck with his big hand, “I can see you every day, I’m too happy to be too late, how can I be tired?”

   When a cold-hearted man talks about love, the lethality is quite large.

  What's more, these love words come from the heart, and there is no perfunctory or falsehood at all.

  Ruan Qi's whole heart is like soaking in a hot spring, and even the hair is full of sweetness.

"Jiu Jiu is not used to send me food." She raised her little hand and vowed to promise, "I promise you that I will not eat instant noodles in the future. I will definitely eat the crew's meals obediently. If I can't do it, just... …Just let me not see you for a week, and not be able to contact you by any means of communication!"

  In order to show her confidence to her boyfriend, the little girl can be said to be very cruel to herself.

  Xi Jiu was dumbfounded by this method of punishment.

He sighed, raised his hand and scratched her little nose, looking helpless and indulgent: "If you haven't seen me for a week, you can't contact me. Baby, are you punishing yourself or me? ?"

   Single Dog Author: You are punishing me! punish me! punish me! ! !

     Announcement-The author is crazy because he is single all the time and writes such a harmful plot every day.



  (End of this chapter)

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