Chapter 1056

   Soon, Ruan Qi received Xi Jiu’s voice message.

   "When the baby arrives, tell me, pay attention to safety on the road. Also, let the Mr. Yu next to you drive well and don't take the s line."

  "!" Yu Dashao, who was named by his former idol, drove out a capital S without any promise.

  Ruan Qi was dizzy in front of his eyes, and he quickly held the handle.

   "Axiu, I will be twentieth birthday soon, can you let me live safely for two more years?"

  Ember Xiu flushed with shame, and quickly stabilized the steering wheel.

   "The mistake, it was a mistake just now. I saw Master Xi was so excited."

  Ruan Qi glanced at him speechlessly, “Drive well. You will work for me in the future, and there will be opportunities to see Jiujiu.”

  Ember was excited immediately after hearing it.

  Working for current idols and seeing former idols at any time, this is simply a highlight moment for fans!

  High-light Yu Dashao became excited, and when he stepped on the gas pedal, the white suv sprang out on the road like a cheetah.

  The three of Xixi Hema Moran who have been following behind: "..."

  This ember repair driver's license was tested in the underworld, right?

  How to drive even more idiotic than Xiaoqi?


  The early morning of the imperial capital gradually awakened in the morning glow.

  There were more and more cars on the road. Although Ruan Qi and Ehinxiu went out early, they unfortunately caught up with the traffic jam.

   Row after row of vehicles were densely jammed on the second ring viaduct, moving forward with difficulty at a speed slower than a snail.

  Jin Xiu is bored and wants to sleep.

   "A Xiu, tell me about the patient." Ruan Qi suddenly said.

  Jin Xiu shook his head vigorously, cast off his doze, and nodded.


  The friend's little cousin, named Su Yao, was just twenty years old a month ago.

  Ten years ago, he and his parents had been living in Shanghai Stock Exchange. The family is not considered rich and expensive, but it is also a well-off family with more than the best.

  Su Yao’s parents are both university teachers, and a good education has allowed him to grow into a lively, bright and smart boy from an early age.

  But all happiness was broken one day ten years ago.

  Su will follow his parents to the countryside to visit relatives in a certain summer vacation. When he and his friends went down the river to fish for fish, several human traffickers appeared.

  They captured five children including Su Yao.

   "Wait a minute." Ruan Qi interrupted Embenxiu's narration, "You said, what if Su disappeared during the summer vacation?"

  Ember Xiu: "Yes. I don't know the specific day, but it is indeed during the summer vacation."

  Ruan Qi again thought of the 8.20 incident ten years ago.

  Summer vacation for elementary school students is usually from July to the end of August. In other words, the time when Su was missing was only two months.

  Then, the possibility that he will be a member of the 8.20 child disappearance case is even greater.

   Ruan Qi's eyes drifted up and down, and he meditated to Embers: "Go on."


  When Su asked a few children to be taken away, there were no adults around him. So the Su's parents only found out that the child was missing at night.

  They thought it was a child who ran out for fun, but they waited until dark when the parents of several other children came over, and then everyone realized that the matter was serious.

  Next, it is searching, calling the police, and crying bitterly.

  The Su family’s parents searched for three days, and the entire village was searched, but no trace of Su Yao was found.

   Just when they were about to despair, the police brought a clue—someone had met several men with six children in the suburbs 30 miles away from the village.

   "Six?" Ruan Qi interrupted Ejin Xiu again, "Didn't it mean that five children were arrested?"

  Ember Xiu: "It may be those people who caught other children. Anyway, the witness said that he saw six children, and the location was in a fishing village on the outskirts of Shanghai."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Ruan Qi straightened up abruptly and grabbed his arm.

  Ember Xiu was taken aback, and almost drove the car onto the curb again.

   "Why, what's wrong with Teacher Ruan?"

  Ruan Qi did not speak.

  She took a few hard breaths, as if she was calming the turbulent emotions in her heart.

  After a while, she asked word by word, "You just said...Where did the witnesses see the six children?"

   "A fishing village."

   Ruan Qi: "What's your name?"

   "I don't know this." Embenxiu was confused by her attitude, "My friend never told me."

Ruan Qi pursed his lips, released his hand, and leaned back on the seat.

  Ejinxiu glanced at her worriedly, "Teacher Ruan, are you okay?"

Ruan Qi shook his head weakly.

   "It's okay. I'm a little motion sick, take a break. You will tell me what Su wants later."

  Ember Xiu hurriedly responded.

  Ruan Qi leaned his head on the car window and closed his eyes tiredly.

  Shanghai Stock Market... Fishing Village...

In that very clear dream in YL country, the man who brought her back to the crime den also said that she was caught by him from the fishing village.

  Will the fishing village in the dream be the same as the fishing village in the eyes of the witnesses mentioned by Ejin Xiu?

  The distance from the village where Su Yao is to the fishing village claimed by witnesses is only 30 miles. If you drive faster, you can get there in half an hour.

  According to witnesses, he saw several men with six children. But Yu Jinxiu said, Su Hao was arrested along with his four friends.

  In other words, in addition to capturing Su’s five children, these traffickers also took another child who did not belong to the village of Su Yao.

  So, who would that child be?

  Ruan Qi has been good at overturning various physical and chemical formulas since she was a child. In her mind, she summed up various known clues according to the timeline and location line, and then made a hypothesis——

  Suppose that she and Su Yao are the same group of captured children.

  Those traffickers first arrested Su Yao and his four friends in the village. Then he drove away for half an hour and went to the fishing village to catch her.

  Or: A group of traffickers caught Su and wanted five children. And another group of traffickers caught her in the fishing village. Then the two groups met in the fishing village.

  This can explain why there are five children missing from Su Yao and his little friend, but the witnesses saw six of them outside the fishing village.

  Because the sixth child is her.

   Seeing Ruan Qi’s reasoning became more and more terrifying, the scared soul of Bai Li in the system was gone.

"I said little girl," he quickly interrupted her thoughts, "all this is hypothesis. If the hypothesis is not true, then your subsequent reasoning will be nonsense. How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Maybe you think too much."

   Is she really thinking too much?

Ruan Qi shook his head slowly.

  If all this is a coincidence, how should the dream she had in YL country be explained? And the fishing village, the trafficker, and Jiang Chunian in the dream. What are they?

  (End of this chapter)

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