Chapter 1208 Miss Me

   Ruan Fengmian walked away with an angry expression.

  Ruan Qi looked at the closed door, and after a long while, he was greatly relieved.

  Dad is terrible.

   scared her to death.

  The little girl patted her chest in fear, then jumped out of the bed, ran to the bedroom door in three steps and two steps, and locked the door backwards.

  After the lock was over, she ran to the closet on the balcony, and stretched her hand in the closet a few times.

   "Jiu Jiu? Jiu Jiu are you there?"

  The clothes in the closet were clashed, but there was no shadow of Xi Jiu.

  The question mark on Ruan Qi's head is about to crush his neck.

  She obviously stuffed Xi Jiu into the closet by herself, but how about people?

  The little girl looked at the closet with a bewildered expression. At this moment, the window suddenly made two sounds of ‘Boom Boom’.

   Ruan Qi frightened an excited spirit. After reacting, he quickly opened the curtains.

   Then she saw two long legs belonging to a man, stumbling on the narrow concrete platform outside the window.


  Ruan Qi immediately frightened Tian Ling Gai to fly.

  She quickly opened the screen window, and as soon as she poked her head out of the window, she saw Xi Jiu, who was holding the water pipe on the third floor of the villa with her hands and stepping on the concrete platform with her feet.

  "!!!" Ruan Qi was frightened by his dangerous posture, and said in a hurry, "Jiu Jiu, come in, dad is gone!"

  Xi Jiun let out a hum, and his dangling waist slammed in, stepping on the two long legs of the concrete platform and swinging in from the screen window.

  Ruan Qi quickly grabbed his clothes, and when the man's body got through the screen window, she hugged his waist tightly.

   "Jiu Jiu, how can you get on the pipe? How dangerous? What if you fall?"

  The little girl was too anxious, and she was a little aggressive with her voice.

  Xi Jiu wanted to rub her hair for comfort, but his hand had just finished picking up the drain pipe, it was all gray, and he had no choice but to lower his head and kiss her on the head.

  "Don’t be angry, baby, the third floor is very short and won’t be hurt by falling."

   "That's not okay!" The little girl's tone was extremely severe, "Although you are good at it, there are always accidents in everything. You are not allowed to do such dangerous things in the future."

  Man enjoys the care of little girls.

  He had a shallow smile in his cold eyes, and let the little girl scold him with a good temper, then nodded indulgingly, and replied in a low voice: "Yes, I listen to the baby. I won't do it anymore."

  Ruan Qi then relieved his heart.

  She let go of the hands holding the man's waist, walked to the bed and pulled out two disinfectant wipes from the bedside table, and then pulled the man's hand to help him wipe the dust on his palm.

   "Jiu Jiu, when did you get out of the window? Why didn't I find it at all?"

   "When you ran back to the bed." Xi Jiu looked down at her intently, "One second before my uncle opened the door and came in, I just got out and closed the screen window."

  Ruan Qi recalled the situation at that time, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that her boyfriend's speed was really fast.

  No wonder even her master praised Jiu Jiu as a master of ancient martial arts.

  The little girl praised her boyfriend in her heart, while wiping her boyfriend's hands clean.

   After wiping, she got up and threw the wet wipes into the trash can. Just about to turn around, a big hand grabbed her waist and pulled her into her arms.

  The man’s strong and calm cold rosin spread out instantly, and Ruan Qi was forced to lock the man’s chest, and he could clearly hear the rapid and powerful heartbeat in his chest.


  Xi Jiu's deep, magnetic voice spread from her chest.

  He reached out and pinched her chin, turned her face around with a slight force, then lowered his head and bit the girl's soft lips.

"do you miss me?"

   Smelly couple



  (End of this chapter)

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