Chapter 1202 Kneel the keyboard

  Ruan Qi was embarrassed by his grandfather.

  Fortunately, Grandpa Ruan also felt sorry for his granddaughter, and couldn't bear to really bully the little granddaughter into crying, so after only a few words of teasing, he returned his attention to the chessboard.

  The night time passed very quickly. Xi Jiu and Grandpa Ruan came and went. When the last chess game was over, it was almost nine o'clock.

  Ruan Fengmian had already returned from a walk. After he went to the bedroom to wash, he waited and waited, and finally couldn’t wait to start harassing people.

   "It's nine o'clock, Xiao Xi should go home."

  Grandpa Ruan immediately raised his head and looked at the wall clock on the wall, with surprise, "It's nine o'clock so soon?" Then he turned his head and looked out the window, "It's dark."

  Grandpa Ruan looked at the dark night outside, thought for a while, looked at Xi Jiu and said, "Blame me when I played chess and forgot the time. Xiao Xi, it's too late today, or you just live..."

  Just as the word ‘this’ was about to be spoken, Ruan Fengmian, who was standing at the top of the stairs, made a browbeat and hurriedly said.


   "Huh?" Grandpa Ruan was puzzled, "What's the matter?"

  Looking at her old father, Ruan Fengmian smiled gently, and replied, “It’s nothing. Xiaoxi is busy at work. He has to deal with documents when he goes home at night, so let him go early.”

  Grandpa Ruan was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that his future grandson-in-law was a big boss with many companies.

  Because Ruan Fengmian and Ruan Munan both have companies, Grandpa Ruan often sees them working late at night. So Ruan Fengmian said that Xi Jiu would go home to deal with work at night, and Grandpa Ruan didn't doubt it at all.

  The old man nodded, "Then Xiaoxi should go back early and go to bed early after finishing the work. I blamed me today, and I did not pay attention to the time when playing chess. Xiaoxi, pay attention to your safety on the way, and report to Xiaoqi for safety when you get home."

   Xi Jiu, who can sleep at his wife’s house with only one step: "..."

  Lao Zhangren is so annoying.


  Finally, Xi Jiu left reluctantly.

  Ruan Fengmian looked at his leaving back, showing a triumphant smile belonging to the old man.

  Ruan Qi watched Xi Jiu’s Maybach leave, and when he returned to the house, he saw a sore smile on his father’s face.

  She rolled her eyes silently and stepped on the bunny slippers to the second floor. When passing by his father's side, he raised his leg and stomped heavily on his foot.

   "Hiss——!" The unsuspecting Ruan Fengmian took a breath of pain.

  He looked at Ruan Qi in shock, "Baby girl, why are you stepping on me?"

   "Because Dad bullied Jiujiu!" The little girl exclaimed.

   Ruan Fengmian’s gentle and handsome face split instantly, covering his chest and taking a step back, looking broken.

   "Baby, are you murdering dad for a stinky man?"

   "Jiu Jiu is not a stinky man." Ruan Xiaoqi tried hard to protect her husband, "He is the best person to me except Dad, Master and Brother. Dad, you must not bully him!"

   "Where did I bully him?" Ruan Fengmian's face was full of ‘injustice’.

  Ruan Qi looked at the contrived appearance of his old father, and rolled his eyes again.

  "Dad, you told him to drive back so late. What is the bullying? It's so dark outside, what should I do in case of danger?"

"What can be dangerous?" Ruan Fengmian felt that his daughter had changed, and couldn't help his voice sour. "That kid is not stupid. He hasn't returned to Xi's house at all these days and has been living in the villa next door to us. I exercised yesterday morning. When I saw him driving to work."

  Ruan Qi really didn't know that Xi Jiu had lived in Yuyuan, and he couldn't help being stunned.

But soon, she straightened her face again and said solemnly: "Then you can't bully him! Dad, if you bully Jiujiu again in the future, I'll tell mom. It just so happens that I have friends in the gaming circle who are ready to endorse the keyboard. Dad, would you like to try the new keyboard?"

    Ruan Fengmian: So love will disappear, right?



  (End of this chapter)

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