Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1046: Cheng Jinyan was infested by Ruan Qi (three shifts)

  The 1046th Statutes would like to say that Ruan Qi was under the control of Ruan Qi (three shifts)


  A loud noise.

  The heavy iron table lamp drew an arc in the air, and smashed Cheng Run's head firmly with the force that could smash a dozen large watermelons.

  Unsuspecting Cheng Run was smashed back three or four steps, and fell to the ground.

  The office was quiet for a moment.

  Followed by...

"Ah ah ah ah - !!! my head !!!"

  Cheng Run broke out a scream.

  He pressed his forehead tightly, but the blood on his head couldn't cover it like a fountain at all, dripping down his cheeks.

  The secretary outside the office heard a scream and rushed in.

   "Mr. Cheng, how--"

   Before finishing the words, the female secretary was frightened by the **** scene.

  Cheng Jinyan finished smashing the lamp, took out a paper towel and wiped his hands without hurriedly, before sitting back on the chair.

   "This Mr. Cheng Run broke into the office without authorization to hurt me. I am a legitimate defense."

  Secretary: "..." I almost don’t recognize the word ‘legitimate defense’.

  Cheng Jinyan grouped the used tissues into a ball, flicked his wrist, and threw it directly onto Cheng Run's face.

   "Go and call the security guard, take this Mr. Cheng to the hospital, and the medical expenses will be taken from the company's account."

  The scared secretary quickly returned to his senses, and quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the Security Department.

  A few high-ranking security guards came soon.

  They were all shocked when they saw Cheng Run whose face was covered in blood. However, a few people reacted quickly and dragged Cheng Run out with all their hands.

   "Let me go! I'm Cheng Run, the third oldest of the Cheng family! You can't move me!"

  Cheng Run didn't say that his identity was okay. When he said that he was the youngest of the Cheng family, the security guard who had reserved some strength immediately increased his strength.

  Who didn’t know that the third lady of the Cheng family, Cheng Yan, forced a female employee of the company to death in order to grab a man?

   And her father, Cheng Run, in order to cover up his daughter's evil deeds, he suppressed such a big thing in vain.

  After the scandal broke out, people who worked at Cheng felt extremely chilling. Everyone lives in a modern society, and everyone is equal. Why can she be so arrogant because Cheng Yan was born in Cheng's family?

  Everyone hates Cheng Yan's family, especially the ordinary employees of Cheng's company. They are really afraid that one day they will be forced to death by the third lady of Cheng's family.

  So, after several security guards knew that the fat man covered in blood was Cheng Yan's father, Cheng Run, their attitudes immediately changed.

  If the president hits well, this kind of garbage should be hit to death.

  In the drag of several security guards, Cheng Run screamed and left the office.

  Cheng Jinyan looked at his leaving figure expressionlessly, turned his head and said to the secretary, “Find someone to clean up the blood. Also, arrange for someone to stare at Cheng Run and don’t let him mess around.”

   "Yes." The secretary nodded, "The old man..."

  Cheng Jin said: "Don't worry about it."

   Soon, the secretary took someone to put away the **** carpet.

  The office door closed, and the room became quiet again.

  Cheng Jinyan leaned on the executive chair, his indifferent handsome face was somewhat confused.

  Why was he so impulsive just now?

   Actually acted on Cheng Run?

  Living in a quagmire like Cheng's family, surrounded by wolves, Cheng Jinyan has carved the word'forbearance' into his bones a long time ago.

  He is calm and self-contained, like a machine without emotions. And it was this almost inhuman calmness that allowed him to see everyone's mind clearly and allowed him to climb to where he is today.

  In Cheng Jinyan's mind, feelings are the most useless thing.

  When people have feelings, they will have impulses. Once impulsive, then death is not far away.

  Cheng would like to say that he doesn’t want to die, so he doesn’t need feelings. In the past two decades, he has done this perfectly.

  But today, he is out of control.

  Just because Cheng Run said Ruan Qi’s ‘broken shoes’, he almost smashed Cheng Run to death with a lamp.

How could this be?

  Cheng Jinyan looked at his hands in confusion, his thoughts were like a ball of wool disturbed by a cat, and he couldn't figure it out.

  It seems...Every time he encounters something related to Ruan Qi, he no longer looks like himself.

  When I first met, I had to invite Ruan Qi to eat. After getting acquainted with it, he went to the Daxian store to join him. When he was pursued and killed, he and Ruan Qi retreated together. And today...for Ruan Qi, he once again impulsive, not only pitted Cheng Yan, but also beat Cheng Run.

  Is he caught by Ruan Qi?

  Cheng Jinyan couldn’t understand what happened to him. But he felt that his current state of mind was a bit dangerous.

  Once people have uncontrollable emotions, they will lose their calm and reason.

  In the quagmire of the Cheng family, once you lose your mind, your life is almost gone.

  Can't go on like this.

  Cheng Jinyan closed his eyes and tried to hint in his heart that he ignored everything related to Ruan Qi.



  The phone on the desk rang.

  Cheng Jinyan opened his eyes and took the phone.

  【It's Xiaoqi: Thank you. [Tutu thank you.jpg]]

  Cheng Jinyan looked at the little rabbit bowing and thanking him, and his breath paused.

  At this time, the little **** the phone sent another WeChat message.

  【It's Xiaoqi: Mr. Cheng, I owe you a favor for this matter. If you have something to say in the future, as long as you don't violate the morals of the world, I will go through the fire and water! [酷兔兔.jpg]]

  Cheng Jin said: "..."

  In this world, no one can resist a soft rabbit selling cuteness.

  Even Cheng Jinyan can’t.

All the psychological construction that    had done before, fell to pieces in the little girl’s two short sentences.

  Cheng Jinyan looked at the little white rabbit emoticon in the chat window, complex emotions emerged in his indifferent black eyes.

  He stared at the little white rabbit for a long time.

   Then, he sighed like a fate, and typed a line on WeChat to reply to Ruan Qi.

  【Cheng Jinyan: Don’t want your favor. 】

  【Cheng Jinyan: I want you to invite me to dinner. 】

    Cheng Jinyan: The flag fell down as soon as it stood up.



  (End of this chapter)

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