Chapter 1065

   Ruan Qi: "What is it?"

   "The den of the criminal gang was not actually destroyed by the police." Su wanted to throw a bomb directly.

  The bomb was too fierce, and Ruan Qi, who was unprepared, was stunned by the bombing, his face was full of surprise.

   "It wasn't the police who destroyed it? Who was that?"

"I don't know." Su shook his head, "but I know that the first person to break into the den was not a policeman. I didn't see the man's appearance, but I saw his back in the crack of the door. It was a man, he is great."

   Ruan Qi: "Awesome?"

   "Yes. He knows kung fu, very powerful. Those traffickers were beaten to the ground by him in just a few minutes. Moreover, he is not afraid of bullets, just like Superman."

  What Su said was like a martial arts movie, but Ruan Qi knew that the man in his mouth was an ancient martial artist in all likelihood.

  Furthermore, he is a very advanced ancient martial artist.

  Ruan Qiruo raised his eyebrows all the time, and asked, "Did he rescue you?"

   Without thinking, Su Yao actually shook his head.

  "Not him. He was the first person to break into the den and beat the traffickers who abused us to the ground, but he didn't save us. He seems to be... looking for someone."

   Ruan Qi: "Who are you looking for?"

"I don't know." Su Yao is still vague about this memory. "I only remember him looking for someone from one room to another. He looked very anxious. But I don't know who he was looking for. Then the police came, that I don’t know where the man went."

  Ruan Qi did not expect that she would have heard such secret information from Su Yao.

  According to the information previously investigated by Wen Ran, the August 20 incident was when the relevant department received an anonymous letter and found the criminal den based on the clues in the letter.

   but did not think that this ancient warrior was hidden in it.

  Who is this ancient warrior?

  Who did he go to find when he broke into the criminal den?

  Why didn’t any reports about the August 20 incident mention him?

  He beat so many human traffickers to the ground, such a great contribution can be evaluated as a hundred good citizen awards. It is impossible for relevant departments not to report him.

  What is hidden in this?

   And... What happened to her in this terrible incident that caused her amnesia?

  There are more and more mysteries, what happened back then is like countless messy threads, which tightly entangled Ruan Qi.

  She rubbed her sore temples and asked Su for the last question.

   "Su Yao, do you know the specific address of the criminal den that year?"


  Half an hour later, Ruan Qi finally walked out of the bedroom.

  Su’s parents and Chen Yutong hurriedly greeted them.

   "Miss Ruan, what about him?"

"Su Yao is in very good condition." Ruan Qi handed the medicine box to He Ma and said to the Su family with a smile, "If you have nothing to do, you can take him to the rooftop to bask in the sun. If he doesn't want to see strangers, don't force it. You still have to feel sick. Treat him slowly, not overnight. Also, let him take medicine on time and do daily massages. I will come to him for the second treatment in five days. During this period, please tell me any changes in his body at any time. ."

  Su’s parents hurriedly agreed.

  Everything that should be done has been done, and Ruan Qi no longer stays. She bid farewell to Su's parents and Chen Yutong, and left with Mo Lan and others.

  Ejinxiu took the elevator down to the underground parking garage with her.

   "Teacher Ruan, shall I take you back to the hotel? I still have some psychological problems, and I want to ask you about it." Ejinxiu sent out an invitation.

  Ruan Qi happened to be looking for him, so he nodded and agreed.

  A few minutes later, two cars drove out of the underground parking garage one after the other.

  Chin Xiu, who was sitting in the driver's seat, raised his eyelids and glanced at the white Audi who followed him in the rearview mirror.

He couldn't help but asked Ruan Qi jokingly, "Teacher Ruan, your assistants are too dedicated, and they really follow you without stopping. When you were treating Su in the bedroom just now, the three of them followed The door seemed to block the bedroom door, and no one was allowed to enter."

  Ruan Qi lifted his lips and smiled lightly.

   "Sister Lan and the others are really attentive. Thanks to their care, I can film with peace of mind."

   "That's true. For popular artists like you, it is better to have a reliable assistant than anything else. But then again, Teacher Ruan, that Xi Xi is from Xi's family, right?"

   "That's right." Ruan Qi nodded, "He was sent by Jiujiu to protect me."

  Ember Xiu showed a clear look.

"No wonder! Teacher Ruan, when you and Su were about to close the door for treatment just now, didn't Su yell for a long time? This would make Xi Xi anxious, if it wasn't for Mo Lan to stop him, he was afraid that he could directly shut the bedroom door. Take it down. Then you sent a message to Mo Lan to report that he was safe, and he stopped then, then turned around and ran out to call."

  Speaking of this, Emben Xiu smiled, "I guess he went to give a briefing to Master Xi. Teacher Ruan, Master Xi seems to have a lot of eyeliners around you."

  Ember Xiu’s laughter was filled with endless ambiguity and wretchedness. He seemed to be a gossip who watched the excitement not too much.

  Ruan Qi glanced at him speechlessly.

   "Yu Dashao, you should switch to being a paparazzi. Your acuity for gossip is higher than your academic qualifications."

"Thank you, Teacher Ruan, for the compliment." Yu Jinxiu was not ashamed but proud, "Although I can't change my career to be a paparazzi, I think I will definitely see more gossip about you and Master Xi in the future. Hey, I'm really looking forward to it."

  Then I really thank your 18th generation ancestors!

Ruan Qi rolled his eyes and said, "Yu Dashao, put away your thoughts on eating melons. Jiujiu and I only have dog food, no dog blood, and will not quarrel. Therefore, you are destined to see no gossip. ."

   "Isn't it?" Embers raised his sword eyebrows, "Master Xi puts eyeliner beside you, can you bear this kind of thing?"

   "Why can't you bear it?"

  Ruan Qi glanced at him strangely, "I knew Xi Xi was Jiu Jiu's eyeliner. But what about it? I didn't cheat. What's the guilty conscience?"

  Ember Xiu: "Don't you think that this method of Master Xi is spying on your privacy and restricting your personal freedom?"

  "I still need privacy between Jiu Jiu and I?" Ruan Qi looked inexplicable, "I even told him the bank card password. Is there any privacy that I can't let him know?"

   "..." Embenxiu was speechless when asked.

  There seems to be nothing wrong with the logic of the little girl, but I always feel that something is wrong.

   Embarrassed, embarrassed, suffocated for a long time, and asked a question, "Since there is no privacy between you and Master Xi. Then why did you let me keep secrets related to Su Yao?"

  "Because I don't want Jiujiu to worry about it." Ruan Qi said, "What stupid question are you asking?"

  (End of this chapter)

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