Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1035: White eagle? Cheng Yan? (Two more)

  Chapter 1035 The White Eagle? Cheng Yan? (Two more)


  The sound of the explosion set off a huge wave, and the car carrying the four players was shattered in the fire.

  At the same time, a scream sounded on the rooftop.

   is already the white eagle at the end of the crossbow, the health bar value is completely cleared, and the death is declared!

  At the moment when the white eagle completely died, the theme song of "Victory Eating Chicken" sounded in the game.

  At the same time, eight characters appeared on the screen——

  Good luck, eat chicken tonight!

  The barrage in the live broadcast room flashed to take off instantly.

  【Good job! 】

  【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so excited to win me! Cool! 】

  【The white eagle is dead, and Ruan Qi Zhanrong eats chicken. The result is so refreshing. 】

  【Hahaha The white eagle is so terrible. Watching myself die, watching Ruan Qi Zhanrong eating chicken with my own eyes, I can cry with anger instead of me. 】

  【Who made him do so many disgusting things? If he can play the game well, he will also be in the position of eating chicken now. 】

  [ do I think the id of the white eagle is a bit familiar? 】

  【……I also feel a little familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere. 】

   Several netizens expressed that they were familiar with the id of the white eagle. Liu Wanwan couldn't help twisting his eyebrows when he saw everyone's comments.

  "Little Qibaby, this white eagle...I seem to be familiar..." she said in the video call.

  Ruan Qi, who had just quit the chicken-eating game, raised his eyebrows and was about to speak when Xi Jiu, who was sitting next to him, suddenly touched her.

  She turned her head in doubt.

  Xi Jiu typed a few words on the phone and handed it over.

  Ruan Qi glanced down.

  Xi Jiu's word is--

  【The white eagle is...】

   "Ah! I remember it!" Before Ruan Qi could finish reading, Liu Wanwan exclaimed, "That white eagle is the trumpet of Team Monarch Arthur!"

  Netizens in the live broadcast room: "!!!"

  【Fuck! I remember! The white eagle is indeed the trumpet of Monarch Arthur! 】

  【I'll just say how so familiar! I saw Arthur used it during the live broadcast of Team Monarch! 】

  【Wait a minute, Arthur's chicken horn is called Meat Shield No.1, right? It's not a white eagle. 】

  【Meatshield No. 1 is his frequently used trumpet, and the white eagle horn he seems to have only used it once. Wait for a while, I will go through the record of that live broadcast. 】

  The power of netizens is powerful.

  The replay of the live broadcast where Arthur of the Monarch team played with a white eagle playing with chickens was soon dug out.

  Everyone compares the id numbers of the two white eagles, and the result is——

   exactly the same!

  This white eagle playing game with Ruan Qi, the account owner is Arthur, the captain of the Monarch team!

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were frightened by the big guys.

   [So... the **** that pitted teammates, grabbed equipment, and sexually harassed Ruan Qi with words, was Arthur of Team Monarch? 】


  There are many e-sports fans in the live broadcast room, and these e-sports fans are not only Liu Wanwan and myq team. There are also many people from the Pink Monarch team and Arthur.

  These people saw netizens say that Arthur was sexual harassment rubbish, and immediately stopped doing it.

  【The matter has not been found out yet, can you not just wrong people casually? 】

【That's right. The voice of the white eagle just now is different from Arthur's, okay? Even if the account is Arthur's, the person using it may not be him. 】

  【But even if the account user is not Arthur, is that someone Arthur knows? How could he know that kind of garbage...]

  【Anyway, the voice of the white eagle just now is definitely not Arthur. Could the account be stolen? 】

  Netizens hold their own opinions, and the louder and louder the noise in the live broadcast room.

  Ruan Qi looked at the words ‘Monarch Team’ in the barrage, and couldn’t help but think of a person--

  The ace player of Team Monarch, Slashing the Dragon.

   is the third lady, Cheng Yan, who wanted to give Xi Jiu medicine three years ago, but was thrown out of the country with a broken leg.

    Cheng Yan: Yes, I'm going to play again. First choose which kind of box lunch is delicious.



  (End of this chapter)

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