Chapter 1200 Who is your brother

  Xi Jiu made a call, and Chef Chen came soon.

  The whole fish banquet is very difficult to make. Even if Chef Chen is a master chef, it took two hours to finish it.

  When the whole fish banquet was put on the table, it was almost six o'clock in the evening. Ruan Munan and Nie Heng just arrived home, and they were startled when they saw the table full of fish.

"Mom, the whole fish feast!" Nie Heng's eyes began to shine, and his hands covered his stomach. "You must be distressed. I drank a lot of wine during socializing today, so did you specially comfort me? Aow! Good! happiness!"

  Coyotito barks excitedly.

  Ruan Qi, who came out of the kitchen with his rice bowl in his hand, glanced at him lightly, and said slowly, "You want more, these fish were caught by Grandpa."

   "Grandpa caught it?" Ruan Munan raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Where did she catch it?"

   Ruan Qi: "In the community."

  "?" Nie Heng barked, his face was puzzled, "...There is a fish pond in Yuyuan where you can fish? Why don't I know?"

   Ruan Qi put down the bowl and replied slowly: "Jiu Jiu dug for Grandpa. The construction has just been completed this morning."

  Nieheng: "..."

   Ruan Munan: "..."

  The two people turned their heads in silence, and looked at Xi Jiu neatly, with very complicated expressions.

  Faced with the eldest brother-in-law and younger brother-in-law's gaze, Xi Jiu was very calm. He put the last chopped pepper fish head on the dining table, took out a paper towel and wiped his hands, then turned around and rubbed Ruan Qi's hair fondly.

   "Baby, go and call everyone to eat."

  Ruan Qi obediently responded, and stepped on the bunny slippers to go to the living room.

  There are only three people left in the restaurant, Xi Jiu and Ruan Munan Nieheng.

Ruan Munan looked down at the whole fish feast, tapped clean fingertips twice on the dining table, and slowly said: "Dig fish ponds, let grandpa fish, feast all fishes, and specially invited the chef of the Xi family. Unexpectedly, Master Xi would spend so much thought to stay for a dinner. It's really hard work."

  Xi Jiu's thoughts are so deep that most people can't see it, but think that he spends a lot of money in digging fish ponds to please Grandpa Ruan.

   But Ruan Munan is also a fine fox, how can he not think about attending Jiu?

  Xi Jiu made so many tricks to dig so many pits, nothing more than wanting to stay in Yuyuan for a dinner, by the way, make his baby sister's idea.

  As a man, Ruan Munan appreciates Xi Jiu's unscrupulous style in order to marry a wife.

  But as Ruan Qi’s elder brother, Ruan Munan now feels a little itchy and wants to hit someone.

  Xi Jiu keenly felt the elder brother-in-law's increasingly nuclear look.

  His face remained unchanged, and he tidied up his rolled up sleeves calmly, then calmly nodded to Ruan Munan, and said, “As Xiao Qi’s fiancé, you should do this. I don’t have to work hard. Big brother doesn’t need to worry about it.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, standing aside, Nie Heng was horrified to see Ruan Munan’s gentle face getting cold at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Who is your big brother!

  I don’t have a brother as big as you!

  The expression on Ruan Munan, who has always been known as the gentleman of gentleness, almost cracked. He squinted his eyes, grind his molars secretly, and was about to choke a few more words, Ruan Qi's cheerful voice came in.

   "Grandpa and grandma, Chef Chen's craftsmanship is very good, you need to eat more later."

   Ruan Munan heard Ruan Qi’s voice and immediately swallowed the words from his lips. He glanced at Xi Jiu warningly, then pulled the chair away and sat down.

    Xi Jiu, a scheming old boy.



  (End of this chapter)

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